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Date ee ROMAN ANS REMEDIOS TURTON Ns REGISIER OF OFS OF CRLOOCAN CITY Spouses TUB sons bought Carmel Fares. Cyeans after, they Pacis woke up one morning +2 discover that the, were no longer the owners of the land 4ney had purchascd and 4nat they were dedaced open for dispasition and sale +e 4he members of He Matecahang Hometown Asocatien, tne present oceupanis -thercof. Ferdinand Marcos then president of He counties, |nvolee bie emergency powers issued PP 24D which myatidated the tie of tne Juasons' vendor, Carmo! winich had eaened purchased from the Government the land H had wubsoqucntty wubdivided Into ceveral lois sate to the pul The Tuasens Filed with die court @ pesition For certiorae! asailing the decree ay 29 arbitrary meacure whieh deprived then of Aveir property in fever of 3 veleded group, in violation not only en the consii4utiongt provisiOnt on due process and eminent domain but also of Ye provicions OF the Land Registration Ret on dine indefeaivility of Torrens tiles; and they proved het the Register of Derds be dicected 40 cancel tne derogatory ingeription on tne Htle ard restore its efficeey- Issue: Whether or not the President hae ME power +o cancel Bonen Date RULING: None. marcos exercised an obviously judicial function. He made 2 determination of fects, and applied tne law to these Fecte, declaring har the legal eights of Hho parties were in the premises. these Bete ewemtidily constitvle a JMdiciat function on exercise of jueis ons Which We the power and authority to hear and fo dey and decide or determine 3 cowe. Marcas woe never Vested with judicial power such power: ae everrone Knows, Weing vested in the Supreme Court and suk inferion courts may be established by low - the Juol done by him were in tne no See cee ea ges See este eae et ete ete Geir tren Sasso vard watery taped We ara Scope of tne legivlstive power +nOt he had assumed ac head of the mart I law regime: Pronar

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