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How did curiosity help revolutionized the things we use? Provide examples.

Having a curious, inquisitive mind means that you have intellectual intelligence. Intellectual
curiosity meaning your curiousness has a meaning not just being curious about something. Hence, you
can generate more original ideas and produce simple solutions to complex problems as well as their
diverse interests and curiosity enable them to apply concepts across fields, improving on others' ideas,
synthesizing ideas, and recognizing patterns across fields to produce new ones. Nonetheless, curiosity
breeds inventiveness. Inquisitive people like Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs are successful. Their
inquisitiveness opened the door for their inventive innovations, which we now use on a daily basis.
Entrepreneurs have a curious nature, and it is for this reason that they are most often the ones that
come up with new and revolutionary things that we use today.

For instance, the state-of-the-art technology that we have today. This technology was created
by a group of people who began inventing with a sense of wonder. We would not have the advanced
and modern technologies that we do today if it were not for these curious individuals.

According to the speaker, what are some ways in maximizing curiosity that were not mentioned
during the class discussion?

Here are some ways to improve our curiosity and sense of wonder:

 One should always enter a room or space with a clear mind.

 Asking questions without any hesitation is a key to curiosity development.
 One should not be resistant to new domains becoming familiar with coming across
unfamiliar ideas enhances curiosity.
 Increase the arena of your thinking, diversify your interests.
 Polish your mind with the minds of others.
 Visit a physical bookstore or library and browse the shelves
  Put a lot of ideas and facts in your head
 Be an expert who is interested in everything
 Don’t just focus on puzzles but on mysteries
Definitely, curiosity is a strong desire to learn or know something, and it's essential for any
professional because it's required to both develop your talents and figure out how to
correct things that don't work. People will do things the same way because "that's how
we've always done it" if they aren't curious. Thus,  with the spark of curiosity, you have
people coming together, fueled by creativity and purpose, elevating their work and each
other in an atmosphere of inspiration.

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