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SAQ 5-1

In a study by Dr. L.G. Kuan (1999) on the functional ability of the patients myasthenia gravis, write a
textual presentation for the following data.

Sample: Selected patients

Sample size: 10
Sex: all Female
Education: 3 High School Students
7 College Students
Treatment: 4 Thymectomized
6 not Thymectomized
Medication: Mestinon 1 tab BID
Prednisone 2 tab OD
Nebulizer PRN
Complaints: Ptosis in one of the eyes
Once in a while respiratory complaints
Problems: Financial


The study on the functional ability of the patients’ myasthenia gravis by Dr. L.G. Kuan, has a
sample of 10 selected female patients who is experiencing the said autoimmune disorder.

Among the 10 selected female patients observed and interviewed, 3 or 30% of the total
sample size were high school students and 7 or 70% of them were college students. Wherein 4 or
40% has been thymectomized or those who underwent surgical procedure where the thymus
gland is removed to stop the production of autoantibodies that mistakenly attack the muscle-
nerve connections in myasthenia gravis patients and 6 or 60% of the patients are not
thymectomized or did not underwent any surgical procedure.

The following problems are the key indicators of having myasthenia gravis; these are
financial, anxiety, helplessness and worry. All of them share the same complaints; ptosis in one
of the eyes, weakness and once in a while respiratory complaint. The following are the
medication needed by those who encounter this disorder, mestinon 1-tab BID, Prednisone 2-tsb
OD and Nebulizer PRN.
SAQ 5-2

Present the data in SAQ 5-1 into tabular form. Be sure you label your table.

Table 5.1 The functional ability of the patients myasthenia gravis heading


Stub FEMALE MALE High school College Thymectomized Not HEAD
s Thymectomized
10 (100%) 0 (0%) 3 (30%) 7 (70%) 4 (40%) 6 (60%)

SAQ 5-3

Construct a vertical bar graph for the following table that shows the need for health care in 1999. Include
a write-up.
Needing Health Care Amount of care needed in%
Older persons 98%
Old adult 62%
Young adult 20%
Adolescents 30%
Children 75%
Infants 100%
Neonates 10

The need for health care in 1999


Amount of Care needed in %


98% 100% 100%
40% 75%
Older Old Adult Young Adult Adolescents Children Infants Neonates

Needing Health Care

FIGURE 5.2 The need of health care in 1999

Figure 5.2 shows the need for health care in 1999 of the given demographic. The above graph implies
that both infants and neonates needed the most health care during that time, needing 100% amount of
care in percentage. Next to them are the older persons with 98% amount of care needed, followed by
children, old adult and adolescents with 75%, 62% and 30% amount of care needed respectively. We
could also infer that the young adult is considered the least likely to need for healthcare with only 20%
amount of care needed.

SAQ 5-4

Construct a horizontal bar chart for the following data on faculty savings as of July 1999. Include a write-
Faculty Amount Saved
Dr. Lido 201,000
Dr. Nola 122,600
Dr. Mino 117,200
Dr. Temon 160,000
Dr. Liton 365,000
Dr. Wajo 180,000
Dr. Wajo 180,000

Dr. Liton 365,000

Dr. Temon 160,000

Dr. Mino 117,200

Dr. Nola 122,600

Dr. Lido 201,000

0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000

e 5.4 Faculty savings as of July 1999

Figure 5.4 contains the data on faculty savings as of July 1999. The horizontal chart above implies that,
Dr. Liton has the highest amount of savings which is 365,000 and consequently followed by Dr. Lido with
201,000 saving and then Dr. Wajo who has 180,000 savings which is 20,000 higher than Dr. Temon’s
savings. WE can also infer that Dr. Nola and Dr. Mino’s savings are somehow close which amounts to
122, 600 and 117,000 respectively.

SAQ 5-5

The following table classifies enrollment at the Yin-Yang University for SY 1998-1999. Draw a pie chart.
(to find the percent equivalent, divide each entry by the total enrollment and round off your answers).

Major Enrollment
Nursing 606
Medicine 859
Dentistry 702
Pharmacy 495
Allied Health 527_
Total 3,189
Enrollment at Yin-Yang University
Allied Health; 527; 17%
Nursing; 605; 19%

Pharmacy; 495; 16%

Medicine; 859; 27%

Dentistry; 702; 22%

Nursing Medicine Dentistry Pharmacy Allied Health

Figure 5.5 Enrollments at the Yin-Yang University for SY 1998-1999

The whole pie or complete circle has 360 degrees and 100%. The component of this pie chart is divided
into the total number of enrollees in Yin-Yang University multiplied by 100% to determine the number of
percentage when cutting the slices. Figure 5.5 shows the enrollment of School Year 1998 – 1999 at Yin-
Yang University and these are as follows: the major in nursing comprises of 606 students or 19% of the
total enrollees at Yin Yang University; 859 enrollees or 26.94% (27%) are in Medicine department. 702 or
22.01% (22%) are enrolled in Dentistry. 495 enrollees or 15.52% (16%) are in Pharmacy department, and
the rest of 16.53%(17%) are enrolled in Allied health that consist of 527 enrollees. Therefore, the highest
enrollee in Yin Yang University is from the Major of Medicine (26.94%) or (27%), and the lowest is from
the Major of Pharmacy (15.52%) or (16%).

SAQ 6-1

Scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) are normally distributed with a mean of 500
and the standard deviation of 100. Suppose you received a score of 650, what is your Z-score and
percentile rank?


Z = X – X́ = 650 – 500 = 150 = 1.5 or .4332

S 100 100
Percentile rank = (.5000 + .4332) * 100% = 93.32%
 Therefore, my percentile rank is 93.32%, meaning about 93% of the students who
took the GRE scored 650 and below.

SAQ 6-2

Suppose your classmate obtained a score of 48 on a test in which the class mean was 35 and the
standard deviation was 5. What is the z score? What is the percentile rank of the classmate?


Z = X – X́ = 48 – 35 =13 = 2.6 or .4938

S 5 5

Percentile rank = (.5000 + .4953) * 100% = 99.53%

SAQ 6-3

What are the steps involved in finding areas under the normal curve?


The steps involved in finding areas under the normal curve are:

X− x̄
1. Convert raw values to Z-score using Z=
2. Look at the unit normal table to determine the corresponding area of the computed z-score
3. Draw the curve and shade the area to get clearer picture of the problem, if possible

SAQ 6-4

Given a normal distribution with X=50 S=5, what is the corresponding Z-score for X=60?


Z = X – X́ = 60 – 50 = 10 = 2 or .4772
S 5 5
Percentile rank = (.5000 + .4772)*100% = 97.72%
 It means that there are two standard deviations s=5 between 60 and 50

SAQ 6-5

The heights of 500 students are normally distributed with a mean of 160.5 cm. and a standard deviation of
8.8 cm. assuming that the heights are recorded to the nearest half cm., how many of these students would
you expect to have heights:

(a) greater than 165 cm?

(b) less than 155 cm?
(c) between 158.5 and 170.5 cm., inclusive?

Note: remember to look at the Unit Normal Table to guide your values of the normal distribution.

GIVEN: X=500 MEAN= 160.5 cm S= 8.8 cm

Given: X = 500 x = 160.5 cm. S = 8.8 cm.


A. X > 165 cm.

Z = x-x

= 165 - 160.5


= 4.5


Z = 0.51

P(X > 165) = .3050

Therefore, 500 (.3050) = 152.5 or 152 students

B. X < 155 cm.
Z = x-x

= 155 - 160.5
= -5.5
Z = 0.625

P (X < 155) = .2643

Therefore, 500 (.2643) = 132.15 or 132 students

C. 158.5 ≤ X ≤ 170.5 cm.

X = 158.5 Z = x-x

= 158.5 - 160.5


= -2


Z = –0.23

X = 170.5 Z = x-x

= 170.5 - 160.5


= 10


Z = 1.14

P (–0.23 < z < 0) = .0910

P (0 < z < 1.14) = .3729

P (158.5 < X < 170.5) = P (–0.23 < z < 1.14)

P (158.5 < X < 170.5) = P (–0.23 < z < 0) and P (0 < z < 1.14)

P (158.5 < X < 170.5) = .0910 + .3729

P (158.5 < X < 170.5) = .4639

Therefore, 500 (.4639) = 231.95 or 232 students

SAQ 6-6

Can you do this exercise to test your understanding about z-score transformation?

(a) Suppose the center of a basketball team is 86.0 inches tall average height of

the team members is 74.0 inches. How much inches is the center player

above the mean?




s=x- x̄=86.0-74.0


X− x̄
= 12
 Therefore, the center player is 12 inches above the mean. Also, the center
stands 1 foot taller than the mean.
(b) In the distribution normal curve below, can you show where the

distribution lies?

50 65 74 86 98

Were you able to locate the distance?

50 65 74 86 98

Mean = 74 Standard deviation = 12

In this distribution of normal curve, a score of 86.0 inches is 12 points above the
mean which is 74.0 inches. It is equal to the distance of 1.0 standard deviation. A
score of 98 is 24.0 points above the mean. When 24.0 is divided by 12.0, it is 2.0
standard deviation above the mean. The score of 6.0 points below the mean (X -
X́ =−6.0 ) but the standard deviation against to which it is compared is 12.0. The
distance of it is therefore -0.5 standard deviation below the mean. From this
illustration, we can now see the z-score just by looking at the distance of a score
from the mean relative to a standard deviation. Or simply,

distance of a score above∨below the mean

standard deviation

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