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Author Series

Managing Artificial Lift

S.M. Bucaram, SPE, and J.e. Patterson, SPE, Arco E&P Technology

The goal of this work is to describe an ap- S. Mike Bucciram is a senior research adviser
proach to produce a well for maximum prof-
at Arco E&P Technology in Plano, TX. His
experience extends to artificial lift, production
itability by managing artificial lift
problems, equipment failure control, and cost
effectively. Achieving maximum profitabil-
control. He previously worked at Arco Oil and
ity from an artificially lifted well begins with
Gas Co., Arco's Plano Laboratory, Sinclair
selecting the lift method and continues with
Research, and Battelle Memorial Insf., and
selecting materials, protecting materials, Bucaram Patterson following his graduation from Texas A&M U.
monitoring production data, and monitoring
with an MS degree in physics, served o~ ~he f?culty there. Buc;aram is a
equipment performance. Changes suggested
member of SPE's Editorial Review and DistingUished Author Series
by the monitoring process strive to increase
committees and is a 1994-95 Distinguished Lecturer. John C. .
the profitability on an individual well basis. Patterson is an engineering consultant at Arco E&P Technology In
Plano. His experience extends to artificial lift produc~ion problems,
Introduction equipment failure control, and cost control. He p~evlously ~~rked for
Managing artificial lift is a continuous proc- Arco Oil and Gas Co. in engineering and operation supervIsion at
ess designed to achieve maximum profita- several locations and for Arco Alaska. A graduate of Texas A&M U.,
bility from a producing or service well. We Patterson holds a BS degree in petroleum engineering.
must keep in mind our ultimate goals.
1. Maximum profits, not maximum al changes. Changes in the lift type might maximum profitability, the process must
hydrocarbon production; one does not al- be from rod pump to progressing cavity look at each well individually. Well-by-well
ways mean the other. pump or vice versa, from continuous to in- economics is the basis of the process.
2. Maximum profits, not minimum equip- termittent gas lift, or from rod pump to elec-
ment failures; again, one does not always tric submersible pump (ESP) or vice versa. Artificial·Lift Selection
mean the other. Equipment changes could include moving
3. Maximum profit within the scope of The selection of the lift method considers
from a bottom holddown to a top holddown the following.
operating safely and in an environmentally rod pump, from an insert to a tubing pump,
sound manner. Geographic location. An offshore and/or
or from steel to fiberglass rods. Another Arctic location can limit the viable lift
The purpose of this paper is to detail an possible equipment change would be to add
approach to managing artificial lift. This ap- methods through size/weight restrictions or
or remove a gas separator on an ESP sys- environmental concerns.
proach is described as a series of steps.
tem. Alterations in the failure-protection Capital cost. These include not only the
Step 1. Original selection of the artificial-
method might include changing from batch lift equipment, but also the production facili-
lift method.
to continuous downhole corrosion treatment ties required to support the lift method (e.g.,
Step 2. Evaluation of production factors
or vice versa, starting a scale-control pro- compression requirements for gas lift).
and expected production problems. This
gram, changing the pump metallurgy or the Operating costs. These costs include the
evaluation results in the selection of the orig-
ESP cable type, or running a cable with a energy needed to operate the lift and the cost
inal equipment used in the well, the failure-
chemical treating string. A change in the to repair lift-system failures.
control methods, and the monitoring deemed
way the well is produced could be indicated, Production flexibility. This means evalu-
necessary for protecting well equipment.
such as increasing or decreasing the stroke ating the minimum and maximum rates
Step 3. Continuous monitoring of mean-
speed or changing the stroke length, rais- available from the lift method based on nor-
ingful production data: rates, fluid levels,
ing or lowering the pump, anchoring the tub- mal operating conditions compared with ex-
water cuts, amp charts, pressures, etc.
ing, using a variable-speed drive on an ESP pected production.
Step 4. Continous monitoring of equip-
to reduce water production, or changing the Reliability. Reliability includes expected
ment performance data.
type of power fluid in a hydraulic pumping run time and is a function of the failure fre-
Step 5. Evaluation of the production
installation. quency and the logistics required to repair
equipment-failure data regularly and as
Thus, the loop is closed; the evaluation failures.
can, and sometimes does, take us back to Normal operating conditions that should
This monitoring/evaluation results in
where we started-e.g., to artificial method be considered in the equipment selection are
courses of action that may include operation-
selection or, in some cases, to replacement/ the casing-size limitation, well depth, intake
Copyright 1994 Society of Petroleum Engineers substitution. If it is to achieve its goal of capabilities (minimum bottomhole produc-

JPT • April 1994 335


Depth Intermittent Large Low Fluid Low

Sand Scale >7,000 ft Pumping Corrosion Volumes Level Gas Speed Paraffin
Rod pump, traveling barrel,
bottom hold down ". ". ". ".". X ". X X ". ".
Rod pump, stationary barrel,
bottom hold down x ". ".". ". X ". ". ". ". ".
Rod pump, stationary barrel, top
hold down ".". ". X ". ".". ". ".". ".". ". ".
Rod pump, three tubes ".". ". x ".". X X X X X ".
Stroke through ".". ".". x ".".
Tubing pump ". ". x NA ".". ".". NA x ". ".
Casing pump x x x NA x ".". NA x ". x
..-..- = better; ..- = good; x = not recommended; NA = not applicable.

ing pressure), prime-mover flexibility, sur- choices become limited. An existing well Equipment Selection
veillance, testing, and time cycle or pump- has many fixed constraints that minimize lift After the lift method has been selected, the
off controllers. Special well conditions selection possibilities. Fewer choices exist specific well equipment and all its compo-
include corrosion/scale-handling ability, than for the other two cases. nent parts are identified. Numerous selec-
crooked or deviated holes, dual-completion The original field development plan tions can be made for one type of lift, and
applications, gas- and paraffin-handling abil- should address all known constraints and
processes similar to those used to screen the
ity, slim-hole completions, solids/sand- consider future changes to the lift method.
different lift methods are now used to select
handling ability, temperature limitations, During the life of a well, the constraints and
the equipment and its components.
high-viscosity fluid handling, and high- and the production rates can change, making the
low-volume lift capabilities. 1 optimum artificial-lift method a function of
Example 1. The decision has been made that
Thus, the original selection of the "opti- current conditions. Lift-changing flexibili-
mum" artificial-lift method is a process of ESP's are the optimum choice. Bottornhole
ty comes at a cost that must be considered
balancing the artificial-lift capabilities and and evaluated. The optimum artificial-lift temperature, whether and how much gas is
constraints against the production rate with method is not the one with the greatest effi- produced, whether significant solids produc-
the ultimate goal of maximizing ultimate ciency or the greatest rate; it is the one that tion is expected, whether a corrosion and/or
profits. Clegg et at. 2 gave an excellent all- maximizes ultimate profitability. scale problem is expected, and whether rate
inclusive review of artificial-lift choices and Different operators making decisions on stability is expected will affect the selection
provided extensive references on all lift the basis of what appear to be similar facts and sizing of the motor, the type of isolation
types. The number of viable available-lift often arrive at different conclusions. A real- section and power cable chosen, whether a
methods depends on the situation. Many life example is dewatering coal seams for gas separator is chosen, whether abrasion-
choices may be available for a new field dis- gas production in a field geographically situ- resistant designs are installed, whether a
covery for which constraints can be mini- ated in the middle of a conventional gas shroud is required to aid with motor cooling,
mized by the production facilities and well field. Most operators in the field use rod or a cable incorporating a chemical treating
design. A new well in an existing field is pumps, others use progressing cavity pump- string is chosen, and whether a variable-
constrained by the existing infrastructure; ing, and one uses gas lift. speed drive is part ofthe initial justification.


Coating and Metallurgy and
Chemical Chemical Chemical Erosion
Equipment Inhibition Coatings Inhibition Metallurgy Inhibition Metallurgy Coatings
Down hole pumps Choice Choice First choice Choice
Sucker rods First choice Choice if CO 2
Rod-pump well
tubulars First choice First jOint
above pump
Wellheads, pumping
tees, and rod
blowout preventers First choice
well tubulars Choice First choice
Water supply or
injection well
tubulars Choice First choice
Gas, gas-condensate
wells, flowing oil
wells and gas-lift
well tubulars Choice Choice First choice if within First choice if Choice
coating range outside
coating range
Wellheads, packers,
mandrels First choice if Choice First choice if
within coating outside
limitations coating

These are guidelines based on experience. A corrosive environment is assumed. Decision should be based on economics if more than orie choice is available. If coating is
chosen, refer to RP1 on plastic coatings. If chemical inhibition is chosen, refer to RP2 on chemical inhibitors.

336 April 1994 • JPT

lease or unit name;

Equipment Performance Report: Subsurface

(3-4) (5-11) (12·15)

IT] !; ; ; ;:I~I
Lease Accountlr.g
Sob 1

Tractor j

Well j
(19-22) (23--24)

oateIT] IT] IT]

(25-26) (27-28)
or m nurrber of JOints
I (29-33)

1 1
Soc\l(:m 1 1 1 from surface.
~ Mo_ Day Yr. E
Note: Enter code numbers In IlqUllres lbove column (no code number, Ieeve1lqUwes blink) (ExpI"n) In squw.llibelled "Remerb"
Type of well Type of service Failing equipment Type of IllIure Locltion of failure


[JJ rn(38-39) (40--41)


NON Noo. OTH Olhel NON None NON None NON None
01 FO Flowmga.t 01 ACD Acidlzelstlmulate 01 PMP Rodpul'T"p 01 HOL Ho. 01 BOY Body
02 FG Flowmggas _If' 02 PMH HydraullCpul'T"p,pislon 02 BRK B_ 02 PIN Pm
03 GL Gaslif1 02 FRC Flac_II' 22 PMJ Hydraulicpurfl),j81 03 STh Stuck 03 ClP Coupling
04 PMP Pu rfl)ing (Rod, 03 WWR Welt 'NOrkover 03 ESP Submersiblepurfl) 04 SPT Split or crack 04 THO Thread
Hyd PlstOO, 04 LTS Test -log 04 ROD Rod 05 PLG Plugged 05 UPS Upset
HydJet 06 ABA Abandon 05 ROP Rod failure, which caused 06 LEK leak, water in motor 21 UUP Upper upset or wrench !tat
Submersible) 08 STM Slaamsoall purrpdamage 15 WSH Washed 06 PLN Plunger
05 WI Water injection 09 PSI Pressure survey 06 TBG Tubing 07 DEF Worn, deformed or 07 SAL Barrel
06 GI Gas inJectIOn 10 INH !nhib~_1) 07 TBP Tubing failure. which caused collapsed 08 vas Valve, balls, seats
07 WS Watmsupply 11 CAL Cal~rwell pUrfl)damage 08 UNS Unscrewed 09 CUP Cups
08 WD Wate/dlsposal 12 RES Reslzingpuflll 08 CSG Casing 13 COT Plasllccoallng 10 PMP Entllepurrpdamaged
09 PLL Plunger lift 10 PKR Pad\er dISbandment 11 SEL Seal
10 ROT Rotary 11 BJT 8!astJOlnt 14 ELC Electrical 31 JNF Jet nozzle (HYD)
51 Steam 12 PRD Polish rod or hnm 10 OTR Othe/(explam) 32 JTH Jet throat (HYO)
" InJ..dlOn • Note: If stimulating. please
COrrple1eSlimulatlonSectlOn 14 GLV
Gas hft vallie
14 ENG
15 PRE
Engme end (H'fO)
Production end (HYO)
(below). PI..asa record costs 16 MDR Mandnl 16 STY Standing valve (HYO)
21 SSV SaletyvaNe 17 EAP Engine and production end (HYO)
23 PLL Plunger or ca1cher or Slop 19 PPR Pu~ pull rod
24 SNP Seatmgnlpple 20 PHD PUrTl> holdown
25 STV Standing valve 22 ESP PUfl\) end (ESP)
26 BHA Bottom holeassentlly. cavity 23 ESG Gasseparalor (ESP)
30 OTR Other (explain) 24 ESS
25 ESM
Seal section (ESP)
Motor (ESP)
26 ESX
27 ESH
Motol lead extenSIOO (ESP)
Pol head (ESP)
28 ESC Poy"er cabie (ESP)
--_._------------- - - ,-----------------------~----~St~;m-u~la~tio-n~S:-.~ct~;o~n~L30~O~T~H-~Ol~~"~.'=.=""~)____________
Cause of failure
(46--47) (48) (49) If chemica! stimulation
Rea.on ~:rny
in CD Fw
D D 150)
D Aad
None Not apphcable
AxelSon (rods)
02 ABR
03 COR
Abrasion, !iUld Cut
Continental EMSCO(rods)
Mud damage
HCI.HF 123%
HCIHF 615%
HCI.HF 6:05%
II chem,cal Slim volume - Gals
II Frac FracFluKlVol·Bbls
04 FAT Fatigue D4 Noms (rods) HCI 28%
05 SND Sand DS Ol!well(rods)
Bacteria B"",, BOa'"
EmulsIOn Western Solvent HCI 20%
06 MUD Mod 06 Tuboscopa (coatmg) Paraffin! ACid Eng. Scale Squeeze HCI 15%
07 SeL Gyp or scale 07 BTS (coatmg) Other (explamIn HCI 10%
asphaHenes SERFCO
08 PAR Paraflm 08 Spmcote(coatlng) HCI 7.5%
Wale/block Sm~hEnergy remarks)
09 RUB Rubber (In thepul1ll 09 VETCO (coaling) Acetic
Waterroouction OH19r (explain in
10 MET Metal {In the pump) Inillaloompletlon remarks)
12 IPA Improper applICation 1D Reda(ESP) (57·60)
orOlher (explain m
13 IPH ImplOperhandling 11 Cenlfilift-Hughes (ESP)
UNK Unknown 12 Oor(ESP)
15 CRH
18 ELe
Crooked hole
Saker - Lift (ESP) 11 Frac' Frac Sand weight· M pounds
17 OTR Other (explain) 15 Other (ESP)


(61 ;;S66) (67 :;. 73) (74 311 SO)

1 1 1 1 1 I

(1 . . ; - - - 5
I 1 I

I 1 1 1 I

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
All labor costs: Corrpany + Conlract +
Workovar + Stimulation + Olher
20 25 35 40)
} Costs

1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1
Remarl\s (left )uslilIOO. Please print): For permanent record ellter information In remarks squares.
4 1 " ; - - - 45 50 55 60 70 80)

I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I

(1-5 10 15 20 25 35 40)

1 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1
Remar'Ks (conllnuatlon)
4 1 " ; - - - 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80)

I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I
Tubing PUp, ROeM

01 ~s. PMPsize


Wei hI Gas anchor

Thread Rod Sizes I I
01 rods I I For Field
Mud anchor Rod class


Fig. 1-Data input form.

JVf • April 1994 337



- - - - - - 1 2 MONTHS TO 11-91 - -12 MONTHS TO 11-92 - - - - - - -
LEASE & WELL tI --ROD-- --ROO---
Lease A 1 1 0 o 0 0 0 0 1($ 4806) o o 0 O(S 0) 0($ 0- 2 ROD PMP
Lease A 31 0 o 0 0 0 0 1($ 7659) o o 0 O(S 0) O(S 0- 2 ROD PMP
LeaseB 1 1 0 o 0 0 0 0 1($ 8888) o o 0 O(S 0) O(S 0- 2 ROD PMP
LeaseC 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1(S 2188) o o 0 O(S 0) O(S 0- 3 RODPMP
LeaseD 1 1 0 o 0 0 0 0 1($ 961) o o 0 1 (S 0) 1 (S 0- 3 ROD PMP
LeaseE 100 o 0 0 0 0 O(S 0) o o 0 2(S 0) 2(S 0- 2 ROD PMP
Lease F 01 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 O(S 0) 2 o 0 O(S 3953) O(S 0- 2 ROD PMP
1 1 0 o 0 0 0 0 1(S 2S00) 1 3 0 O(S 12449) O(S 0- 6 ROD PMP
LeaseG 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 O(S 0) 3 o 0 3(S 2470) 1(S 0- 6 ROD PMP
1 0 0
.0 ****.~... u•• Ru •• "".~.,u ••~* .... *.~~~u.**~9200) o o 0 O(S 0) 0($ 0- 2 SUB PMP

FOR 1992: % PIN FAIL- 0 % CPL FAIL- 33 % ROD END FAIL- 33



Fig. 2-Problem well report.

Example 2. Rod pumping has been chosen. and/or chemical inhibition are not practical, low the economic impact of implemented ac-
This opens a variety of selection opportu- economical alternatives; (2) where the risks tion. Premature equiment failures are
nities. The pumping unit selection is based from a corrosion/erosion failure will affect usually the result of design deficiencies, im-
on a compromise between the present and personnel safety or the environment; and proper material selection, manufacturing
expected producing requirements. Choices (3) where failure repair costs will be high deficiencies, errors in assembly, and/or
must be made between conventional and and/or lost production revenue will be ex- service conditions that were not considered
nonconventional geometries. Capital cost cessive. in design.
must be considered. Tubing size is selected. Minimizing equipment failures requires a
Should the tubing be anchored? The API rod Monitoring Production tracking system that identifies the failures
grade is selected as a function of load and Producing conditions can and often do by type (rod, tubing, pump), location (pin,
corrosive conditions. High-strength rods change (sometimes rapidly), and monitoring body, barrel, plunger), cause (abrasion,
could be needed. What about continuous these changes is essential. GOR changes and stuck, corrosion, split, plugged), and ap-
rods and fiberglass rods? Should rod cou- increasing water cuts can drastically affect proximate cost. One such system has been
plings be standard or spray metal? The pump the lift system performance. Any and all in operation since 1969. 4 .5 With this data-
should be selected along the lines of the in- production changes influence operating ef- base, the failures can be trended to indicate
formation in Table 1. 3 ficiency and can lead to equiment failures. the overall performance with time. Trend-
We could give other examples for hydrau- For example, increasing the water cuts in ing helps provide a comparison among
lic pumping (free pump or a closed system; a rod-pumped well increases the load on the producing areas. Analysis of the data will
a field wide power-fluid system or a single- rods; an increased water cut also influences point out problems with the chemical treat-
well system); progressing cavity pumping the presence or absence of a scale-deposition ment program; problems associated with a
(the type of drive to use; elastomer selection problem and the severity of a corrosion
for the stator); gas lift (tubing- or wireline- specific equipment component, such as balls
problem. As the reservoir pressure de-
retrievable valves); etc. and seats; whether the rod failures are body
creases and the production declines, the lift
or end (pin or coupling); and whether the
equipment will be affected. Overproduction
Equipment Failure·Control tubing leak is the result of a corrosion-
of a rod-pumped well can result in pounding
Selection caused hole or a rod-wear-caused split. Peri-
and increased failures. Each criterion affects
odic meetings to discuss problem wells
This step in the process of managing artifi- how the well is produced and, in some cases,
can make a change in lift method eco- (those wells with excessive premature
cial lift is best described by example.
nomical. failures) help provide guidance and en-
Assume that rod pumping is the lift
Production monitoring is essential if courage failure control.
method of choice. The choices available for
causes of equipment failures are to be cor- A successful failure-control program can
corrosion and erosion control for each of
rectly identified and economic control of be summarized as follows. First, failure and/
these components (pump, tubing, rods, and
wellhead equipment) may be different (Ta- these failures implemented. Our goal is not or performance/activity data are collected
ble 2).3 Similar choices can be made for to control all failures but to increase profit- on a form like that in Fig. 1. Then failure
other lift choices-e. g., coatings for the ID ability. data are reviewed continuously and dis-
oftubulars for ESP and gas-lift installations. cussed periodically by a panel consisting of
Corrosion, scale, and paraffin control may Monitoring Equipment involved production and engineering person-
require treating either down the casingltub- Performance nel, staff support engineering, and chemi-
ing annuli, through a treating string attached In any attempt to optimize operations cal treating personnel, both company and
to the outside of the tubing, by continuous through a failure-control program (failure contract. The wells reviewed are those for
injection to the gas-lift gas in a gas-lifted control in its simplest form is failure analysis which the type and/or pattern of failure ex-
well, or by the power fluid in a hydraulic with the goal of applying corrective actions), ceeds certain criteria. These wells are known
or jet pump system. The sooner the need is basic information is required to define the as problem wells. The criteria that define
identified, the sooner the choice for control nature and magnitude of the problem and to a problem well continually get tougher as
can be economically evaluated and im- estimate the economic stakes. Systems for failure control is achieved. For example, a
plemented. obtaining this information have the follow- problem well can be defined as one with a
A candidate well for corrosion control by ing goals in common: to determine the cause failure performance.
materials selection is defined as a well (1) of the equipment failure, to help set speci- 1. A rod pump failure in less than 12
with unacceptable equipment life owing to fications for equipment, to predict future months.
corrosion and/or erosion where coatings performance of the equipment, and to fol- 2. A tubing failure in less than 12 months.

338 April 1994 • JPf


1 PUMP" 4-17-91"ROD PMP" 'WORN *WEAR "972+ 0+ 1010- 1982 *CHANGE PUMP-RAN ZXl 1/16X16 RHBS
" 3- 4-92"ROD PMP" TD*STUCK "SAND " 942+ 0+ 3864- 4806*HAD TO STRIP OUT RODS AND TBG-

3 PUMP" 1- 2-91 "ROD PMP " *lEAK 'BAlLSEAT'WEAR" 502+ 0+ 1605- 2107"
" 7- 8-92"ROD PMP" TD*STUCK 'BAlLSEAT'SAND 259+ 0+ 7400- 7659*HAD TO CLEAN OUT SAND 9766 TOTAl

... B
1 PUMP- 11- 1-89"R0 PMP " 669 3'STUCK *PLUNGER 'SAND' 1205 0+ 1891- 3096*lOAD TBG OK
" 1- 7-91 "ROD PMP " *WORN *PLUNGER *CORRODED" 934+ 0+ 1528- 2462"99
"12- 3-91 "OTHER "6690"STUCK 'BODY*OTHERELE" 456+ 1000+ 25739- 27195*HADTOCUTOFFTBG-MiLLOUTTAC-
"7- 28-92 "RODPMP" TD*STUCK*NONE *SAND 777+ 3341 + 4470- 8888*HAD TO REPLACE 165 3/4 RODS (PUMP
*"'A"ot"",a"""", •• , •• ,.,*. * ...... A' .... , ........................... A' •

:ti~-~ I EASE:: t;
"4- 16-91 "ROD PMP "STUCK *PLUNGER "SAND 505+ 0+ 947- 1452*CHAINGE PUMP-RAN ZX1 1/16X16
"4- 6- 91 "ROD "1000 'WORN *COUPLlNG'WEAR 0+ 7+ 1373- 1380*CHAINGE OUT 1 718 SLIM HOLE COUPLING

Fig. 3-Four-year problem well history.

3. Two rod failures (pin, coupling, body) length, and slow down the well. However, are working on the kind of stuff we
in the last 12 months. if all factors are considered, the most eco- all need to pay more attention to. This
4. A combination of any three failures in nomical solution may be to reduce speed is where we make our "bread and
the last 12 months-e.g., a pump failure, a (with its attendant loss in productivity) or butter" money.
polished-rod failure, and a rod break. live with the failures, rather than installing
5. An ESP life of less than 24 months. a larger unit and/or redesigning the rod Training and
6. A hydraulic reciprocating pump life of string if a full-cycle economic analysis can- Technology Transfer
less than 4 months. not justify the changes. Improvement is difficult without training.
7. A jet pump life of less than 24 months. A successful failure-control program re- Training on recognizing and solving prob-
8. Gas-lift equipment (valves, mandrels) quires regular meetings at each field office- lems should be directed to company person-
life of less than 24 months. perhaps every 6 to 12 months-to review the nel and well servicing crews. Data
performance of the problem wells. Each monitoring serves as an indicator of when
Use of Monitoring Data problem well is reviewed, and the specifics training is required. For example, if the rod-
for Making Decisions of the installation, production, and failures end failures for a given property or produc-
Production and equipment performance data are discussed. The outcome is specific de- ing area exceed 30% of total rod failures,
are required for decision making. Specifics cisions to solve the problems economically. a training session on equipment pulling and
of the production, knowledge of the well op- Post-mortems of actions recommended in handling (a care and handling seminar) is
eration, and failure data are required to the previous meeting are conducted, and scheduled. 6 API's recommended practices
make sensible (economical) corrective de- needed changes are identified, discussed, provide excellent information and training
cisions. Investigative engineering takes all and agreed upon. Examples of data to be re- aids. Internal recommended practices 7 on
the monitoring data and determines the prob- viewed at such meetings are displayed in a variety of topics that target production op-
able cause of failure (or of unsatisfactory Figs. 2 and 3. erations can be developed. These documents
performance) and the best solution. For ex- In 1992, all projects involving engineer- contain failure-control experience gained
ample, a particular beam-pump well is ing staff were reviewed to assess need and over many years and provide practical
reportedly having rod breaks at the upset. profitability. The value of the failure-control guidance to field engineering and production
What is the problem? Is it manufacturing project as a tool to optimize profitability was personnel.
defects or well operation? More information affirmed. A field production superintendent Like training, technology transfer is a re-
is required. The same problem of rod breaks described his view of the failure-control quirement for improvement. New and better
occurred with pumps from two different program. materials and operating procedures are being
manufacturers. The well was recently acid- developed that can increase run time. New
ized, which increased the production and I know of nowhere else in the indus- and improved equipment is targeting such
necessitated a larger pump. Dynamometer try to obtain these services, either problem areas as tubing and rod wear. Each
analysis on the well indicated that the rods through contractor or vendor. These new method should be evaluated on its per-
were operating at 110 % to 115 % above the people serve as an excellent "clearing formance, including cost and run-time im-
range of stress specified by the Goodman house" for information on reliability provement. Technology transfer is also
diagram. The unit was a 228 with a 74-in. of new products, etc. These people information sharing. It is just as important
stroke operating at 12.6 strokes/niin. Based have an excellent understanding of to share what has not worked as what has
on that information, the best failure-control the operational and mechanical side worked.
solution would be to change to a larger unit, of business. They communicate very Examples of new technology under trial
redesign the rod string, increase the stroke well with field personnel. These guys include the application and testing of vacuum

JPf • April 1994 339

1. The information and experience nec- 1981 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
TABLE 3-FAILURE CONTROL Exhibition, San Antonio, Oct. 4-7.
PERFORMANCE essary to select the optimum (ultimately the
most economical) lift system and the opti- 2. Clegg, J.D., Bucaram, S.M., and Hein, N.W.:
mum components for that lift system. "Recommmendations and Comparisons for
Equipment Life
2. Continuous production performance Artificial-Lift Methods Selection," JPT (Dec.
1993) 1128.
Type of Failure 1970 1988 monitoring.
3. RP4, Metallurgical Selection for Corrosion and
3. A data-collection system that allows ef-
Rods 75 Erosion Control, Arco E&P Technology,
Rod pumps 20 40 forts to be focused on problem wells. Plano, TX.
Tubing 60 100 4. Periodic meetings to discuss these 4. Bucaram, S.M. and Sullivan, J.H.: "A Data-
ESP 15 48 problem wells. Gathering and Processing System To Optimize
All downhole failures 12 33 5. A central contact who assists with the Producing Operations," JPT (Feb. 1972) 185.
meetings and provides continuity, informa- 5. Bucaram, S.M. and Yeary, B.J.: "A Data-
tion, and contacts from inside the company Gathering System To Optimize Producing Op-
deposition of noble-metal films on stuffing- and the industry. erations: A 14-Year Overview," JPT(April
box packing and polished rods (for friction 6. Training for company pesonnel and for 1987) 457.
reduction) and on ESP stages and gas-lift contractors. 6. Bucaram, S.M., Byars, H.G., and Kaplan, M.:
valves for scale control. Development and 7. Continuous and repeated technology "Selection, Handling and Protection of Down-
testing of high-temperature materials for transfer. hole Materials: A Practical Approach," Ma-
composition ring plungers and for progress- terials Protection and Performance (Sept.
Producers have an obligation to achieve
ing cavity stator elastomers are also under 1977) 12, No.9, 20.
maximum profitability (adequate revenues 7. RP I, Selection and Use of Internally Plastic
way. from "making oil" are no longer accept- Coated Tubing, Arco E&P Technology, Plano,
able). Efforts directed to achieve maximum TX.
Keeping Score profitability benefit not only the producer
Results of the failure-control program de- managing the program but also other com- SI Metric Conversion Factors
scribed here can be summarized by a com- panies with investments in the properties that
ft x 3.048* E-Ol m
parison of failure-control rates for the years the producer operates.
in. x 2.54* E+OO = em
1970 and 1988. (Since 1990, some proper- Acknowledgments "'Conversion factor is exact.
ties have been purchased and some let go.
Failure-control efforts have not slackened; We thank Arco management for supporting
keeping company-wide score has.) Table 3 and encouraging this work. We also thank This paper is SPE 26212. Distinguished Author Series ar·
ticles are general, descriptive representations that summar-
all Arco personnel who contribute to and
compares the mean time between failures for ize the state of the art in an area of technology by describing
participate in the Equipment Performance recent developments for readers who are not specialists in
1970 and 1988 and documents the improve-
and Failure Control System; improvements the topics discussed. Written by individuals recognized as
ment in average equiment life. experts in the area, these articles provide key references
to date are a result of their efforts. to more definitive work and present specific details only to
illustrate the technology. Purpose: To inform the general
Conclusions References readership of recent advances in various areas of petrole-
um engineering. A softbound anthology, SPE Distinguished
Managing artificial lift requires the follow- I. Neely, A.B. et al.: "Selection of Artificial- Author Series: Dec. 1981-Dec. 1983, is available from SPE's
ing tools. Lift Methods," paper 10337 presented at the Book Order Dept.

340 April 1994 • JPT

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