Empire QuickBuildDeck

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3 @B aron of the Empire

^3 m After you fullyAfterburners
execute a speed
&2 3-5 maneuver, you may spend 1 g2
g to perform a b action, even
*2 while stressed.

E While you perform

a { attack, if you are
not in the defender's firing arc, the defender
rolls 1 fewer defense die.

r>f b>f E Elusive

While you defend, you may
spend 1 g to reroll 1 defense die. g1
f e l After you fully execute a red
maneuver, recover 1 g.

3 @B aron of the Empire

*2 E After an enemySnap Shot
ship executes
a maneuver, you may perform { 2

this attack against it as a bonus ? 2


Attack: Your dice cannot be modified.

r>f b>f M Attack (l):

Mag-Pulse Warheads
Spend 1 g. If this
attack hits, the defender suffers 1 { 3

c damage and gains 1 deplete ? 1-3

f e l and 1 jam token. Then cancel all g2
d/c results.

3 @ Inquisitor
{2 m Munitions Failsafe
While you perform a P or M attack,
^3 after rolling attack dice, you may cancel all
dice results to recover 1 g you spent as a
&2 cost for the attack.

*2 M Attack (l):Cluster Missiles

Spend 1 g. After
h 1` this attack, you may perform this { 3

attack as a bonus attack against ? 1-2

a different target at range 0-1 of g4
the defender, ignoring the l
r>f b>f
F While you perform
Instinctive Aim
a special attack, you
f e l may spend 1 h to ignore the f or l
3 @ Inquisitor
M Proton Rockets
Attack (f): Spend 1 g.
h 1` } 5

? 1-2

r>f b>f F Heightened Perception

At the start of the Engagement Phase,
you may spend 1 h. If you do, engage at
f e l initiative 7 instead of your standard initiative
value this phase.

3 @ Inquisitor
h 1` m After you fullyAfterburners
execute a speed
3-5 maneuver, you may spend 1 g2
g to perform a b action, even
while stressed.
r>f b>f
F Brilliant Evasion
While you defend, if you are not in the
f e l attacker's }, you may spend 1 h to
change 2 of your f results to e results.

4 @ u Fifth Brother
Ruthless Brute R
While you perform an attack, after the
Neutralize Results step, if the attack hit, you may spend
{2 2 h to add 1 c result.

h 2`

F After an enemyForesight
ship executes
r>f b>f a maneuver, you may spend 1 h } 2

to perform this attack against it ? 1-3

as a bonus attack. Attack: You
f e l may change 1 f result to a d result;
your dice cannot be modified otherwise.
4 @ u Seventh Sister
Sadistic Interrogator R
While you perform a primary attack, before the
Neutralize Results step, you may spend 2 h to cancel 1
{2 e result.

h 2`

M Attack (l):Homing Missiles

Spend 1 g. After
r>f b>f you declare the defender, the { 4

defender may choose to suffer 1 ? 2-3

d damage. If it does, skip the g2
f e l Attack and Defense Dice steps
and the attack is treated as hitting.

4 @ u Seventh Sister
Sadistic Interrogator R
While you perform a primary attack, before the
Neutralize Results step, you may spend 2 h to cancel 1
{2 e result. m After you fullyAfterburners
execute a speed
3-5 maneuver, you may spend 1 g2
^3 g to perform a b action, even
while stressed.
& 2(3)
*2 M Proton Rockets
Attack (f): Spend 1 g.
} 5

h 2` ? 1-2

r>f b>f F Predictive Shot

After you declare an attack, if the
defender is in your }, you may spend 1 h.
f e l m Hull Upgrade If you do, during the Roll Defense Dice step,
the defender cannot roll more defense dice
+1& than the number of your d/c results.

5 @ u Grand Inquisitor
Master of the Inquisitorious R
While you defend at attack range 1, you may
spend 1 h to prevent the range 1 bonus. While you
{2 perform an attack against a defender at attack range 2-
3, you may spend 1 h to apply the range 1 bonus.
*2 M Attack (l):
Concussion Missiles
Spend 1 g. After
h 2` this attack hits, each ship at { 3

range 0-1 of the defender ? 2-3

exposes 1 of its damage cards. g3

r>f b>f F Before you

Supernatural Reflexes
activate, you may spend 1 h
to perform a r or b action. Then, if you
f e l performed an action you do not have on
your action bar, suffer 1 d damage.
5 @ u Grand Inquisitor
Master of the Inquisitorious R
While you defend at attack range 1, you may
spend 1 h to prevent the range 1 bonus. While you
{2 perform an attack against a defender at attack range 2-
3, you may spend 1 h to apply the range 1 bonus.
&2 m Shield Upgrade

* 2(3) +1*

h 2` M Proton Rockets
Attack (f): Spend 1 g.
} 5

? 1-2
r>f b>f
f e l F Hate
After you suffer 1 or more damage,
recover that many h.

2 @T empest Squadron Pilot

Advanced Targeting Computer: While A
you perform a primary attack against
a defender you have locked, roll 1 additional
attack die and change 1 d result to a c result.

M Attack (l):Cluster Missiles

Spend 1 g. After
this attack, you may perform this { 3

attack as a bonus attack against ? 1-2

a different target at range 0-1 of g4
f>r l r the defender, ignoring the l

3 @ Storm Squadron Ace

Advanced Targeting Computer: While A
you perform a primary attack against
a defender you have locked, roll 1 additional
attack die and change 1 d result to a c result.

S While youFire-Control System

perform an attack, if you have
a lock on the defender, you may reroll 1
f>r l r attack die. If you do, you cannot spend your
lock during this attack.
3 @ u Zertik Strom
Pitiless Administrator A
During the End Phase, you may spend a lock

you have on an enemy ship to expose 1 of that ship's
damage cards. S While youFire-Control System
perform an attack, if you have
Advanced Targeting Computer: While you perform a a lock on the defender, you may reroll 1
^3 primary attack against a defender you have locked, roll attack die. If you do, you cannot spend your
1 additional attack die and change 1 d result to a c lock during this attack.
&3 result.

* 2(3) M Attack (l):Cluster Missiles

Spend 1 g. After
this attack, you may perform this { 3

attack as a bonus attack against ? 1-2

a different target at range 0-1 of g4
the defender, ignoring the l

o E While you coordinate,

u Squad Leader
the ship
f>r l r m Shield Upgrade you choose can perform an
action only if that action is also on
+1* your action bar.

4 @ u Ved Foslo
Ambitious Engineer A
While you execute a maneuver, you may
execute a maneuver of the same bearing and difficulty of
{2 a speed 1 higher or lower instead.
S While youFire-Control System
Advanced Targeting Computer: While you perform a perform an attack, if you have
^3 primary attack against a defender you have locked, roll a lock on the defender, you may reroll 1
1 additional attack die and change 1 d result to a c attack die. If you do, you cannot spend your
&3 result. lock during this attack.

* 2(3) M Attack (l):Cluster Missiles

Spend 1 g. After
this attack, you may perform this { 3

attack as a bonus attack against ? 1-2

a different target at range 0-1 of g4
the defender, ignoring the l

m Shield Upgrade E While you perform

a { attack, if you are
f>r l r +1* not in the defender's firing arc, the defender
rolls 1 fewer defense die.

5 @ u Maarek Stele
Servant of the Empire A
While you perform an attack, if the defender
would be dealt a faceup damage card, instead draw 3 S While youFire-Control System
perform an attack, if you have
{2 damage cards, choose 1, and discard the rest. a lock on the defender, you may reroll 1
Advanced Targeting Computer: While you perform a attack die. If you do, you cannot spend your
^3 primary attack against a defender you have locked, roll lock during this attack.
1 additional attack die and change 1 d result to a c
&3 result.
M Attack (l):Cluster Missiles
Spend 1 g. After
* 2(3) this attack, you may perform this { 3

attack as a bonus attack against ? 1-2

a different target at range 0-1 of g4
the defender, ignoring the l

E Ruthless
While you perform an attack, you may
choose another friendly ship at range 0-1 of
f>r l r m Shield Upgrade the defender. If you do, that ship suffers 1
d damage and you may change 1 of your
+1* die results to a d result.
6 @ u Darth Vader
Black Leader A
After you perform an action, you may spend 1
h to perform an action.
{2 Advanced Targeting Computer: While you perform a
S While youFire-Control System
perform an attack, if you have
primary attack against a defender you have locked, roll a lock on the defender, you may reroll 1
^3 1 additional attack die and change 1 d result to a c attack die. If you do, you cannot spend your
result. lock during this attack.
* 2(3) M Attack (l):Cluster Missiles
Spend 1 g. After
this attack, you may perform this { 3

h 3` attack as a bonus attack against ? 1-2

m Shield Upgrade a different target at range 0-1 of
the defender, ignoring the l
+1* requirement.

m After you fullyAfterburners

execute a speed
F Before you
Supernatural Reflexes
activate, you may spend 1 h
3-5 maneuver, you may spend 1 g2 to perform a r or b action. Then, if you
f>r l r g to perform a b action, even performed an action you do not have on
while stressed. your action bar, suffer 1 d damage.

1 @A lpha Squadron Pilot

Autothrusters: After you perform an I
action, you may perform a red r or
red b action.
& 3(4)
* 0(1)

m Shield Upgrade

f e r b m Hull Upgrade

1 @A lpha Squadron Pilot

Autothrusters: After you perform an I
action, you may perform a red r or
red b action.
&3 m Targeting Computer
* 0(1) l

m Shield Upgrade

l n Sensitive Controls
Replace your Autothrusters ship ability
with the following: Sensitive Controls: During
f e r b the System Phase, you may perform a red
r or red b action.
1 @A lpha Squadron Pilot
Autothrusters: After you perform an I
action, you may perform a red r or
red b action.
{3 m Static Discharge Vanes
Before you would gain 1 ion or jam
token, if you are not stressed, you may
^3 choose another ship at range 0-1 and gain
1 stress token. If you do, the chosen ship
&3 gains that ion or jam token instead, then you
suffer 1 d damage.

n Sensitive Controls
Replace your Autothrusters ship ability
with the following: Sensitive Controls: During
the System Phase, you may perform a red
r or red b action.

E After anotherDisciplined
friendly ship at range 0-3
is destroyed, if that ship is limited or has the
f e r b Disciplined upgrade, you may perform a l
or r action.

1 @A lpha Squadron Pilot

Autothrusters: After you perform an I
action, you may perform a red r or
red b action.

m Ablative Plating
Before you would suffer
damage from an obstacle or from g2
a friendly bomb detonating, you
f e r b may spend 1 g. If you do, prevent 1

Paired with Alpha Squadron Pilot

1 @ Alpha Squadron Pilot
Autothrusters: After you perform an I
action, you may perform a red r or
red b action.

m Ablative Plating
Before you would suffer
damage from an obstacle or from g2
a friendly bomb detonating, you
f e r b may spend 1 g. If you do, prevent 1
4 @ Saber Squadron Ace
Autothrusters: After you perform an I
action, you may perform a red r or
red b action.

m While you defend,

Stealth Device
if your g is
active, roll 1 additional defense g1
die. After you suffer damage, lose
1 g.

E Predator
While you perform a primary attack, if
f e r b the defender is in your }, you may reroll 1
attack die.

4 @ Saber Squadron Ace

Autothrusters: After you perform an I
action, you may perform a red r or
red b action.
* 0(1)

m Shield Upgrade

E Predator
While you perform a primary attack, if
f e r b the defender is in your }, you may reroll 1
attack die.

4 @ Saber Squadron Ace

Autothrusters: After you perform an I
action, you may perform a red r or
red b action.
&3 m Targeting Computer

n Sensitive Controls
Replace your Autothrusters ship ability
with the following: Sensitive Controls: During
the System Phase, you may perform a red
r or red b action.
E Daredevil
While you perform a white b action,
f e r b you may treat it as red to use the [1 4] or
[1 6] template instead.
2 @ u Nash Windrider
Alderaanian Zealot I
During the Engagement Phase, after a friendly
small ship at range 0-3 is destroyed, if that ship has not
{3 engaged this phase, you may spend 1 g. If you do, that
ship engages at the current initiative.
^3 Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may
perform a red r or red b action.
&3 m Shield Upgrade
g 1`
* 0(1) n Sensitive Controls
Replace your Autothrusters ship ability
with the following: Sensitive Controls: During
the System Phase, you may perform a red
r or red b action.

E Daredevil
While you perform a white b action,
f e r b you may treat it as red to use the [1 4] or
[1 6] template instead.

3 @ u Lieutenant Lorrir
Requiem for Brentaal I
While you barrel roll, you must use the [7 or 9]
template instead of the [8] template.
{3 Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may
perform a red r or red b action.

n Sensitive Controls
Replace your Autothrusters ship ability
with the following: Sensitive Controls: During
the System Phase, you may perform a red
r or red b action.

E While you perform

a { attack, if you are
f e r b not in the defender's firing arc, the defender
rolls 1 fewer defense die.

4 @ u Commandant Goran
Skystrike Superintendent I
After a friendly ship at range 0-3 with a lower
initiative than yours partially executes a maneuver, it
{3 may perform a red f action.
n Sensitive Controls
Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may Replace your Autothrusters ship ability
^3 perform a red r or red b action. with the following: Sensitive Controls: During
the System Phase, you may perform a red
&3 r or red b action.

E After you Marg Sabl Closure

fully execute a maneuver, if you
moved through an obstacle, structure, or
huge ship, or if you deployed, you may
choose 1 enemy ship in your { at range 1-
2. That ship gains 1 strain token.

E After anotherDisciplined
friendly ship at range 0-3
is destroyed, if that ship is limited or has the
f e r b Disciplined upgrade, you may perform a l
or r action.
4 @ u Gideon Hask
Inferno Two I
While you perform an attack against a
damaged defender, roll 1 additional attack die.
{3 Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may
perform a red r or red b action. n Sensitive Controls
Replace your Autothrusters ship ability
with the following: Sensitive Controls: During
&3 the System Phase, you may perform a red
r or red b action.
* 0(1)
E Elusive
While you defend, you may
spend 1 g to reroll 1 defense die. g1
After you fully execute a red
m Targeting Computer
maneuver, recover 1 g.
l E After anotherDisciplined
friendly ship at range 0-3
f e r b m Shield Upgrade is destroyed, if that ship is limited or has the
Disciplined upgrade, you may perform a l
+1* or r action.

4 @ u Turr Phennir
Ambitious Ace I
After you perform an attack, you may perform a
r or b action, even if you are stressed.
{3 Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may
perform a red r or red b action.

m During theElectronic Baffle

End Phase, you may suffer 1
d damage to remove 1 red token.

E Daredevil
While you perform a white b action,
f e r b you may treat it as red to use the [1 4] or
[1 6] template instead.

4 @ u Turr Phennir
Ambitious Ace I
After you perform an attack, you may perform a
r or b action, even if you are stressed.
{3 Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may
perform a red r or red b action.

E While you perform

a { attack, if you are
f e r b not in the defender's firing arc, the defender
rolls 1 fewer defense die.
5 @ u Vult Skerris
Arrogant Ace I Sensitive Controls
Action: Gain 1 strain token to recover 1 g. n Replace your Autothrusters ship ability
Before you engage, you may spend 1 g to perform an with the following: Sensitive Controls: During
{3 action. the System Phase, you may perform a red
Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may r or red b action.
^3 perform a red r or red b action.

&3 E Predator
While you perform a primary attack, if
the defender is in your }, you may reroll 1
g 1Q attack die.

E Elusive
While you defend, you may
spend 1 g to reroll 1 defense die. g1
After you fully execute a red
maneuver, recover 1 g.

E Daredevil
While you perform a white b action,
f e r b you may treat it as red to use the [1 4] or
[1 6] template instead.

6 @ u Ciena Ree
Look Through My Eyes I
After you perform an attack, if the defender
was destroyed, gain 1 stress token. After a friendly ship
{3 at range 0-3 is destroyed, remove 1 stress token.
Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may
^3 perform a red r or red b action.


n Sensitive Controls
Replace your Autothrusters ship ability
with the following: Sensitive Controls: During
the System Phase, you may perform a red
r or red b action.

E After anotherDisciplined
friendly ship at range 0-3
is destroyed, if that ship is limited or has the
f e r b Disciplined upgrade, you may perform a l
or r action.

6 @ u Soontir Fel
Ace of Legend I
At the start of the Engagement Phase, if there
is an enemy ship in your }, gain 1 focus token.
{3 Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may
perform a red r or red b action.
^3 m While you defend,
Stealth Device
if your g is
&3 active, roll 1 additional defense g1
die. After you suffer damage, lose
1 g.

m After you fullyAfterburners

execute a speed
3-5 maneuver, you may spend 1 g2
g to perform a b action, even
while stressed.

E While you perform

a { attack, if you are
f e r b not in the defender's firing arc, the defender
rolls 1 fewer defense die.
6 @ u Soontir Fel
Ace of Legend I
At the start of the Engagement Phase, if there
is an enemy ship in your }, gain 1 focus token. m Shield Upgrade
{3 Autothrusters: After you perform an action, you may +1*
perform a red r or red b action.
&3 m After you fullyAfterburners
execute a speed
3-5 maneuver, you may spend 1 g2
* 0(1) g to perform a b action, even
while stressed.

E Predator
While you perform a primary attack, if
the defender is in your }, you may reroll 1
attack die.

E Daredevil
While you perform a white b action,
f e r b you may treat it as red to use the [1 4] or
[1 6] template instead.

1 @ Scarif Base Pilot

Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal V
your dial, if you are not stressed, you
must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1 9]
* 2(3)

WW During the
u Death Troopers
Activation Phase, enemy
ships at range 0-1 cannot remove stress

f e o j m Shield Upgrade

2 @ u "Vizier"
Ruthless Tactician V
After you fully execute a speed 1 maneuver
using your Adaptive Ailerons ship ability, you may
{3 perform a o action. If you do, skip your Perform Action
^1 Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal your dial, if you are
not stressed, you must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1
&6 9] maneuver.


W Setup: Before
u Director Krennic
placing forces,
f e o j assign the Optimized Prototype l
condition to another friendly ship.
3 @ u Captain Feroph
Imperial Courier V
While you defend, if the attacker does not have
any green tokens, you may change 1 of your blank or
{3 f results to an e result.
Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal your dial, if you are
^1 not stressed, you must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1
9] maneuver.

W ISB Slicer
During the End Phase, enemy ships at
range 1-2 cannot remove jam tokens.

E Swarm Tactics
At the start of the Engagement Phase,
you may choose 1 friendly ship at range 1. If
f e o j you do, that ship treats its initiative as equal
to yours until the end of the round.

4 @ u Major Vermeil
Veteran of Scarif V
While you perform an attack, if the defender
does not have any green tokens, you may change 1 of
{3 your blank or f results to a d result.
Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal your dial, if you are
^1 not stressed, you must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1
9] maneuver.
W Tactical Officer

o E Swarm Tactics
At the start of the Engagement Phase,
you may choose 1 friendly ship at range 1. If
f e o j you do, that ship treats its initiative as equal
to yours until the end of the round.

1 @D elta Squadron Pilot

Full Throttle: After you fully execute a D
speed 3-5 maneuver, you may
perform an e action.

b C Ion Cannon
Attack: If this attack hits,
spend 1 d or c result to cause { 3

the defender to suffer 1 d 1-3

f e l r damage. All remaining d/c
results inflict ion tokens instead of damage.
1 @D elta Squadron Pilot
Full Throttle: After you fully execute a D
speed 3-5 maneuver, you may
perform an e action.
*4 M Attack (l): Spend
Ion Missiles
1 g. If this
attack hits, spend 1 d or c { 3

result to cause the defender to ? 2-3

suffer 1 d damage. All g3
remaining d/c results inflict
ion tokens instead of damage.
C Tractor Beam
Attack: If this attack hits, all
f e l r d/c results inflict tractor { 3

tokens instead of damage. 1-3


1 @D elta Squadron Pilot

Full Throttle: After you fully execute a D
speed 3-5 maneuver, you may
perform an e action.
^3 n DecreaseTIE Defender Elite
the difficulty of your turn [4 or
&3 6] maneuvers. Increase the difficulty of your
Koiogran Turn [2] maneuvers. Replace your
Full Throttle ship ability with the following:
*4 Advanced Fire Control: After you perform a
C or M attack, if you have a lock on the
defender, you may perform a bonus primary
attack against the defender.

C Autoblasters
Attack: If the defender is in
b your }, roll 1 additional die. { 2

During the Neutralize Results 1-2

step, if you are not in the
f e l r defender's {, e results do not cancel c

4 @ Onyx Squadron Ace

Full Throttle: After you fully execute a D
speed 3-5 maneuver, you may
perform an e action.

f e l r
4 @ u Lieutenant Kestal
Innate Deadeye `
While you perform an attack, after the defender
rolls defense dice, you may spend 1 focus token to
{2 cancel all of the defender's blank/f results.

^2 m Shield Upgrade
&4 +1*
* 1(2)
MM Attack (f):
Barrage Rockets
Spend 1 g.
If the defender is in your }, you { 3

may spend 1 or more g to reroll ? 2-3

that many attack dice. g5

E Elusive
While you defend, you may
spend 1 g to reroll 1 defense die. g1
f l r>e After you fully execute a red
maneuver, recover 1 g.

2 @C utlass Squadron
Pilot N
^1 Y If you would
Skilled Bombardier
drop or launch a device, you
may use a template of the same bearing
&6 with a speed 1 higher or lower.

*3 S Trajectory Simulator
During the System Phase, if you would
drop or launch a bomb, you may launch it
using the [5 8] template instead.

M Attack (l): Spend

Ion Missiles
1 g. If this
b>l = B Proton Bombs attack hits, spend 1 d or c { 3

Bomb During the System result to cause the defender to ? 2-3

Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2 suffer 1 d damage. All g3
f l r drop a Proton Bomb using the [1 remaining d/c results inflict
8] template. ion tokens instead of damage.

2 @C utlass Squadron
Pilot N
{2 B Conner Nets
Mine During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g1
^1 drop a Conner Net using the [1 8]
template. This card's g cannot be
&6 recovered.
S Advanced Sensors
After you reveal your dial, you may
perform 1 action. If you do, you cannot
perform another action during your

b>l = M Proton Rockets

Attack (f): Spend 1 g.
} 5

f l r ? 1-2
4 @ u "Deathrain"
Dexterous Bombardier N
After you drop or launch a device, you may
perform an action. BB Bomb Bomblet Generator
During the System
{2 Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2
drop a Bomblet with the [1 8]
^1 template. At the start of the Activation
Phase, you may spend 1 shield to recover 2
&6 g.

*3 S Trajectory Simulator
During the System Phase, if you would
drop or launch a bomb, you may launch it
using the [5 8] template instead.

M Attack (l):Homing Missiles

b>l = m Ablative Plating
Before you would suffer
Spend 1 g. After
you declare the defender, the { 4

damage from an obstacle or from g2 defender may choose to suffer 1 ? 2-3

a friendly bomb detonating, you d damage. If it does, skip the g2
f l r may spend 1 g. If you do, prevent 1 Attack and Defense Dice steps
damage. and the attack is treated as hitting.

5 @ u "Redline"
Adrenaline Junkie N
You can maintain up to 2 locks. After you
perform an action, you may acquire a lock.
*3 E Debris Gambit
While you perform a red e
action, if there is an obstacle at e
range 0-1, treat the action as
white instead.

M Attack (l):Cluster Missiles

Spend 1 g. After
b>l = e this attack, you may perform this { 3

attack as a bonus attack against ? 1-2

a different target at range 0-1 of g4
f l r the defender, ignoring the l

1 @ Academy Pilot

f e r
1 @ Academy Pilot

f e r

Paired with Academy Pilot

1 @ Academy Pilot

f e r

2 @O bsidian

f e r
2 @O bsidian Squadron
Pilot F
* 0(1)

m Shield Upgrade

E While you perform

a { attack, if you are
f e r not in the defender's firing arc, the defender
rolls 1 fewer defense die.

Paired with Obsidian Squadron Pilot

2 @ Obsidian Squadron
Pilot F
* 0(1)

m Shield Upgrade

E While you perform

a { attack, if you are
f e r not in the defender's firing arc, the defender
rolls 1 fewer defense die.

3 @B lack Squadron Ace

^3 m Shield Upgrade

&3 +1*

* 0(1) m After you fullyAfterburners

execute a speed
3-5 maneuver, you may spend 1 g2
g to perform a b action, even
while stressed.

E While you perform

Crack Shot
a primary
attack, if the defender is in your g1
}, before the Neutralize Results
f e r step, you may spend 1 g to cancel 1 e
3 @B lack Squadron Ace
&3 m Shield Upgrade
* 0(1)
m After you fullyAfterburners
execute a speed
3-5 maneuver, you may spend 1 g2
g to perform a b action, even
while stressed.

E While you perform

a { attack, if you are
f e r not in the defender's firing arc, the defender
rolls 1 fewer defense die.

3 @B lack Squadron Ace


m While you defend,

Stealth Device
if your g is
active, roll 1 additional defense g1
die. After you suffer damage, lose
1 g.

E Juke
While you perform an attack, if you are
f e r evading, you may change 1 of the defender's
e results to a f result.

Paired with Black Squadron Ace

3 @ Black Squadron Ace

m While you defend,

Stealth Device
if your g is
active, roll 1 additional defense g1
die. After you suffer damage, lose
1 g.

E Juke
While you perform an attack, if you are
f e r evading, you may change 1 of the defender's
e results to a f result.
1 @ u "Wampa"
Black Eleven F
While you perform an attack, you may spend 1
g to roll 1 additional attack die. After defending, lose 1
{2 g.

^3 m While you defend,

Stealth Device
if your g is
& 3(4) active, roll 1 additional defense g1
die. After you suffer damage, lose
g 1` 1 g.

m Hull Upgrade

E While you perform

Crack Shot
a primary
attack, if the defender is in your g1
}, before the Neutralize Results
f e r step, you may spend 1 g to cancel 1 e

2 @ u "Night Beast"
Obsidian Two F
After you fully execute a blue maneuver, you
may perform a f action.
& 3(4)
* 0(1) m Shield Upgrade

m Hull Upgrade

E Predator
While you perform a primary attack, if
f e r the defender is in your }, you may reroll 1
attack die.

3 @ u Valen Rudor
Braggadocious Baron F
After a friendly ship at range 0-1 defends (after
damage is resolved, if any), you may perform an action.
* 0(1)

m Shield Upgrade

E Elusive
While you defend, you may
spend 1 g to reroll 1 defense die. g1
f e r After you fully execute a red
maneuver, recover 1 g.
4 @ u Del Meeko
Inferno Three F
While a friendly ship at range 0-2 defends
against a damaged attacker, the defender may reroll 1
{2 defense die.


m While you defend,

Stealth Device
if your g is
active, roll 1 additional defense g1
die. After you suffer damage, lose
1 g.

E Juke
While you perform an attack, if you are
f e r evading, you may change 1 of the defender's
e results to a f result.

4 @ u Gideon Hask
Inferno Two F
While you perform an attack against a
damaged defender, roll 1 additional attack die.
* 0(1)
m Shield Upgrade

E While you perform

Crack Shot
a primary
attack, if the defender is in your g1
}, before the Neutralize Results
f e r step, you may spend 1 g to cancel 1 e

4 @ u Iden Versio
Inferno Leader F
Before a friendly TIE/ln fighter at range 0-1
would suffer 1 or more damage, you may spend 1 g. If
{2 you do, prevent that damage.

* 0(1)
m Shield Upgrade

E While you perform

a { attack, if you are
f e r not in the defender's firing arc, the defender
rolls 1 fewer defense die.
4 @ u Iden Versio
Inferno Leader F
Before a friendly TIE/ln fighter at range 0-1
would suffer 1 or more damage, you may spend 1 g. If
{2 you do, prevent that damage.

^3 m Targeting Computer

&3 l
g1 P Proton Torpedoes
Attack (l): Spend 1 g.
Change 1 d result to a c { 4

result. ? 2-3

E While you defend

u Lone Wolf
or perform
an attack, if there are no other g1`
f e r l friendly ships at range 0-2, you
may spend 1 g to reroll 1 of your dice.

4 @ u Seyn Marana
Inferno Four F
While you perform an attack, you may spend 1
c result. If you do, deal 1 facedown damage card to
{2 the defender, then cancel your remaining results.


m After you fullyAfterburners

execute a speed
3-5 maneuver, you may spend 1 g2
g to perform a b action, even
while stressed.

E Marksmanship
While you perform an attack, if the
f e r defender is in your }, you may change 1 d
result to a c result.

5 @ u "Howlrunner"
Obsidian Leader F
While a friendly ship at range 0-1 performs a
primary attack, that ship may reroll 1 attack die.
* 0(1)

m Shield Upgrade

E Juke
While you perform an attack, if you are
f e r evading, you may change 1 of the defender's
e results to a f result.
5 @ u "Scourge" Skutu
Seasoned Veteran F
While you perform an attack against a defender
in your }, roll 1 additional attack die.
* 0(1)

m Shield Upgrade

E Predator
While you perform a primary attack, if
f e r the defender is in your }, you may reroll 1
attack die.

3 @ Imdaar Test Pilot

Stygium Array: After you decloak, youP
may perform an e action. At the start
of the End Phase, you may spend 1 evade token
to gain 1 cloak token.

W During the uSystem

Moff Jerjerrod
Phase, you
may spend 2 g. If you do, choose g2`
the [1 7], [1 8], or [1 9] template.
f e r k Each friendly ship may perform a red b
action using that template.

4 @ Sigma Squadron Ace

Stygium Array: After you decloak, youP
may perform an e action. At the start
of the End Phase, you may spend 1 evade token
to gain 1 cloak token.
^2 W After an enemy
u Grand Inquisitor
ship at range
0-2 reveals its dial, you may +1h`
&3 spend 1 h to perform 1 white
action on your action bar, treating that
*2 action as red.

h 0(1)` S Advanced Sensors

After you reveal your dial, you may
perform 1 action. If you do, you cannot
perform another action during your

E Predator
While you perform a primary attack, if
f e r k the defender is in your }, you may reroll 1
attack die.
4 @ u "Echo"
Slippery Trickster P
While you decloak, you must use the [2 7] or [2
9] template instead of the [2 8] template.
{3 Stygium Array: After you decloak, you may perform an e
action. At the start of the End Phase, you may spend 1
evade token to gain 1 cloak token.
W Perceptive Copilot
After you perform a f action, gain 1
focus token.
*2 S While youCollision Detector
boost or barrel roll,
you can move through and g2
overlap obstacles.

After you move through or overlap an

obstacle, you may spend 1 g to ignore its
effects until the end of the round.

m While you defend,

Stealth Device
if your g is
E While you defend
u Lone Wolf
or perform
active, roll 1 additional defense g1 an attack, if there are no other g1`
f e r k die. After you suffer damage, lose friendly ships at range 0-2, you
1 g. may spend 1 g to reroll 1 of your dice.

5 @ u "Whisper"
Soft-Spoken Slayer P
After you perform an attack that hits, gain 1
evade token.
{3 Stygium Array: After you decloak, you may perform an e
action. At the start of the End Phase, you may spend 1
evade token to gain 1 cloak token.
W u Agent Kallus
Setup: After placing forces, assign the
Hunted condition to 1 enemy ship. While
&3 you perform an attack against the ship with
the Hunted condition, you may change 1 of
*2 your f results to a d result.

S Advanced Sensors
After you reveal your dial, you may
perform 1 action. If you do, you cannot
perform another action during your
m While you defend,
Stealth Device
if your g is
active, roll 1 additional defense g1 E Juke
While you perform an attack, if you are
f e r k die. After you suffer damage, lose evading, you may change 1 of the defender's
1 g. e results to a f result.

2 @S cimitar Squadron Pilot

Nimble Bomber: If you would drop a B
device using a 8 template, you may
use a 7 or 9 template of the same speed
B Proton Bombs
Bomb During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2
drop a Proton Bomb using the [1
8] template.

M Attack (l): Spend

Ion Missiles
1 g. If this
= attack hits, spend 1 d or c { 3

result to cause the defender to ? 2-3

suffer 1 d damage. All g3
f l r>l remaining d/c results inflict
ion tokens instead of damage.
Paired with Scimitar Squadron Pilot
2 @ Scimitar Squadron Pilot
Nimble Bomber: If you would drop a B
device using a 8 template, you may
use a 7 or 9 template of the same speed
B Proton Bombs
Bomb During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2
drop a Proton Bomb using the [1
8] template.

M Attack (l): Spend

Ion Missiles
1 g. If this
= attack hits, spend 1 d or c { 3

result to cause the defender to ? 2-3

suffer 1 d damage. All g3
f l r>l remaining d/c results inflict
ion tokens instead of damage.

3 @G amma Squadron Ace

Nimble Bomber: If you would drop a B
device using a 8 template, you may
use a 7 or 9 template of the same speed
{2 instead. BB Bomb Bomblet Generator
During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2
^2 drop a Bomblet with the [1 8]
template. At the start of the Activation
&6 Phase, you may spend 1 shield to recover 2
* 0(1)
Y If you would
Skilled Bombardier
drop or launch a device, you
may use a template of the same bearing
with a speed 1 higher or lower.

= M Attack (l):
Concussion Missiles
Spend 1 g. After
this attack hits, each ship at { 3

f l r>l m Shield Upgrade

range 0-1 of the defender ? 2-3
+1* exposes 1 of its damage cards. g3

2 @ u "Deathfire"
Unflinching Diehard B
After you are destroyed, before you are
removed, you may perform an attack and drop or launch
{2 1 device.
B Seismic Charges
Nimble Bomber: If you would drop a device using a 8 Bomb During the System
^2 template, you may use a 7 or 9 template of the same Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2
speed instead. drop a Seismic Charge with the
&6 [1 8] template.

Y If you would
Skilled Bombardier
drop or launch a device, you
m During theElectronic Baffle
End Phase, you may suffer 1
may use a template of the same bearing
with a speed 1 higher or lower.
d damage to remove 1 red token.
M Attack (l):Cluster Missiles
= B Proximity Mines
Mine During the System
Spend 1 g. After
this attack, you may perform this { 3

Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2 attack as a bonus attack against ? 1-2

drop a Proximity Mine using the a different target at range 0-1 of g4
f l r>l [1 8] template. This card's g cannot be the defender, ignoring the l
recovered. requirement.
4 @ u Captain Jonus
Disciplined Instructor B
While a friendly ship at range 0-1 performs a
P or M attack, that ship may reroll up to 2 attack dice.
{2 Nimble Bomber: If you would drop a device using a 8
template, you may use a 7 or 9 template of the same
^2 speed instead.

* 0(1)
m Shield Upgrade

= P Proton Torpedoes
Attack (l): Spend 1 g.
Change 1 d result to a c { 4

f l r>l result. ? 2-3


4 @ u Major Rhymer
Scimitar Leader B
While you perform a P or M attack, you may
increase or decrease the range requirement by 1, to a
{2 limit of 0-3.
P Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Nimble Bomber: If you would drop a device using a 8 Attack (l): Spend 1 g.
^2 template, you may use a 7 or 9 template of the same Change 1 d result to a c { 5

speed instead. result. ?1

&6 g1

E Intimidation
While an enemy ship at range 0
defends, it rolls 1 fewer defense die.

M Attack (l):Cluster Missiles

Spend 1 g. After
= this attack, you may perform this { 3

attack as a bonus attack against ? 1-2

a different target at range 0-1 of g4
f l r>l the defender, ignoring the l

5 @ u Tomax Bren
Brash Maverick B
After you perform a = action, you may recover
1 g token on 1 of your equipped E upgrade cards.
{2 Nimble Bomber: If you would drop a device using a 8 B Proton Bombs
Bomb During the System
template, you may use a 7 or 9 template of the same Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2
^2 speed instead. drop a Proton Bomb using the [1
8] template.
P Proton Torpedoes
Attack (l): Spend 1 g.
Change 1 d result to a c { 4

result. ? 2-3

= E While you perform

Crack Shot
a primary
attack, if the defender is in your g1
}, before the Neutralize Results
f l r>l step, you may spend 1 g to cancel 1 e
1 @ Planetary Sentinel
Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal T
your dial, if you are not stressed, you
must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1 9]
& 4(5) m Hull Upgrade

B Proton Bombs
Bomb During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2
drop a Proton Bomb using the [1
8] template.

Y If you would
Skilled Bombardier
drop or launch a device, you
f e r may use a template of the same bearing
with a speed 1 higher or lower.

1 @ Planetary Sentinel
Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal T
your dial, if you are not stressed, you
must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1 9]

B Conner Nets
Mine During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g1
drop a Conner Net using the [1 8]
template. This card's g cannot be

E Trick Shot
While you perform an attack that is
f e r obstructed by an obstacle, roll 1 additional
attack die.

1 @ Planetary Sentinel
Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal T
your dial, if you are not stressed, you
must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1 9]

B Conner Nets
Mine During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g1
drop a Conner Net using the [1 8]
f e r template. This card's g cannot be
Paired with Planetary Sentinel
1 @ Planetary Sentinel
Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal T
your dial, if you are not stressed, you
must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1 9]

B Conner Nets
Mine During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g1
drop a Conner Net using the [1 8]
f e r template. This card's g cannot be

3 @B lack Squadron Scout

Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal T
your dial, if you are not stressed, you
must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1 9]
m Hull Upgrade
& 4(5) +1&

B Proximity Mines
Mine During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2
drop a Proximity Mine using the
[1 8] template. This card's g cannot be

Y If you would
Skilled Bombardier
drop or launch a device, you
f e r may use a template of the same bearing
with a speed 1 higher or lower.

3 @B lack Squadron Scout

Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal T
your dial, if you are not stressed, you
must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1 9]

B Conner Nets
Mine During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g1
drop a Conner Net using the [1 8]
template. This card's g cannot be

E Predator
While you perform a primary attack, if
f e r the defender is in your }, you may reroll 1
attack die.
3 @B lack Squadron Scout
Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal T
your dial, if you are not stressed, you
must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1 9]

m Targeting Computer

E After an enemySnap Shot

ship executes
a maneuver, you may perform { 2

this attack against it as a bonus ? 2

f e r l attack.

Attack: Your dice cannot be modified.


2 @ u "Vagabond"
Destitute Demolitionist
After you fully execute a maneuver using your
m After you fullyAfterburners
execute a speed
Adaptive Ailerons, if you are not stressed, you may drop 3-5 maneuver, you may spend 1 g2
{3 1 device. g to perform a b action, even
while stressed.
Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal your dial, if you are
^2 not stressed, you must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1

9] maneuver. B Proton Bombs
Bomb During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2
drop a Proton Bomb using the [1
8] template.

Y If you would
Skilled Bombardier
drop or launch a device, you
may use a template of the same bearing
with a speed 1 higher or lower.

E While you perform

a { attack, if you are
f e r not in the defender's firing arc, the defender
rolls 1 fewer defense die.

4 @ u "Countdown"
Death Defier T
While you defend, after the Neutralize Results
step, if you are not stressed, you may suffer 1 d
{3 damage and gain 1 stress token. If you do, cancel all
dice results.
^2 Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal your dial, if you are
not stressed, you must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1
&4 9] maneuver.

* 0(1)

f e r m Shield Upgrade
4 @ u "Countdown"
Death Defier T
While you defend, after the Neutralize Results m Shield Upgrade
step, if you are not stressed, you may suffer 1 d +1*
{3 damage and gain 1 stress token. If you do, cancel all
dice results.
^2 Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal your dial, if you are Y If you would
Skilled Bombardier
not stressed, you must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1 drop or launch a device, you
&4 9] maneuver. may use a template of the same bearing
with a speed 1 higher or lower.
* 0(1)
B Proton Bombs
Bomb During the System
Phase, you may spend 1 g to g2
drop a Proton Bomb using the [1
8] template.

E Elusive
While you defend, you may
spend 1 g to reroll 1 defense die. g1
f e r After you fully execute a red
maneuver, recover 1 g.

4 @ u "Pure Sabacc"
Confident Gambler T
While you perform an attack, if you have 1 or
fewer damage cards, you may roll 1 additional attack
{3 die.
Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal your dial, if you are
^2 not stressed, you must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1
9] maneuver.

m While you defend,

Stealth Device
if your g is
active, roll 1 additional defense g1
f e r die. After you suffer damage, lose
1 g.

4 @ u "Pure Sabacc"
Confident Gambler T
While you perform an attack, if you have 1 or
fewer damage cards, you may roll 1 additional attack
{3 die.
Adaptive Ailerons: Before you reveal your dial, if you are
^2 not stressed, you must execute a white [1 7], [1 8], or [1
9] maneuver.
* 0(1)

m Shield Upgrade

E Trick Shot
While you perform an attack that is
f e r obstructed by an obstacle, roll 1 additional
attack die.
3 @O nyx Squadron Sentry
Rotating Cannons: You can rotate J
your p indicator only to your { or |.
You must treat the { requirement of your
equipped C upgrades as p.
p 2
^1 m Shield Upgrade
&8 +1*
* 0(1)
C Heavy Laser Cannon
Attack: After the Modify
Attack Dice step, change all c } 4

results to d results. 2-3

n BeforeTarget-Assist MGK-300
you engage, if you have E Ion Limiter Override
R>a a no green tokens and you are not a After you fully execute a red maneuver,
stressed, gain 1 calculate token you may perform a r action, even while
for each enemy ship at range 2-3 R>a stressed. If you do, roll an attack die; on a
f i l r in your firing arc, to a maximum d result gain 1 strain token, and on a c
of 2. result gain 1 ion token.

3 @ u Lyttan Dree
Onyx 2 J
While a friendly ship at range 0-2 performs an
attack, if you are in the defender's £ or ¢, the attacker
p 2 may reroll 1 attack die. C Ion Cannon
Attack: If this attack hits,
Rotating Cannons: You can rotate your p indicator only spend 1 d or c result to cause { 3

to your { or |. You must treat the { requirement of the defender to suffer 1 d 1-3
your equipped C upgrades as p.
&8 damage. All remaining d/c
results inflict ion tokens instead of damage.

C Heavy Laser Cannon

Attack: After the Modify
Attack Dice step, change all c } 4

results to d results. 2-3

R>a a n Maneuver-Assist MGK-300 E Deadeye Shot
While you perform a primary attack, if
Reduce the difficulty of your the defender is in your }, you may spend 1
speed 3 straight (8) and bank (7 a d result or change 1 c result to a d
f i l r or 9) maneuvers.
r>a result. If you do, the defender exposes 1 of
its damage cards.

4 @ u "Rampage"
Implacable Pursuer J
After you execute a speed 3-4 maneuver, you
may choose a ship in your p at range 0-1. If you do, that
p 2 ship gains 1 strain token, or 2 strain tokens if you are
^1 Rotating Cannons: You can rotate your p indicator only m Ablative Plating
Before you would suffer
to your { or |. You must treat the { requirement of
damage from an obstacle or from g2
&8 your equipped C upgrades as p. a friendly bomb detonating, you
n BeforeTarget-Assist MGK-300
you engage, if you have
may spend 1 g. If you do, prevent 1
no green tokens and you are not a
stressed, gain 1 calculate token
for each enemy ship at range 2-3 R>a CC Synced Laser Cannons
Attack: If you are
R>a in your firing arc, to a maximum
of 2.
calculating, the defender does not { 3

apply the range bonus. 2-3

R>a a m After you fullyAfterburners
execute a speed
3-5 maneuver, you may spend 1 g2 E Predator
While you perform a primary attack, if
f i l r g to perform a b action, even the defender is in your }, you may reroll 1
while stressed. attack die.

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