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Order Form 90 years of Collection of ICC Arbitral

Awards 2001- 2007
Dossier VI
Written Evidence
Recueil des sentences arbitrales
❏ Bank Transfer – (please send us a copy of the payment advice)
HSBC, 37 avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie, 75008 Paris, France
promoting world de la CCI 2001 – 2007
and Discovery in
International Arbitration
New Issues and Tendencies
IBAN: FR76 3005 6007 2807 2836 8014 517
BIC: CCFRFRPP peace through Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards 2001 - 2007
contains extracts of cases handled by the ICC Court
Edited by Teresa Giovannini and Alexis Mourre
RIB: 30056 00728 07283680145 17 (for France) Documentary evidence is at the heart of the
world trade of Arbitration, one of the world’s most respected
arbitral institutions. This most recent collection arbitral process. In international arbitration, the
right to be heard implies not only the production
supplements four previous and successful volumes
❏ Credit Card containing awards from the periods 1974-1985, of documents, but also the possibility of accessing
1986-1990, 1991-1995 and 1996-2000. This evidence held by other parties or third entities.
State court intervention may then complicate the
Card number ______________________________________

Expiry date __________ Card Type ______________________

❏ By cheque – payable to ICC Services

T he International Chamber
of Commerce celebrates its 90th
anniversary this year, commemorating
its long history championing trade as
compilation is a practical reference tool, containing
three types of useful indexes incorporating
information from all five volumes:
• a consolidated analytical table, in both English
and French, contains extensive cross-references
based on the terminology used in awards;
• a chronological index lists the awards;
tribunal’s task. Arbitral tribunals may have to decide
which rules apply to issues such as the evidentiary
value of documents or their admissibility. Arbitrators
are increasingly confronted with new challenges, such
as the growing volume of documentary productions
and requests for E-Discovery, as well as ever more
frequent objections to confidentiality and privilege.
• a key word index, also provided in both languages, Finally, document productions may confront
Company __________________________________________________ a powerful force for peace and prosperity. allows the reader to locate the material of interest arbitrators with difficult issues of fraud and forgery.
ICC was founded in 1919 by far-sighted quickly and easily.
The practice of documentary evidence is changing
Contact Person ______________________________________________ In addition, this book includes case notes and as international arbitrators look for transnational
business leaders who called themselves expert commentaries on the awards. This publication solutions capable of striking a proper balance between
“the merchants of peace.” is an indispensable reference work for anyone efficiency and fairness. Transnational instruments
Job Title ___________________________________________________ interested in international arbitration. such as the IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in
The mission of ICC today is more ICC Publication No. 699 / 2009 Edition, 700 pages International Commercial Arbitration may need to
evolve to accommodate new approaches and solutions.
Address ___________________________________________________ relevant than ever before – to promote trade Handbook of Dossier VI, Written Evidence and Discovery in
and investment across frontiers and help ICC Arbitration International Arbitration , seeks to encourage
________________ Commentary, Precedents, Materials reflection on future practice in relation to documentary
business corporations meet the challenges By Michael W. Bühler and Thomas H. Webster evidence in international arbitration.
and opportunities of globalization. Handbook of ICC Arbitration is designed for those ICC Publication No. 698 / 2009 Edition, 510 pages
City __________________ Zip Code _____________________________ new to arbitration and the experienced practitioner
In today’s increasingly interdependent alike. The chapters follow the ICC Rules of Dossier V
Country ___________________________________________________
Arbitration, each one containing article by article Interest, Auxiliary and
global economy, many of the major challenges, expert annotations explaining core principles, and Alternative Remedies in
thus guide through every aspect of the arbitration
from solving the current financial crisis to process. The text also offers solutions to complex issues International Arbitration
Phone ____________________________________________________ Edited by Filip de Ly and Laurent Lévy
curbing climate change, will require greater that can occur during the arbitration procedure.
ICC Publication No. 968 / 2008 Edition, 800 pages Dossier V, a compilation of the proceedings of
Fax _____________________________________________________ international cooperation among all the the 2007 Annual Meeting of the ICC Institute of
World Business Law, addresses a wide range of topics
concerned actors – business, government, civil on remedies and interest including contractual
Email ____________________________________________________ society and intergovernmental organizations. remedies, judicial penalties, specific performance,
issue of the applicable law, comparative approaches,
ICC is uniquely placed to play a leading role, and interest in arbitration practice. It is designed to
Date _____________________________________________________ offer solutions on how to control the impact of time
given its long experience brokering consensus,
between the occurrence of the damage and its full
its special consultative status with the UN, compensation.
Signature __________________________________________________ and close working relationship with the World ICC Publication No. 684 / 2008 Edition, 259 pages
Also available as an eBook
Trade Organization and other important
Intra Community VAT Number
global bodies.
As we cross the threshold of this 90th
EU Customers are requested to provide their VAT registration Number
without which 5.5% will be added to the total of this order. year, it is clear we are entering a new era for
the global economy, and that open markets
and rules-based trade will continue to serve
as a time-tested way to spread peace and
prosperity into all corners of the world.

AutoWinter09:Layout 1 17/06/09 15:42 Page2

Drafting and Negotiating ICC Model International ICC Banking Commission Users’ Handbook for Guide to URR 725
International Commercial
Transfer of Technology
Opinions 2005-2008
New Opinions on UCP 600 and 500,
Documentary Credits
under UCP 600
Export-Import Basics
Vital Knowledge for Trading
ICC’s Uniform Rules
for Bank-to-Bank
How to Order
ISBP, URC and URDG Internationally ❏ Order online at
A Practical Guide As technology and intellectual property rights Edited by Gary Collyer and Ron Katz
By Walter (Buddy) Baker and John F. Dolan Reimbursements under
By Fabio Bortolotti become increasingly important in today's Guide to Export-Import Basics examines the trade
international business community, more companies The 79 Opinions in this book include the first
Users’ Handbook for Documentary Credits under resources developed by ICC to help you make the Documentary Credits ❏ Complete and return by post or fax:
In his new book, Drafting and Negotiating UCP 600 is designed to serve as an introduction to ICC Services – Publications
across the globe are concluding transactions to Opinions rendered on UCP 600, ICC’s universally most of international markets: • the legal foundation ICC’s Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank
International Commercial Contracts, Professor Fabio users of documentary credits, that is, to sellers and 38 Cours Albert 1er, 75008 Paris, France
transfer technology among business entities. used rules on documentary credits. The revised UCP • resolving international disputes • international Reimbursements under Documentary Credits
Bortolotti, a world-renowned expert on contract law, buyers who seek to increase their access to cross-border Fax: +33 1 49 53 29 02
Recognizing the need to provide the marketplace model contracts • Incoterms • Documentary Credits • (URR) have recently been revised. The revision,
clarifies the issues surrounding international contracts gave rise to a number of queries from letter of credit markets. Users’ Handbook is in five parts: factoring and forfeiting • transport and e-commerce.
with assistance on this subject, the International practitioners worldwide, and this latest Opinions ● Part One is a brief discussion of international was necessary to bring these rules into conformity with
and provides solutions to the thorny problems they raise. Chamber of Commerce has produced the ICC Model ICC Publication No. 685 / 2008 Edition, 325 pages UCP 600. The URR revision contains a number of Pub. Title Euros Quantity Total
book, the first in four years, provides precise answers sales and transport.
As an added feature, this volume provides insights International Transfer of Technology Contract. Also available as an eBook technical changes from the previous version, URR 525,
to the key questions raised: ● Part Two explains the banking industry’s crucial
into the basic requirements of a well-drafted contract While the term “transfer of technology” may and will be used by all letter of credit practitioners who
and analyzes in depth the negotiating process. cover a variety of situations, ranging from patent
• What are the consequences of excluding certain role in documentary credit transactions and illustrates
The Complete UCP elect to incorporate the revised URR into their letters of
articles of the UCP in a credit? many of the transactions in which commercial
It concludes with incisive commentary on the model and/or know-how licenses to more complex dealings parties utilize the documentary credit. Uniform Customs and Practice for credit. 698 Written Evidence contact us
contracts developed by the International Chamber involving the supply of technical assistance or
• is the role of a nominated bank in a deferred
What Documentary Credits
payment credit? ● Part Three explains the way documents control ICC Publication No. 725 All English edition
of Commerce. equipment, this model covers the situation where a the payment function of the documentary credit. Texts, Rules and History 1920 – 2007
Lawyers, laymen and other professionals will manufacturer licenses a package of information and
• What are the requirements for signing a “house” Edited by Dan Taylor, Vice-Chairman of the ICC
ICC Publication No. 725EF English-French
2008 Edition, sold in sets of ten leaflets
697 Opinions 2005-2008 € 95 ___________ ___________
bill of lading? ● Part Four introduces the all-important feature of
find in these pages the tools they need to ensure their industrial property rights to a licensee company so the documentary credit – the way it opens Banking Commission, this valuable collection contains
This important volume also contains Opinions
contracts meet the requirements of a globalized world. that the licensee can also manufacture the products,
rendered on the revised version of the ISBP
financing options to sellers, which can then the full text of the seven versions of the UCP that have 2009 Annual Review of 674 Transfer of Technology € 75 ___________ __________
using the licensor's technology. extend credit to buyers. appeared since 1933, as well as their antecedents,
Table of Contents (International Standard Banking Practice), which date back to 1920. Each text is accompanied by International Banking Law
The latest in the widely used series of ICC ● Part Five introduces the standby credit and
Chapter 1 Introduction which was updated to be consistent with UCP 600. illustrates its role in cross-border transactions. an incisive commentary explaining the major changes and Practice 699 Arbitral Awards 2001–07 € 250 ___________ __________
model contracts, the ICC Model International In addition, there are the final Opinions on UCP 500, from one UCP to another.
Chapter 2 The Applicable Law ICC Publication No. 694 / 2008 Edition, 160 pages Also The 2009 Annual Survey is a fully searchable
Transfer of Technology Contract is designed for use on the Uniform Rules for Collections (URC) and on ICC Publication No. 683 / 2008 Edition, 252 pages
Chapter 3 The Methods for Solving Disputes available as an eBook electronic volume on a CD. This all in one reference 968 Handbook ICC Arbitration € 245 ___________ __________
by non-specialists in the area who are seeking the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG). Also available as an eBook
Chapter 4 International Arbitration tool is indexed for easy reference to terms from
reliable guidance and an adaptable, balanced
Chapter 5 Litigation Before Ordinary Courts ICC Banking Commission Opinions 2005-2008, “Acceptance” to “Wrongful Dishonour” and contains
Chapter 6 Drafting, Negotiating and Concluding contractual framework.
along with the text of the rules themselves and the Fighting Corruption • 68 Case Summaries • 23 Articles • 11 Government
684 Interest, Auxiliary € 75 ___________ __________
International Contracts ICC Publication No. 674 / 2009 Edition, 125 pages ISBP, are the definitive texts interpreting how ICC rules International Corporate
Also available as an eBook Actions • 3 Practice Reports.
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ICC Publication No. 671 / 2008 Edition, 474 pages
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Electronic version on CD
Covering subjects as diverse as money laundering,
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671 Drafting and Negotiating € 165 ___________ __________

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Property Disputes
By David Plant
❖ complete list of titles of reference for anyone concerned with stamping out Drafting Group
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Also available as an eBook
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Credits, Collections and Demand Guarantees
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