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Wilmar P.

Envi Management – ES 8

1. Describe the different ecosystems namely: rainforest, marginal, grassland, freshwater, man-
made, coastal and marine ecosystem in terms of the species present in each ecosystem (5 points
a. Rainforest - Rainforests are extraordinarily numerous in phrases of animal life. Insects
(along with butterflies and beetles), arachnids (along with spiders and ticks), worms,
reptiles (along with snakes and lizards), amphibians (along with frogs and toads), birds
(along with parrots and toucans), and mammals all stay in rainforests (like sloths and
jaguars). Rain forests are domestic to round 200,000 plant species. This abundance is
because of the warm, humid surroundings and consists of a number of the maximum
stunning and thrilling flora. All of the rain woodland flora paintings to offer meals and
safe haven for rain woodland animals in addition to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen.
b. Marginal - Marginal lands encompass regions with confined rainfall, intense
temperatures, low great soil, steep terrain, shallow (depth < 50 cm), imperfectly
drained, bad fertility, coarse textured, stony, heavy cracking clays, salt-affected, water
logged, marshy lands, barren rocky soils, or different issues for agriculture are normally
taken into consideration marginal lands. This approach that after the land is said
marginal, it suggests that the land do now no longer have enough capacity, as an
example meals production, until widespread control efforts are made to enhance the
land great.
c. Grassland - Grassland ecosystems can aid excessive densities of grazing animals. They
are domestic to many acquainted and captivating species that stay in herds, which
includes zebras and antelopes, and the predators that prey on them, like lions and
cheetahs. Grasslands are domestic to a number of the most luxurious animals at the
planet—elephants, bison, lions—and hunters have determined them to be attractive
prey. But while looking isn't managed or is carried out illegally, species may be wiped
d. Freshwater - Fish living in freshwater habitats have plenty of company. Snails, worms,
turtles, frogs, marsh birds, mollusks, alligators, beavers, otters, snakes, and many types
of insects live there too. Some unusual animals, like the river dolphin and the diving bell
spider, are freshwater creatures.
e. Man-made Ecosystem - Man-made Ecosystem is domestic to domesticated animals
consisting of dogs, cats, birds and plenty of more. A synthetic atmosphere is a human
made device of plants, animals, and those dwelling in a place collectively with their
surroundings. Zoo parks frequently create synthetic ecosystems via way of means of
putting animals in human-made regions much like their herbal habitat. People also can
create lakes withinside the center of cakes and maintain penguins in heat climates,
however simplest if they invent a synthetic atmosphere.
f. Coastal and Marine Ecosystem - Marine Flora are represented mostly via way of means
of seaweed whilst the fauna, on account that it's miles very nutrient-rich, consist of all
styles of bacteria, fungi, sponges, sea anemones, worms, sea stars, and fishes. The deep
ocean is the abyssal zone. The common fauna of the shore: seastars, crabs, clams, and
snails at the beach, whether or not the shore be of rock or sand, a seal or sea lion
basking withinside the sun, and gulls and terns flying overhead.

2. Based from question no. 1, Make a food chain up to 3rd trophic level (5 points each)
Rainforest food chain:
- Durian (Producer) ---> Orangutan (Primary Consumer) ---> King Cobra (Tertiary Consumer)

Marginal food chain:

- Grass (Producer) ---> Mouse (Primary Consumer) ---> Snake (Tertiary Consumer)

Grassland food chain:

- Acacia Tree (Producer) ---> Impala (Primary Consumer) ---> Lion (Tertiary Consumer)

Freshwater food chain:

- Phytoplankton ---> Zootoplankton ---> Small size fishes and insects

Man-made ecosystem food chain:

- Grass ---> Grasshopper ---> Frogs

Coastal and Marine Ecosystem food chain:

- Seaweed ---> Parrotfish ---> Squid

3. Prepare a food web in each ecosystem with indicated pictures for every species (fauna, flora and
microorganisms) 5 points each)

Rainforest Food web:

Grassland Food Web:

Marginal Food Web:

Freshwater Ecosystem Food Web:

Man-made Ecosystem Food Web:

Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Food Web

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