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Long answer questions:


1. List out the different types of banks

2. Explain the different functions of commercial banks?
3. What are the various emerging trends in commercial banking?
4. What are the functions and objectives of RBI?
5. What are the functions and objectives of NABARD?
6. What are the functions and objectives of SIDBI?


1. Define banker and customer? Discuss the relationship between Banker and customer?
2. Explain the procedure of opening of bank account?
3. Discuss the different special types of customers to the bank?
4. What is KYC? Explain its elements?


1. Explain the types of negotiable instruments?

2. Define paying banker? What are the duties and responsibilities of paying banker?
3. Define collecting banker? What are the duties and responsibilities of collecting
4. What are the circumstances under which a banker can refuse the payment of cheques?
5. What are the consequences of wrongful dishonor of cheques?


1. Define Financial services? Explain its functions and classify its types?
2. Discuss the scope of financial services.
3. List out the new financial products and service sectors in India?
4. Explain the challenges facing the financial services sector in India?


1. Define Merchant Banking? Explain its problems and scope in India?

2. Define factoring? Explain its merits and demerits?
3. Define lease? Discuss the types and steps involved in leasing process?
4. Define venture capital? Explain its features and scope in Indian market?
5. Define Bill discounting? Explain its advantages and limitations?

Short answer questions

1. Objectives of bank
2. Bank assurance
3. Banking OMBUDSMAN
4. Cash reserve ratio (CRR)
5. Statutory liquidity ratio (SLR)
6. District co-operative central banks
7. Repo/reverse repo rate
8. Features of RRB
9. KYC norms
10. Special type of customers(all)
11. Classification of Loans and Advances
12. Document of Title of Goods
13. Paying banker
14. Collecting banker
15. Financial services
16. Fund based activities
17. Non-Fund based activities
18. New financial products and services
19. Parties in factoring
20. Parties in Forfeiting
21. Costs of forfeiting

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