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Master <35m

Near Coastal
Mate <80m
Near Coastal
Skills and Knowledge Required
for NSCV Certificates of Competency


The tables in this document are taken directly from AMSA 730 Skills and Knowledge Required for NSCV
Certificates of Competency Part D Crew Competencies. Only those tables specific to this certificate of
competency are included in this document.



Master <35 m Near Coastal and Mate <80m Near Coastal Version 1.0 January 2017 Page 3 o16
Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Elements of Meet operational and • Practice survival techniques
Shipboard Safety emergency safety requirements • Operate lifesaving and survival equipment
Safety and emergencies • Apply basic survival skills in the • Undertake and understand risk
including survival craft event of vessel abandonment management processes including Safety
Management System (SMS) operational
• Follow procedures to minimise practices
and fight fire on a vessel
• Follow safety procedures and take action
• Meet workplace OHS
requirements • Understand and follow fire minimisation
• Survive at sea using survival craft
• Respond to and fight fires with portable
and other firefighting appliances including
correct use of vessel closure and
shutdown systems
• Identify and respond to risks associated
with confined spaces
• Practice survival techniques using survival


Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Environment Environmental Responsibilities • Identify safe and environmentally
acceptable practices for:
Follow environmental • Follow environmental workplace
work practices -- Refuelling
-- Cleaning up fuel or oil spills
• Contribute to improved
environmental work practices -- Understanding garbage, sewage,
noise, anchoring or marine life and
• Maintain environmental records
other environmental type maritime
• Precautions to prevent pollution responsibilities
• Sensitive sea and restricted sea -- Antipollution procedures and
areas equipment
• Oil spill equipment and its

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Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Outcome 8.9b Chart and Features • The information obtained from navigational
charts is relevant and applied
Plan and conduct a safe • Construction of a navigational
passage and determine • The chart symbols and features are
position identified or selected
• Latitude and longitude
• That chart corrections are made using
• Relationship between latitude and Notices to Mariners, are correctly inserted,
longitude and deleted as necessary
• Variation and deviation
• Chart scales
• Information displayed on a chart
or plan
• Notices to Mariners
Coastal Navigation Techniques • Apply relevant information obtained
from current navigational charts and
• Relationships between true, publications
magnetic, compass, gyro and
• Navigational hazards are identified
including ice
• Variation and deviation
• Estimated positions are calculated
• Deviation card accurately from known data
• Compass error • Vessel position is accurately fixed using
• Laying off a safe course visual, radar and a combination of visual
• Position determined by visual, and radar information
estimated and radar means • Plot a GPS derived position
• Position estimation by dead • Positions obtained are within acceptable
reckoning accuracy levels
• Coastal features • Fixing interval is appropriate to the
• Publications for safe navigation proximity of danger
• Use of electronic aids to • Calculations and measurements from the
navigation chart are accurate
• Reporting systems • Charts selected are appropriate to the
area of operation
• Navigation Log
• Use of electronic aids could include but
not limited to: GPS, chart plotters, AIS,
RADAR, depth sounders, communication
• Use radar range and bearing to plot the
vessels position on a chart. Check the
GPS position against the plot
• Use parallel indexing to maintain a
required distance off a point of land
• Maintaining situational awareness
• Ship routing information and Traffic
Separation Schemes

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Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Outcome 8.9b Instrumentation and Navigation • Performance checks and tests on
continued Aids navigational equipment and systems are
carried out adhering to manufacturer’s
Plan and conduct a safe Basic principles, errors and limitations recommendations and accepted
passage and determine of: navigational practices
• Compasses • Operating procedures are in accordance
• Echo sounders with manufacturer’s recommendations
• GPS • Performance limitations of equipment are
• Automatic steering systems considered
• Alarm systems • Use of electronic aids include but are
not limited to: GPS, chart plotters, AIS,
• Plotters and electronic charts RADAR, depth sounders, communication
• Alarms systems
• Interaction of navigation aid and • Care and maintenance of navigation aids
equipment • Automatic Pilots including use, change
• Basic understanding of ECDIS, over from manual and vice versa
ARPA, AIS • Navigation equipment maintenance, logs
and updates
Tides • Relevant information is obtained from
tide tables, navigational charts and
• Basic tidal theory publications, and applied
• Tidal prediction sources • The times and heights of high and low
• Tide tables, Australian and local water from Australian or local tide tables
for any port are accurate
• Chart datum and relevance to the height
of tide is understood and practical
examples applied
• The publications used are current
• Areas of extensive tidal effects

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Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Outcome 8.10c Fundamental Principles • Components are identified as per
manufacturer’s specification
Use radar to maintain • Fundamental principles and
safety of navigation and • Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental
effects on performance
for collision avoidance principles and characteristics on
• Pulse transmission performance of the radar and
• Pulse length compensation during use
• Wave length and frequency • Setting up and maintaining displays
• Range and bearing measurement
• Major components and their siting
Characteristics and • Factors affecting performance are
Performance recognised during use

• Factors affecting performance

• Maximum and minimum range
• Bearing and range accuracy
• Vertical and horizontal beam
• Range and bearing measurement
• Radar horizon
Interpretation of Display • Limitation and operating parameters of the
radar are identified
• Effects of target aspects
• Information obtained from radar is
• Shore and topography targets interpreted and analysed to assist in
• Atmospherics navigation and collision avoidance
• Weather factors • Interpretation and analysis to be
• Blind arcs and shadow areas confirmed by alternative means
• False echoes • Misrepresented information is detected
• Radar reflectors • Limitations and accuracy of equipment
and information derived in prevailing
• Radar beacons and transponder
conditions are identified
• Search and Rescue Radio Transponders
• Radar logs
(SART) and Racons
• Identification of critical echoes
Functions and Adjustment • Procedures adopted to operate a
radar set comply with manufacturer’s
• Function of controls recommendations
• Symbols for controls • Controls are identified and adjusted to
• Setting up and maintain display provide maximum performance
• Shutting down display
• Maladjustments
• Verification of range and bearing

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Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Outcome 8.10c Plotting and Collision • Action taken to avoid a close-quarters
continued Avoidance situation or collision with another vessel
is in accordance with the International
Use radar to maintain • Relative and true motion Regulations for the Prevention of Collision
safety of navigation and at Sea (as amended)
• Radar presentations
for collision avoidance
• Radar plotting • Radar plots to ascertain target’s closest
• Collision avoidance point of approach and time of closest point
of approach are actioned to prevent “close
• International Regulations for the quarter” situations developing
Prevention of Collision at Sea (as
amended) • Course and speed of other ship
• Reporting • Detecting course changes of other ship
• Parallel indexing • Effects of changes in own ships course
and/or speed
• Basic understanding of ARPA
• Manoeuvring and restricted visibility
signals are in accordance with the
International Regulations for the
Prevention of Collision at Sea (as
amended) and used correctly
• Course and speed alterations prevent
close-quarter situations, comply with
International Regulations for Prevention of
Collision at Sea (as amended) and avoid
navigational hazards

Master <35 m Near Coastal and Mate <80m Near Coastal Version 1.0 January 2017 Page 9 o16
Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Outcome 9.1 Vessel Construction • Identify structural components from ship’s
drawings and plans and locate on a vessel
Demonstrate knowledge • Fundamental principles of vessel
of the principal • Demonstrate knowledge of the function of
structural components structural components in compliance with
• Principal structural components conventional maritime design
of a vessel of 80m in
length • Load lines conditions of • Identify various construction material and
assignment techniques
• Structural arrangements to • Demonstrate knowledge of the construction
restrain fires aspects of a vessel related to cargo
• Design characteristics attributing
to watertight integrity
• Methods for testing tanks and
watertight integrity
• Regulatory requisites
• Elements of ship’s structure
crucial to the safety of the ship
Outcome 9.2 Engineering Systems • Operation of propulsion unit, ancillary
power units and equipment is in
Manage a propulsion • Marine engineering terms accordance with technical specifications
unit using the
• Management of marine power • Machinery is operated within the accepted
appropriate engineering
units safety parameters
systems and support
services • Ancillary equipment • Monitoring of safety and fire detection
• Safety alarm systems systems is in accordance with formulated
emergency procedures
• Operation of safety and fire-detection/
suppression systems
• Adopted safety precautions and procedures
are appropriate

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Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Outcome 9.3a Stability • Information obtained from a vessel’s
stability data book is interpreted correctly
Manage stress and • Terms and definitions
dynamic factors • Calculations associated with basic stability
• Forces and moments management are accurate
affecting a vessel’s
stability • Centroids and centre of gravity • Correlate and interpret calculated stability
• Density and specific gravity data
• Dockwater allowance • Stability and stress conditions are managed
• Transverse and longitudinal within safety parameters
dynamics • Information communicated is relevant and
• Effects of free surface correct
• Loading and discharging weights • Stability diagrams and illustrations are
• Final KG
• Actions in the event of partial loss of intact
• Bilging and permeability
• Change of draught and trim
• Tonnes per centimetre immersion
• Freshwater allowance
• Virtual loss of GM
• Stress conditions including trim
and stress tables
• Stability curves
• Stress calculating equipment

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Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Outcome 9.4b Marine Legislation • Information obtained from International,
Commonwealth, local, State and Territory
Monitor and control • Commonwealth, local, State and Acts, Legislation, Codes and other
compliance with Territory Act and subordinate publications relating to the safe navigation
legislative requirements legislation and operation of a vessel is current and
• National Standard for applied
Commercial Vessels (NSCV) • Procedures for monitoring ship’s operations
• International Aeronautical and and maintenance comply with legislative
Maritime Search and Rescue requirements
(IAMSAR) • Responsibilities under international
• MARPOL 73/78 maritime law embodied in international
• Standards of Training, agreements and conventions are clearly
Certification and Watchkeeping identified, interpreted and applied
(STCW) as amended • Procedures and communications used
• Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) for coordinating SAR operations are in
accordance with IMO requirements
• Safety management systems
(SMS) or plans • Understand and apply SMS, safety
management plans, standards and
• International Maritime
emergency operating procedures
Organisation (IMO)
• Understand and comply with the
• Environmental legislation
requirements for crew inductions
• Determine and understand risk
management techniques
• Source information on the various State
waterways management regulatory
requirements, for example: areas of
operation, bar crossings and port authority
• Sensitive sea areas and restrictions, oil
spill equipment and its limitations
• Plan for coping with increased volume of
garbage, bilge water, sludge and sewage
• Consequences of pollution in a cold climate
Outcome 9.5b Meteorology and • Weather forecasts for an intended voyage
Oceanography are obtained using all available data and
Predict meteorological
the forecast
and oceanographic • Vertical division of atmosphere
conditions • Information obtained from observations,
• Heat exchange process reports and instruments is deciphered and
• Cloud classification applied to ensure safety of the vessel
• Air masses and fronts
• Synoptic chart analysis
• Tropical meteorology
• Instruments
• Ocean currents
• Sea state

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Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Outcome 9.6b Watchkeeping • Watchkeeping arrangements and practices
comply with STCW as amended, Marine
Execute appropriate • Content, application and intent of Orders and Regulations
watchkeeping the International Regulations for
arrangements and • Allocation, assignment and prioritisation of
the Prevention of Collision at Sea
procedures resources
(as amended)
• Assertive and leadership is demonstrated
• Watchkeeping principles
• Situational awareness is maintained
• Bridge teamwork procedures
• Consideration is given to navigational
• Ship Reporting Systems
watch teams experience
• VTS procedures
• Watchkeeping arrangements are planned,
• Assessing watchkeepers’ skills organised and implemented, including:
• Fitness for duty -- Standing Orders and calling the
• Fatigue management Master
• Drug and alcohol policy -- Taking over the watch
• General provisions on ship -- Clear weather
routing -- Restricted visibility
-- Hours of darkness
-- Coastal and congested waters
-- Navigation with a pilot on board
-- Ship at anchor and in port
-- Ship carrying dangerous cargo
• The International Regulations for the
Prevention of Collision at Sea (as
amended) are appropriately applied
• Communication and reporting procedures
adopted on the bridge are clearly defined,
accepted and implemented
• Adopted procedures enhance navigational
safety, protection of the marine
environment and the safety of all on board

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Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Outcome 9.7b Vessel Handling and • Decisions made are justified with
Manoeuvring consideration to the vessel’s manoeuvring
Manoeuvre a vessel and propulsion unit’s characteristics in the
in any prevailing • Interaction prevailing conditions
conditions • Propulsion and manoeuvring • In analysing the safe manoeuvring of a
systems vessel, explanation is given to: interaction,
• Manoeuvring in restricted waters tide, current, passing vessels and own
• Squat, shallow water and similar vessel’s bow and stern wave
effects • Initial responses are concise and
• Embarkation and disembarkation appropriate measures taken are adequate
of pilots • Safe operating limits are not exceeded
• Anchoring and manoeuvres to • Safety precautions followed are relevant
approach an anchorage • Manoeuvre a vessel:
• Management of vessel in heavy -- crossing a bar
weather -- in following and quartering seas
• Manoeuvres to launch boats or -- berthing and unberthing
-- coming to and leaving a mooring
• Methods for retrieving survivors
-- steering through an ‘s’ configuration
• Effects of deadweight, draught,
-- towing and being towed
trim, speed and under keel
clearance on vessel’s stopping -- to turn short around
distance and rate of turn -- to turn across the tide /across the wind
• Berthing manoeuvres -- through a Williamson turn
Outcome 9.8b Emergency Procedures • Contingency plans are formulated and
adopted for emergency situations
Respond to navigational • Beaching a vessel
emergencies • Initial actions, including manoeuvring of the
• Grounding and refloating a ship, are in accordance with contingency
vessel plans, without risk to the vessel or crew
• Collision safety
• Damage control • Follow-up actions are justified in
• Emergency steering accordance with marine safety procedures
• Emergency towing arrangements • Equipment utilised is appropriate and safe
and procedures • Communication and reporting procedures
• Salvage arrangements adopted are clearly defined and accepted
• Musters and drills • Safety precautions and WH&S
considerations are followed
• Cyclones and heavy weather
• Actions to be taken when an emergency
• Assisting a vessel in distress
arises in port
• Distress alerts and procedures
• Radio communications
• Actions to keep all on board safe in the
event of an emergency

Master <35 m Near Coastal and Mate <80m Near Coastal Version 1.0 January 2017 Page 14 o16
Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Outcome 9.9b Cargo Operations • Information, procedures and documentation
relating to the handling of dangerous and
Prepare a cargo plan • Purchases and tackle harmful cargo are reliable and correctly
to ensure safe cargo
• Stresses and loads identified in accordance with the IMDG
operations whilst
• Safe working loads Code and with awareness of material safety
loading, unloading and
data sheets (MSDS)
during a voyage • Cargo handling and securing
equipment • Cargo operations and the distribution
of cargo are planned using reliable
• International Maritime Dangerous
information and in accordance with
Goods (IMDG) Code
established guidelines
• Bulk Cargo Code
• Emergency procedures for incidents
• Cargo stowage and securing involving dangerous and hazardous
• Loading and unloading cargoes are appropriate
• Ballasting • Cargo monitoring procedures are
• Documentation appropriate – including scheduling of
inspections to ensure all parts are checked
• Authorities requisites
in a given time
• ‘Enhanced survey regime’
• Safety precautions and procedures comply
with maritime regulations, procedures and
WH&S requirements
• Monitoring for damage, defects and
corrosion including causes and prevention
• Considerations in severe weather
Outcome 9.10b Organisation and Management • Individual crew members are informed
of the expected standards of work and
Establish and maintain • Management and leadership behaviour and allocated appropriate duties
a harmonious
• Leadership style • Crew training objectives and activities
workplace environment
• Group dynamics are based on an assessment of current
• Conflict resolution competence and operational requirements
• Organisation skills • Initial indications and possible causes of
conflict are promptly identified
• Propose appropriate strategies to deal with
conflict within the workplace
• Communication skills used facilitate
constructive response to conflict
Outcome 9.11b Communications • Information obtained from ICS and
other publications relating to inter-ship
Organise and manage • International code flags and communications is current and actioned
communications usage of signal books
on board to receive • Procedures for monitoring ship’s
• International Code of Signals communication systems comply with
information and advice
(ICS) legislative requirements
• Global Maritime Distress Safety • Communication procedures ensure that
System (GMDSS) marine safety information and
• Radio inter-ship safety messages are received
• IAMSAR and acknowledged
• Morse (SOS)

Master <35 m Near Coastal and Mate <80m Near Coastal Version 1.0 January 2017 Page 15 o16
Standards for evaluating
Outcome Content
Outcome 9.12b Confined space • Identify and minimise risks associated with
enclosed space entry
Work safely in enclosed • Assess confined spaces
spaces • Seek authorisation or regulatory permission
• Seek permission to enter a to enter an enclosed space
confined space
• Prepare a plan for access into an enclosed
• Plan and enter an enclosed space
space safely
• Manage work operations and safety
• Take emergency action regarding requirements within an enclosed space
an enclosed space
• Meet regulatory enclosed space
requirements; including but not limited to
permits, entry and exits, maintenance of
Outcome 9.13b • Working knowledge of shipboard • Ability to apply task and workload
personnel management and management including:
Application of
training -- Planning and coordination
leadership and team
working skills • A knowledge of relevant -- Personnel assignment
international maritime -- Time and resource constraints
conventions and
recommendations and national -- Prioritisation
legislation • Knowledge and ability to apply effective
resource management:
-- Allocation, assignment and
prioritisation of resources
-- Assertiveness and leadership including
-- Obtaining and maintaining situational
• Knowledge and ability to apply decision
making techniques:
-- Situation and risk assessment
-- Identify and consider generated
-- Selecting course of action
-- Evaluation of outcome effectiveness
• Development, implementation and
oversight of standard operating procedures

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AMSA 1109 (1/17)

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