The Poison Cutlass

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port lions

Zane Vampire - strad Lietunant slowly trying to open a link to Barovia to conquer
the land under Strad's name, currently slowly trying to gain political power in
Castinellan Province
and Charnault Kingdom, has good relationships with majority of cities leadership.
Especially with The Shaded Haven's Major Tyrannus. Currently looking to overthrow
Port Lions Major Kaylein
de Mowbray
Kaylein de Mowbray - 47 year old female human mayor, she has an auburn mohawk and
brown eyes, soft black skin, 4'3" and lean build eye patch on right eye, religious
to some degree but
unkown deity
The Drunken Lion - main tavern.
Little Morencia - Rough illegal shady inn
The Dragon's Scroll - Magical items and scrolls shop - The shopkeeper is a young
female human named Brithwe. She has a young daughter who idolizes adventurers.
Thamas' Armoury - weaponary and armour smith. The shopkeeper is a depressed female
half-orc named Rosta Thamas. She extends a small discount to druids.
The Sphinx's Emporium - General Store -The shopkeeper is a covetous female elf
named Crita. She wears a collection of protective charms and talismans.
Guard is mixture between The Company of Free Swords and civilian voluntary members.
Guard Captain Sphinx (Relative to Commander Harkin of The Company of Free Swords),
lazy nature but merciless to small crimes.

Factions in town - The Company of Free Swords a mercenary guild that's headquarters
are in Varos.
Luther's various organisations mainly deals in piracy and the trade of illegal

Robin's crew

Trygon - dragonborn pally

Gattos - Human Monk fought for robin and Jack in tournament, good cook, fighter
with hand to hand combat

Zeri - Priest with love of undead

Willy jolly bob - dragon born bronze pew pew

red dragon - dead

north of Morencia

zane - temple of mist search for items prior people were there, ajanis owl and
hammer are still there. Orb of anhiniation is there.

jack -Theres
manacles with unending chains zori dragonic people

Jayden - Dredge
phalyatry in barovia

Robin - shane

Andrew ryan - luke

2x35 powder horns
On a Sailing ship
increased speed
modified harpoon guns

Captain Luther

robin /// seeking robin 2/5 effort capture to answer for the death of Romeo, Creed,

Shaved head

Sun blade + Whisper exalted

Seeking to become the ruler of Ravencourt, Family line ruled the island before the
13 mages took over.
He also has blood line for the now defunct 13th family line

Feng - 2nd mate, always keen for a fight. Follows Luther word till death. Half
bastard brother to Luther. Always looking to be the best
fighter out of his crew, willingly works with other crew to help train and lead
other ships acts as the face for the poision cutlass
while Luther hides away

Tak - Captain of Arms. Feng's long life friend, grew up together. Always looking to
best Feng. Fights with polearms and siege weapons
bug bear

Jedder - Quarter Master, magic user who attacks from a distance. picks out priority
targerts before boarding ships. Potential love interest
to luther. Human

Creed - Head cook, good friend to Luther. Always seen eating together or playing
Dragon Chess. When others have boarded the poision cutlass
he has been seen killing others with ease. Halfing

Vanos - Creed's brother more of a loner, helps Romeo on underwater scouting

missions on occasion.

Romeo - Ranger who saboutages other peoples ships, attacks at long range or uses a
trident in melee. Half sea elf
Normally fights underwater using terrian for his advantage

Ziraj the Hunter - head scout, good friend of Romeo (Potentially lovers), Strong
silent type. Half Orc
Uses ranged or attacks with a polearm been seen using magic on rare occasion.

Davil Starsong - entertainer for the poision cutless, enjoys toying with others for
a laugh, even when the situtation does not call
for it.

Istrid Horn - female Drawf, Bosun for the poision cutlass. works all day to help
maintain the ship

Skeemo Weirdbottle - Gnome, Lead Surgeon. Normally does not go on missions and
stays on ship. Known to have alot of magical devices
and strange Concoctions

Manshoon- Human, diplomat for the poision cutlass, engages with nobles and other
high prioity targets, normally does not go into combat.
been known to kill others with his words. (potential rumour.)

Tashlyn Yafeera - Human female. bouson. Enjoys a fight normally one of the first
along with Feng and Tak to jump into combat, normally
uses a great sword.

Prix - Luther's prodigy. Not sure of true form due to constantly shifting. Uses a
combination of all fighting styles as been trained by
every member of the poision cutlass

10 randoms dudes

uncivil serpenant

didn't pay 250g

ship blown up by Dredge

guard this room 2 minatour 1 zombie temple of mist

dredge/covered in rags
andrew ryan blue skin fiend in cowboy clothes
nova / amphafite purple with plate armour
redmoon/ dragon person

4PM DOMINATED 4 hours pasted

deck of bane

Star: ruin star talon, moon

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