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Journalism and Mass Communication:

Career Plannin9
I n the modern age of eledtronics and information techno1oy, the power o
media ls evident. More people are being attraoted towards tne varlous meala
viz. print, eleatronios and oyber journalism, the later
being solely the produot

With day-to-day inareasing importanoe of media, the candidates who want

to do a 0ourse in Journaliøm and Mass Communicatlon are
raalng a
competiEIOn. Thls chapter 14 amed at guiding them ana nelp hem to make

En cno0e &000rding to their fleld of interest.

The combination of
populanity of Joumalism and
globalisation, privatisalion and
information boom has led to
Mass communicabon as a career. Propr planning prepares ne
Tor of the entrance
3spiranis the challenges
confidence. It is said that H t needed
en days to cut
tree, spend nine da
a en
UNe axe So tat you can cut the tree with a single
d E y . SuBon is amost similar
examinalon is
your ree, planed sudouy
your axe. without proper p1anning ano
planned &blunt axe. That is wh vell-

entrance exa n o n should

cede the
In view of the growinn oo ones
need of in the field of journalism and mass
Folowng points form the basis of your plann
g o e8nirance examinaton :
1. Area Selection : The field of media has
tremendously expanded as a repercussion of
mformation revolution. it includes the extremes of traditio
Com e nis Is not necessary that the students of Journallem
Communication are aware of every stream of Mass Communication. It
one's interest and capabillty to select a fheld. The selection depends upon
should be very honest,
4| Joumnalism and Communication

ve and rational. Following list of the broad areas of mass communication can help you in
selecting a lield

Print Media
Electronlc Media: Radio / TV/ Intemet
Public Relations and advertising
2. Examination Pattern : Usually following are the broad parts of entrance examination of
Journalism and Mass Communication. (a) Written Examination, (b) Group Discussion
(C) Interview (Viva-oce).

(a) Written Examination: The first step., ie. the writen examination is the iron gate because
i tcan ensure your fifty percent suCcess. The aspirants of Journalism and Mass Commu-
nication should keep in mind that mere theoretical knowledge is not sufficient. It also
needs developed wriing skills, reasoning and analytical ability and creativity. The written
examinaton is usualy dhvided into wo parts viz. (1) Multiple choice objective questions
that are based on subject malter and general knowledge (2) Descripfive long questions
that are meant for testing the power of expression and knowledge of the subject matter
Ihis also needs an impressive presentation of the answers. Expression of ideas in crisp
anguage necessitates a rich vocabulary as well as regular writing on diferent issues.
Only then you will be able lo make optimum use of your pen. The guess work or ratant
Voya w not be abie to retcn yoU sUccess in the exarminabon because questions can be
asked on any current affair, government's policy or the new frends in Journalism and
mass media. Ihis requlres a thorough homework.

(b) Group Discusslon: The successful candidates of writen examination are called for a
group discussion (GD). The GD is a test of your communication skils especially the verbal
communicatuon. The Gus are usualy conducted with a group of six to seven persons
seated in a circie or horseshoe manner. Ine parucipants are required to expres5 their

VW e gven in e urnne vauiorsirng in a corner or ine room cond

UCis a Secrer evauabon or eacn parucipant 1hey evaluate parucipant S language, 8tude
and 1here about that
their knOwedge o the subject matter. is a misconception GD
one, who speaks the most, gets the maximum marks. ln order lo gel the maximum marks
participants tny to speak more and thus a GD becomes a noise. Consider the folowing
directives for a healthy GD:
Taking initiative in Go is considered to be positive.
Express yourself in an objective and balanced manner.
YOu should nether speak loo less nor loo much,
Give chance to other participants. You can take initiative to moderate the process e.g.
SOmebooy s speaKing l00 mucn ano otners areno geing chance, you can
ntervene and request tne person to give chance to oiners (at times there are extra
marks for this efor). his iniiaive will ensure an equal paricipaton.
U s e decent language.
D o not loose
T y to conclude the discussion within the time frame. Remind other participants of the
time constraint. A conclusion should also come out at the end of the discussion.
Y o u r attitude, gesture. posture and behaviour are noticed during a GD. So. please be
careful of all these aspects by following the discipline.
Joumalisim and Communicabon 5

(c) Intervlew: Interview is the last stoppage of your journey. Proper preparation for an
envntervew i5 equaly important as it is for wTiten examination and GD. Interview
enecis your communication skills, your dressing sense, presence of mind and all other
exten 8uioures or your personality, Follow these instructions for your success in the

R e a c h the venue before the scheduled time.

TOur oress should be decent, neat and clean.

the photocopies
Do not
of your testimonialsof in a display file.
have look at
to a newspapers the day.
Enter the interview room only after taking pemission from the persons inside.
* Greet all the members of interview board together and not one-by-one.
D o not sit unless you are told to sit.

Sit straght
Avod signs of tension like coughing, clearing the throat, wiping of sweat etc
Try to build up confidence within you.
Listen patiently to the interviewers. If you do not understand a
particular point or
question, request the interviewer to repeat it.
Interviewers are usually experts of their subjects. So, do not try to misguide them by
ving a
wrong answer. If you do not know the answer or a queston, tell t
There should be a natural smle on your face while answering the question. Your tace
should not reflect tension.
Thank the members of the interview board once you are pemitted to leave the room.
D o not forget to cose the door after going out but without making a noise. This will
give a finishing touch to your interview.

How to study
You need thorough preparations tor the aforesaid steps of the entrance examinations. For
this, you require intOrmaion through different modes and medums so hat you can make use
nosea pieceseofeinfomation per your need in the examination. Follow these steps

n t newspapers and magazines in order to update your knowledge on

current artairs.

Listen to radio programmes and watch different TV channels lor acquainting yoursei
on the trends of electronic media.
D o not forget to keep a basic knowledge of Internet because your knowledge of media
IS incomplete withoul medla.

Go for surfing popular websites related to media. You can try the following websites,,,,,,,
Almost all the newspapers print their websites on their front page. You can search
those websiles as wel.

TOu can develop the insight of current affairs on the basis of the following calegorles:
National happenings/persons of national importance.
International happenings/ persons of intermational importance.
6 | Joumalism and Communication

Inlemauonal relauons of india

Current national'state level campaigns.
Current controversles/ success in the field of media.
Current developmental projects/ programmes of government.
Political scenario of the couniry.

I n d i a in the sports world.

Recently released films/ books.
Following categorisation will help you in preparing specificaly for media
Changes ocCured in electronic and print media.
Present trends of advertisement.
Analysis ol soap operas especialy in the context of their impact on the society.
F o c u s on new genre of Tv programmes like reality show, inleractive programmes,
game shows etc.
In the examination hall :
Before answering questions try to acquaint yourself with all the quesions.
Before attempting a long answer prepare its proflle in your mind. The profile
should consist of three part: (1) Introduction of the subject matter (2) Main body
based on analysis / description (3) Conclusion.
Do not repeat a fact or a sentence or a word.
D o not expend extra time on a particular question. Try to allot equal time for each
Aonere lo the word limit.
I n order to act upon these points take the following tips inlo consideration:
(a) Knowledge of the subject matter
Print media
Radlo and TV

T V and
Video productilon
Digital and web journalism
Advertising and PR
Journalism and mass communication
(b) Current affairs


Film, theatre, books
Trade and Commerce
Famous and notorious personalities
International defence
treaties/Nuclear treaties
Political upheavals
Journalism and Communication
Important Educational Institutions 7

1. Indian Institute of Mass

and Type of Courses:
Major Courses:
Journalism (English). New Delhi And Dhekanal
ournalism (Hindi), New Delhi-40 seats. (Odisha) -40 seats
Advertising and Public Relations, New Delhi 40 seats

Radio and TV
Journalism -25 seats
of their
Graduation in
any subject. Candidates
appearing for the final examination
graduation can also appear in the entrance examination.
Address: Indian Institute of Mass
New Delhi -110 Communication, JNU Campus, Aruna Asatf Ali Road,
067, Phone: O11-26109268
Amity School of Communication, NOlDA
Major Courses
Bachelor Mass Communication (Graduation
Post Level)
graduation in Advertising and Markeing Management
Post in
Journalism and Communication
Amity Campus, Sector 44, NOIDA
Amity Helpline: Monday- Friday 1800-11-00-00
3. Indian Institute of Journalism and New Medla,
Major Courses:
year Post Graduate Dploma in TV, Radio, Print and Web Journalism
One year Diploma in Tv, Radio, Print and Web Journalism
P a r t ume certificate courses

Address: 316, 5th Cross, HRB

Layout, 3rd Block, Kalyan Nagar post, Bengaluru-560043
4. Symbiosis Institute of Communication, Pune


Major Courses:Diploma streams

(a)wo-years PG
in following
Mass Communication

Communication Management
8 Journalism and Communication

(b) Following tulitime two-years PG Diploma:

Joumalism (Pint, Broadcast and Cyber Media)
Audio-Visual Production (Radio Communication, TV Production, Advertising and
documentary fim production and fim studies)
Adverlising (customer care, account planning, media and creative - art and copy)

Public Relations, Corporate Communication and Event Management

(0) One-year PG diploma in Joumalism through correspondence
(d) Short-term certificate courses in TV writing (fiction)
Address : Senapati Bapat Road. Pune- 411 004.
-mail: website:

5 K.J. Somaiya Insttute of Joumalism and Mass Communication, Mumbal.

One-year PG Diploma in Jourmalism

Vidya Vihar Mumbai.

Address :

Srl Sri Centre for Media Studies,

Webs te:
Major Courses:
P . G . Dploma in Journalism
Address NO. 19, 39-A, CrOSS road, 11-main road,

4th TBlock, Jay Nagar, Bengaluru-560041

7. Manorama School of Communicatlon,
Major Courses:
PG Diploma in Journalism
Address : Masscom, No. 229,
8. Xavler Institute of Communication, Mumbai.
Major Couses:
P u b l i c Relatons and Corporate Communication

Advertising and Marketing

Television and Video Production (Digital Media)
Journalism and Mass Communication
Address: SL Xavier's College.
e-mail: pr@xavie
Mumbai-400 001
9. Jamia MIllia Islamia, New Delhi.

Major Courses:
P G diploma in TV Jounalism
Diploma in Mass Media and
creatve Writing
from these Institutes, central universities like Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi,
University, Allahabad, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Osmania
Hyderabad, Delhi University, Delhi and other state universities also conduct various University.
courses in
Joumalism and Communication| 9

Joumalism and Mass Communication. Some universities have included a special paper of
Joumalism in their B.AM.A. Cumaulum.

Preparations according to the examination pattern

U s e of reference material for multiple choice objective questions
Developing writing and analytical skills for writing essays/ long answers on current
topics and other affairs.
Mock dlscussion with peer groups in order lo equip yourself with the skills of group

Suggested reference materials/ books:

As it has been said earler that media watch ie. keeping yourself updated on the media
happe ne xamination journalism
and mass
communication, This necessitata
Outlook, The Week and Frontine etc.You can e n journais Iike
India Today.
to read editorials and issue based articles of newsDaners K Do no Torget
presentation etc. of the TVi radio programmes. Following reading material will heip you

Yearbooks of various Publications like "India' and 'Mass Media in India' (Publicalions
DiVISIon) and Manorama Yearbook etc.

Who's who
Newspapers and Magazines
Folowing books are necessary for your preparatlion:

(a)oumallsm and Mass Communlcation

1. Kumar Keval J. Mass : Communication in India
2. Mehta D.S. : Mass Communicalion and Joumalism in India, Allied Pub., New Delhi.

3. Chatterjee R. K. : Mass Communication, NBT, New Delhi.

4. Kamath M.V. :Professional Joumalism, Vikas Pub. House, New Delhi.
Natrajan J. ; History of Indian Journalism, Publication Division, Govt. of India, New
() Advertising and Public Relations
1. Chunawalla & Sethia : Foundations of Advertising Theory and Practice, Himalaya
PublishingHouse, New Delhi.
Magazines and Newspapers:
Express and Economic Times.
4Ps, USP Age, Pitch, Business World, Financial

(c) Electronic Media

1. Luthra H.R. : Indian
Broadcasting, Publication Division, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
2. Barua U.L. : This is All India Radio, Publication
Division, Govt. of India, New Dehi.

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