Elementary Worksheet 6

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1. Read about Helen’s holiday in Australia in 1986. Fill in the blanks with
was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

When I_________ thirteen my best friend _____ Amanda. We______

in the same class. In 1986, Amanda and I ________ on holiday in
Australia and there______ a beach party near our hotel. There ______ any
other English people there. They _______ all Australian. There_______ one
good looking man called Greg. He_____ very friendly. We soon became friends
and two years later we_____ husband and wife! Our daughter, Rebecca
_______ born four years later in Perth, where we live now. It _______ her
thirteenth birthday yesterday.

2. Make questions with these words and give short answers from
paragraph 1.
1. Amanda/was/ best friend/Helen’s?
-Was Amanda Helen’s best friend?
-Yes, she was.
2. Helen and Amanda / the same class/ were/in?
3. Australia/ was/ 1986/ in / Helen/ in?
4. the beach party/were/ English people / there/ at/any?
5. Sydney/ Rebecca/born/ was /in?
6. Helen and Greg / in 1987/ married/were?
3. Look at the table and complete the sentences with can/can’t +verb.


Swim √ √ √
Draw X √ √
Ski X X X
Paint √ X √
Sing X √ √
Dance X √ X

1. David, Sarah and Mark_________________

2. David and Mark_____________ but they________
3. David ________ ____________ and swim.
4. Nobody_______ ____________
5. David and Mark_________ _________ or ski.
6. Sarah ___________ ski or_________
7. Sarah and Mark ________, but they ________

4. Write sentences using the words below.

1. I/ speak / when / two.

2. I/ not write / until / ten.
3. They/swim/ when/five
4. You/tell the time/ when/ four.
5. She / play the piano/ when / nine.
6. They/ not walk/ until / two/they.
8. We /not read / until /six/we.
5. Complete the sentences using can, can’t could or couldn’t and one of the
following verbs.

Hear / play / land / understand / help / come / phone / drive / speak /

see / read

1. He ____________ three languages.

2. He ____________ to the party because he had an exam the next day.
3. You ___________ a car without a license.
4. Marry _________ music, but she _______ the piano beautifully.
5. Jack __________ very well when he was younger, but now he needs to
wear glasses all the time.
6. I _________ you with your homework now. I’m too busy.
7. I’m sorry. Could you say that again? I ___________ you because the
children were shouting.
8. I ________ British people when I first come to Britain but it’s easier for
me now.
9. I________ you because our phone was broken but it’s all right now.
10. Helicopters are very useful here because they ________ anywhere.


Correct the spelling mistakes in each sentence.

1. Where or wear

is my purse?

What do you at work?

2. I or eye

am happy today.

Don't blink your .

3. see or sea

Fish live in the

I can the water.

4. write or right

Please your name on your paper.

Your answer is .

5. weigh or way

Do you know the to the store?

How many pounds does the baby ?

6. our or hour

This is house.

See you in an .

7. here or hear

I can the radio.

Please come .

8. to or too or two

I have tickets for the game.

I want you go.

Your friend can go, .

9. there or their

I left my books over .

house is in the city centre.

10. know or no

They asked me to go but I said

I the answer.
Matt is making some phone calls. Fill in the gaps with these phrases.

Is that/ Can I call you back/ I’ll call you later/ I’m calling / call me on my mobile
Speaking / I’m in a meeting.
1. Matt: Hello________ Mr. Ali Hepgüler?
Mr. Ali : _________________
Matt : This is Matt Lank______________ about the contract.
Mr. Ali : I’m sorry but ________________at the moment _______ later?
Matt : Yes of course. I’m in the office until 5.30. After that you can
Mr. Ali : OK______________ bye.
Matt : Goodbye.

Can you/ what time shall we meet / I got your message/ Hold on a moment/
can I speak to / It’s Matt / see you then
2. Matt : Hello._________________ Andrew, please?
Janine : _______________ I’ll get him.
Andrew : Hello?
Matt : Hi, Andrew_____________________ How are you?
Andrew : I’m fine, thanks.________________ about the party.
Matt : Good______________________ come?
Andrew : Yes of course._______________?
Matt : Let’s meet at eight at my house. I’ll drive.
Andrew : Fine._________________ BYE.

Read about 1986. Write questions to the answers.
□ The football world Cup was in Mexico. The final was between Argentina and
West Germany on 29th June, 1986. Argentina won 3_2.
□ In 1986, Ronald Reagan was President of the USA, Margaret Thatcher was
the British Prime Minister and Mikhail Gorbachev was President of the USSR.
□ Spain and Portugal joined the European Community (now called the European
Union or the EU) on January 1st 1986. There were then 11 countries in the EC.
□ Top Gun was the most popular film in 1986. The star of the film, Tom Cruise,
was 24 years old.
□ Madonna was the most popular singer in the UK in 1986. She was 28 years old.
1. _________________________________________________?
In Mexico.
On 29th June.
Mikhail Gorbachev.
Top Gun.
He was 24.
7. __________________________________________________?


First answer the questions, and then write a short paragraph (40-60 words)
about yourself when you were seven years old.
1. Who was your best friend and, what was he/she like?
2. Who was your favourite teacher and, what was he/she like?
3. What was your favourite toy?
4. What was your favourite drink/food?

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