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4a What was the date?
Grammar Past simple of verb to be
Draw the Ss’
Past adverbial phrases
attention to the Vocabulary Dates: оrdinal numbers, months and years 2 Choose the correct options.
photo on page Speak About dates; ask quiz questions 1 Jodie needs information for a
38 and ask what
school project / competition .
they know about Dialogue 2 She’s getting help from Kiran /
the following: the the internet.
first moon landing, 1 4
01 Listen and read. Find the phrases in the
3 Kiran knows the answers because
dialogue. Check what they mean.
Neil Armstrong and 4 PAST TIMES of a radio / TV programme.
Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 4 July 20th 1969 is the date of Neil
Jodie: Oh no! The internet isn’t working. Can you Armstrong’s / Kiran’s mother’s
10 and Apollo 11.
help me with this quiz? birthday.
Find out if any Ss
Kiran: Maybe. What’s the question? 5 The prize is a camera / holiday.
have seen the film
Jodie: Who was the first man on the moon?
Apollo 13, about 1 – competition
Kiran: That’s easy. Neil Armstrong. He was the first
the third American and Buzz Aldrin was the second. They were
space mission to both American astronauts. S ? LVE IT!
the moon in 1970. Jodie: What was the date?
Kiran: 20th July 1969.
3 How old is Kiran’s mother?
(The spacecraft
was seriously Jodie: Wow! That’s impressive. How do you
damaged by an remember that?
Kiran: There was a TV programme about it last week.
explosion and had
And anyway, it’s my mother’s birthday. She
to be brought back
was born on exactly the same day.
to Earth.) Can they Jodie: OK. Next question. What was the name of
tell the class about their spaceship?
it? Kiran: I’m not sure. Was it Apollo 10?
Jodie: Sorry, dunno.
Background Kiran: Um … let me think. No, it wasn’t. It was
Apollo 11, of course!
notes Jodie: Fantastic! Now I can post the answers.
Neil Armstrong: Kiran: What’s the prize? A trip to the moon?!
An American Jodie: Ha ha! No, it’s a camera.
astronaut (1930– Kiran: Can I have it? They were my answers.
2012) and the first Jodie: No. But you can borrow it sometimes!
person to walk on
• dunno (I don’t know). • Maybe.
the moon. He was
• Ha ha! • of course!
the commander of
the Apollo 11 moon
landing (1969).
Buzz Aldrin: An
American astronaut
(1930–) and the
second person to
walk on the moon.
He was the lunar
module pilot of
Apollo 11.
Apollo 10: A
manned mission
early in 1969, 38
Apollo 10 ran all
the tests prior to a
moon landing and Exercise 1 Exercise 4
was seen as the Maybe. Може би. The thirty-first of December, twenty fifty.
dress rehearsal Dunno (I don’t know). Не зная. The twenty-second of February, nineteen fifty-one.
for the Apollo Of course! Разбира се! The third of March fourteen, eighty-three.
11 mission. Ha ha! Ха, ха! The thirteenth of August seventeen, sixty-four.
Exercise 2 Exercises 5a and b
2 Kiran 3 TV 4 Kiran’s mother’s 5 camera 2 Orlando Bloom – 13 th January 1977
Exercise 3 3 Justin Timberlake – 31 st January 1981
The answer to this will depend on the current date. 4 Taylor Swift – 13 th December 1989
She was born on 20 th July 1969. 5 Emma Watson – 15 th April 1990
Exercise 8
Vocabulary: Dates 6 Read the dialogue again. Notice the words 2
in red.
4 Recall Check the ordinal numbers, months A: Who were The
and years in the Topic wordlist on page 138. Beatles?
Then say these dates: Practice B: They were a
7a Write sentences in your notebook with was/ British rock
22/02/1951 were and wasn’t/weren’t. group.
1 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were 3
astronauts. They weren’t sportsmen. A: Where were the
03/03/1483 13/08/1764 1 Neil Armstrong astronauts/
Olympic Games
in 2012?
Buzz Aldrin sportsmen
Listen B: They were in
2 Walt Disney director/politician
5a 4
02Listen. Then, 3 John Lennon football players/
in pairs, put the Elvis Presley singers
4 Shakespeare doctor/writer A: When was
celebrities in order of
5 Marie Curie scientist/musician the French
age. If you don’t know,
guess! 6 Leonardo da Vinci artists/actors Revolution?
Michelangelo B: It was in 1789.
Justin Timberlake
Emma Watson 5
Daniel Craig
b Ask questions about the people in Exercise 7a. A: What was the
Orlando Bloom A: Who were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin? Titanic?
Taylor Swift B: They were astronauts. B: It was a ship.
b 4
03 Listen and write in your notebook the Speak
date of birth of each celebrity. Then check the
A: Who were
order in Exercise 5a. 8 Make quiz questions with was/were. Then George
Daniel Craig – 2nd March 1968
choose the correct answers from the box. Washington
A: What were Voyager 2 and Luna 1? and Abraham
Grammar B: They were spaceships. Lincoln?
1 What/Voyager 2 and Luna 1? B: They were US
Past simple of verb to be 2 Who/The Beatles? presidents.
Affirmative Negative 3 Where/the Olympic Games in 2012?
Their spaceship was It wasn’t Apollo 10. 4 When/the French Revolution?
Apollo 11. 5 What/the Titanic? Extra
They were American They weren’t Russian. 6 Who/George Washington and Abraham practice
astronauts. Lincoln?
Students’ Book
Yes/No questions Short answers
• in 1789 • a British rock group Grammar
Was he the first man on Yes, he was./
the moon? No, he wasn’t. • in London • a ship • spaceships summary, page
Were they American? Yes, they were./ • US presidents 123
No, they weren’t. Workbook
There was/were Practice,
There was a TV There wasn’t a radio Extra practice pages 24-25
programme about it. programme about it. For more practice, go to page 123. Vocabulary
Were there two Yes, there were./ summary, page 86
astronauts? No, there weren’t. Extra practice 4a,
Past adverbial phrases page 106
• yesterday
• yesterday morning/afternoon/evening
• last night/week/month/year
• last Monday/July
Video and
39 Animation
Grammar: Past
simple of to be
Exercise 7a Exercise 7b and past adverbial
2 Walt Disney was a director. He wasn’t a 2 Who was Walt Disney? He was a director. phrases
politician. 3 Who were John Lennon and Elvis Presley? They
3 John Lennon and Elvis Presley weren’t football were singers.
players. They were singers. 4 Who was Shakespeare? He was a writer.
4 Shakespeare wasn’t a doctor. He was a writer. 5 Who was Marie Curie? She was a scientist.
5 Marie Curie was a scientist. She wasn’t a 6 Who were Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo?
musician. They were artists.
6 Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were artists.
They weren’t actors.

back ❮❮❮
4b A strange thing happened.
Grammar Past simple of regular verbs
Past simple of
Question words
verb to be Definite and indefinite article a/an or the
Revise the past Vocabulary Common regular verbs
simple of the verb Write A story
to be. Write on the

The Visitor
board: Where were
you/your parents …
yesterday morning/ My name’s Kit and I live near the sea. One
last year? Where evening last autumn, I walked to the beach
was your (brother) and stopped near a rock to look at the waves.
… last night/last Suddenly a boy of ten appeared. His clothes
Sunday? were wet and there was a silver bracelet with
the letter D around his wrist. He walked towards
Elicit questions me and his first words were: ‘My sister Amy is
and answers in in trouble at Rock Point. A wave pulled her into
open pairs. Tell Ss the sea. She can’t swim very well.’ ‘Did you call
they can invent 999?’ I asked. ‘No, I didn’t’ he replied. ‘But you
information if they can save her.’ ‘Can you come with me?’ I asked
and hurried to my boat. But the boy didn’t
want to.
answer. Suddenly he wasn’t there. Who was he?
Exercise 1 Where was he? Quickly, I pushed my boat Grammar
His sister’s name is into the sea.
Past simple of regular verbs
Affirmative Negative
Exercise 2 Read I walked to the beach. I didn’t walk to the
2 It was autumn. 1 4
Listen and read the first part of the story. village.
3 The boy’s clothes What is the name of the boy’s sister? I stopped near a rock. I didn’t stop near a tree.
were wet. I hurried to my boat. I didn’t hurry to my
4 The letter D was Comprehension house.
Yes/No questions Short answers
on the boy’s 2 Answer the questions.
bracelet. Did you call the police? Yes, I did./No I didn’t.
1 Whose home is near the sea?
5 His sister Amy Wh-questions Answers
Kit’s home is near the sea.
was in the water 2 What time of year was it? What did he answer? He didn’t answer.
and in trouble. 3 Whose clothes were wet? Now make similar sentences with she, we and
6 It was Kit’s boat. 4 Where was the letter D? they.
5 Who was in the water and in trouble?
Exercise 3 Note
6 Whose boat was it?
answer , appear, To make an affirmative, we usually add -ed or -d to the
ask, call, hurry, Vocabulary: Common regular verbs infinitive.
pull, push, reply, What do you notice about the affirmative of the verbs stop
3 4
05 Listen and repeat. Find the verbs which and hurry?
stop, walk are in the story in Exercise 1.
Exercise 5 4 Read the first part of the story again. Notice the
arrived, asked, • answer • appear • arrive • ask • call words in red.
called, carried, • carry • cry • decide • die • drop • finish
cried, decided, • happen • hate • help • hurry • laugh
died, dropped, • listen • look • love • open • phone
finished, happened, • play • pull • push • remember • reply 5 In your notebook, write the past tense forms
• return • save • smile • start • stay of the verbs in Exercise 3. Be careful with the
hated, helped,
• stop • study • talk • visit • wait • walk spelling of carry, cry, drop, hurry, reply and stop.
hurried, laughed,
• want • watch • work answered, appeared, …
listened, looked,
loved, opened,
phoned, played,
pulled, pushed,
Exercise 7 5 A: Where was the boy’s sister?
2 pulled 3 didn’t talk 4 carried 5 phoned 6 saved 7 smiled B: She was in the sea (at Rock Point).
replied, returned,
8 didn’t save 9 answered 10 cried 11 died 12 looked 6 A: What pulled the girl into the sea?
saved, smiled,
B: A wave pulled her into the sea.
started, stayed, Exercise 8
7 A: How did Kit save the girl?
stopped, studied, 2 A: Where did Kit stop on the beach?
B: He pulled her out of the water.
talked, visited, B: He stopped near a rock.
waited, walked, 3 A: How old was the boy? Exercise 9
wanted, watched, B: He was ten years old. 2 A: We played tennis last week.
worked 4 A: What was there around the boy’s wrist? B: Where did you play (tennis)?
B: There was a bracelet (with the letter D) around his wrist. A: We played at the tennis club.
5 A: I help/my grandmother/Saturday
Pronunciation: -ed endings
B: How? Past simple of
6 4
06 Go to page 134. A: carry/her shopping regular verbs
Note Give Ss
7 Copy and complete the second part of the
story with the past simple form of the verbs. Definite and indefinite article a/an or the 30 seconds to
I listened to the radio yesterday. look back at the

W hen I 1arrived (arrive) at Rock Point,

the girl was there, but she was in
trouble. I (2) (pull) her out of the water. We (3)
I listened to a programme about sport. first part of the
story ‘The Visitor’
Write in Exercise 1 and
(not talk) on the way back. I (4) (carry) her to
remember as
the sand and she (5) (phone) her parents on my 10 Write a story, using the prompts. Write a/an
phone. ‘You (6) (save) my life!’ she (7) (smile). or the where necessary. much as they can.
‘I (8) (not save) your life,’ I (9) (answer). ‘It was Ss then close
James visited a castle in Scotland last year. He …
your brother.’ ‘My brother?’ she (10) (cry). ‘My their books. Write
brother Danny (11) (die) at Rock Point when prompts on the
he was ten. This was his bracelet. I wear it to
board for Ss to use
remember him.’ I (12) (look) at the bracelet on
her wrist. It was a silver bracelet with a D on it. in sentences to
retell the story, e.g.
Kit / on the beach
Question words James/visit castle in Scotland/last year / boy with wet
He/look at/picture of girl
8 Make questions about the texts in Exercises The girl/be/beautiful but she/be/very sad
clothes / Rock
1 and 7. Then, in pairs, take turns asking and Point / 999 / Kit’s
answering. 2 boat
1 When/this story happen?
A: When did this story happen?
B: It happened one evening last autumn.
2 Where/Kit stop on the beach? practice
3 How old/the boy? James/decide/to take photo Students’ Book
4 What/around the boy’s wrist? Suddenly girl in picture/smile Grammar
5 Where/the boy’s sister? James/be/very surprised summary,
6 What/pull the girl into the sea?
3 page 124
7 How/Kit save the girl?
Practice, pages
9 Make statements, questions and answers in Vocabulary
the past simple.
He/hurry/outside to find his friend Andy summary, page 87
1 A: I/listen to the radio/yesterday Extra practice 4b,
He/talk to Andy about girl in picture
B: What?
Andy/laugh/at him page 107
A: a programme about sport
A: I listened to the radio yesterday. 4
B: What did you listen to? eText
A: I listened to a programme about sport.
2 A: We/play/tennis/last week Video and
B: Where? Animation
A: the tennis club
James/show/Andy picture of sad girl Grammar: Past
3 A: Joe/walk/ten kilometres at the weekend
B: Where? Then he/show/Andy his photo of her with a smile simple of regular
A: to Richmond Andy/not laugh verbs
4 A: I/finish/my project last night He/ask/‘Why she/smile/at you but not at me?’
B: What time? -ed endings
Extra practice
A: 11 p.m.
For more practice, go to page 124.

3 A: Joe walked ten kilometres at the weekend. looked at a picture of a girl. The girl was beautiful
B: Where did he walk? but she was very sad.
A: He walked to Richmond. 2 James decided to take a photo. Suddenly the girl
4 A: I finished my project last night. in the picture smiled. James was very surprised.
B: What time did you finish it? 3 He hurried outside to find his friend Andy. He talked
A: I finished it at 11 p.m. to Andy about the girl in the picture. Andy laughed
5 A: I helped my grandmother on Saturday. at him.
B: How did you help her? 4 James showed Andy the picture of the sad girl.
A: I carried her shopping. Then he showed Andy his photo of her with a smile.
Exercise 10 Andy didn’t laugh. He asked ‘Why did she smile at
1 James visited a castle in Scotland last year. He you but not at me?’
back ❮❮❮
4c I only had a £20 note.
Grammar Past simple of irregular verbs
Common regular Adverbial phrases with ago
verbs Vocabulary Verb and noun collocations with do, have,
In pairs, give Ss make, etc.
one minute to Function Make and respond to apologies
write down as
many common Tom and Emma are meeting at Tower Bridge.
regular verbs, Tom is late.
in the infinitive Tom: I’m really sorry I’m late.
and past simple Emma: We said half past ten at Tower Bridge.
forms, as they can What happened?
remember. The Tom: It’s a long story.
Emma: Did you miss the bus?
pair with the most
Tom: Well … I left the house two hours
correct verbs in
ago. At nine fifteen! But Mum saw my
both forms wins. dirty breakfast things and called me
back. She was really angry. So I went
Background back, did the washing-up and ran to Dialogue
notes the bus stop. I got there and, can you 1 4
Listen and read the dialogue. How long did
believe it, I didn’t have my bus pass. Tom wait for a bus?
Tower Bridge: A
I only had a £20 note and the bus
large suspension driver didn’t have change. So I went
bridge which to a shop, bought some chocolate Comprehension
crosses the River and got change. Then I waited twenty 2 Answer true or false.
Thames, near the minutes for the next bus.
1 Tom didn’t leave home in time. false
Tower of London. Emma: Never mind. You’re here now. Can I
2 Tom didn’t listen to his Mum.
The bridge was have some chocolate?
3 Tom tried to buy a bus ticket from the driver.
opened in 1894. Tom: Sorry. I ate it all on the bus. I was
4 Tom didn’t get the first bus.
hungry after all that running.
The lower part of 5 Emma is annoyed because she wanted some
Emma: Huh! What about me? I’m hungry after
the bridge can chocolate.
all that waiting!
be raised to allow
tall boats to pass S ? LVE IT!
3 What time did Tom arrive? How late was he?
Exercise 1
Tom waited twenty
minutes for the
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Tom arrived at
quarter past
fifteen. He was
forty-five minutes


Exercise 5 take: the dog for a walk, the rubbish out

leave/left, see/saw, go/went, do/did, run/ran, get/got, wash: the car
have/had, buy/bought, eat/ate lay: the table
tidy: your room
Exercise 6
empty: the dishwasher
2 went 3 Did you get 4 saw 5 didn’t have 6 didn’t take
7 Did you have 8 had 9 ate 10 got 11 bought 12 left Exercise 8
1 lose 2 do 3 do 4 miss 5 make 6 make 7 have
Exercise 7
8 have
do: the cleaning, the cooking, the ironing, the shopping,
the washing, the washing up, the vacuuming,
make: the bed, breakfast/lunch/dinner
8 4
Extension Listen and repeat. Then match

Past simple of irregular verbs one verb to each sentence.

Students’ Book
Affirmative Negative
• do • have • lose • make • miss • tell Grammar
I bought some I didn’t have my bus
chocolate. pass. summary,
1 I always tell the truth. I never tell lies but I often
Yes/No questions Short answers
page 124
tell funny stories.
Did you eat all the Yes, I did./
2 Don’t (1) your bus pass or your money.
chocolate? No, I didn’t. 3 I need to (2) my homework so I can’t (3) the Practice,
Adverbial phrases with ago washing-up. pages 28-29
I left the house two hours ago. 4 Hurry! We don’t want to (4) the bus or the train. Vocabulary
5 I’m going to (5) lunch. Can you (6) the summary, page 87
Now make sentences with he, we and they.
sandwiches and the cake? Extra practice 4c,
The list of irregular verbs is on page 144.
6 Before I (7) a party, I (8) a shower, but I don’t page 108
4 Read the dialogue again. Notice the words (9)
in red.
Use your English: Make and
respond to apologies Video and
5 In your notebook, write the infinitive and past
forms of all the irregular verbs in the text. 9 4
09 Listen or watch and repeat. Then Animation
practise the conversation in pairs. Use your English:
Infinitive Past
say said Make and respond
A: I’m really sorry I’m late. to apologies
6 Copy and complete the dialogue with the
B: What happened?
correct form of the past simple.
A: I got up late and
Jodie: What 1did you do (you/do) yesterday? missed the train.
Emma: Tom and I (2) (go) to Tower Bridge. B: Not again!
Jodie: Great! (3) (you/get) an amazing view from
the top of it?
Emma: Well, we (4) (see) the river and a lot of Apologise for being late
boats. But I (5) (not have) my phone or Sorry I’m late.
camera with me so I (6) (not take) any I’m very/really sorry I’m late.
photos. Accept
Jodie: Oh well. Next time maybe. That’s OK./That’s all right.
Emma: What about you? (7) (you have) a good What happened?
time with Kiran? Explain
Jodie: No. We (8) (have) a really bad weekend. (Can you believe it,) I took the wrong bus.
Kiran (9) (eat) a bad hot dog and (10) (get) Respond
really sick. It doesn’t matter. It’s not a problem.
Emma: Oh no! Never mind. You’re here now.
Jodie: And I (11) (buy) a new pair of trainers and Not again!
then I (12) (leave) them on the bus.
Emma: That’s really bad.
10 Practise similar conversations with the
Vocabulary: Verb and noun collocations with prompts in the past simple. Then invent
do, have, make, etc. two other conversations.
1 get/the wrong bus
7 Recall Copy and complete the list with household
2 fall off/my bike
jobs. Then check the Topic wordlist on page 139.
3 lose/my diary with your address in it
do: the cleaning lay: …
4 leave/my mobile at home
make: the bed tidy: …
take: the dog for a walk empty: … Extra practice
wash: the car For more practice, go to page 124.

Extension they don’t match, he or she shows them to the rest of

Past simple of irregular verbs the class and puts them back, face down in the pile.
Make two sets of cards of irregular verbs, one with A second S tries to get a matching pair in the same
the infinitive on them (Set A), and one with the past way.
simple on them (Set B). Put all the cards face down The winner is the S with the most cards when all the
at the front of the class. Ask a S to pick up two cards cards have been picked up.
at random. The S should read aloud the verbs on the Alternatively, especially with larger classes, this can
cards. If they match, he or she keeps the cards. If be played in groups of four, with each group making
their own sets of cards.

4d A problem at school
Since 1999, it has
been the law in the


UK that all schools 1 4
10 Read about William. Why did he move to a new school?
must have an anti-

New school – new problems

bullying policy
that is regularly
William is fifteen years old. From
the age of eleven to fourteen
he went to a secondary school
near Oxford. He liked the school
and he was happy there. He was
clever and he loved Maths and
computers. He started an after-
school computer club and he had
some good friends. Then his father
got a new job in London and
William changed to a new school.
The new school was bigger and
he was the youngest and smallest
boy in his class. Some of the older
boys laughed at him and called him
names. Their favourite name was
‘geek’, because he liked computers
and was good at Maths. They
teased him about his glasses. He
had one friend in his class called
Jack but Jack never helped him.
He was too scared. One day before
school, Carl, one of the older boys,
said: ‘William, give me your Maths
homework. I want to copy it before
the lesson.’
William said nothing and gave his
homework to Carl but he was very
upset. He didn’t know what to do.

• clever • after-school (adj) 2 Read the article again. Say ‘New school’ or ‘Old school’.
• change(d) • laugh(ed) at 1 William went there for three years.
• call(ed) (him) names 2 Other students didn’t like his clothes.
• ‘geek’ • tease(d) • glasses 3 He started a computer club.
• scared • give (gave) • copy 4 He liked the school.
• upset • strong • bully 5 His friend didn’t help.
• a bit of fun 6 He was unhappy at the school.


Exercise 1 Exercise 4b
His father got a new job in London. 1 a teacher/Mr Saville
Exercise 2 2 He’s got a class in five minutes.
2 new school 3 old school 4 old school 3 They laugh at his glasses.
5 new school 6 new school 4 He talked with the boys and they had a class
discussion about problems.
Exercise 4a 5 Friday.
He follows Tomek’s advice to tell a teacher
about the bulyying.

Speak your mind!
3 Look at some advice for William. Number the advice from the
best to the worst: 1 = the best, 5 = the worst. Then compare
your answers with other students.
A: I think Jan’s advice is the best.
B: I don’t agree. I think Pia’s advice is better than Jan’s.
• Don’t give the boys your homework.Talk to your friends. They
can help you.
(Claudina, Milan)
• Give them your homework. They’re bigger than you.
(Jan, Glasgow)
• Tell your parents and your teachers about the bullying.
(Tomek, Warsaw)
• Buy some cooler glasses and don’t talk about computers.
(Michelle, Liverpool)
• Take judo classes or go to a gym and get stronger!
(Pia, Buenos Aires)
Jack (William’s friend at
the new school) Listen
‘I want to help William but
the boys are bigger and
stronger than me. What if The first time you listen, try to understand the general meaning
they start to bully me?’ to get the gist. Don’t worry if you don’t understand details.
Now do Exercise 4a.

4a 4
11 Listen. Which advice from Exercise 3 does William take?

b Listen again and answer the questions.

1 Who did William talk to?
2 Why is Mr Saville busy?
3 What do the boys laugh at?
4 One of Mr Saville’s students had the same problem last year.
What did Mr Saville do?
5 When’s the English lesson?

‘Why is William upset?
It’s just a bit of fun and 5 You are William. It’s one month later. Write an email to your friend
he’s really not cool!’ Mike. Write about your new school.
Hi Mike
How are things? I started my new school last month. I wasn’t happy
SPEAKING TIP: at first. Some older boys in my class … . My friend, Jack, … . And one
KEEP IT SIMPLE day, one of the boys … .
Speak as simply as possible. It’s better now. I talked to my teacher, Mr Saville. He helped me. In his
Use words you know and English class we … . After that the older boys … .
keep your sentences short.
Hope you are OK. Can you come to London soon?
Don’t try to be complicated.
Now do Exercise 3. William

Extra practice
Watch a vlog, go to page 111.


Extension Extra speaking

If appropriate for your class, you may wish to extend Students’ Book Chatroom, page 111
the discussion about school bullying and develop
a free discussion activity. Ss may like to discuss
how bullying is handled in their own school. Any eText
discussion of Ss’personal experiences of bullying Video and Animation
should, naturally, be handled sensitively.
Additional video lesson (vlog), Chatroom, page 111

Exercise 1
1 were 2 happened
4 Language Revision
3 missed 4 didn’t Сору and do the exercises in your notebook.
finish 5 Did you
walk 6 did 7 wasn’t
Grammar (22 marks) 5 Match the verbs (0–5) to the correct nouns
Exercise 2
1 Complete with the correct past form.
0–c do the washing up, homework
1 had 2 took Mum: How 0was (be) the film last night?
0 do a) a story, a lie, the truth
Greg: Excellent, thanks.
3 made 4 did 1 have b) a ticket, some money
Mum: That’s good, but you (1) (be) very late back.
5 went 6 bought 2 lose c) the washing-up, homework
What (2) (happen)?
7 came 8 met 3 make d) the bus, the train
Greg: I’m sorry. I (3) (miss) the bus.
9 gave 4 miss e) sandwiches, a cake, lunch
Mum: Why?
5 tell f) a party, a shower, dinner
Exercise 3 Greg: The film (4) (not finish) until eleven.
1 Mum: (5) (walk) home?
Greg: Yes, I (6) . It (7) (not be) much fun! Phrases/Use your English (8 marks)
A: Did they eat at
home last night? 6 Choose the correct response.
B: No, they ate at
2 Complete with the correct past tense form of
a verb from the box. 1 Can you lend me some money?
Pizza House. 2 Is that hat part of your costume for the
2 school play?
• buy • have • give • come • get up • go
A: What did • make • take • do • meet 3 Was Queen Victoria born in 1812?
you see at 4 I think she was born in 1819.
the cinema Yesterday I was really lazy. I 0got up at half past a) Dunno. I’m not very good at History.
yesterday? nine and (1) a shower. That (2) half an hour! Then b) You’re right, on 24th May, of course.
B: I/We saw a film I (3) some coffee for me and Mum. Mum was c) Ha ha! I’m wearing it because it’s nice
about a reggae really busy so I (4) the washing-up. Then I (5) to the and warm.
musician. newsagent and (6) a music magazine. My friend d) Maybe. How much do you need?
3 Sam (7) into the shop and I (8) his cousin, Anna.

A: When did her

Anna’s cool. She (9) me her mobile number. 7 Complete the conversation. What does Joe
cousins leave? say to Sue? There is one extra sentence.
B: They left on
3 Write questions and answers in the past. Joe: (1)

0 What time/you/wake up today? (7.30) Sue: What happened?

A: What time did you wake up today? Joe: (2)
B: I woke up at 7.30. Sue: Oh no! Not again.
A: What did he get
1 they/eat/at home last night? (no, at Pizza House) Joe: (3)
for his birthday? 2 What/you/see/at the cinema yesterday? (a film Sue: I tried to call you twice.
B: He got a new about a reggae musician) Joe: (4)

camera. 3 When/her cousins/leave? (on Wednesday) Sue: Never mind. You’re here now.
5 4 What/he/get/for his birthday? (a new camera) a) Yes. I got on the 33 instead of the 27.
A: Did she tell you 5 she/tell/you about her trip? (no, her new school) b) Sorry I’m late.
about her trip? 6 Andy/send/you a postcard? (no, an email) c) I haven’t got my mobile with me. Sorry.
B: No, she told me d) Come on. We’re late.
about her new e) I took the wrong bus.
Vocabulary (10 marks)
6 4 Write the dates and put them in order.
A: Did Andy send
you a postcard? • 12 Dec 1856 • 2 Jan 1643 • 11 Sept 1721 Grammar 22
B: No, he sent me • 21 Feb 1919 • 3 Apr 1951 • 5 Oct 2012
Vocabulary 10
an email.
2 Jan 1643 the second of January, sixteen Phrases/Use your English 8
Total 40


Exercise 4 Exercise 7
1 the eleventh of September, seventeen twenty-one 1 b) 2 e) 3 a) 4 c)
2 the twelfth of December, eighteen fifty-six
3 the twenty-first of February, nineteen nineteen
Extra practice
4 the third of April, nineteen fifty-one
5 the fifth of October, twenty twelve Workbook Language round-up, page 30

Exercise 5
1 f) 2 b) 3 e) 4 d) 5 a) eText
Exercise 6 Games
1 d) 2 c) 3 a) 4 b) Boat Game / Hangman / Pelmanism
Skills Revision
Сору and do the exercises in your notebook.

1 Read the text. Answer true or false.

T he Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is

really orange, not gold. The bridge is nearly
three kilometres long. For a long time, it was the
Hello from Sussex!
longest suspension bridge in the world. The date of this castle is 1385. So it’s a (1) building.

In the USA in the 1930s there were a lot of people It’s got water around it so you walk across a (2)

4 7 87
without jobs. President Roosevelt wanted to give bridge to get to it. There are towers at the four

work to them. The Golden Gate Bridge was one

corners and there’s a (3) gate. There isn’t a roof

answer to the problem. Work on the bridge began 4 5
on January 5th 1933. It took 25 million hours to now so it was (4) when we visited it yesterday. This
build the bridge so there was work for a lot of morning we visited Scotney Castle. It was (5) so we
people. It cost $35 million dollars. had a picnic in the garden. I want to go to the beach
Work on the bridge finished on April 19th 1937. tomorrow. Castles are OK but they’re sometimes (6) .
On May 27th 1937, the bridge opened for the (7)
first time and 200,000 people walked, climbed,
skated or cycled across it. The next day it opened Natalie
for traffic.
4 Write a postcard to a friend about a visit to a
0 The bridge is 1.95 kilometres long. false monument or a town. Use words from the box
1 It’s the longest suspension bridge in the world. and the text in Exercise 3 as a model.
2 It took more than four years to build it.
3 It cost $25 million to build it.
• a bit silly • very interesting • very old
4 On May 28th 1937, people started to drive
• really hungry • quite warm
across the bridge.
Hello from ... !
Listen The castle/town/monument in this picture is ...

2 4
12 Listen and complete the information. NOW I CAN UNITS 3 & 4
The Golden Gate Bridge is 02,737 metres long. understand
It’s (1) metres wide and it’s (2) metres high. a short email to a friend about a holiday.
It costs $ (3) to cross the bridge in a car. It’s (4) for Read short encyclopedia entries.
walkers and people on bikes. short descriptions of famous monuments.
There are two special walkways for bikes and walkers. a short story.
They are the east walkway and the (5) walkway. understand
short descriptions of famous monuments.
Walkers can use the east walkway from 5 a.m. to
Listen a short TV quiz show.
p.m. in the winter and from 5 a.m. to (7) p.m. in the a conversation with a teacher about
summer. problems.
People on bikes can go across the bridge (8) hours a speak about
day. houses and furniture.
There is no (9) on the bridge at any time. past events and dates.
problems at school.
roleplay a conversation between a tourist
Write and a guide.
3 Complete the postcard with the correct words. ask permission and respond.
make and respond to apologies.
• a bit boring • a bit cold • Hello from short information for a leaflet or
• quite warm • really heavy • really old encyclopedia.
• See you soon • very long Write a postcard to a friend from a famous city.
an email to a friend about my problems at
a short story using prompts.

Exercise 1 Background notes

1F2T3F4T Scotney Castle: An English country castle in Kent,
Exercise 2 southeast England.
1 27 2 227 3 6 4 free 5 west
6 6.30 7 9 8 24 9 skateboarding Extra practice
Exercise 3 Workbook Skills practice, page 31
1 really old 2 very long 3 really heavy 4 a bit cold Extra practice, Round-up 4, page 109
5 quite warm 6 a bit boring 7 See you soon


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