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FIRST DAY “The one who is righteous will live by faith” REFLECTION: In honor of St.

Paul, the
first day of the Novena quotes "The one who is righteous will live by faith”. In my own
understanding this quote means that the righteous person abides and trusts God and His
promises above all else and I believe that the Journey of St. Paul is one of the best histories
that I’ve read because we can all relate to his journey from being a persecutor, he turned
into a preacher, a teacher and a leader. And it proves us that even if you are a sinner you
can change it as long as you have a determination and also challenges are a part of
everyday life. They make us stronger and without them life becomes somewhat meaningless
because we have nothing to compare the good times to. As I grow older many of us asking
question about the things that surround us, we even confused about what is our purposed
in this world and the things that come before us always confuse and surprise us. And Saul
does not know what path he is about to take, like the first time he met Jesus But Saul
trusted Him because he knew in his heart that the Lord would never let him go in the wrong
direction. He had faith in the Lord and went to accomplish His mission. He was challenged
many times, many reason to give up , and many times he had the opportunity to give up his
faith and many times he had the opportunity to disobey, but he didn't because he have a
strong faith to God and he face all that challenges without any fear but full of determination
because with God grace everything is impossible as long as you believed and he knows that
everything happens for a reason and there is a God that will guide him and he knew that he
have a purpose why God chosen him and had a mission to fulfill. Jesus did not assure him
that it will be a safe trip but St. Paul being righteous man still went on his way. Everyone of
us have a different journey that we want to take, we have a different challenges that we face
and situation that sometimes we can’t handle and I want to be just like St. Paul that even
though there is so many challenges in that journey that he went on, he didn’t give up
because in our generation today many of us is so easily to give up and asking question
about the outcome of our actions we sometimes blame God to all the things that making us
hurt. And as a follower and a believer of God we should live in a righteous will live by faith
because everything happens for a reason maybe you don’t understand it right now but
believe me or not God is always having a plan for us and problem is part of our life and it
teach us a big lesson that led us to a better version of ourselves. The hardships of St. Paul
did not deter him from completing his mission because he did not see these hardships as
penalties, he saw it as part of life. In addition, being righteous and faithful is not only
believing in God, but itis also honestly and imperfectly obeying Him. The best lesson that I
can learn in today’s reflection and scripture is that no matter how many obstacles in life are,
and how challenging they are, we should not give up easily because Life is something that is
much more complex than anyone can imagine. No matter who the person is or how old
they are, everyone faces various obstacles and challenges that make their lives difficult but
as long as we live our lives in the ways of God, as long as we are righteous, as long as we
have faith, we will live. We can live happy, peaceful, and spiritually rich lives with faith.

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