Assignment 3 Academic Writing

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Assignment 3 - Academic Writing

Develop the following topics into a good paragraph. Don't forget to write supporting &
concluding sentences.
1. Traffic jam in Jakarta
2. Covid-19 case
1. Write each topic at least 3 paragraphs, and each paragraph consists of 5-10 sentences.
2. You can find the detail information from internet.
3. Avoid using google translate, use your own word.
4. Send your assignment to e-learning.

Traffic jam in Jakarta

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia and the largest metropolitan area in Southeast Asia with
a population of about 28 million humans. That means Jakarta’s traffic has always been a big
problem for the government. Traffic jams are everywhere in Jakarta. One of the causes is the
number of vehicles in Jakarta. There are too many buses, cars, motorcycles, and any other kinds
of public transportation in the streets.

In Jakarta, the growth of vehicles that are not balanced with the road. In fact the number
of vehicles increased by 8% per year, while the addition of roads is only 0.01% per year. That
means the average citizen of Jakarta spent many hours stuck in traffic every day. It is time
wasting isn’t it? You must think many times if you want to live in Jakarta. But you can also still
get some benefits of living in Jakarta.

Therefore, I suggest to the government must do the research to find the solution for
these problems and build more facilities like highways and streets. The government should create
a strict law and regulation about the usage of old and not roadworthy transportation vehicles.
Moreover, increasing the private vehicles (cars and motorbikes) tax can be useful too. Hoping
that people will not buy many cars in the future. That way, traffic jam in Jakarta can be
Covid-19 Case

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a humanitarian emergency, which started in Wuhan in

China in early December 2019. The virus has killed more than 1.6 million and sickened more
than 76 million over the last year. The World Health Organization has declared the situation a
global pandemic. On January 7, 2020, the Chinese authorities confirmed that they had identified
a new virus, namely the coronavirus. Coronavirus is a family of flu viruses, such as the SARS
and MERS viruses, of which more than 2.000 cases of infection with the virus have been
reported in China.

A general characteristic of someone affected by covid-19 is to have a fever and dry to

weak cough and muscle pain in the body. Then symptoms increase until you have difficulty
breathing. Covid can be transmitted when an infected person coughs or sneezes that can be
inhaled into our lungs. It can also occur by touching surfaces or objects that have a virus on it
and then people touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. Corona patients must to
do isolation so that corona patients do not increase.

The period of isolation between patients was different about 2-14 days after exposure to
the virus. According to recent reports, it is possible that people infected with covid-19 may be
contagious before showing significant symptoms. Corona patients are usually given antibiotics
that are used only to fight bacteria. Antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or
treatment of viral infections. However, antibiotics will be given because a secondary bacterial
infection may occur while the patient is hospitalized.
Therefore, we should prevent it first in a way
1. Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and running water in accordance with WHO
2. Avoid crowds.
3. Keep a distance from others.
4. Avoid direct contact with sick people.
5. Regular consumption of vitamins that can boost immunity when healthy and speed healing
when sick.
6. Use a mask when out of the house.
7. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of items that are often touched.

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