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Table of Curriculum(Undergraduate Program)

Lecture: Lab:
Classificatio Computer
Course No. Course Name Credit Semster Note
n Code

ME106 B7.106 Human and Machine 3:0:3(3) Fall

ME200 B7.200 Basic Mechanical Practice 2:3:3(3) Spring

Mandatory ME303 B7.303 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 2:3:3(6) Spring, Fall

Courses ME340 B7.340 Engineering Design 2:3:3(6) Fall

ME400 B7.400 Capstone DesignⅠ 1:6:3(6) Spring ◎

ME207 B7.207 Applied Electronics 2:3:3(6) Spring

ME211 B7.211 Thermodynamics 3:0:3(6) Spring

l ME221 B7.221 Fluid Mechanics 3:0:3(6) Fall

B ME231 B7.231 Solid Mechanics 3:1:3(6) Spring
t ME251 B7.251 Dynamics 3:0:3(6) Fall
I ME311 B7.311 Heat Transfer 3:0:3(6) Spring
e ME351 B7.351 Mechanical Vibrations 3:0:3(6) Spring

Modeling and Control of

M ME361 B7.361 3:0:3 Spring or Fall
Engineering Systems
j Understanding of Materials and
ME370 B7.370 3:0:3(6) Spring
o Processing
r ME203 B7.203 Mechatronics System Design 2:3:3(6) Fall

C ME301 B7.301 Numerical Analysis 3:0:3(6) Spring

o 2:3:3(6)
ME302 B7.302 Creative Problem Solving Spring
d Electronics Laboratory for
r ME305 B7.305 2:3:3(6) Spring, Fall
v Mechanical Engineers
e a ME312 B7.312 Energy and Environment 3:0:3(6) Fall
s n
ME320 B7.320 Applied Fluid Mechanics 3:0:3(6) Spring
ME330 B7.330 Foundation of Stress Analysis 3:0:3(6) Spring
d ME341 B7.341 Mechanical Component Design 3:0:3(6) Fall

ME342 B7.342 Mechanism Design 3:0:3(6) Fall

Advanced Materials Engineering and

ME371 B7.371 3:0:3(6) Fall
its Application
Lecture: Lab:
Classificatio Computer
Course No. Course Name Credit Semster Note
n Code

ME401 B7.401 Capstone DesignⅡ 1:6:3(6) Fall ◎

Introduction to Naval Architecture Spring, Summer,
ME403 B7.403 3:0:3(6) ◎
and Ocean Engineering Fall, Winter

Introduction to Simulation of
ME404 B7.404 3:1:3(6) Spring ◎
Medical Procedures

Design Thinking and

ME405 B7.405 2:3:3(6) Spring, Fall ◎

Energy System Design and

ME411 B7.411 3:0:3(3) Fall ◎

ME413 B7.413 Engine Technology 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

Applied superconductivity and

ME414 B7.414 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎
Thermal Engineering

ME416 B7.416 Vehicle Dynamics 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME421 B7.421 Microfluidics 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME422 B7.422 Fluids and Environment 3:0:3 Spring ◎

Introduction to Reliability in
ME430 B7.430 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎
Mechanical Engineering Design

Introduction to Continuum
ME431 B7.431 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

Deformation, Fracture and Strength

ME432 B7.432 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎
of Materials

ME440 B7.440 Engineering Design via FEM 3:1:3(6) Spring ◎

ME452 B7.452 Noise Control Engineering 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

Introduction to Robotics
ME453 B7.453 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME460 B7.460 Automatic Control 2:3:3 Spring or Fall ◎

ME461 B7.461 Introduction to Fuel Cell Systems 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

Mechanical Engineering and
ME475 B7.475 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎
Applied Mathematics

ME480 B7.480 Introduction to Biomedical Optics 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

Introduction to Electromagnetism
ME481 B7.481 3:1:3(6) Spring ◎
& Optics

Structure & Function of Human

ME484 B7.484 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME487 B7.487 Introduction to Cell Mechanics 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

Lecture: Lab:
Classificatio Computer
Course No. Course Name Credit Semster Note
n Code

Introduction to biomedical
ME488 B7.488 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎
machine technology

Special Topics in Mechanical

ME489 B7.489 2:3:3 Spring or Fall ◎
Engineering Practice Ⅰ

Special Topics in Mechanical

ME491 B7.491 3:0:3(6) Spring, Fall ◎

Special Topics in Mechanical

ME492 B7.492 1:6:3 Spring, Fall ◎
Engineering Practice

Special Topics in Mechanical

ME493 B7.493 1:0:1 Summer, Winter ◎

Special Topics in Mechanical

ME494 B7.494 2:0:2 Summer, Winter ◎

ME490 B7.490 Thesis Study 0:6:3 Spring, Fall

Research ME495 B7.495 Individual Study 0:6:1 Spring, Fall

ME496 B7.496 Seminar 1:0:1 Spring, Fall

◎ A course mutually recognized by undergraduate and graduate programs.

Table of Curriculum(Graduate Program)

Lecture: Lab:
Classificatio Computer
Course No. Course Name Credit Semster Note
n Code

Mathematical Methods in
ME500 B7.500 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎
Mechanical Engineering

Introduction to Finite Element

ME502 B7.502 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME505 B7.505 Measurement Instrumentation 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME510 B7.510 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME511 B7.511 Advanced Thermodynamics 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME512 B7.512 Advanced Heat Transfer 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME513 B7.513 Advanced Combustion 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME514 B7.514 Multiphase FlowⅠ 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME515 B7.515 Cryogenic Engineering 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

Experimental Thermo-Fluid
ME516 B7.516 2:3:3 Fall ◎

Elective ME521 B7.521 Viscous Fluid Flow 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

Courses Introduction to Nanotech
ME526 B7.526 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME530 B7.530 Advanced Mechanics of Solids 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME533 B7.533 Fracture Mechanics 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME534 B7.534 Fatigue Fracture and Strength 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME536 B7.536 Mechanics of Plastic Deformation 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

Optimal Design of Composite

ME537 B7.537 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME543 B7.543 Optimal Design 3:1:3(6) Fall ◎

Theory of Hydrodynamics
ME545 B7.545 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME547 B7.547 Knowledge - Based Design System 3:1:3(6) Fall ◎

Reliability in Microsystems
ME549 B7.549 3:1:3(6) Fall ◎

ME550 B7.550 Advanced Dynamics 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

Lecture: Lab:
Classificatio Computer
Course No. Course Name Credit Semster Note
n Code

ME551 B7.551 Linear Vibration 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME552 B7.552 Introduction to Acoustics 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME553 B7.553 Robot Dynamics 3:0:3(6) Spring, Fall ◎

Future Energy-utilization
ME554 B7.554 3:0:3(6) Spring, Fall ◎

ME561 B7.561 Linear System Control 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME562 B7.562 Digital System Control 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

Artificial Neural Network: Theory

ME564 B7.564 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎
and Applications

Introduction to Statistical
ME567 B7.567 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME570 B7.570 Advanced Manufacturing Systems 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

Design and Implementation of

ME572 B7.572 2:3:3(6) Spring ◎
Nano Actuation System

ME574 B7.574 Joining Engineering 3:1:3(6) Fall ◎

ME576 B7.576 Vehicle Dynamics and Control 3:1:3(6) Spring ◎

Introduction to Microfabrication
ME582 B7.582 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

MEMS Design and Experimental

ME583 B7.583 2:3:3(6) Fall ◎

Mechanics and Control of Human

ME585 B7.585 3:0:3(6) Spring ◎

ME587 B7.587 Optomechatronics 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME589 B7.589 Applied Optics 3:1:3(6) Spring ◎

Random Data: Analysis and

ME591 B7.591 3:1:3(6) Fall ◎

ME592 B7.592 Laser: Principles and Applications 3:0:3(6) Fall ◎

ME600 B7.600 Mechanical System Design Project 1 0:9:3(6) Spring

ME601 B7.601 Mechanical System Design Project 2 0:9:3(6) Fall

ME604 B7.604 Metrology 2:3:3(6) Spring

Creative Knowledge Creation

ME606 B7.606 3:0:3(6) Fall
Process and Application

ME607 B7.607 Computational Linear Algebra 3:1:3(6) Spring

Lecture: Lab:
Classificatio Computer
Course No. Course Name Credit Semster Note
n Code

ME611 B7.611 Convective Heat Transfer 3:0:3(6) Spring

ME612 B7.612 Transport Phenomena 3:0:3(6) Spring

Computational Fluid Mechanics and

ME613 B7.613 3:0:3(6) Fall
Heat Transfer

ME615 B7.615 Nanoscale Heat Transfer 3:0:3(6) Spring

Automobile Technology and

ME616 B7.616 3:0:3(6) Fall

ME617 B7.617 Advanced Vehicle Control Design 3:0:3(6) Fall

ME621 B7.621 Turbulence 3:0:3(6) Spring

ME623 B7.623 Rotating Flow 3:0:3(6) Fall

ME632 B7.632 Theory of Viscoelasticity 3:0:3(6) Fall

Mechanical Behavior of Polymeric

ME633 B7.633 3:0:3(6) Fall
and Composite Materials

Plastic Analysis and Design of

ME635 B7.635 3:0:3(6) Fall

Axiomatic Design of Composite

ME638 B7.638 3:0:3(6) Spring

Introduction to Elasticity and

ME639 B7.639 3:0:3(6) Fall

ME642 B7.642 Medical Biomechanics 3:0:3(6) Fall

ME644 B7.644 Tribology 3:0:3(6) Spring

ME647 B7.647 STEP for Electronic Commerce 3:1:3(6) Spring

Mechanical Signature and System

ME653 B7.653 3:1:3(6) Fall

ME654 B7.654 Noise Control 3:0:3(6) Fall

ME655 B7.655 Robotics Engineering 3:1:3(6) Fall

ME656 B7.656 Vehicle NVH 3:1:3(6) Fall

Design of Precision Actuation

ME662 B7.662 3:0:3(6) Spring

ME674 B7.674 Optical Imaging System Design 3:0:3(6) Fall

ME675 B7.675 Ultrafast Optic Technology 3:0:3 Fall

ME683 B7.683 Human Robot Interaction: Haptics 3:0:3(6) Fall

ME692 B7.692 Wave Propagation 3:0:3(6) Spring

Lecture: Lab:
Classificatio Computer
Course No. Course Name Credit Semster Note
n Code

ME711 B7.711 Radiation Heat Transfer 3:0:3(6) Spring

Computational Turbulence
ME722 B7.722 3:0:3(6) Spring

Nonlinear Computational Mechanics

ME731 B7.731 3:0:3(6) Spring
of Solid

ME732 B7.732 Reliability in Strength Design 3:0:3(6) Fall

ME752 B7.752 Structure-borne Sound 3:0:3(6) Fall

ME761 B7.761 Nonlinear System Control 3:0:3(6) Spring

Analysis and Design of Metal

ME771 B7.771 3:1:3(6) Fall
Forming Processes

Molecular Dynamics and

ME781 B7.781 3:0:3(6) Spring

Special Topics in Mechanical

ME800 B7.800 3:0:3(6) Spring, Fall

Special topics in Mechanical

ME801 B7.801 1:0:1 Summer, Winter

Special topics in Mechanical

ME802 B7.802 2:0:2 Summer, Winter

Special Topics in Thermal & Fluid

ME810 B7.810 3:0:3(6) Fall

Special Topics in Design

ME830 B7.830 3:0:3(6) Fall

Special Topics in Dynamics and

ME850 B7.850 3:0:3(6) Spring, Fall

Special Topics in Production

ME870 B7.870 3:0:3(6) Spring, Fall

ME960 B7.960 M.S. Thesis Spring, Fall

Spring, Summer,
ME964 B7.964 Individual Research M.S. 0:3:1
Fall, Winter

ME966 B7.966 Seminar (M.S. Program) 1:0:1 Spring, Fall

Research ME967 B7.967 Individual Research M.S. 0:6:2 Spring, Fall

ME980 B7.980 Ph.D. Thesis Spring, Fall

Spring, Summer,
ME985 B7.985 Individual Research Ph.D. 0:3:1
Fall, Winter

ME986 B7.986 Seminar (Ph.D.) 1:0:1 Spring, Fall

◎ A course mutually recognized by undergraduate and graduate programs.
Substitute Course List

Substitute courses in the department

Courses currently offered Courses not currently offered

Course no. Course title Course no. Course title Remark

Under- Change in
ME106 Human and Machine MAE106 Human and Machine
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME200 Basic Mechanical Practice MAE200 Basic Mechanical Practice
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME203 Mechatronics System Design MAE203 Mechatronics System Design
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME207 Applied Electronics ME307 Applied Electronics
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME211 Thermodynamics MAE211 Thermodynamics
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME221 Fluid Mechanics MAE221 Fluid Mechanics
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME231 Solid Mechanics MAE231 Solid Mechanics
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME251 Dynamics MAE251 Dynamics
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME301 Numerical Analysis MAE301 Numerical Analysis
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME302 Creative Problem Solving MAE302 Creative Problem Solving
graduate Course Code

Under- Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Change in

ME303 ME205
graduate Laboratory Laboratory Course Code

Under- Electronics Laboratory for Electronics Laboratory for Change in

ME305 MAE305
graduate Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineers Course Code

Under- Change in
ME311 Heat Transfer MAE311 Heat Transfer
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME312 Energy and Environment MAE312 Energy and Environment
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME320 Applied Fluid Mechanics ME420 Applied Fluid Mechanics
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME330 Foundation of Stress Analysis MAE330 Foundation of Stress Analysis
graduate Course Code
Substitute courses in the department

Courses currently offered Courses not currently offered

Course no. Course title Course no. Course title Remark

Under- Change in
ME340 Engineering Design MAE340 Engineering Design
graduate Course Code

Under- Mechanical Component Mechanical Component Change in

ME341 MAE341
graduate Design Design Course Code

Under- Change in
ME342 Mechanism Design MAE342 Mechanism Design
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME351 Mechanical Vibrations MAE351 Mechanical Vibrations
graduate Course Code

Under- Modeling and Control of Modeling and Control of Change in

ME360 MAE360
graduate Engineering Systems Engineering Systems Course Code

Under- Understanding of Materials Understanding of Materials Change in

ME370 MAE370
graduate and Processing and Processing Course Code

Advanced Materials Advanced Materials

Under- Change in
ME371 Engineering and its MAE371 Engineering and its
graduate Course Code
Application Application

Under- Change in
ME400 Capstone DesignⅠ MAE400 Capstone DesignⅠ
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME401 Capstone DesignⅡ MAE401 Capstone DesignⅡ
graduate Course Code

Introduction to Naval Introduction to Naval

Under- Change in
ME403 Architecture and Ocean OSE503 Architecture and Ocean
graduate Course Code
Engineering Engineering

Under- Introduction to Simulation of Introduction to Simulation of Change in

ME404 MAE404
graduate Medical Procedures Medical Procedures Course Code

Under- Energy System Design and Optimum Design of Energy Change in

ME411 MAE411
graduate Optimization Plant Course Code

Under- Energy System Design and Energy System Design and Change in
ME413 MAE413
graduate Optimization Optimization Course Code

Under- Change in
ME414 Engine Technology MAE414 Engine Technology
graduate Course Code

Under- Applied superconductivity Applied superconductivity Change in

ME416 MAE416
graduate and Thermal Engineering and Thermal Engineering Course Code

Under- Change in
ME430 Vehicle Dynamics MAE430 Vehicle Dynamics
graduate Course Code

Under- Introduction to Continuum Introduction to Continuum Change in

ME431 MAE431
graduate Mechanics Mechanics Course Code
Substitute courses in the department

Courses currently offered Courses not currently offered

Course no. Course title Course no. Course title Remark

Under- Deformation, Fracture and Deformation, Fracture and Change in

ME432 MAE432
graduate Strength of Materials Strength of Materials Course Code

Under- Change in
ME440 Engineering Design via FEM MAE440 Engineering Design via FEM
graduate Course Code

Under- Change in
ME452 Noise Control Engineering MAE452 Noise Control Engineering
graduate Course Code

Under- Introduction to Robotics Introduction to Robotics Change in

ME453 MAE453
graduate Engineering Engineering Course Code

Under- Change in
ME460 Automatic Control MAE460 Automatic Control
graduate Course Code

Under- Introduction to Fuel Cell Introduction to Fuel Cell Change in

ME461 MAE461
graduate Systems Systems Course Code

Under- Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and Change in

ME475 MAE475
graduate Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics Course Code

Under- Introduction to Biomedical Introduction to Biomedical Change in

ME480 MAE480
graduate Optics Optics Course Code

Introduction to Introduction to
Under- Change in
ME481 Electromagnetism MAE481 Electromagnetism
graduate Course Code
& Optics & Optics

Under- Structure & Function of Structure & Function of Change in

ME484 MAE484
graduate Human Body Human Body Course Code

Under- Introduction to Cell Introduction to Cell Change in

ME487 MAE487
graduate Mechanics Mechanics Course Code

Under- Introduction to biomedical Introduction to biomedical Change in

ME488 MAE488
graduate machine technology machine technology Course Code

Under- Change in
ME490 Thesis Study MAE490 Thesis Study
graduate Course Code

Under- Special Topics in Mechanical Special Topics in Mechanical Change in

ME491 MAE491
graduate Engineering Engineering Course Code

Under- Special Topics in Mechanical Special Topics in Mechanical Change in

ME493 MAE493
graduate EngineeringⅠ EngineeringⅠ Course Code

Under- Special Topics in Mechanical Special Topics in Mechanical Change in

ME494 MAE494
graduate EngineeringⅡ EngineeringⅡ Course Code

Under- Change in
ME495 Individual Study MAE495 Individual Study
graduate Course Code

Under- ME496 Seminar MAE496 Seminar Change in

Substitute courses in the department

Courses currently offered Courses not currently offered

Course no. Course title Course no. Course title Remark

graduate Course Code

Mathematical Methods in Mathematical Methods in Change in

Graduate ME500 MAE500
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Course Code

Introduction to Finite Introduction to Finite Change in

Graduate ME502 MAE502
Element Method Element Method Course Code

Measurement Measurement Change in

Graduate ME505 MAE505
Instrumentation Instrumentation Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME510 Advanced Fluid Mechanics MAE510 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME511 Advanced Thermodynamics MAE511 Advanced Thermodynamics
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME512 Advanced Heat Transfer MAE512 Advanced Heat Transfer
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME513 Advanced Combustion MAE513 Advanced Combustion
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME514 Multiphase FlowⅠ MAE514 Multiphase FlowⅠ
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME515 Cryogenic Engineering MAE515 Cryogenic Engineering
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME521 Viscous Fluid Flow MAE521 Viscous Fluid Flow
Course Code

Introduction to Nanotech Introduction to Nanotech Change in

Graduate ME526 MAE526
Processing Processing Course Code

Advanced Mechanics of Advanced Mechanics of Change in

Graduate ME530 MAE530
Solids Solids Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME533 Fracture Mechanics MAE533 Fracture Mechanics
Course Code

Fatigue Fracture and Fatigue Fracture and Change in

Graduate ME534 MAE534
Strength Strength Course Code

Mechanics of Plastic Mechanics of Plastic Change in

Graduate ME536 MAE536
Deformation Deformation Course Code

Optimal Design of Optimal Design of Change in

Graduate ME537 MAE537
Composite Structures Composite Structures Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME543 Optimal Design MAE543 Optimal Design
Course Code

Theory of Hydrodynamics Theory of Hydrodynamics Change in

Graduate ME545 MAE545
Lubrication Lubrication Course Code
Substitute courses in the department

Courses currently offered Courses not currently offered

Course no. Course title Course no. Course title Remark

Knowledge - Based Design Knowledge - Based Design Change in

Graduate ME547 MAE547
System System Course Code

Reliability in Microsystems Reliability in Microsystems Change in

Graduate ME549 MAE549
Packaging Packaging Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME550 Advanced Dynamics MAE550 Advanced Dynamics
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME551 Linear Vibration MAE551 Linear Vibration
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME552 Introduction to Acoustics MAE552 Introduction to Acoustics
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME553 Robot Dynamics MAE553 Robot Dynamics
Course Code

Future Energy-utilization Future Energy-utilization Change in

Graduate ME554 MAE554
Engineering Engineering Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME561 Linear System Control MAE561 Linear System Control
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME562 Digital System Control MAE562 Digital System Control
Course Code

Artificial Neural Network: Artificial Neural Network: Change in

Graduate ME564 MAE564
Theory and Applications Theory and Applications Course Code

Introduction to Statistical Introduction to Statistical Change in

Graduate ME567 MAE567
Thermodynamics Thermodynamics Course Code

Advanced Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Change in

Graduate ME570 MAE570
Systems Systems Course Code

Design and Implementation Design and Implementation Change in

Graduate ME572 MAE572
of Nano Actuation System of Nano Actuation System Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME574 Joining Engineering MAE574 Joining Engineering
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME576 Vehicle Dynamics and Control MAE576 Vehicle Dynamics and Control
Course Code

Introduction to Introduction to Change in

Graduate ME582 MAE582
Microfabrication Technology Microfabrication Technology Course Code

MEMS Design and MEMS Design and Change in

Graduate ME583 MAE583
Experimental Microfabrication Experimental Microfabrication Course Code

Mechanics and Control of Mechanics and Control of Change in

Graduate ME585 MAE585
Human Movement Human Movement Course Code

Graduate ME587 Optomechatronics MAE587 Optomechatronics Change in

Substitute courses in the department

Courses currently offered Courses not currently offered

Course no. Course title Course no. Course title Remark

Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME589 Applied Optics MAE589 Applied Optics
Course Code

Random Data: Analysis and Random Data: Analysis and Change in

Graduate ME591 MAE591
Processing Processing Course Code

Laser: Principles and Laser: Principles and Change in

Graduate ME592 MAE592
Applications Applications Course Code

Mechanical System Design Mechanical System Design Change in

Graduate ME600 MAE600
Project 1 Project 1 Course Code

Mechanical System Design Mechanical System Design Change in

Graduate ME601 MAE601
Project 2 Project 2 Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME604 Metrology MAE604 Metrology
Course Code

Creative Knowledge Creation Creative Knowledge Creation Change in

Graduate ME606 MAE606
Process and Application Process and Application Course Code

Computational Linear Computational Linear Change in

Graduate ME607 MAE607
Algebra Algebra Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME611 Convective Heat Transfer MAE611 Convective Heat Transfer
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME612 Transport Phenomena MAE612 Transport Phenomena
Course Code

Computational Fluid Computational Fluid Change in

Graduate ME613 MAE613
Mechanics and Heat Transfer Mechanics and Heat Transfer Course Code

Automobile Technology and Automobile Technology and Change in

Graduate ME616 MAE616
Environment Environment Course Code

Advanced Vehicle Control Advanced Vehicle Control Change in

Graduate ME617 MAE617
Design Design Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME621 Turbulence MAE621 Turbulence
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME623 Rotating Flow MAE623 Rotating Flow
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME632 Theory of Viscoelasticity MAE632 Theory of Viscoelasticity
Course Code

Mechanical Behavior of Mechanical Behavior of

Change in
Graduate ME633 Polymeric and Composite MAE633 Polymeric and Composite
Course Code
Materials Materials
Substitute courses in the department

Courses currently offered Courses not currently offered

Course no. Course title Course no. Course title Remark

Plastic Analysis and Design Plastic Analysis and Design Change in

Graduate ME635 MAE635
of Structures of Structures Course Code

Axiomatic Design of Axiomatic Design of Change in

Graduate ME638 MAE638
Composite Structure Composite Structure Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME642 Medical Biomechanics MAE642 Medical Biomechanics
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME644 Tribology MAE644 Tribology
Course Code

STEP for Electronic STEP for Electronic Change in

Graduate ME647 MAE647
Commerce Commerce Course Code

Mechanical Signature and Mechanical Signature and Change in

Graduate ME653 MAE653
System Analysis System Analysis Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME654 Noise Control MAE654 Noise Control
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME655 Robotics Engineering MAE655 Robotics Engineering
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME656 Vehicle NVH MAE656 Vehicle NVH
Course Code

Design of Precision Design of Precision Change in

Graduate ME662 MAE662
Actuation System Actuation System Course Code

Optical Imaging System Optical Imaging System Change in

Graduate ME674 MAE674
Design Design Course Code

Human Robot Interaction: Human Robot Interaction: Change in

Graduate ME683 MAE683
Haptics Haptics Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME692 Wave Propagation MAE692 Wave Propagation
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME711 Radiation Heat Transfer MAE711 Radiation Heat Transfer
Course Code

Computational Turbulence Computational Turbulence Change in

Graduate ME722 MAE722
Modeling Modeling Course Code

Nonlinear Computational Nonlinear Computational Change in

Graduate ME731 MAE731
Mechanics of Solid Mechanics of Solid Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME732 Reliability in Strength Design MAE732 Reliability in Strength Design
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME752 Structure-borne Sound MAE752 Structure-borne Sound
Course Code

Graduate ME761 Nonlinear System Control MAE761 Nonlinear System Control Change in
Substitute courses in the department

Courses currently offered Courses not currently offered

Course no. Course title Course no. Course title Remark

Course Code

Analysis and Design of Metal Analysis and Design of Metal Change in

Graduate ME771 MAE771
Forming Processes Forming Processes Course Code

Molecular Dynamics and Molecular Dynamics and Change in

Graduate ME781 MAE781
Nanomechanics Nanomechanics Course Code

Special Topics in Mechanical Special Topics in Mechanical Change in

Graduate ME800 MAE800
Engineering Engineering Course Code

Special topics in Mechanical Special topics in Mechanical Change in

Graduate ME801 MAE801
EngineeringⅠ EngineeringⅠ Course Code

Special topics in Mechanical Special topics in Mechanical Change in

Graduate ME802 MAE802
EngineeringⅡ EngineeringⅡ Course Code

Special Topics in Thermal & Special Topics in Thermal & Change in

Graduate ME810 MAE810
Fluid Engineering Fluid Engineering Course Code

Special Topics in Design Special Topics in Design Change in

Graduate ME830 MAE830
Engineering Engineering Course Code

Special Topics in Dynamics Special Topics in Dynamics Change in

Graduate ME850 MAE850
and Control and Control Course Code

Special Topics in Production Special Topics in Production Change in

Graduate ME870 MAE870
Engineering Engineering Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME960 M.S. Thesis MAE960 M.S. Thesis
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME964 Individual Research M.S. MAE964 Individual Research M.S.
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME966 Seminar (M.S. Program) MAE966 Seminar (M.S. Program)
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME967 Individual Research M.S. MAE967 Individual Research M.S.
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME980 Ph.D. Thesis MAE980 Ph.D. Thesis
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME985 Individual Research Ph.D. MAE985 Individual Research Ph.D.
Course Code

Change in
Graduate ME986 Seminar (Ph.D.) MAE986 Seminar (Ph.D.)
Course Code

Substitute courses in the department

Substitute courses in the department

Courses currently offered Courses not currently offered

Course no. Course title Course no. Course title Remark

Courses currently offered Courses not currently offered

Course no. Course title Course no. Course title Remark

Under- Multidisciplinary Capstone

ME400 Capstone DesignⅠ CD401 Unidirectional
graduate Design I

Under- Multidisciplinary Capstone

ME401 Capstone DesignⅡ CD402 Unidirectional
graduate Design II

Under- Multidisciplinary Capstone

ME490 Thesis Study CD402 Unidirectional
graduate Design II

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