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In this era, the development of healthcare science providers increasing

rapidly both in terms of equipment and health workers. Nurses are one of the
health workforce that has a big role in providing health services for human. Nurse
is a form of healthcare professional provider which is an integral part of health
services based on the science and ethics of nursing.

Many people have not understood about the history of nursing both in the
world and Indonesia, whereas nursing itself has been born since human exist. It
also grew rapidly in the XVIIth and XIXth century marked by the establishment
of British Columbia undergraduate education in Vancouver-Canada to master and
doctor sparked by Florence Nightingale.

The history of World’s Nurse

The history of nursing in the world began in primitive era until the
emergence of Florence Nightingale as a pioneer of nursing science from England.

Human was created with their mother-instict. In primitive era, they using
their mother instict for self-care. From “Mother Instinc time” shifted to time
where people still believe in something about the existence of a mistic power that
can affect human life. This belief known by Animism. They believe that one's
pain is caused by the power of nature such as rocks, big trees and high mountains.
Then it continued with the belief in the gods where at that time they assumed that
the disease was caused by the anger of the gods, so that the temples were
established as a place of worship and the sick asked for healing at the temple.
After that the development of nursing continues to change with the Deaconess &
Philantrop, which is a group of elderly women and widows who help the pastor in
treating the sick, since it began to develop nursing science.

The development of nursing science began to shift toward the spiritual

where a sick person can be caused due to individual sin. Treatment centers are
places of worship so that at that time religious leaders referred to as healers
treating patients. Nurses are regarded as slaves and who only help and work the
orders of religious leaders.

Then, Nursing began at the time of the development of Christianity, where

at that time many formed the Deaconess is a women's organization that aims to
visit the sick while men are given the task in providing care to bury for the dead.
In the era of the reign of Lord Constantine, he founded Xenodhoecim atauhospes
is a shelter for sick people who need help. At this time the Hospital stands at
Monastic Hospital in Roma.

In the Vith Mid-Century, nursing developed in Southwest Asia, namely

the Middle East, along with the development of Islam. The influence of Islam on
the development of nursing can not be separated from the success of the Prophet
Muhammad SAW spread the religion of Islam. In the VIIth century, Arabian’s
Peninsula science growing rapidly such as Science, Chemistry, Hygiene and
drugs. At this time began to emerge basic principles of health nursing such as the
importance of personal hygiene, food hygiene and environment. The famous
nursing leader from Arabia is Rufaidah.

At the beginning of the VIth century, the structure and orientation of

society changed from religion to power, namely war, exploration of wealth and
colonial spirit. Churches and places of worship were closed, when this place was
used by religious orders to treat the sick. Given this change, as a negative impact
on nursing is the depletion of nurses. To meet the lack of nurses, formerly
converted immoral wilitats work as nurses. The positive impact of this period with
the crusade is to help the victims of war required many volunteers as nurses.

The history of Indonesian Nurse

Indonesians in ancient times thought that the disease was caused by the act
of evil spirits. This belief is so deeply rooted in society, so that when someone is
sick they will go to a healer to get treatment. Treatment is done by using certain
mantras and materials that are not proven efficacy. In terms of nursing, people
whose sakit hanya are treated by women who are based on maternal instinct
(mother instinc). There is no record that men participate in care with a reason
men do not have enough affection to care for the sick. This ancient equivalent,
there is no historical record that mentions significant development in the field of

In Colonial period, the development of nursing in Indonesia has

progressed. The development of nursing is much influenced by nursing concepts
from the Netherlands. This is inseparable from the role of the Dutch government
which established the special health service of the army and the health service.
Through these two agencies the Dutch government recruited nurses from the
indigenous population. The nurse (Velpleeger, in Dutch) performs her duties as a
nurse assisted by a sick guardian called Zieken Opposer.The nurses and guardians
of the sick are facilitated to form a professional organization. The first nursing
profession organization was formed in Surabaya in 1799, the organization was
named  Perkoempoelan Zieken Velpleeger, these nurses work at Binnen Hospital
Surabaya to care for the staff and the Dutch army. To improve the ability of these
nurses in order to provide professional nursing services, the nurses are through
their organization given some kind of education and training by the Dutch

Since then, many Indonesian nursing terms have adopted the Dutch
language. Until now still often we hear the Dutch term, for example
nierbeken (crooked), laken (bed sheet), bovenlaken (cover cloth), warm-water zak
(warm jar), Iiskap (cold pot), scheren (scissors),etc.

At this stage the development of nursing is declining, and the world of

nursing in Indonesia is experiencing dark ages. The task of nursing is done by
uneducated people, hospital leaders taken over by Japan, finally there is a drug
degradation causing the epidemic.
In 1950 Indonesia established a nurse education that is School Penata
Rawat (SPR). Then in 1945 - 1955: Standing some professional organizations,
including the Association of Djuru Rawat and Indonesian Midwives (PDBI),
Health Workers Union, Health Indonesia Djuru Association (PDKI), Persatuan
Pegawai In Kesehatan. In 1962: Standing Academy of Nursing (Akper). In 1955 -
1974 Organization of the nursing profession changed into the Association of
Indonesian Nurses, The Indonesian Midwives Association, the Indonesian Nurse
Teachers Association, the Indonesian Nurse Corps, the Provisional Indonesia
Nurse Consultative Assembly (MAPPIS), and the Nursing Federation. In 1974:
School of Health Nurse (SPK) changed to School Penata Rawat (SPR). In 1974:
Established National Nurses Association of Indonesia (PPNI). In 1985: The first
Nursing Education Stand (S1Keperawatan) is the Faculty of Nursing University of
Indonesia which became the best momentum of the awakening of the Nursing
Profession in Indonesia. In 1999: Stands Nursing Education Post Graduate . And
on 2000: The License of Nursing Practice License in the form of Minister

Studying the history of nursing will give pride of its own, because it can
remind us of nurses in the past who have worked hard, until finally we can feel
the result as it is today. The history of nursing will open our eyes on how nursing
developments, how challenges are faced and what future nursing will achieve.
Knowing the past and understanding past nursing will provide an opportunity to
use the experience and lessons that can be used in the present and the future.

Ibi Yulia Setyani (P 1337420617032)

Shalsabila Wanda Briliyanti (P 1337420617080)

Dinda Khoirunisa Hana (P 1337420617084)

Damar Darmawan (P 1337420617061)

I Made Arya Putra (P 1337420617044)

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