Car Brand Automobile Industry in The Porte's Matrix

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car brand automobile industry in the porte's matrix

Different strategies of Toyota are explained as under

Growth Strategy
A business must identify, review, and choose a plan to reach and win a market in order to
pursue an excellent growth strategy. Toyota first entered the American market in 1967
with a variety of automobiles, and then introduced other products such as Lexus and
Scion. Toyota's popularity as a car manufacturer is largely due to an aggressive and
varied marketing strategy that has enabled the company to draw consumers and expand
its product portfolio into new consumer segments.

The 1973 oil crisis was another important factor in Toyota's success in the United States.
When Toyota entered the American industry, it was not seen as a challenge because it
was widely assumed that Toyota cars did not cater to Americans. However, as a result of
the oil crises, people discovered that Toyota vehicles are very fuel efficient and

Marketing Strategy of Toyota

Toyota is a globally recognized company, and it has been impacted by the global
economic downturn that began in 2009. As a result, Toyota is now selling and
manufacturing fuel-efficient vehicles like the current Auris hybrid and others.
Furthermore, Toyota is aggressively selling its 1 liter vehicles, such as the Toyota iq and
Aygo, owing to the economic downturn, which has resulted in consumers having less
disposable income.

Environmental strategy
In the modern world, both developed and developing countries are increasingly
concerned about the atmosphere, and they are working hard to encourage vehicles that
are more environmentally sustainable and emit less CO2. Toyota, as a major automobile
producer, is contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions in the global atmosphere.
This is why Toyota has introduced hybrid cars, the ultimate green vehicle, as well as
battery motors, plug-in hybrids, and fuel cell vehicles that use less fuel and emit less
CO2. To summarize, Toyota produces vehicles that are both consumer and
environmentally friendly.

SWOT analysis of Toyota

Strengths of Toyota
 Toyota is a multinational corporation with a large international presence in 170
countries and a high reputation among its clients.
 The financial side of this business is incredibly high. In 1997, the firm had a
revenue revenue of £131,511 million with a growth rate of 29.3%.
 Toyota has a good name reputation because of its high quality, environmentally
friendly products.
 Toyota has effectively penetrated the world's most important markets, including
the United States, China, and the Middle East.

Weakness of Toyota
 Since Toyota's manufacturing facilities are based in the United States and Japan,
they are unable to benefit from global productivity gains.
 Because of the re-calls in 2005 and 2010, the organisation has received a lot of
Opportunities for Toyota
 The Prius model, which was developed by Toyota, was the first hybrid car (hybrid-
vehicle that operates on both gas and electricity). Since oil prices were at an all-
time high at the time, Toyota decided to send something back to the consumer.
 Toyota is planning aggressive expansion into new divisions in existing markets,
such as the introduction of the Toyota Aygo, which is aimed at the world's youth.
 Another incentive for Toyota is to make small city vehicles that are more fuel
efficient, easier to drive, and emit less CO2 because policymakers in both
developing and developed countries are increasingly concerned about the
 Toyota has a strong market position in Europe, the United Kingdom, and the
United States; however, the business should focus on developing countries such as
Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka, where demand for high-efficiency vehicles is high.

Threats to Toyota
 Toyota is up against a lot of rivalry from Honda and other German automakers.
The pattern of aggressive marketing campaigns is growing, particularly in today's
global market, which would literally put more pressure on Toyota.
 Since the value of the US dollar is so stable, interest rates have a significant impact
on the company's profit and loss.
 The global recession, which began almost two years ago, has posed significant
challenges for Toyota, as car prices have fallen dramatically since the recession
 The market trend is shifting, for example, the big family trend is fading, and with
it, the demand for large vehicles.
 The constant rise in gasoline prices has resulted in a substantial drop in Toyota
Company car sales.

BCG Matrix
In 1970, Peter Henderson invented the Boston consulting company matrix, which is a
talk. This design is intended to assist businesses with their production units and product
lines. The commodity life cycle philosophy serves as the foundation for this method,
which assists businesses in determining which places to prioritize.

BCG Matrix for Toyota Prius

This tool may also be used to assess a product's business introduction. The output of a
commodity is determined by two variables in this matrix. In the diagram, market share
and market growth are each explained separately. An excellent marketing campaign can
be conveniently calculated with the aid of this method.

Market Growth of Prius

The Toyota prius was first introduced in Japan in 1997, and it was introduced to the rest
of the world in 2001. At the end of 2003, a new redesign of the vehicle had been
introduced, and it had been delivered 160,000 times around the world thanks to the
advanced hybrid technology. That was mostly because the prius was the only hybrid
vehicle available at the time, and Toyota profited handsomely from it. Toyota has sold
almost one million hybrid vehicles to date, the majority of which are prius.

The monthly sales figures for the United States from 2000 to 2007 are shown below to
assess the product's market rise.
We can see from the table above that prius revenues have risen sharply in recent years.
The number of cars sold in 2000 was just 5,562, while the number of cars sold in 2007
(excluding December) was 167,010, about 30 times the number of cars sold in 2000.

We can see from the table above that the Toyota prius was by far the most common
vehicle in the United States. Toyota has only increased revenue by 5.3 percent over
September 2007, but has increased sales by 50.7 percent over October of the previous
year. We can also see a remarkable increase in the demand for electric vehicles, which
has grown by nearly 30%, indicating that it is a rapidly expanding market.

Market Share of Toyota Prius

When we look at the market share of electric cars, the Prius comes out on top. Since
Toyota has sold three times as many vehicles as the runner-up, the prius has a whopping
53.7 percent market share. Because of this, prius was the industry leader in 2007. The
prius has sold nearly 190,000 vehicles, resulting in a market share of 57 percent,
demonstrating that the prius is still the market leader on a yearly basis.


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