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en -_-O OTT “ANNEX B an Republic of the Philippines 7 METRO COTABATO WATER DISTRICT | Governor Guterrez Avenue DISBURSEMENT VOUCHER No —3347-EM Mode of Payment [check [Joash TJotners [Date -F274772020 ree RE — Payee | y FFJICONSTRUCTION| —|s94.677 595.000 | 112, 2NO BATCH, BUX 1, NOTRE DAME Responsibity Canter Aggress| *%2ND BATCH, Li 18, NOTRE TIRP os EXPLANATION AMOUNT 4.719,108.58 Payment of Fina ing of the Proposed Design and Buid Scheme fr New MCWD Two-Siorey Bulking ( Design Expandabie o Four Slory)|Sae attached bref an other supporting papers, 4 wirsHOLDING TAKES PAVABLE.VAT Serves 412231111 = BoE22601 xs = 43084 29 veTHNOU SE [Pavabte-ewr-semoenstsestez™© aaez age 94% 2 17280 4, DEG 18 si ix Caio BHonreved Roan Pa [7 Jovrnerng Becamens Comite P oroaaeesa ~ v Signature ‘Signature Va i oe _ Pine Name HELEN L. SAMPIANO rnd Name MARGARITA. ROALES IC Baa FANG SEO Ta nara anager — Head, Accounting Univ/Avinoried Representative es ‘Signature Over Printed Name/Position Da Dae T7 DEC crema Fame Hagia, OE revs + (20-12-2247 chook ome - = Signature Cfo Thibro oa Reanorarstrak 6755 Sey pmeran ¢ ‘ea 1211712020 | Form No ACD-02-0 yo-al NO SOS3e 001 B9SOT'6TL'b NOTLINALSNOD (C45 OfOT-8T-ZT Shozsezrzh :voneupessay 10 Vv sacri wane 8 1 330 x ‘ag ganss| | ——— en Gr askairvoso, NUL Wexnto ae, commu mon ag BWaNNS ING OW oniba dassana jig do WnauAval Wosiey pequosap uncade Bu jou TAIAWSVOIsS TINSNVILeVd/LISOdad se so0000v000chozamnsor "ON uoneNpEZeay *Holuue 8g ( 39° SO blk d) Fino aa OT aQ Gay aud Gasol RST NOMA wned sosad yo wns au; TARALND _YoeAAT | Ie SSeuppe ym NILWIM TABI Galvin OTvAwlo OSLaN Woy GaAlaoay OT 0 By Fag eG aa PPELEN EL IOEED) LWA. 000-825-11S-6S1 ‘NIL Oud - NVIVDONVTWd “1 VNSINSO AND C¥eGEIOD '@ HY ‘@BRIIIA WER BION ‘IX “IG 'YOIEG ANZ ‘Zk ON NOLLONULSNOS fraa Xe] BuIpIOULNIMA 5807 ang reo, qunossiG GMA/OS +5807 OL, IVA S07 (enisnpur Lv A) Seies (iO), Bona BATE ee mir JOURNAL ENTRY VOUCHER No. 20-12-2247 1 hdl METRO COTABATO WATER DISTRICT aa ——__| pomney) | 17-Dec-2020 RESPONSIBILITY! oT ee es ‘CENTER ACCOUNTING ENTRIES 2o-1n- 3309] 12.7. 20 | | | AMOUNT » 012 ACCOUNTS AND EXPLANATION oe ene CUNT I | | DEBIT cREDT | ~ ~ [Agency Asset [2647 DESIGN AND BULD SCHEME FoR A New uw | 1010-1468 9,702,366.14 TWO-STOREY BLDG (OESIGN EXPANDABLE TO FOUR Stoney : Performance, Bidders, Bal Sonds Payable [4271 RETENTION.CONTRACT PAYMENTS 2140, 3.880.670.24 Miscellaneous Income 7a] MISCELLANEOUS INCOME- OTHERS 52604 486.183.19 ~ Due to SIR a2, UATHHOLOING TAKES PAYABLEAT-Senicesy | 431124 493,141.35 wTHMOLOING TAXES PAYABLE-EWT-Seweesy | 23122 173.256 — [Accounts Payable 07] [ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 22201 4.719.108 ee 14) 8702.086 | oA ae | ‘storey See atacved bral and ether suppering papers No P: red by: ~ Approved by: ° xi Satan Form No ° ACD-01 26759 ‘ METRO COTABATO WATER DISTRICT k Governor Gutierrez Avenue { BUDGET UTILIZATION REQUEST PAYEE | - Office Responsibility ____ Republic of the Philippin« #12, 2ND BATCH, BLK 11, NOTRE DAME VILLAGE CO Center PARTICULARS Account Code Arnount [DESIGN AND BUILO SCHEME FOR A NEWNCWO 24 1010 aod I 9 702 306 sf a _Lwo.stoney e106 (9Esten xen NN : _ l GP om FLEI } Je DEC 1 8 000 \ I T = aa ara wa Ta | Reference - DV # 20-12-2247 Dated : 12/17/2020 a __! rie STEAD — |] Supporingcocumens AR Prperandieoat | = aa “58190 i — Form No BCO-06-0 Form No BCD-06-0 — @ EEE a Foor No Certificate of Final Tax 2306 / Withheld at Source Leen construction , aoe : RIND ATCUBLK, HL. NOTRE DAME VILLAGE, COTABATO CIT ae J 600, (cov. GuTtERREZ AVENUE ROSARY HEIGHTS 7, COTABATO CITY, 96.00, + TSAIZES IT yt TEC Tia E Ve Seclave uindes she perales of perjury that ths certficale has been made In good fal. venied by un ana te Pe boat ou tnt nt eh ka aI sr maaan costes’ Pe Seu Seay aaa ae ‘No 1079} for legate ae ow unpre, _ ‘Sana er Pia Nao PapSO aE AIRES RTRROTATT OTST = tom. Li Tia) tear Ta aT be ori eles a ig aT Rs ; someone (aspatel faacoorery stig facoror Gate nee penal o pojay Wala GUTSY Ud Subst tf Pe cape Tao RTGS Tas Ree BR Pom OTOSSOWG, SreaT mou come tan accetance wih A 16203. have vale ha Opn Region norte ral Pererng Ts }rreiorg2% Fal VAT wrmolang awa he 9% Percentage Taw VAT nore abe ete Syslen teers aes equations ta hs Osta FFAJ COI Sule ure othe wating gente nto 3 Fu [deat reer ang a — = Siifom Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source Tse a He Tr TR "1 Forte Pees rom [42 bt, [ 2020, ] “moor ~ Tip Br, L2e20, | oon Ean = aves ema 2 Topayereetcton Naber IN (uso Biis77 iss Ilan al ‘Pose ean, Fa Mes Raa fr as Ors ao FEIJ CONSTRUCTION 4 Sears Aostne #12,2ND BATCH, BLK. 11, NOTRE DAME VILLAGE, COTABATO CITY. + pane caa 1 Tapayer teteton Namter (TA) "ais Nee ae He Fans Te eal Oe aps Nats Pr Laerro coraBato WATER DISTRICT { Gov, GUTIERREZ AVENUE ROSARY HEIGHTS 7, COTABATO GEEY 2600 Pee a ——— ce Patio a Pees —_—— ie ee | bcos ieeira tras ea REG in| aera] spss Lee thy ar t ener Paymanes Sunes Walaa cra rae ee ie ees an nea ee eee ate low roceanng oer eonvoros coma ner hone rvacy Aco 242 No 1073) ghmate od etl uae, even! {ANO- OIG DM- FINANCE services} saclcaemialicd SEE antes hae nn aaa BRIEF TO: OGM, FINANCE, AND INSPECTION COMMITTEE TEAM FROM; DBC-Project Engineer SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR INSPECTION FOR FINAL BILLING. Please be advised that the Proposed Design and Build Scheme for New MCW Two- Storey Building (Design Expandable to Four Storey) is 100% completed as of January 13, 2020. it has been corrected all the minor defects seen on the previous inspection after the completion of the oroiect. {In connection of this, the implementing contractor (FF4J Construction) is requesting for inspection for final billing Please see attached letter of Contractor and other pertinent documents needed in the fina billing For approgriate action Thank you * a Prepared by Checked & Verified by: JUNIE BELLE A. ABDULRAKMAN at JR. DBC*Project Engineer dC: Head Superviging’Engr. Noted by: peoved by. Merron [123 : MARGARITA F. ROALES BIMBO A. SINSUAT, JR. JActing General Manager. Chai 5 tee a es 2) fo EAE ja oT ee SPS OT 1A IHU nage PALL DBI BRIEF DATE: November 21, 2020 TO Property Section FROM : DBC-Project Engineer SUBJECT: Forwarding orignal copy of Certificates and As-Built plan. In view of the 100% completed project of Design and Build for New MCWD Two-Storey Building (Expandable to Four Storey) , we are also forwarding the original copy of all certificates and 4s-Bult plan ofthe sid project. The said certificates were attached tothe final iling, Please secure a xerox conv for the navment of the final billing. & — Foryour information. + Thank you. ‘Submitted by: nLLalsPrme \ JUWIE BELLE A. ABDULRAKMAN DBC-Project Engineer Noted by: REMARKS: pa dale (Sa @ ae 2 METRO COTABATO WATER DISTRICT. GOV. GUTIERREZ AVENUE, COTARATO CITY FINAL PAYMENT LIST OF REQUIREMENTS Under Section 2-7. 9:10 of EO No. 182 series of 1997, payment for Infrastructure Project A. Letter Request from the Contractor B. Statement of Work Accomplishment from the Contractor ©. Progress Report Nos. 15, 16 and 17 from the MCWD -DBC D. Technical Evaluation Reports (TER) for 100% E. Technical Evaluation Report of Previous Payments w/ Vouchers 1 First (1°) Billing 6.2 Second (2°) Billing Third (3°) Billing F. As-built Plans (such as Architectural w/ Floor Layout Plan, Civil Structural, Electrical Plan, Sanitary/Plumbing Plan, Mechanical w/ Fire Protection Plan and Ausiliary Plan, G. Certificates of Post Construction Works (includes Testing and Commissioning) g-1 Certificate of Completion 2 Occupancy Permit g.3 Fire Safety Inspection Certificate with supporting documents + Certificate of Completion for M 5 Certificate of Completion for 6 echanical cervical Certificate of Completion for Sanitary Certificate of Completion for Auxiliary (Network, CCTV and Telephone} Rermncrer qr FRET 455 Calendar Days (Original Time Frame of Contract) cram 1. Work (Calendar Day] Schedule with Catch Up Plan (1.2, Sani PEC 1 # 200 1 -275 Calendar Days (Approved Time Extension) J. Punch List 1, 2 and Remaining 5 items from 33 list of defects w7 pictlyes K. Approved Budget of the Contract (ABC) ~ APP for 2016 with Board Resolution No, 046-16, dated May 17, 2016 L. Approved Program of Works (POW) with Bill of Estimates (submitted by Contractor) 1M. Approved Additional Budget for Php. 1,781,523.3 1M ~ APP for 2019 swith Board Resolution No. 042-A-19, dated May 09, 2019 N. Approved Time Extension from July 15 to August 27, 2019, after 3 Billing. ©. Form of Contract Agreements and Xerox Copy of Land Title P. Contractor's Affidavit on Payment of Taxes, Labor Wages and materials (from 2018, 2019, and 2020) Q. Permits R. Materials Test Result S. Variation Orders (1, 2. 3.and 4) T. Recent Photos (2019) November 17, 2020 THRU: MARGARITA F. ROALES ACTING GENERAL MANAGER, MCWD SUBJECT: FINAL BILLING Dear Sir/Ma‘am, Greetings of Peace! First ofall ithas been 2 great pleasure to be working with your office. As we completed the remaining punch hst thet has been given to us, we would like to request for our last progress bling fr the project Proposed 2-Storey New MCWD Building, Attached herewith are the following 4a), Remaining Punch hist (Completed) by Photographic reports far your positive response. Thank You and God Bless! C om FAL IR ‘OSMERIA L. PALANGGALAN 2¢ DEC 4 8 2020 General Manager. FF) Constucton eee ey FFIJ CONSTRUCTION. Sate Biosk NI Teeas en age mst yahoo com February 27, 2020 TO: ATU BIMBO A. SINSUATIR. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, MCWD Head of Procuring Entity Dear Sit, Greetings of Peace! Last January 13, 2020, we have forwarded a letter to your office with reference to our 100% accomplishment to your new building. For weeks, we complied with the requirements of the City Engineering Office for the Occupancy Permit and we are happy to inform your good office that we have siready received the permit from the CEO. In line with this, we are humbly asking from your good office {or our final billing. Attached herewith is the occupancy permit Hoping for your understanding and kind consideration. Thank You and More Power! sincerely, > Pre OSMENA L. PALANGGALAN General Manager, FFU Construction 2) Met COTABATO WATER DI@RICT D> @ 5 Gov. Gutiertez Avenue, Cotabato Cy, P.O. Hay 657 Jib re email Add “ —_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION CONTRACT ID No, PRA 16-09-1171 PROJECT NAME DESIGN AND BUILD OF TWO (2) STOREY NEW MCWD BUILDING (EXPANDABLE TO FOUR STOREY) LOCATION GOVERNOR GUTIERREZ AVENUE, COTABATO CITY CONTRACT PRICE Php.39, 400,400.89 (original), 41,181,924.19 (variation), 38,906793.78 Revised due to COA AOM No. 20-003 (2019), dated June 9, 2020 CONTRACTOR FJ CONSTRUCTION FIRM IMPLEMENTING OFFICE : METRO COTABATO WATER DISTRICT This is to certify that the above stated project has been satisfactorily completed on January 13, 2020 in accordance with the approved Program of Works (P.0.W), Bill of Quant ties and Specifications of the Contract based on the Final Completion Inspection Repor: of the Inspectorate Team dated December 2 and 3, 2020. This Certification, however, does not relieve the Contractor of his obligations and responsibiities to undertake repair and corrective works on any defects/deficiencies that may occur section of the above project during the One (1) year defects liability period starting from the da of signing of this Certificate by the Head of the Agency -Metro Cotabato Water District (MCWO} as herein stated. Neither is he relieved of his obligations and responsibilities pursuant to the provisions of RA 9184, ny JED AS COMPLETED AND ACCEPTED BY: A. SINSYAT, JR. joPE- Chaiman 7 Conformed: ) 7 eo OSMEfIA L. PALANGGALAN General Manager — FF Construction Firm Water Conserved Today is Water Abundant Tomorrow _@ e METRO COTABATO WATER DISTRICT Gov. Gutierrez Avenue, Cotabato City December 9, 2020 FINAL COMPLETION AND INSPECTION REPORT I. Project Information Project No. 264-1468 39,400,400.89 Design and Bul 1e for a New onal Ign and Bulld Scheme for a Ne Adattional: 1, 781, 523.31 Name of Project MCWD Two-Storey Bullding (Expandable Project Cost: to Four Storey) '9 (Expandable Project Cost: Toys 41,181,024.19 Project Location Gav. Gutierrez Avenue, Cotabato City PR No. 16-09-2271 Mode in Implementation 8Y Contract Date Started: ‘Aug. 28, 2017 July 13, 2019 + 45 days Contractor FFI) Construction pete ot Extension August 27, Completion: oe Inspection Date December 2, 2020 15% Mobilization Fund: P5,910,000.00 (Ovs 1786-€ dated Aug. 32, 2017) NTP Recelved: August 17, 2017 4" Biting: Pi, 942,263.54 per Contract Time: 455 days (395 days plus 90, «ays extension plus 80 days extension) Dv# 2171-€ dtd 10.18.18) - 30.31% ‘To Date: 685 days (625 days plus 60 days are 20 piling: P 13,143,973.74 per extension plus 80 days extension) ve 0508-£ ota 03.12.19) ~ 33.36% 30 Buling: P 4,118,192.42 per Ove 1595-€ otd 07.19.2019- 85.04% ‘The construction of the Two-Storey Building (Expandable to Four-Storey) 's 100% completed 25 of January 13, 2020, Fist Biling as per MCWO Project Engr Evaluation and Progress Report 2s of Sept. 26, 2038 ls only 30.31% Incorporated therein is the Approved Extension of 90 days and its Catch-Up plan. Another Approved Extension of eighty (80) days from February 23, 2019 to May 14, 2019, For Secand Biling, as per Project Engineer and DAC Evaluation and Progress Report a of February 8, 2019 is 63.67% ond for third bling os per Progress Repert No, 10 dated une 10, 2088 accomplishment Is 85.04% Project Status Progress Report of Accomplishments as ofthe following: Maren 40, 2019 ~ 67.64% (Tor this period only 3.97% accomplished) ‘Apri 10, 2039 ~ 73.45% (for this period enly 3.81% accomplished) May 10, 2019 ~ 78.34% (for this period only 6.69% accomplished) June 30, 2039 ~ 85.04 % (Tor this period only 1.51% accomplished) Per fine! inspection all defects indicated Inthe punch ist waerepaired and completed. ‘see enclosed Cost Estimates, AS Bullt Plans and 100% Accomplishment Report to close the project account 1a on —— ve ine undersignes memoliBs tne iigectorate Team, concucres 2 $@) inscecion f re above sateo omc ESE SRT Se a castectony comces on Cncemour 3, 2020'nocorerce wth the Pas #76 EreSncations of the Contract. Inspection Team: maafaleters Kquino, a. OIC Diy. Manager ~ PAMD-, DBC Héag Structural Work eo gt BELLE A. ABDULRAKMAN Engineea Civil Work Committee Technical Working Group (TWG) ENGR. FRANKLTIYS. MENOR Div, Manabe A- WaWséo Mechanical Wi Communication and Telephone Lines Technical Working Group MELQUIADESS/VIDAL, 3R. Computer Operaior Secunty monttor( ‘Technical Working Group Encl: a/5 a DEC 18 7020 } \ DOREBIEN L. SOLANO ‘Sr. Accounting Processor 8 Property Representative Internal Control Section Representatve Noted by: JOSELITO D/NUREZ, IR. O1C-DM, Adri. Services \ Marcon .RGARITA F. ROALES ‘eting-General Manager A pir-afnb0 A. SINbUAT, 28 Sond foc ray 098) a2 ¥oh 28603 pn ‘emwnegrrss maui ig amenninasy'vam2a anh _—BLBSOu uaa Bo = ‘Sri pu ea abd wu 2 Peto yom num es gegen sean03H9 ane a once 30 enn 449 ouvavioo soak Z38/4un0 N09" 13 Uswous unos rvonvar niss0 ONIN MSDN OLOMAGN yo Cad a s3evey jesous5, Bun Pee i arm in ty v 20unufdusnnens/qva oea sau voto syd A Ib mmc ) wind 2 04 ae) nvwonannaay-y anagdbor aoe 81930) ‘Aq paya4>, 10 MY 94 Vo POsEG Sem 7 TON Lod saunuinung (S1uOm NoUD310N4 aud oz eeo'ves's ue 2VAH) SHYOM TWOINTHORA sover'sts't Sx¥OM SNLNIVd sesve'sza'e Sx4OMA ONS sorzo'vee'e SHON TWwoKKLOZTa zreor'sor'z SHYOMONIeNIME wun 2auHOUy ecexe'oor's SiWOM aa4VONEYE Rue SOM 72315 ONY TW13M SHHOM AUNOSWHY ‘SHMOM SNILBYONOD ONY uvERE e Nouv AIS pIMOMGQY GNY SLNaWaMINOSY TWH3N3D aLlnOM / NoUsRDS3a “aNaWHSTaWOIDY BBPT-F9z von wuno22¥ ET I0EEE YG — 4509 yalo1y Tore HAY paves 820 Emazor yep TERNS UESSG) SNIGTING SITIO AIVOAS (CV OMT GNOW WO {faig eyeqer09 ‘anuany z21/913n5 JOUIeAOD DPALSIC WILWM OLVEVIOD OLLI

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