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Interviewee/Personality: Divya Prakash as Mr.

Rudraksh Sharma (Abbreviated as ‘R’ in the script), a

well-known author whose new publication, "Gift of the Past," has become worldwide success having
sold over 50,000 copies in the first week of its release, making him well-known across the print
business. He was picked as the next celebrity guest on the weekly radio show "The Weekend Talk."

Interviewer: Aneesha Saran as Sakshi Chopra (Abbreviated as ‘S’ in the script), an RJ who hosts a
weekly radio show “The Weekend Talk”. This show airs on Radio F.M 177 once every week and every
week new celebrity guests are called



S: Good Morning everyone, I’m Sakshi Chopra and you’re listening to The Weekend Talks. Today’s
special guest is a renowned author Mr. Rudraksh Sharma whose latest book “Gift of the Past” has
become a best-seller worldwide with selling more than 50,000 copies in the first week of its release.

S: Welcome Sir, It’s a pleasure to have you join us today.

R: The pleasure’s all mine. Thank you for having me on your show

S: Of course sir, Q1. So as we all know your latest book “Gift of the Past” has become a bestseller, sold
more than 50,000 copies worldwide, and has managed to become a huge breakthrough for you in this
industry. Can you please explain the premise of the book and tell us how did you come up with the plot?

R: Yes of course. So…. it’s one of those predictable cliché love stories between two people who meet in
college. Now what makes it special and different from other romance novels is that it’s based on my own
personal experience. I met my wife in the first year of college ten years ago, and this book basically tells
you all the story of our rollercoaster ride from that meeting to today.

S: That’s wonderful to hear. Q2. As you mentioned that it’s about you and your wife, do tell how she
reacted when you revealed that you were going to write about your story.
R: Ah….at first she was a bit apprehensive and against the idea but she came around. It’s not an exact
copy of our story but something newborn out of our reality. I managed to finish it within a month and
she was my first reader, just like she has been for all of my other projects. I think this book managed to
remind us of all the things that led us here and appreciate them even more.

S: That is wonderful to hear sir, I’m glad that you shared something so personal and special with the
world. Q3. So Mr. Rudraksh, did it really take a month to finish this book? How is that possible?

R: Yes actually this is the least amount of time I took on a single project, I think this was only possible
because it is inspired from real life instances, else it can take me up to 6-8 months to finish the first draft
and then the rest of the months are spent on editing.

S: Q4. Many of your fans and aspiring young authors have been wondering this, what usually inspires
you to write? And what do you do if you get hit with a sudden writer’s block?

R: My surroundings inspire me to write, I usually write fiction and Sci-Fi novels and looking at the
nature and people around me I get inspired by them and bend the characters around in my mind. Your
imagination is your best friend; even a small spark can light up a whole forest so why can’t a simple act
such as crossing a road inspire a whole book right? And as for the writer’s block, whenever it happens I
just take a breather. You do not need to write every waking moment, take some rest as it is not
something you should force yourself to do, but instead enjoy.

S: Q5. You’re also known as a fitness freak. How do you manage to balance your work life and personal
life so well?

R: For me personally it is not that big of a deal as I can manage my time well enough, but I get that can
be a hard thing to achieve for many. The secret according to me is to just make a schedule and follow it.
I have a specific time where I only work out and people in my life know not to disturb me at that time

S: Q6. You revealed in another interview recently that before becoming a writer you professionally used
to work as a graphic designer is that correct?

R: Yes that is in fact true; I even majored in graphic design during my college years.
S: That’s surprising, what made you leave that profession behind and change your career path to
something completely different?

R: I loved graphic designing of course but writing gave me the relief that nothing ever could. It was like
my first love you know? I still remember that as a child I used to scribble around poems and small
stories in my notebooks and I ever volunteered to work on the school paper. During my teenage years I
lost somebody close to me and it made me choose a different path at that moment, but after a while I
realized that I am not truly happy and should pursue what I actually want to do.

S: Now we must bring the show to an end but before we say goodbye to the audience, Mr Rudraksh is
there anything that you would like to say to your fans and to the many young writers that you have
managed to inspire through your work?

R: All I want to say is do not think of writing as a task, it is a long and often times a frustrating process
to achieve the outcome you desire, but as long as you work hard but in your own time and allow
yourself time to rest you will be okay.

S: Those are definitely some inspiring words! Thank you so much Mr Rudraksh for joining us today I
wish you all the best for your future endeavours and hope to have you back on the show with a new
publication in hand.

R: Of Course thank you for having me

S: So that is it for today folks, I’m Sakshi and you’ve been listening to The Weekend Talks!

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