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(P.E 101)



Prepared By:
Nikko Paolo M. Gonzaga, LPT
Education Department
Name: ___________________________
Date Released :____________________
Submission Date:___________________

Module No: _____

1. P.E 101 - Movement Enhancement
Module No. & Title

Good day! Welcome to module 1, you are about to learn the

Movement Enhancement May you deal with the importance of
Module Overview
proper and safe movement with our body. Keep your attention to
this matter and enjoy your learning journey!

Taken from clustered ILO’s

At the end of this module, you should be able to,
Module Objectives/Outcomes
• Be introduced to the basic anatomy and physiology
• Be made aware of the proper functions of their body;
• Recognize the physical exercise that combines rhythmic
activities with stretching.
For students to have an idea, just simply enumerate lessons
contained in a module.

Lesson 1: The two components of human body

Sub- topic: Major Bones and Bones Group
Lessons in the module
Factors influencing Bone Health
Lesson 2: Kinds of Muscle Fiber
Sub-Topic: Role of Muscle
Range of movement
Lesson 3; Four Basic Movements and flexibility
Lesson 4: Basic Movement Patterns
Sub - Topic: Anti rotation

Directions: Name at least 10 daily routines that made you move.
1._______________________________ 6.__________________________
2._______________________________ 7.__________________________
3._______________________________ 8. _________________________
4._______________________________ 9. _________________________
5._______________________________ 10. ________________________

Will you able to answer the following question based on your own
perception, experience and knowledge? Try to assess yourself on the best
way you can, so that it will become easier for you to deal with every situation
1. What are the effects and the purpose of moving?
2. In your perspective, explain the good benefits of doing exercise or body
3. What will happen if we don’t do exercise?
(Note: please write your answer on the sheet provided at the last page of
the module, and please write also the question/direction, thank you.)

Anatomy - is the sub-discipline of biology that studies the structure of the
body. It describes (and labels in Latin) the morphology of the body: shape,
size, color and position of various body parts, with particular attention to the
internal organs, as visible by the naked eye. Anatomy provides the map and
the tools for the study of the function of organs in the body. It describes (but
does not explain) the structure of the body. Physiology further describes how
the body functions

Lesson 1 - The Two Component of the Body that cause human beings to
Skeletal System- the skeletal provides a strong, internal framework that
supports the body and provides protectionfor vital organs.
- the bones meets at joints, the majority of which are freely
movable , making the skeleton flexible and mobile.

❖ Major Bones and Bone Groups
- Bones of the Head ( Skull - 29)
- vertibral Column (vertibrate-26)
- 7 cervical, 12 thoracic
- 5 lumbar, sacral and coccygal vertebrate
❖ Function of the skeletal System
- Physiological Functions
1. Provides a sites for blood formation
2. Sereves as storehouse for calcium which is essential for
nerve conduction, blood clotting and energy formation.
3. Plays a role in our immune function.
❖ Structural Functions
1. Gives support to the body
2. It proects the delicate organs in the body
3. Bones are rigid of locomotion.

The skeleton are divided into two groups :

1. Appendicular Skeleton - which is composed of the upper
extremety and lower extremity.
2. Axial Skeleton- which is composed of the skull, ribs, trunk,
vertebral column and pelvic.
Factors influencing Bone Health
1. Heredity- an important determinat of bone mass dencity (BMD).
2. Nutritional Status - this is important in maintaining bone health. Calcium is
important nutrient for the bones.
3. Hormonal Status - the hormone estrogen plays an important role in
attaining bone mass. While the females can develop a lower peak bone mass
than females with regular monthly period. Acceleration on the rate of bone
loss is also likely to happen on menopausal women due to loss of estrogen.
4. Activity level- children and adoloescents should partcipate in high impaact
activities for the bone development.

➢ Pictoral Girdle

Clavivle (2)- collarbone Scapula (2)- shoulder blade Humerus (2) -

long bone of the
upper arm.

➢ Upper Extremities

Radius (2) - shorter and Ulna (2) - Medical and Carpals (16)- wrist bone
lateral bone longer bone of forearm
of the forearm

Metacarpals (10) -
Patella (2) - knee cap Tibia (2) - medical and Tarsal (14) - the bones
long bone
larger two bones of the in the ankle
of the hand
lower leg

Phalanges (28) - bones of the

Metatarsals (10) - long bones
toes and fingers.
in the foot that are concave on
the plantar or lower surface

Lesson 2: Kinds of Muscular Fiber

- Muscles are exert forces, they are the major contributor to humn
moveent. Muscles are used to hold a position, to raise or lower
body part, slow down a fast moving segment, and to generate
great speed in tht body or in an object that is propelled on the air.
The muscles only have the ability to pull and create a motion
because it crosse a joint.
Two kinds of Muscle Fiber
1. Slow-Twitch Fiber Types- Slow-Twitch, or type Iare fibers that are
oxidative. The fibers are red because of the high content of
nyoglobin in the muscle. Endurance athletes usually have a
high quantity of slow-twitch fibers.
2. Intermidiate and Fast-Twitch Fiber Types - Fast-twitch or type II
are further broken down into type IIa, oxidative -glycolyctic and
type IIb, glycolyctic.the type IIa fiber is a red muscle fiber known
as the intermidaiate fast-twitch fiber because it can sustain
activity for long period or contract with a burst of force and the
fatigue. The whit type IIb fibers provides ud with rapid force
production and then fatigues quickly.
Muscle Tisuues Properties
➢ Four properties of muscle tissues
1. Irritabilty- is the ability to repond to stimulus
2. Contractility- is the ability of the muscles generate tension and
shorten when it recieves sufficient stimulation.
3. Extensibility - is the muscle ability to lengthen or stretch
beyond the resting lenth.
4. Elasticity - is the ability of the muscle fiber to return to its
resting length after the stretch is removed.

Roles of Muscle
- in the performance of a motor skill , only a small portion of the potential
movement capablity of the musculoskeletal system is used.
⚫ Stabilizers and Neutralizers
1. Muscle tisuue is made up of cells called fibers that have the
ability to contract or shorten, in order to prodce a pulling force.
2. Muscles are aslo extensible and are elastic so that they can
stretch and the recoil and resume their normal resting length .
3. Muscles are aslo electrically excitable , so that they can be
stimulated to contract by nerve impulse.

➢ Three tyes of muscles in the body
1. Skeletal Muscles - Voluntary muscles attached to the bones of
2. Smooth Muscles - involuntary muscles, hollow grams like small
intestines anad blood vessels
3. Cardiac Muscles - involuntary Muscle, heart.

Range of Movements (ROM)

Types :
1. Active range of motion - Limb is actively moved; with muscle
2. Passive range of motion - Limb is Passively moved; No muscle

Lesson 3 - Four Basic Movements in Flexibility

1. Flexion - Bending the body segment
2. Extension - Straightening the body segment
3. Abduction - moving a limb away from the body
4. Adduction - moving the limb toward the body

Flexibility Movement
Shoulder Abduction
Internal rotation
External rotation

Hip Extension (flex knee)
Flexion (flex knee)
Extension ( straight leg)
Flexion (straight leg)
Knee Flexion
Ankle Dorsi Flexion
Plantar flexion
Trunk Flexion
Extension rotation lateral flexion

Lesson 4 - Basic Movements Patterns

- one of the basic activities exercise movements is simply exercise classifications,
which due to popularity has formed the foundation of exercise selection. Once a
strength and conditioning instructor determines with basic movement patterns are
essential for the students and athletes, they will devise a battery test of different

Hip Hinge - this category of exercise is comprised exercises that involve

hinging motion at the hip joint, movement with a little knee movement. This hip
dominant kind of exercise is initiated by a contraction of the hip extensors and spinal
erectors to extend the hip.

The following are examples of hip hinge excercise

- there are some exercises that help dual purposes and sometimes
the purpose are potentially more effective in our body parts.

The following are anti-rotation exercises:

Finally! you are on the stage of self-checking. Answer the activities provided
below, and you are reminded to follow the instructions carefully. Enjoy your
learning application! Do your best and be honest.
Exercises 1 Instruction: encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. How many do we have in our head?
a. Skull - 29 b. Skull -38 c. Skull - 41 d. Skull - 1
2. What do we call a the skeleton that is composed of skull, ribs, trunk, and
a. Axial Skeleton b.Skeletal Syste c.Appendicular Skeleton d. Skeletal Muscles
3. The following are types of muscle , EXCEPT.
a. Skeletal Muscle b. Smooth Muscle c. Cardiac Muscle D. Muscle Fiber
4. Which of the following is a part of upper extremities?
a. Arm b. Upper Leg c. Lower Leg d. Lower Back
5. Which of the following is a part of Lower Extremiries Muscle?
a. Quadriceps b. Frontails c. Scalene d. Bisceps

Exercises 2

Congratulations! You hurdle lesson 1 successfully. You may proceed to the last task
given below. Keep your enthusiasm!

Module Assessment

Make a video atleast 2-3 minutes of yourself performing the Four Basic
Movement in Flexibility. (You may send your video on my gmail account or
upload it on Google Drive or you may save it on a clean and virus free flash
drive and submit it together with the module).
Note: You may ask for assistance on recording your video with your friends,
siblings or other family member and please wear a proper P.E attire or sports
attire. Please do it on a safe area or do it on your home for safety, Thank you.

Flexibility Movement
Shoulder Abduction
Internal rotation
External rotation

Hip Extension (flex knee)

Flexion (flex knee)
Extension (straight leg)
Flexion (straight leg)
Knee Flexion
Ankle Dorsi Flexion
Plantar flexion
Trunk Flexion
Extension rotation lateral flexion

Proper Execution - 50%
Presentation audio and video - 30%
Creativity - 20%


Punzalan, M., Habana, A., Crystal, L., (2019). Physical Education 1.
Mindshapers Co.,INC. Rm. 108, ICP Bldg., Recoletos St., Intramuros, Manila.

Name:_____________________Course/Major: ________________ Mod. #:_______


Name:_____________________Course/Major: ________________ Mod. #:_______


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