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All cell has a cell membrane which separates Lysosome- Garbage collectors that take in

the inside of the cell from its environment. damage or worn out cell parts
-Cytoplasm -fill with enzymes
2 Broad categories -powerhouse of the animal and plant cell
-eukaryotic have organelles include nucleus. -cellular respiration helps the mitochondria
to produce ATP that provides energy
It is advance complex cell.
-cells that need more energy have more
-Prokaryotic don’t have nucleus but have
genetic material but it is not contained in a
nucleus. Unicellular. CYTOSKELETON
What are organelles? -include microfilament, microtubules etc.
-means little organ Plants are photoautotrophic, they capture
sunlight for energy.
-specialized part of the cell.
-is where photosynthesis happen
-control center of the cell
-it has a green pigment called chlorophyll
-contains DNA-
Cell well
-Chromatin the tangled, spread out form of
DNA found inside the nuclear membrane. -shape support and protect the plant cell
-the nucleus also contained the Nucleolus. OTHER UNIQUE STRUCTURE
This is a structure where ribosomes are
-in humans the respiratory cell has cilia.
-some bacteria have flagella
Rough ER: has ribosomes
-only human cell that has a flagellum is a
SMOOTH ER: does not have ribosomes.
sperm cell.
ER- membrane closed passageway for
transporting materials such as protein
synthesize by ribosomes. Proteins are
released from the vesicles.
Golgi apparatus: receives synthesize
proteins and other materials.
Vacuole- are sack like structure that store
different materials, in plants vacuole stores
● This is a prominent, usually oval structure
in a eukaryotic cell.
● It is located in almost the center of the
-Contains the genetic material in the form of
DNA molecules which are organized into
structure called chromosomes.
-skeletal cell have more nucleus than normal
● It is the central government of the cell.
CHROMATIN- Network of strands that
Chromosomes- carrier of genetic
information in the nucleus.

Parts of the Nucleus

● Nucleoplasm is the semifluid matrix.

Nuclear envelope- separates the nucleus
from the cytoplasm
Nuclear pores- permit the passage of
ribosomal subunits and mRNA out of the
nucleus into the cytoplasm.
Function of the Ribosomes
Structure of the Nucleus
Ribosomes are the organelles that use
instructions from the nucleus, written in
mRNA, to build proteins.
-mRNA it sends the ribosome to make -the finished products of Golgi bodies are
proteins sorted and packaged into new vesicles that
carry them to the plasma membrane or to
-tRna-participates in the amino acids to
-Site of protein synthesis.
Free and Bound Ribosomes
-Free ribosomes are found
in the cytosol.
-Bound ribosomes are attached to the
outside of the endoplasmic reticulum or -Membranous sacs, they contain enzymes
nuclear envelope. that assist in digestion of substances in the
-Most proteins will be inserted into the cell.
membrane or exported to the cells LYSOSOMAL STORAGE DISEASE- there
is a missing 1 or more digestive enzymes
- These serve as a storage of water, organic
nutrients, variety of salts, sugar & some
weak acids.

Two Types of Endoplasmic Reticulum

Rough ER- have thousands of ribosomes
attached to the outer surface which give this
organelle a “rough” appearance. Their main
role is to produce proteins.
Smooth ER- does not have attached
ribosomes. This organelle produces lipids. -contributes the plant growths by absorbing
the excess water and causing the cell to
Lipids-organic compound that are insoluble expand. It causes the breakdown of the
in water nutrients.
Function of the Golgi body -can create energy using fats and different
- These serve functions similar organic compounds.

to a warehouse and processing center,

processing products of the ER.
-This is unique to plant and algae cells.
● This organelle perform photosynthesis

-it contains enzymes, and can be the result of

the creation of hydrogen peroxide.
-breakdown water and oxygen by another
proximal enzyme called catalase
-- These contain enzymes and serve as
metabolic assistance to organelles and
specialize in synthesizing & breaking down

Grana- interconnected stacks solar power

- This is known as the “powerhouse
of the cell”
- Responsible for cellular respiration
and energy metabolism.
Cristae- fold inner membrane, they have
chemical reaction and perform cellular

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