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 Nutra Agro Growth 1ltrK Ajith@123456

NUTRA AGRO GROWTH is a high end plant nutrient made from highest quality seaweed,
aschophyllum Nosodum and Sargasum Kelp. NUTRA AGRO GROWTH promotes overall
growth of the plant and plays an important role in the reproductive process of the plant. NUTRA
AGRO GROWTH is known to increase plant resistance to heat stress, wet weather and
temperature extremes. By maintaining proper levels of essential nutrients, the plant’s resistance
to stress is increased. NUTRA AGRO GROWTH is essential to ensure better yields, top quality
crops of desirable size, as well as providing longer shelf life following harvest. Being 100%
Organic it is safe and it is formulated for use on all crops to give unequalled results. NUTRA
AGRO GROWTH influences conversion of nitrogen and carbohydrates into more complex
substances such as protein, affects the transfer of sugars within the plant, exerts marked influence
on cell division, and aids in the formation of certain membranes. NUTRA AGRO GROWTH
replenishes nutrition, promotes balanced growth, and increases flowering and fruit bearing
capacity of plant and enhances production.

Description:  NUTRA AGRO GROWTH  is a high end plant nutrient made from highest quality
seaweed, aschophyllum Nosodum and Sargasum Kelp. NUTRA AGRO GROWTH  promotes
overall growth of the plant and plays an important role in the reproductive process of the plant.
NUTRA AGRO GROWTH  is known to increase plant resistance to heat stress, wet weather and
temperature extremes. By maintaining proper levels of essential nutrients, the plant’s resistance
to stress is increased. NUTRA AGRO GROWTH  is essential to ensure better yields, top quality
crops of desirable size, as well as providing longer shelf life following harvest. Being 100%
Organic it is safe and it is formulated for use on all crops to give unequalled results. NUTRA
AGRO GROWTH  influences conversion of nitrogen and carbohydrates into more complex
substances such as protein, affects the transfer of sugars within the plant, exerts marked influence
on cell division, and aids in the formation of certain membranes. NUTRA AGRO GROWTH
replenishes nutrition, promotes balanced growth, and increases flowering and fruit bearing
capacity of plant and enhances production. 

Mode of Action: When NUTRA AGRO GROWTH is applied through foliar application it
penetrates the cell wall and enters the cytoplasm. It then triggers cell division leading to new cell
growth and simultaneously provides proteins and vitamins and metabolites to rejuvenate the
affected cells. It reduces the effect of factors that accelerate cell death, which in turn leads to
healthy plant growth, reduced toxicity and premature death of plants or fruits. Through the action
of senescence it also increases female flowering and female to male ratio in plants. 

Content: High Analysis Seaweed Extract.

Note: All active constituents are exempt from registration under CIB or FCO. Percentages of
active constituents are subject to change or vary depending upon the storage conditions and
exposure to heat or sunlight.

Registration Details: Exempt from Reg under Cr No: 16-23/98-CIR-II Dated: 4-12-1998.
NUTRA AGRO GROWTH does not fall under the purview of Fertilizer control order, Schedule
1 or Central Insecticides Board. 

Compatibility: NUTRA AGRO GROWTH is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and
synthetic fertilizers. 

Eco-safety :- The materials used in the production process are derived from naturally occurring
and sustainable sources and are consistent with organic principals. NUTRA AGRO GROWTH is
biodegradable and extremely safe to mammals, man, non- target organisms, pollinators, fishes,
birds & plants.


          Triggers Senesces

          Promote balanced growth and overall health of the plant
          Promotes Cell division in plants
          Increases female flowering and fruit bearing capacity of plants
          Shows considerable increase in yields
          Plays an important role in pollen tube germination formation, metabolism and
hormone activity
          Increasing crop tolerance to stressful conditions
          Improved fruit set and reduced fruit drop.

Dilution and Method of Application: NUTRA AGRO GROWTH must be diluted 1000 ml/200
ltrs of water.

Direction For Use : To promote growth and to enrich plant nutrition: apply every 10-15 days at
concentration of 5 ml /Ltr as foliar application. Mist top and bottom of leaves. Moisten only to
the point of run-off. The lower rate applies to protected crops. The higher rate applies to crops in
open field or stressed plants. Always spray during the cooler and more humid parts of the day.
After spraying wash thoroughly the sprayer and all its parts with fresh water. 

Storage and Disposal: Store out of sunlight in a cool, dry area inaccessible to children or pets.
Rinse container and discard after use in accordance .
Morphosis 52K [fmrps52]
Plants require more than copious amounts of Major Elements to sustain growth. Morphosis 52 is
broad-spectrum, super concentrated organic manure for use in agriculture, horticulture and
floriculture. Morphosis 52 can be used alone or in conjunction with chemical inputs in any
Standard Crop Management Program and is effective when soil or foliar applied. Morphosis 52
offers significant benefits for farmers and gardeners who practice high input – high yield

Description: Plants require more than copious amounts of Major Elements to sustain growth.
Morphosis 52 is broad-spectrum, super concentrated organic manure for use in agriculture,
horticulture and floriculture. Morphosis 52 can be used alone or in conjunction with chemical
inputs in any Standard Crop Management Program and is effective when soil or foliar applied.
Morphosis 52 offers significant benefits for farmers and gardeners who practice high input –
high yield agriculture.


          Increasing nutrient availability.

          Biological nitrogen fixation.
          Suppressing plant pathogens.
          Stimulating root development.
          Stimulating indigenous biomass.
          Reducing soil compaction.
          Promoting ecological balance in the soil.
          Soil restoration.
          Improving photosynthetic efficiency.

Morphosis 52 can improve soil porosity, drainage and aeration and reduce compaction. In
addition, it can improve the water holding capacity of the soil thereby helping plants resist
drought and produce better crops in reduced moisture conditions.

Compatibility: Morphosis 52 is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and synthetic


Method of Application: Morphosis 52 has proven to be effective on a wide variety of crops and
can be applied pre-emergent as well as post-emergent using standard application techniques. 

These include

(1) aerial and ground spraying,

(2) direct injection into irrigation water, (both ground and sprinkler systems),

(3) fogging,

(4) fertigation,

(5) hydroponics and

(4) foliar feeding.

Dilution: Morphosis 52 is fully water-soluble and must be diluted in water at a dilution rate of
1000ml in 200 ltrs of water. i.e. 5 ml/Ltr of water. Apply as a fine mist until foliage is wet - For
best results, apply when the plant is cool - Do not apply immediately before or after rainfall or
sprinkler irrigation or when the plant is under stress. A biodegradable surfactant Goldseal
Neemspreader may be used to optimize dispersal and leaf adherence.

Application rate: For Foliar application 1000ml/Acre. For Soil application through Drip, Apply
20 Liters / Acre in an interval of 20-30 days and with each application being 2 ltrs at a time and
interval of 3 to 4 days between each application.

Content: Organic Manure made from plants and kelp containing High value Macro Nutrients
and Micro elements.

Note: All active constituents are exempt from registration under CIB or FCO. Percentages of
active constituents are subject to change or vary depending upon the storage conditions and
exposure to heat or sunlight.
Registration Details: Exempt from Reg under Cr No: 16-23/98-CIR-II Dated: 4-12-1998.
Morphosis 52 does not fall under the purview of Fertilizer control order, Schedule 1 or Central
Insecticides Board.

Poni 61 1LtrK [fpni61]

Plants require more than copious amounts of Major Elements to sustain growth. Poni 61 is
broad-spectrum, super concentrated organic manure for use in agriculture, horticulture and
floriculture. Poni 61 can be used alone or in conjunction with chemical inputs in any Standard
Crop Management Program and is effective when soil or foliar applied. Poni 61 offers significant
benefits for farmers and gardeners who practice high input – high yield agriculture.



          Increasing nutrient availability.

          Biological nitrogen fixation.
          Suppressing plant pathogens.
          Stimulating root development.
          Stimulating indigenous biomass.
          Reducing soil compaction.
          Promoting ecological balance in the soil.
          Soil restoration.
          Improving photosynthetic efficiency.

Poni 61 can improve soil porosity, drainage and aeration and reduce compaction. In addition, it
can improve the water holding capacity of the soil thereby helping plants resist drought and
produce better crops in reduced moisture conditions.

Compatibility: Poni 61 is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and synthetic fertilizers.

Method of Application: Poni 61 has proven to be effective on a wide variety of crops and can
be applied pre-emergent as well as post-emergent using standard application techniques. 

These include

(1) aerial and ground spraying,

(2) direct injection into irrigation water, (both ground and sprinkler systems),

(3) fogging,

(4) fertigation,

(5) hydroponics and

(4) foliar feeding.

Dilution: Poni 61 is fully water-soluble and must be diluted in water at a dilution rate of 1000ml
in 200 ltrs of water. i.e. 5 ml/Ltr of water. Apply as a fine mist until foliage is wet - For best
results, apply when the plant is cool - Do not apply immediately before or after rainfall or
sprinkler irrigation or when the plant is under stress. A biodegradable surfactant Goldseal
Neemspreader may be used to optimize dispersal and leaf adherence.

Application rate: For Foliar application 1000ml / Acre. For Soil application through Drip,
Apply 20 Liters / Acre in an interval of 20-30 days and with each application being 2 ltrs at a
time and interval of 3 to 4 days between each application.

Content: Organic Manure made from plants and kelp containing High value Macro Nutrients
and Micro elements.

Note: All active constituents are exempt from registration under CIB or FCO. Percentages of
active constituents are subject to change or vary depending upon the storage conditions and
exposure to heat or sunlight

Registration Details: Exempt from Reg under Cr No: 16-23/98-CIR-II Dated: 4-12-1998. Poni
61 does not fall under the purview of Fertilizer control order, Schedule 1 or Central Insecticides
Sapotas 50 1ltrK [fspts50]
Plants require more than copious amounts of Major Elements to sustain growth. Sapotas 50 is
broad-spectrum, super concentrated organic manure for use in agriculture, horticulture and
floriculture. Sapotas 50 can be used alone or in conjunction with chemical inputs in any Standard
Crop Management Program and is effective when soil or foliar applied. Sapotas 50 offers
significant benefits for farmers and gardeners who practice high input – high yield agriculture.


          Increasing nutrient availability.

          Biological nitrogen fixation.
          Suppressing plant pathogens.
          Stimulating root development.
          Stimulating indigenous biomass.
          Reducing soil compaction.
          Promoting ecological balance in the soil.
          Soil restoration.
          Improving photosynthetic efficiency.

Sapotas 50 can improve soil porosity, drainage and aeration and reduce compaction. In addition,
it can improve the water holding capacity of the soil thereby helping plants resist drought and
produce better crops in reduced moisture conditions.

Compatibility: Sapotas 50 is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and synthetic


Method of Application: Sapotas 50 has proven to be effective on a wide variety of crops and
can be applied pre-emergent as well as post-emergent using standard application techniques. 

These include

(1) aerial and ground spraying,

(2) direct injection into irrigation water, (both ground and sprinkler systems),

(3) fogging,

(4) fertigation,

(5) hydroponics and

(4) foliar feeding.

Dilution: Sapotas 50 is fully water-soluble and must be diluted in water at a dilution rate of
1000ml in 200 ltrs of water. i.e. 5 ml/Ltr of water. Apply as a fine mist until foliage is wet - For
best results, apply when the plant is cool - Do not apply immediately before or after rainfall or
sprinkler irrigation or when the plant is under stress. A biodegradable surfactant Goldseal
Neemspreader may be used to optimize dispersal and leaf adherence.

Application rate: For Foliar application 1000ml / Acre. For Soil application through Drip,
Apply 20 Liters / Acre in an interval of 20-30 days and with each application being 2 ltrs at a
time and interval of 3 to 4 days between each application.

Content: Organic Manure made from plants and kelp containing High value Macro Nutrients
and Micro elements.

Note: All active constituents are exempt from registration under CIB or FCO. Percentages of
active constituents are subject to change or vary depending upon the storage conditions and
exposure to heat or sunlight.
Registration Details: Exempt from Reg under Cr No: 16-23/98-CIR-II Dated: 4-12-1998.
Sapotas 50 does not fall under the purview of Fertilizer control order, Schedule 1 or Central
Insecticides Board.

Super Dinitro 19 1ltrK [fdtr19]

SUPER DINITRO is an organic, fruit and vegetable quality enhancer. It is a unique combination
of high-powered nutrients, bio-enzymes, (Actigens) vitamins and energizers to give fruits the
required superiority in quality to compete in the international markets. SUPER DINITRO
increases female flowering resulting in increased and improved flower and fruit bearing capacity
of plants. It optimises size, shape, colour, flavour, texture and shine of fruits. Most importantly it
increases yield and post-harvest keeping quality of the fruits. SUPER DINITRO’s special
catalyst formulation produces tastier, more colorful fruit by increasing plant antioxidants,
vitamins and minerals. Use with both fruits and vegetables. Increases plant acid content which
permits an earlier harvest and helps assure longer shelf life and more flavor.


          Increased Fruit Size

          Improved fruit set and reduced fruit drop
          Increased fruit weight and yield
          Higher sugar (Brix) content.
          Enhanced colour, texture and shine of fruits
          Uniformity in shape, size, and fruit quality
          Ripens fruits and improves potency
          Enhanced taste in fruits with a stronger fragrance
          Higher protein and mineral content with higher total digestive nutrients (TDN)
          Increased shelf life to assist in export transportation

Application Rate: For Foliar application: Apply 1000 ml in 200 ltrs of water. Spray until fruits
are slightly damp. For Dipping application (in grapes): Use 5 ml / litre of water. Apply to fruits
during early morning or late afternoon. For spray applications use 5 ml depending upon the fruit
stage and variety.

Content: Bio-enzymes, Protein Hydrolysate, Amino Acids, (Cytokine, Gibberellins and

Actigens) Derived from Seaweed Extract. Note: All active constituents are exempt from
registration under CIB or FCO. Percentages of active constituents are subject to change due to
organic nature of the product and / or vary depending upon the storage conditions and exposure
to heat or sunlight.
REGISTRATION DETAILS: Exempt from Reg under Cr No: 16-23/98-CIR-II Dated: 4-12-
1998. The product does not fall under the purview of Fertilizer control order or Central
Insecticides Board.

Storage And Disposal: Store out of sunlight in a cool, dry area inaccessible to children or pets.
Rinse container and discard after use  in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.

Gold Seal Neem Spreader 1LtrK [pgsns01]

Ancient times Karanj has proven to be very effective organic manure for the plants. Karanj has
an adequate quantity of naturally occurring nutrients in organic form for plants. Karanj being a
totally botanical product it contains 100% natural nutrients that are rich in many compounds that
are beneficial for healthier plants. GOLDSEAL NEEMSPREADER is a unique combination of
Neem extract and Karanj extract to offer the best of both products. According to research, Karanj
seems to make soil more fertile. It helps in stopping the leaching out of fertilizers in the soil.
When combined with Neem it makes the soil nutrient available to the plants for both short
duration and long duration crops. GOLDSEAL NEEMSPREADER is not a pesticide, it is an
organic nutrient that helps in providing adequate nutrition to the plants. However it can be used
with regular pesticides and fertilizers to provide nutrition for increasing the disease resistance
capacity in plants. Therefore it is recommended for use with all Agri- inputs to get better and
optimum results. Being organic it is safe to be used on a regular basis in the spraying or drip
application.Being totally natural, it is compatible with soil microbes, improves uptake of
nutrients and hence ensures fertility of the soil.


          Improves The Organic Matter Content Of The Soil,

          Helping Improve Soil Texture,
          Water Holding Capacity, And
          Soil Aeration For Better Root Development.
          Being Organic It Is Safe And It Is Formulated For Use On All Crops To Give
Unequalled Results.

Content:Natural Neem and Karanj extract liquid.

Note: All active constituents are exempt from registration under CIB or FCO. Percentages of
active constituents are subject to change or vary depending upon the storage conditions and
exposure to heat or sunlight. GOLDSEAL NEEMSPREADER does not fall under the purview of
Fertilizer Control Order, Schedule 1 or Central Insecticides Board.

Eco-Safety : The materials used in the production process are derived from naturally occurring
and sustainable sources and are consistent with organic principals. GOLDSEAL
NEEMSPREADER is biodegradable and extremely safe to mammals, man, non- target
organisms, pollinators, fishes, birds & plants.

Storage And Disposal:Store out of sunlight in a cool, dry area inaccessible to children or pets.
Rinse container and discard after use in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.

Method of Application:GOLDSEAL NEEMSPREADER is fully water-soluble and must be

diluted in water at a dilution rate of 100 ml in 200 ltrs of water. i.e. 5 ml / ltr of water in
vegetable crops and 2000 ml / 200 litres of water in fruiting crops. Apply as a fine mist until
foliage is wet - for best results, apply when the plant is cool - do not apply immediately before or
after rainfall or sprinkler irrigation or when the plant is under stress.

Application rate:For foliar application 1000 ml to 200 ml / acre. For soil application through
drip, apply 2000 ml / acre in an interval of 15 to 20 days.

Soolfa Premiumb1ltrK [mgbsp01]

SOOLFA PREMIUM is made from Organic Manure and prepared from materials containing
high amount of Sulphur through decomposition of Onions and other plant sources. This
concentrated liquid Organic manure contains organically derived Sulphur which is useful in
various crops as secondary nutrient and works as an organic manure. The organic Sulphur in
SOOLFA PREMIUM gives very effective coverage of the plant and ensures excellent uptake
into the leaves. The efficiency of the formulation means that lower rates of application give
equivalent control to higher rates of coarse soluble powder products. Sulphur is an important
nutrient for crop production, and is classified as a secondary element, ranking alongside
magnesium and calcium in importance. Sulphur has been recognised as an essential element for
plants for more than two centuries, but only in the last decades has sulphur deficiency emerged
in agricultural crops. Sulphur is regarded as a secondary nutrient even though plant requirements
for sulphur are equal to and sometimes exceed those for phosphorus. However, sulphur is
recognised as one of the major nutrients essential for plant growth, root nodule formation of
legumes and plants protection mechanisms. Sulphur is essential for all living organisms, and no
living organism can survive without a consistent supply of sulphur.

It is a required nutrient in plants for two major reasons:

 It is the enzyme activator necessary for the plant to induct nitrogen. It is essential for
protein synthesis. It is essential that plants be kept supplied with sulphur throughout the
growing season. Besides being a necessary nutrient its natural oxidation process gives
beneficial control needed by the soil.
 In addition, it also helps in the removal of unwanted soil salts. SOOLFA PREMIUM is
100% water-soluble and hence it is immediately available to the plant.

Application: For foliar application: Apply at a rate of 2 to 3 ml/Ltr of water. Apply as required
to correct Sulphur deficiencies. Apply with a fine mist sprayer until foliage is slightly damp.
Apply every 3-8 weeks or as needed.

For soil application- Apply 500m1 to 1 Ltr/ acre through drip or flood irrigation. Or apply as
drenching, near root zone of each plant. Recommended doses shall be changed, depending upon
the nature of use and considering the growth stages of the plant.

Note: All active constituents are exempt from registration under CIB or FCO. Percentages of
active constituents are subject to change or vary depending upon the storage conditions and
exposure to heat or sunlight.

Registration Details: Exempt from Reg under Cr No: 16-23/98-CIR-II Dated: 4-12-1998.
SOOLFA PREMIUM does not fall under the purview of Fertilizer control order, Schedule 1 or
Central Insecticides Board.

Flower P ower 1ltrK [mgbfp01]

RMCL Flower Power is made from special flower promoting bio-stimulants. Seaweed, amino
acids and natural gibberellins which offer plants the complete nutrition package needed for their
growth. RMCL Flower Power contains Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium (NPK - Macro
Nutrients), Proteins, Micronutrients like, ferrous, Boron Magnesium, Calcium and gibberellins.
As the name says RMCL Flower Power offer plants adequate nutrition to boost their growth and
immune system. RMCL Flower Power has a unique blend of Natural growth promoting agents
that are known to increases flowering and fruit bearing capacity in plants.

Description:  RMCL Flower  Power is made from special flower promoting bio-stimulants.
Seaweed, amino acids and natural gibberellins which offer plants the complete nutrition package
needed for their growth. RMCL Flower  Power contains Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium
(NPK - Macro Nutrients), Proteins, Micronutrients like, ferrous, Boron Magnesium, Calcium and
gibberellins.  As the name says RMCL Flower  Power offer plants adequate nutrition to boost
their growth and immune system. RMCL Flower  Power has a unique blend of Natural growth
promoting agents that are known to increases flowering and fruit bearing capacity in plants.


 It enhances the reproductive process of plants enabling them to produce more flowers and
fruits. It also helps in increasing the size and color of the flower and fruits.
 The nutrients in RMCL Flower  are absorbed by the plants, which increases the nutritive
value of food.

After Spraying you can see the difference within 3 days. The plants will become greener,
healthier and there will be new shoot development and growth.

Content: Seaweed extract

How to Use: Use 200 ml in 100 Litres of water or 500 ml / 200 Litres of water. Use this solution
to spray on plants. Spray uniformly until foliage is wet. For best results spray, early mornings or
late evenings.

Personal Protective Work Clothing: Applicators and other handlers of this product must wear:
Long sleeved shirt and pants, shoes and socks, protective eyewear and gloves.

Storage: Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage. Store in a cool dry place.

Warning: Do not use the product for any other purpose(s) other than mentioned on the label.

Gruda Gold Soil 1LtrK [fggs02]

Gruda Gold Soil is the highest concentrated Humic available. It contains 88% Humic acid along
with fulvic and seaweed. Soil Gold provides organic matter, Humic acid and Fulvic acid, and
Enzymes, Amino acids, Auxins, Gibberellins, and Micro Nutrients in a natural, controlled-
release form which are derived from Seaweed.

Description: Gruda Gold Soil is the highest concentrated Humic available. It contains 88%
Humic acid along with fulvic and seaweed. Soil Gold provides organic matter, Humic acid and
Fulvic acid, and Enzymes, Amino acids, Auxins, Gibberellins, and Micro Nutrients in a natural,
controlled-release form which are derived from Seaweed. Gruda Gold Soil is an eco-friendly
organic soil nutrient liquid formulation which provides excellent plant nutrition & growth
promotion for Horticulture, oilseeds, cereals, pulses, cotton, Vegetables, plantation, field crops
etc. Gruda Gold Soil is specially designed for soil application which easily blends with native
soil and other materials to provide improved soil Cationic Exchange Capacity for all round the
year. Gruda Gold Soil may be applied to the soil through drip irrigation, flood irrigation or
MODE OF ACTION : Gruda Gold Soil provides the plants balanced nutrition and growth
enhancing activity. It improves crop yield & quality through balanced nutrition, availability of
Humus, Fulvic & micronutrients, optimum metabolite formation, resulting in better germination
of seeds & setts, strong & extensive Root system, enhanced tolerance to stresses & diseases,
better retention of flowers, increased yields and enhancement of the size, colour, flavour of the

Benefits : 

     Features a CEC of 450, which aids in moisture and nutrient retention.

     Promotes seed germination in a shorter time.
     Has a nature, which assists in soil wetting.
      Promotes soil structure improvement by stimulating fungi to create a crumb structure
for better water and                   oxygen intake and improved root penetration.
     Non-toxic - microbe-friendly.
     Buffering against fertilizers leaching through soil.
     Increased seedling vigor.
     Increased drought tolerance.
     Buffering against high fertilizer salts and pH changes.
     Healthy root development.

Content: Plant available Humus 88%, Fulvic Acid (From Humus Sources) and Seaweed Extract.

Dilution and Method of Application:  Soil Gold must be diluted 1lit. / 200 ltrs of water.

Note: All active constituents are exempt from registration under CIB or FCO. Percentages of
active constituents are subject to change due to organic nature of the product and / or vary
depending upon the storage conditions and exposure to heat or sunlight.

Registration Details: Exempt from Reg under Cr No: 16-23/98-CIR-II  Dated: 4-12-1998. The
product does not fall under the purview of Fertilizer control order or Central Insecticides Board.

Storage And Disposal: Store out of sunlight in a cool, dry area inaccessible to children or pets.
Rinse container and discard after use in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.

Bactihit 100 mlK [pbct01]

BACTIHIT is a unique combination of Seaweed extract, Soy and Herbal extracts. The main
function of BACTIHIT is to provide adequate nutrition to plants for their healthy development.
Seaweed, Soy and herbal extracts have many nutrients that make a complete nutrition package
for the plants. When all nutrients are available in the right proportions the plants can perform
their physiological functions to the optimum level. By maintaining proper level of nutrition
plants become healthier and the yield increases.

Description : BACTIHIT is a unique combination of Seaweed extract, Soy and Herbal extracts.
The main function of BACTIHIT is to provide adequate nutrition to plants for their healthy
development. Seaweed, Soy and herbal extracts have many nutrients that make a complete
nutrition package for the plants. When all nutrients are available in the right proportions the
plants can perform their physiological functions to the optimum level. By maintaining proper
level of nutrition plants become healthier and the yield increases.

BACTIHIT is not a Fungicide, but it can be used along with other products to provide plants
with adequate nutrition to recuperate from the affected diseases. Healthier plants are less
susceptible to fungus and bacterial attacks. When a pathogen infects a plant, it alters the plant's
physiology, particularly with regard to mineral nutrient uptake, assimilation, translocation, and
utilization. Pathogens may immobilize nutrients in the soil or in infected tissues. They may also
interfere with translocation or utilization of nutrients, inducing nutrient deficiencies or toxicities.
Still other pathogens may themselves utilize nutrients, reducing their availability to the plant and
thereby increasing the plant's susceptibility to infection. Soil borne pathogens commonly infect
plant roots, reducing the plant's ability to take up water and nutrients. The resulting deficiencies
may lead to secondary infections by other pathogens. Plant diseases can also infect the plant's
vascular system and impair nutrient or water translocation. Such infections can cause root
starvation, wilting, and plant decline or death, even though the pathogen itself may not be toxic.
Therefore it is important to provide adequate Nutrition to plants to keep them Healthy and
BACTIHIT being a combination of Seaweed, Soy and Herbal extracts provides this nutrition
when they are most needed.

 BACTIHIT can provide the required nutrition to the plants affected by Fungus and
Bacterial diseases and help it to recover faster and make the plant healthier again.

 BACTIHIT can also improve plants immune system along with the resistance to stress
due to changes in temperatures. Being Organic it is safe and it is formulated for use on all
crops to give unequalled results.

Method of Application: BACTIHIT is fully water-soluble and must be diluted in water at a

dilution rate of 100 ml in 100 ltrs of water. i.e. 1 ml/Ltr of water in Vegetable crops and 100 ml /
100 litres of water in Fruiting crops. Apply as a fine mist until foliage is wet - For best results,
apply when the plant is cool - Do not apply immediately before or after rainfall or sprinkler
irrigation or when the plant is under stress.

Application rate: For Foliar application 100 ml for 100 ltrs of water. For Soil application
through Drip, Apply 200 ml /Acre in an interval of 15 to 20 days.

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