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Dear Candidate,

We hope this email finds you and your family well.

We are pleased to inform you that the October-November 2020 exams session will be held as per the regular
exams calendar.

We would like to assure you that your health and safety remains our top priority. Therefore, we are sharing
some important instructions for you and an update on the safety measures we will be taking to ensure your
health and protection on the exam day. Understanding and familiarising yourself with these protocols in
advance will ensure you are well prepared on the day of examination.

On the exam day, please ensure that you:

Bring your face mask. Please note that wearing a mask is a mandatory requirement
to enter the exam hall. You may be requested to remove this for identification or other
purposes. Hand sanitisers will be available at the exam venue, but candidates can bring
their own hand sanitisers as well, if they wish.

Maintain at least two meters’ distance from other candidates while standing in a queue
or entering or leaving the exam hall.

Cooperate with our staff, as there will be temperature checks before entering the exam
hall and it might add to your waiting time in the queue. Candidates with a temperature
of 99.1 degrees Fahrenheit or above will not be permitted entry into the exam venue.

If you are suffering from the flu, or a fever or cough, please inform us in advance at and share your details, exams dates and symptoms.
Please stay home if you feel unwell as we will be asking all those candidates who display
any symptoms on the exam day to return home. You can also apply for a fee refund on
medical grounds.

To ensure your health and safety, the British Council will be following these standard operating procedures:

Chairs and tables at the exam centre will be cleaned and sanitised after every exam
session as per WHO advice and standards.

Hand sanitisers facilities will be available at all exam centres.

To avoid large gatherings outside the venue, safety protocols will be followed by
limiting the number of candidates at all entry and exit points. Exam hall gate will be
open one hour before and close 30 minutes before the start of the exam. The gate
closing time will be followed strictly. No candidate will be allowed after the gate closing
time and there will be no exception to this.

Cambridge International exam start time:

Gate opening Gate closing
Qualification Session Start time
time time

A/AS Level, O Level AM 10:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM

and IGCSE PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM

Important Instructions:
• We request you not to gather in groups outside the exam venue either before or after the exams.
• When arriving at the venue or exiting please strictly always follow social distancing rules of at least
two meters.
• We would sincerely urge you to act responsibly at this very challenging time, as authorities might
visit the exam venues on an impromptu basis, to spot-check all safety protocols. Therefore, we will
need your full support to follow all our recommended safety measures. Your cooperation will ensure
that the exams go ahead smoothly, and everyone get the results they deserve.

Mandatory documents to enter the examination hall

• Original valid passport **
• Statement of Entry
** A candidate will not be allowed to enter the examination hall without an original valid passport.

Things not allowed in the examination hall

• Potential technological/web enabled sources of information (Mobile phones, iPOD, mp3/4 player or
similar device, smart watch or wristwatch which has a data storage device and any equipment which
might give you an unfair advantage)
• Books, Notes or revision materials
• Metallic rulers (You may use plastic rulers)
• Non transparent bags

You may use a calculator unless specified otherwise. If you use a calculator then please
• Clear anything stored in it
• Remove any parts such as cases, lids or covers
• Do not bring any operating instructions or manual

Exam regulations
• Each desk in the examination hall is numbered, please ensure that you are sitting at the correct desk by
referring to the candidate number
• Once you enter the examination hall, be seated on your designated seat. Unnecessary movement or
talking to peers is completely prohibited in the exam room
• You are not permitted to remove either your candidate answer booklet or your question paper from the
exam hall
• All the watches that you bring with you must be kept on the desk (please synchronise your watch with
the clock being used in the examination hall)
• Please pay close attention to the Invigilator’s announcement at the beginning of each examination
• Ensure that you know where the fire exits are
• Check the subject code on the answer script before the start of the exam, to ensure you received the
correct one as mentioned on your Statement of Entry
• During examinations, if you need any additional paper or assistance please raise your hand without
making any noise to draw attention of the invigilator
• You must write clearly in black ink (coloured pencils or inks may only be used for diagrams, maps,
charts etc. unless the instruction printed on the front of the question paper state otherwise)
• Do not borrow anything from any other candidate during the exam

We hope you appreciate the significance of conducting exams with these additional safety protocols and
understand that your exam day journey will take a little longer to complete and involve some additional
waiting time for parents and guardians.

We sincerely request you to comply with all our health and safety instructions and exam guideline
as mentioned above. Please share this email with your parents /guardian so that they too
understand these requirements fully. We will need their full support and cooperation to conduct our
examination sessions smoothly and safely.

If you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to contact us at

Best wishes,
Team British Council

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