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semble of events all peaked in the same would go up, yielding more Cerenkov References and Notes

direction, we may be able to do better. photons per centimeter. This effect 1. J. H. Taylor and R. N. Manchester, Astrophys.
J. 215, 885 (1977).
If accurate time records are kept, one would be offset by the increase in dEldx, 2. D. Z. Freedman, D. N. Schramm, D. L. Tubbs,
can perform a time-of-flight experiment resulting in a shorter range. Annu. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 27, 167 (1977).
3. T. J. Mazerek, J. Cooperstein, S. Kahana, Proc.
with neutrinos (9). This can be done by For example, it is known that NaCl Dumand Summer Study 2, 142 (1980).
comparing the neutrino time to optical or does not adversely affect the attenu,ation 4. J. R. Wilson et al., Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 262, 54
gamma observation times, or by compar- length of light in water. It is highly 5. J. LoSecco, B. Cortez, G. W. Foster, E. Shu-
ing peaks in the time distribution. In soluble: 8000 tons of water dissolve 3200 mard, J. Van der Velde, CERN Rep. 81-07
(1981), p. 471.
principle, if the neutrino has a mass its tons of NaCl. This yields 3.3 x 1031 ion 6. A. Burrows and T. J. Mazurek, Nature (Lon-
time-of-flight difference will be pairs. The chlorine has a modest cross don), in press.
7. M. Schwartz, Information Transmission, Modu-
section for ve interactions (11): lation and Noise (McGraw-Hill, New York,
1 mj-_m2
2\t 2t 1959); L. A. Wainstein and V. D. Zubakov,
t Extraction ofSignals from Noise (Prentice-Hall,
At=-2 P2 c(ve X 37C1) = 8.1 x 10-41 cm2 London, 1962).
8. H. Bethe, A. Yahil, G. Brown, Astrophys. J.
Where ml and m2 are the two masses to The natural abundance is 25 percent Lett. 262, L7 (1982).
be compared and t is the total travel 37Cl. For a collapse at I kpc, this yields 9. J. LoSecco et al., Phys. Lett. 102, 209 (1981).
10. R. Drever, private communication.
time. For m = I0 eV and p = IO MeV at 1.1 x 104 ve-Cl interactions. This rate is 11. J. N. Bahcall, Rev. Mod. Phys. 50, 881 (1978).
1 kpc = 1011 seconds, one gets At = 50 small compared to the 1.2 x 105 from 12. The IMB detector is a collaborative effort of the
University of California at Irvine, the University
msec. With modest timing accuracy one the water but is comparable to the num- of Michigan, Brookhaven National Laboratory,
the California Institute of Technology, Cleve-
can compare the arrival with signals ob- ber of ve scatterings. The observed sig- land State University, the University of Hawaii,
served at gravitational-wave detectors nal in this case is dominated by the University College London, and the Tata Insti-
tute of Fundamental Research. The members of
(10) and perhaps gamma-ray satellites. excitation and subsequent decay of a the collaboration are R. M. Bionta, G. Blewitt,
Since the neutrinos have a continuous C. B. Bratton, B. G. Cortez, S. Errede, G. W.

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low-lying argon state. Foster, W. Gajewski, M. Goldhaber, T. Haines,
energy spectrum this may not be dis- It is concluded that the 8000-ton water T. W. Jones, W. R. Kropp, J. Learned, E.
tinct. To some extent the situation is IMB detector would be an effective stel- Lehmann, J. M. LoSecco, P. V. Ramana
Murthy, F. Reines, J. Schultz, E. Shumard, D.
helped by the E2 dependence of the cross lar collapse detector. It has a large mass Sinclair, D. W. Smith, H. Sobel, J. L. Stone, L.
section, which tends to narrow the effec- R. Sulak, R. Svoboda, J. C. van der Velde, and
of hydrogen, which gives it a large ie C. Wuest. This work has benefited from the
tive spectrum for interacting neutrinos. cross section. Detector noise would not combined efforts of the members of the IMB
collaboration. In particular, E. Shumard has
If separate neutrino mass peaks are be a problem for signals originating in a made contributions to the detector implementa-
observed, it may be possible to combine large portion of our galaxy. tion. Discussions with H. Bethe, A. Yahil, A.
Burrows, J. Applegate, and J. Wilson are grate-,
this information with the asymmetry in- J. M. LOSECCO fully acknowledged. Supported in part by the
formation and measure the ie component Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Department of Energy under contract DE-
AC03-81-ER40050 and by the Research Corpo-
of the neutrino mass eigenstates-that is, Astronomy, California Institute of ration.
(ie vI ), ( 'e v2 ), and so on. Technology, Pasadena 91125 28 January 1983; accepted 24 June 1983
Although the signal from individual
neutrino interactions is too weak to be
detected, some of these will activate the
proton decay electronics and be record-
ed. From these one can hope to learn
something about the neutrino energy Major Carbon-14 Deficiency in Modern Snail Shells from
spectrum itself, which is related to the Southern Nevada Springs
temperature in the star at the time it
became transparent to neutrinos. Abstract. Carbon-14 contents as low as 3.3 + 0.2 percent modern (apparent age,
One can contemplate major improve- 27,000 years) measured from the shells of snails Melanoides tuberculatus living in
ments in the detector for studying stellar artesian springs in southern Nevada are attributed to fixation of dissolved HCO3-
collapse. The use of more and larger with which the shells are in carbon isotope equilibrium. Recognition of the existence
photomultiplier tubes would increase the of such extreme deficiencies is necessary so that erroneous ages are not attributed to
detector's range and aid in reconstruct- freshwater biogenic carbonates.
ing more events but would be very ex-
pensive. One can increase the light col- Carbon-14 dating is a useful and pre- fects of contamination, fractionation,
lection by a factor of 3 inexpensively cise technique only in cases where both reservoir deficiencies including hard wa-
through the use of reflecling walls and the initial '4C concentration of the sam- ter effect (1), exchange, and measure-
wavelength shifters. While this would ple and the magnitude of postdeposi- ment and sampling errors. Despite this
increase the range of sensitivity, it would tional changes in isotope ratio unrelated range of processes, most measurements
destroy the structure of the Cerenkov to radioactive decay are known. Wood of modern freshwater biogenic carbon
light and prevent reconstruction and has played an important role in 14C dat- are at least 70 percent modern 14C, al-
would make the detector unsuitable for ing because of its ubiquity on land, its though the largest reported deficiency is
studying proton decay. incorporation of 14C in near equilibrium in Potamageton illinoensis, a living sub-
Our signal is dominated by the charged with the atmospheric pool, and its rela- aquatic plant with 4.72 ± 0.2 percent
current reaction veP -* e+n. It may be tive resistance to alteration. Interpreta- modern "4C (2). Carbon-14 concentra-
possible to dissolve a good ve detector in tion of the 14C contents of other materi- tions as low as 3.3 ± 0.2 percent mod-
water and boost the detector's sensitiv- als is not as simple, and many attempts ern, measured in shells of the aquatic
ity to other components of the burst. have been made to define and compen- snail Melanoides tuberculatus (Muller)
Other advantages of adding a salt to the sate for the range of processes that affect collected live from three springs in Ne-
detector are that the density would in- isotopic composition. For example, vada, are the lowest recorded.
crease, giving greater sensitivity to pro- studies of freshwater biogenic carbon- Crystal Pool, Big Spring, and King
ton decay, and the index of refraction ates should account for the possible ef- Spring, three major artesian springs, are
58 SCIENCE, VOL. 224

DICHARGE AREA I 16030' 116000 116000

37030' + 37t0

caraleozoic caronate

Oo-I YOCCA37000'
_7 ,,.BI Spring )

enough s km ASH 1o5000

36030 +300
~~*AREA +63

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0 50 km

Fig. I. (A) Extent of Ash Meadows discharge area showing relation of springs to Paleozoic carbonate ridges. Discharge is from spring pools
developed in Plio-Pleistocene lake beds that slope gently to the west-southwest. Redrawn from U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps. (B)
Relation of Ash Meadows discharge area to its recharge areas and to the state of Nevada. The majority of the recharge occurs at higher elevations
in. the mountains. Redrawn from (3, 12, 23). (---)Approximate boundary of Ash Meadows ground-water system: (Z)mountain ranges high
enough so that some parts receive in excess of 30 cm of rain per year; and ( ) other mountains.

part of the Ash Meadows discharge area us, an exotic mollusk species [intro- different 14C contents available to the
(16 by 3 km) that is situated along the duced into Big Spring about 1970 (4)] snails. One is the Plio-Pleistocene lake
slope between the Amargosa Desert and composed entirely of parthenogenetic fe- bed and Paleozoic carbonate rock reser-
ridges of Paleozoic carbonate rock in the males that bear postmetamorphic young voir which is much older than can be
extreme southern portion of Nevada (2-mm long) (5). The adults are most measured by radiocarbon dating and
(Figs. 1 and 2). Crystal Pool and Big abundant under rotting algal mats, where lacks measurable 14C. Another is the
Spring are large (about 15 m in diameter they apparently feed on decaying organic atmospheric C02-subaerial plant reser-
by 5 m deep) glory hole springs, each matter at the mat and sediment interface; voir with 95 to 100 percent modern 14C.
having a single orifice and a well-defined these food habits are consistent with Finally, there is the dissolved HCO3
outflow channel (Fig. 2). The pools lie Starmulhner's observations (6). and algal mat reservoir that ranges from
about a meter below the surface of the There are three carbon reservoirs of 1.7 percent modern 14C in King Spring to
Plio-Pleistocene lake bed sediments that
form their walls and bottom; both
springs are about 3 km from the nearest
Paleozoic carbonate ridge. King Spring,
smaller and shallower (about 8 m in
diameter by 1 m deep), lies at the bound-
ary between the lake beds and a tufa
mound deposited on the Paleozoic car-
bonates. It has multiple small orifices in
its flat, predominantly tufa floor.
All of these springs are fed by the
same regional Paleozoic carbonate aqui-
fer, which is recharged by precipitation
infiltrating the upper elevations of sever-
al mountain ranges in a region extending
at least 100 km to the north and east (Fig.
1) (3). After underground courses that
for some branches of the aquifer take
thousands of years and reach depths of
thousands of meters, the waters rise at
Ash Meadows as a multicomponent mix-
ture, saturated with calcite, that has con-
stant chemical, physical, and flow char-
Fig. 2. Big Spring showing spring pool, outlet channel, character of local vegetation, and lake
acteristics (3) (Table 1). These artesian bed plain sloping slightly upward to Paleozoic carbonate ridges in the distance. Big Spring's
springs are the habitat of M. tuberculat- natural configuration has not been modified in attempts to increase flow. [A. C. Riggs photo]
6 APRIL 1984 59
Table 1._ss_
Physical, isotopic, and chemical characteristics of the three Nevada springwaters and Pool would turn over in less than half an
snailIs.1 Shells.
11 A
Al* _1_s
values except shel "C
_ __ _. _-
and "C contents
1A.4 --_ lA14 _-._ _. __r_ _
are trom ti). hour (14). King Spring's perential con-
Dis- Tem- 1C* content "Ct content Alka- taminating inflow overwhelms the flush-
charge pera- (% modern) (per mil PDB) pH linity ing action. Thus, with the exception of
(m3/ ture (meq/ King Spring, contamination by carbon
day) (OC) Water Shellt Water Shell liter) originating above the water surface is
Big Spring masked by high turnover rates and natu-
5,500 27 3.9 + 0.3 3.3 ± 0.2 -4.6 + 0.1 -1.9 ± 0.1 7.4 5.21 ral carbonate saturation of the spring-
(WRD199) (WRD296) -2.7 ± 0.1 waters.
2.9 ± 0.4 Since dissolved HCO3f and shell car-
2.8 + 0.2 bonate are in isotopic equilibriuih, there
(WRD285) is no gradient to drive exchange and no
Crystal Pool evidence of exchange. Measurement er-
15,300 31 11.6 ± 0.7, 10.6 ± 0.2 -5.0 ± 0.1 -2.8 ± 0.1 7.4 5.11 ror does not seem to be a problem since
(WRD198) (WRD297) -2.95 ± 0.1
10.6 ± 0.3 the results of different sets of measure-
(WRD231) ments are consistent and the King Spring
King Spring deviation has been explained (15).
8,200 32 1.7 ± 0.4 5.9 ± 0.2, -4.7 ± 0.1 -2.8 ± 0.1 7.4 5.00 Since aquatic mollusk shells are not
(WRD234) (WRD298) -2.95 ± 0.1 favored material for "4C dating, it is
*Numbers in parentheses are the sample numbers in (15). tUpper shell '3C value for each spring was tempting to dismiss.these results as inter-
measured by F. J. Pearson and the lower by T. Coplen, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division
(WRD) laboratory, Reston, Virginia. *Shell 14C values determined in the U.S. Geological Survey WRD esting curiosities of no particular conse-

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laboratory under F. J. Pearson. quence. There are at least three reasons
for rejecting this view. The first is that
reservoir deficiencies are not limited to
11 percent modern 1m C in Crystal Pool- overshadows the small (4 per mil) ex- snails but occur in all plants and animals
a vast range compared to the uniformity pected fractionation. that incorporate 14C in disequilibrium
of the other solutes' and a probable indi- The King Spring shells, with only with the atmosphere. The submerged
cation of megascale heterogeneities in 5.9 0.2 percent modern
± "mC, have plants Chara sp. (11.61 ± 0.57 percent
ground-water flow (3) (Table 1). more "'C than the springwater. This modern 14C) and P. illinoensis (4.72 ±
Originally, tnetabolic by-products anomaly is explained by the fact that 0.2 percent modern 14C), and the Sono-
were generally believed to be the most King Spring pool receives perennial in- ran mud turtle Kinosternon sonoriense
likely source of shell carbonate, but it flow amounting to a third of its discharge (16 ± 2.6 percent modemn 14C), all from
has become increasingly clear that many from adjacent springs and seeps (12). Montezuma's Well, Arizona (2, 16), are
mollusk shells are precipitated in equilib- Before flowing into King Spring, the proof that organisms ranging from pri-
rium with carbon isotopes in solution (7). waters traverse a marshy area that sup- mary producers to carnivores get much
Fritz and Poplawski (8) demonstrated ports abundant subaerial vegetation of their carbon from the water (6.46 ±
that some freshwater mollusk shells are whose eventual decay should release 14C 0.42 percent modern 14C). The second
deposited essentially in equilibrium with (13). This contamination was avoided in reason is that waters deficient in '4C are
the isotopic composition of the solution,' the water analyses by sampling directly available to aquatic life in many places
with metabolically derived carbon pres- from a major orifice, While shell carbon- around the world. Ground waters and
ent in only minor amounts. Analyses of ate apparently represents conditions in springwaters with less than 5 percent
the Nevada spring snails yield results the pool at large or a combination of the modern '4C (apparent age, 22,000 years)
that are consistent with these findings. pool and marsh inflow if'the snails mu- are reported from such diverse locations
There is no evidence for incorporation of grate upstream. Migration from down- as the United States (17), Hungary (18),
mnetabolically derived algal mat carbon stream is stopped by irrigation head- G(reat Britain (19), Libya and Morocco
into the shells, since photosynthetic frac- works at the pool outlet. (20), and Chile (21). Ground water with
tionations would lead to a reduction in Neither Big Spring nor Crystal Pool '4C indistinguishable from 0 percent
shell '3C of about 25 per mil relative to receives any perennial inflow, nor are modern has been reported from Qatir
dissolved carbon [Lyngbya sp. and Spi- there any apparent dry channels draining (22). Further, desert springs are com-
rogyra sp., the predominant algae in into them, but both are subject to con- monly deficient in '4C and are especially
Crystal Pool, have 13C --28.0 0.1 tamination from rainfall and whatever
± important for "'C dating since they are
per mil relative to Peedee belemnite sheet flow they intercept after the rare usually hubs of biological, activity. The
(PDB)] (9, 10). No such depletion in shell rainstorms [average annual precipitation third reason is that mollusk shells can be
l3C iS seen; in all springs the shells have is 10 cm (12)]. All three springs are local satisfactory dating material if initial "'C
about 2 per nil more 13C than the water topographic lows that catch both organic levels and magnitudes of postdeposi-
(Table 1). Observation and experiment litter and inorganic dust blown in by tional alterations are known.
both suggest that fractionation on precip- winds. Another source of contamination In the cases where the magnitude of
itation will cause solid carbonate to have prevalent in all the springs is the carbon- "' deficiencies is unkndwn or underes-
abotit 2 per mil more '3C than does bearing debris that people throw into timated, the potential for misdating is
dissolved HCOf in equilibrium with these sites. Contamination of the water extreme. For-instance, if the ,'C deple-
solid carbonate (10). Although 14C frac- by exogenous carbon would seem inev- tion in Big Spring were attributed entire-
tionates twice as much as 13C (11), no itable, but the springs rapidly fluish out ly to hard water effect (1), shells from the
14C fractionation is seen (the shells and dissolved materials. Big Spring, for in- spring would date at least, 22,000 years
dissolved carbon in Crystal Pool and Big stance, flows so rapidly that; in the ab- too old. Since there is no limit to the size
Spring are essentially identical in "'C sence of mixing, the water in the pool of reservoir deficiencies, the, potential
content) since measurement uncertainty would be replaced every 2 hours; Crystal for misdating, particularly of samples
60 SCIENCE, VOL. 224
from arid areas, is also unlimited. It is Wilbur, Eds. (Univ. of South Carolina Press, to the shoreline and to the direction of
Columbia, 1976), p. 79.
probable that living plants and animals 8. P. Fritz and S. Poplawski, Earth Planet. Sci. bottom-current flow inferred from geo-
that naturally completely lack 14C are Lett. 24, 91 (1974). physical data (7, 8) (Fig. 1). An addition-
9. H. Craig, J. Geol. 62, 115 (1954); M. Rubinson
unreported only because the proper en- and R. Clayton, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 33, al core, 37P, was recovered from the
vironments have yet to be tested. 997 (1969). western arm of Lake Superior, outside
10. W. Broecker and A. Walton, Geochim. Cosmo-
ALAN C. RIGGS* chim. Acta 16, 15 (1959). the main study area (Fig. 1). Surface
U.S. Geological Survey, MS 432, 11. J. Mangerud, Boreas 1, 143 (1972). sediment samples from all cores in the
12. W. Dudley and J. Larson, U.S. Geol. Surv.
Reston, Virginia 22092 Prof. Pap. 927 (1976).
13. Recent development of King Spring and envi-
study area and subsurface samples from
References and Notes rons has obliterated most of the form as de- cores 14G, 23P, and 24P, were analyzed
scribed here. for percentages of sand, silt, and clay by
I. The hard water effect is a dilution of 14C content 14. These rates are calculated from discharges in (3)
by the dissolution of dead mineral phase carbon- and pool volumes measured by I. J. Winograd sieve and pipette techniques. The sub-
ate that buffers the acidity caused by dissolution and A. C. Riggs. surface samples extended downcore to
of modern soil zone CO2 into the infiltrating 15. F. J. Pearson and M. Bodden, Radiocarbon 17,
ground water. For stoichiometric reasons, the 135 (1975). below the postglacial-glacial contact
amount of mineral carbon dissolved cannot ex- 16. C. Haynes, P. Damon, A. Long, ibid. 6, 93
ceed the amount of soil zone carbon present. (1964). (11), or for the length of the core if the
Dilution of the soil zone carbon is therefore 17. I. Yang, R. McAvoy, R. Emerson, ibid. 23, 24 contact did not exist. The silt fraction
limited to 50 percent, or one half-life of "4C (1981).
(about 5700 years). For the original description 18. J. Deak, in Isotope Hydrology 1978 (Intemation- (5.85 to 71.44 ,um) of all subsamples plus
see E. Deevey, Jr., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. al Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1979), vol. 1, additional subsurface samples from
U.S.A. 40, 285 (1954). p. 221.
2. P. Damon, C. Haynes, D. Grey, Radiocarbon 8, 19. F. Shotton, R. Williams, A. Johnson, Radiocar- cores 4G, 8G, and 37P were analyzed for
5 (1966). bon 17, 255 (1975). grain size with an Elzone electronic par-
3. I. Winograd and F. J. Pearson, Water Resour. 20. J. Evin, G. Marien, C. Pachiaudi, ibid. 18, 60
Res. 12, 1125 (1976). (1976); ibid. 21, 405 (1979); D. Harkness and H. ticle analyzer (12, 13), which determined
4. J. Landye, Status of the Inland Aquatic and Wilson, ibid., p. 203. the relative abundance of particles in 128
Semiaquatic Mollusks of the American South- 21. P. Fritz et al., in Isotope Hydrology 1978 (Inter-

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west [report submitted to the U.S. Department national Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1979), discrete increments of approximately
of the Interior, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and vol. 2, p. 525.
Wildlife, Office of Rare and Endangered Species 22. Y. Yurtsever and B. Payne, ibid., p. 465. 0.03 phi (14). All samples were analyzed
(1973), pp. 40 and 54]. 23. I. Winograd and W. Thordarson, U.S. Geol. at least in duplicate and in triplicate if the
5. A. Berry and A. Bin Haji Kadri, J. Zool. 172, Surv. Prof. Pap. 712-C (1975).
369 (1974). 24. I thank I. Winograd, F. J. Pearson, D. Taylor, median grain size of the first two analy-
6. F. Starmulhner, Malacol. Int. J. Malacol. 8, 1 M. Stuiver, P. Damon, A. Kohn, and E. Duffield ses was not within 0.09 phi. The average
(1969). for their contributions. Supported by U.S. Geo-
7. M. Keith, G. Anderson, R. Eichler, Geochim. logical Survey funding. of the individual analyses was used to
Cosmochim. Acta 28, 1757 (1964); W. G. Mook * Present address: University of Washington, NJ- calculate the median grain sizes report-
and J. C. Vogel, Science 159, 874 (1968); K. 15, Seattle 98195.
Wilbur, in The Mechanisms of Mineralization in
the Invertebrates and Plants, N. Watabe and K. 18 July 1983; revised 13 January 1984
ed. The average deviation of the median
grain size between duplicate analyses
was 0.05 phi, which is 1.0 to 1.5 pum at
this size range.
Cores 23P and 24P were dated paleo-
Enhanced Atmospheric Circulation over North America magnetically-the best technique avail-
able for dating Holocene sediments in
During the Early Holocene: Evidence from Lake Superior the Great Lakes (15-17). The downcore
profiles of the magnetic declination and
Abstract. Profiles of grain- sizes in five cores recovered from Lake Superior show inclination variations provide chrono-
that grain size increased with burial depth to the postglacial-glacial contact. The stratigraphic events for correlation be-
results reflect a substantial reduction in bottom-current velocity and the correspond- tween adjacent cores.
ing wind velocity from 9500 to 6500 years ago. It has been shown that dominant grain
size of surface samples changes from
Some models of atmospheric circula- ning 9500 years ago. The results are sand in the trough to clay farther off-
tion and of paleoclimate predict that the based on analyses of sediments from a shore (18). The median grain size of the
midlatitude westerlies over North Amer- deep-water environment just north of the silt fraction for the same samples
ica were stronger during early Holocene Keweenaw Peninsula in Lake Superior. changes from 36 to 15 p.m-a change
as comipared with late Holocene because Seismic profiles (3.5 kHz) and side-scan attributed to regional variation in bot-
of enhanced anticyclonic circulation sonar records, collected along 500 km of tom-current intensity.
over the Laurentide ice sheet (1-4), but shiptrack, plus 2 piston (P), 10 gravity Downcore analyses show a noisy but
little direct evidence supports them. The (G), and 12 box (B) cores recovered from significant coarsening in median grain
morphology of the Nebraskan sand 220 to 260 m wiater depth revealed sedi- size of the silt fraction with burial depth
dunes suggests that the north-northwest mentary features that indicate weak bot- in five of six cores examined (Fig. 1).
winds during the late Pleistocene were tom currents 25 km offshore and progres- The exception is core 14G, which may be
stronger than the southwest winds dur- sively stronger bottom currents south- anomalous because of localized current
ing the mid-Holocene, but the strati- eastward toward the base of the slope off eddies at this site (18). The increase in
graphic record lacks a definite and con- the peninsula (7, 8). A scoured trough, 20 grain size downcore may be the result of
tinuous chronology (5). The fluvial de- m deep, 2 km wide, and 20 km long, is at (i) a change in lake level during postgla-
posits in the driftless area indicate that the base of the slope where bottom cur- cial times that altered bottom currents or
there were more episodes with high run- rents may be strongest. The bottom cur- the sediment source; (ii) a change in
off in early than late Holocene time; rents probably intensify during major vegetation during the Holocene that af-
these may reflect storm frequency (6). storms, particularly in the spring and fall fected sediment influx; or (iii) a decrease
We present evidence of major fluctua- when the lake is isothermal and the in bottom-current velocity through the
tions in atmospheric circulation through- wind-driven Keweenaw current may ex- Holocene. Fluctuations in the lake level
out the Holocene over Lake Superior. tend to depths exceeding 200 m (9, 10). during the Holocene apparently influ-
The prevailing signal is one of decreasing Sediment cores were recovered along enced the grain size of sediments in the
wind intensity or storm frequency begin- two 15 km-long transects perpendicular lower Great Lakes (19). Lake level in our
6 APRIL 1984 61

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