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CHAPTER II: The Premonition of Destiny

Freya's Point of View

I woke up to find myself locked up in an isolated room. This is the village dungeon. A detention
place for criminals and sin committers in Igeia. I don't understand why I have to be brought here.
A noise suddenly came from outside. I came near the door to eavesdrop.
"He was so good-looking, I don't care even if he isn't a wiccan." Some voice said from outside.
Another person added. "A human broke in the village, now the wizard knights have to hunt him down.
Poor man."
Someone knocked on the door of the dungeon room, where I'm currently staying. That is a first in
my six-hour stay here in this dark cold place.
Before I could even step back, the door opened, making me fall on my back. Ouch. My face
formed a frown as I glare to the person who came in the room. But surprise showered me after I realize
who he is. The man in the forest yesterday. I didn't even got a chance to know his name.
"Why are you here?" I hissed under my breath, careful that no one will hear us.
A million-dollar smile appeared on his lips, "Shouldn't it be me asking you that?" And that question from
him made me furious. I don't know why my temper is suddenly like this. Maybe it's my time of month?
"Mr. I-don't-know-at-all, that none of your business. I'm asking what the hell are you doing in our
village? You're not supposed to be here in the first place." My hands made its way on my hips. A natural
habit of mine.
His eyes turned fiery in a sudden. "I came to help. Tomorrow will be the inauguration ceremony, and I
heard that you are the chosen."
It took me seconds before I could process his words. He came to help me? We haven't knew each other
that much yet, he's being that nice? I couldn't believe what my ears heard from him.
"Help? In what way?" I asked.
He ignored my question instead, he grabbed my hand as I follow him walk near an empty shelf. With a
quick push, the wall behind the shelf formed a square. It revealed a hidden pathway, and I have no idea of
where it's connected.
"No!" I took back my hand from his grip. Should I trust him that easily? What if we get caught?
He sighs heavily but nevertheless, stills smiles. "It is your choice. I'm just here to pay you for what you
did." What? I gave him a confused look to tell him that I don't have an idea what I did for him to pay me
"Thank you for talking it over with your dad yesterday. I thought I was getting executed yesterday. " A
chuckle came out from his lips. I've never thought a man could get this handsome while laughing.
I shook my head mentally for fantasizing over this man. He's not my type! I didn't really saved him
yesterday, though. I was about to tell him that, but a thought came to me. He'll doubtlessly help me
escape now if I'll say yes, so why would I tell him that he doesn't really have to thank me? Maybe, I'll just
let him believe what he thought, for now.
"That's nothing, but I haven't even knew your name, yet." I replied.
He made a mischievous grin. "You want to know my name, hmm, that sounds surprising." His arms are
now crossed, as if accusing me.
"You are one conceited man, mister! I just wanted to know your name, in case you do
something...unacceptable. " I tried to sound as serious as possible, because I know that he'll just jerk
around if I admit that I have no reason for asking his name except that I just really wanted to. Because I'm
He started walking through the passage and I noticed that the shelf starts to return to its original
placement, so I hurried to come after him. I immediately panicked though. The passage is so dark without
any light. My knees wobbled in fear. "Please, don't me leave me here." I closed my eyes and it didn't
make any sense, it's still pitch black everywhere. My mind is having a nervous breakdown right now. I
can't stand this anymore.
"Hey." A pair of hands held mine out of nowhere. I took my hand back trying to avoid that someone
holding my hands.
"No! Let me go! Please, stop this joke. S-stop it, please. I can't. I-I can't..." My breathing became so heavy
in an instant. I'm catching my breath with tears. This is me whenever I feel alone and dark. I can't think
straight, breathe properly, or talk calmly.
Then the unexpected happened. He pulled me in his arms. It was effective as my panic attack started to
subside because of his embrace. After years, I felt myself at comfort, again. For a short period of time that
I met this man, he did a wonder to me already.
"Kael. Now you don't have to be startled again, because you should who you'll call whenever you need
help." I heard him whispered to my ear before a light covers the passage. He's holding a lamp.
Then I realized how awkward our position is. I'm still clutching tight onto his torso when he has already
raised his arm after lighting up the lantern. I stood up straight and looked away. He didn't say anything
and just continued walking.
Our mile-long walk in the dim-lighted tunnel ended up silent. I was finished pulling myself up together
ago, but he still stayed quiet after that. Maybe he was thinking of how will we get out the village alive.
After the passageway, I was surprised when we came out in the famous tavern in the edge of Igeia. It's
like a bar with an inn. It's a clever idea to end the tunnel here because no one will even notice us when we
come out the place. Drunks are everywhere and the only sane resident is the counter attendant, Leon. He's
a mid-aged man with a large belly(maybe because of the alcohol he spent in his teenage years). But, we
can't underestimate his instincts. Leon is very smart and observing.
"Alright, here we are." Kael held my shoulders and we hid behind a brick column. Before I could protest,
he made me wear a pair of sunglasses, cardigan, and a thick scarf that almost covered my face. He also
matched my undercover outfit through wearing a thick jacket and sun glasses like I do.
"H-hey, what are you doing?!" I whispered furiously when he put his arm over my shoulder. I tried to
remove it out of awkwardness, but I failed to do so. All I can do is cover my face. This is embarrassing!
"Kael, what is this stunt?" I gave him the best glare I could give, hoping he'll step back.
He fixed my scarf to hide my face as much as possible, then said, " Pretend to be wife, for now. In that
way, they won't suspect that you're the missing priestess--"
I cut him off. "Not yet! And I don't want to!"
He tightened the scarf that is covered all of my mouth shut. "Shush, here we go."
And yes, we passed through Leon. He's so good at acting, that he even pinch my cheeks so that the
attendant won't see us. After getting out the Eekubian gate, the perimeter boundary of Igeia, we rode to a
wooden boat that took us to the eastern side. The least populated province here. It was dawn already when
we arrived in an old wooden cabin beside the Dalhi Lake. This is the most infamous part of the east, for
they believed that fairies have hidden traps here. It's a good thing that we came from water, we are safe
from possible traps.
"Since you don't have any clothes to change with, I'm letting you borrow a spare of mine." Kael handed
me a white blouse that he got from his bag--I didn't even realize that he was holding that a while ago.
"Thank you, but what will you use?" I replied with a question. He looked at me mischievously."None."
The next morning came and I woke up to find myself laying in a gray furry couch. Everything is
unfamiliar, since we only arrived here last night, and we immediately put ourselves into sleep the time we
stepped in here. When I looked to the center table beside me, I saw a set of plates with complete
breakfast. I just realized that I haven't eaten for exactly a day. So, I stuffed my mouth with the prepared
egg toasts until I was satisfied.
After the meal, I've figured that Kael has gone to somewhere. Where did he go? How could he leave me
here? When is he coming back? I went out the cabin to search around the place, but there was no traces of
Will he come back?
Well, if I put myself to his shoes, I'd think smart. 'I've done enough after saving this girl from his father, I
don't have reasons to stay anymore and blablabla'.
Is that what came into his mind? "Kael! Where are you?!" Until I couldn't do it anymore, I screamed out
my lungs to shout his name. I can't survive in this place alone! No! What am I going to do?
Since the cabin has no one to house it, I closed it securely before heading to the woods to look for Kael.
The same clothes that he lent me last night is still the one I have right now.
My eyes roamed the tall pine trees. Everything in nature was placed beautifully. The sunlight shone
everywhere but the large ferns kept me covered in a cold shade. Animal tunes were heard throughout the
forest, yet it's the most peaceful hymn I've ever heard. Overall, it was perfect.
"Are you out here all alone?" Someone behind me spoke. An old woman showed up. She must be a
resident in a nearby village.
If that's the case, I have to avoid her. My father won't stop searching for me, even if he reaches the
farthest town. And east can also be a potential place for his men to roam. Maybe my father's team has
reached the nearest village where this lady lives. She can be a witness!
"No, excuse me, I have to go." I covered my face with the scarf that I also borrowed from Kael.
I was about to proceed my way, but then the old woman gripped my wrist. She was wearing a sharp look
in her eyes, as if she found out a revelation.
"I know who you are, and if you allow me, let me tell you what you are going to be." Her lips was
carefully silent as she uttered.
I don't understand, what I am going to be? Why would she say such thing? Is she a--
"Fortune-teller? Yes, dear. Clever girl." She got it right. This lady can read my mind.
We spent seconds silent while she is looking in my eyes directly. It's a bit awkward but I'd bear it. Maybe
she's way to having the 'premonition'. Pfft.
"You may not have figured it out yet, but you already met your fate. You might be searching, but in truth,
you found it already." The old lady held my hands tighter as she revealed what she foresaw.
I'm not dumb. She's referring about my future that already took place. The woman stepped away, seems
like she's going to go. I held her hand this time and gazed in her eyes, pleading her for something that
even me, doesn't realize.
She slouched her body even more to reach for my ears and she whispered something. "Destinata."
Suddenly, I heard galloping horses from the main road of the forest. Their noise drove birds away, so
they're pretty quite disturbing. I just hope they're not my father's, because if they do, I'm dead.
"Freyanne Loise. I knew you'd be here. My instincts wouldn't fail me."My father really always carried his
arrogance to anywhere he goes. And he's acting it out right now.
"What a shameful, boastful count you are, father. I pity you and your attitude." I shot dagger glares to him
when I replied. He gave a hit in the face. In front of his men.
"You're going to regret what you said, my Freya." His last warning before he took off towards the deeper
part of the woods.
Matthias and his allies took care of me after, while we're going back to the village of Igeia.


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