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Blindness or being visually impaired can lead to a dire lifestyle. So that’s why we have come
up with an innovative idea of building a visually impaired smart stick which would assist the
blind from obstacles, hurdles n moist ground. Evolution of technology has always been
endeavoured with making daily life simple. With an evolving technology everybody today is
harnessing the benefits of technology except some parts of the society. One of them is the
visually impaired who have to rely on others for travelling and other activities. This paper
proposes a theoretical model which incorporates the latest technologies to provide efficient
and smart electronic aid to the blind. We have used IR sensors along with UV sensor for
hurdle detection .


1) Blind stick is an innovative stick designed for visually disabled people for improved
navigation. We here propose an advanced blind stick that allows visually challenged people
to navigate with ease using advanced technology. The blind stick is integrated with
ultrasonic sensor along with water sensing using moisture sensor. Our proposed project first
uses ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles ahead using ultrasonic waves. On sensing
obstacle the sensor passes this data to the microcontroller. The microcontroller then
processes this data and calculates if the obstacle is close enough. If the obstacle is not that
close the circuit does nothing. If the obstacle is close the microcontroller sends a signal to
sound a buzzer. It also detects and sounds a different buzzer if it detects water and alerts
the blind. The system has one more advanced feature integrated to help the blind find their
stick if they forget where they kept it. A wireless rf based remote is used for this purpose.
Pressing the remote button sounds a buzzer on the stick which helps the blind person to
find their stick. Thus this system allows for obstacle detection as well as finding stick if
misplaced by visually disabled people.
Keywords: Ultrasonic sensor, GSM module and GPS module, buzzer
2) Blind people need some aid to feel safe while moving. Smart stick comes as a
proposed solution to improve the mobility of both blind and visually impaired people.
Stick solution use different technologies like ultrasonic, infrared and laser but they
still have drawbacks. In this paper we propose, light weight, cheap, user friendly, fast
response and low power consumption, smart stick based on infrared technology. A
pair of infrared sensors can detect stair-cases and other obstacles presence in the
user path, within a range of two meters. The experimental results achieve good
accuracy and the stick is able to detect all of obstacles.

3) The paper represents a novel approach to overcome the major challenges face by
blind and partially blind people to cross the road and read. The proposed voice stick
used to cross the road and reach their destination without any support. It is
introduced a new technique to read printed material using Android phone. Low cost
able to serve as a smart blind stick being more efficient and helpful than the
conventional one. This will assist the blind persons during the walk and provides an
alarm if any hurdle is detected within the set range.
4) Robots have been fascinating us from year to now. They are the part of our life in field like
research, development, medicine, defence or even novels and movies. Robots have simplified our
job to extent. They have provided efficient, reliable and safe mode of working hand to human
beings. Due to robotic only men is now able to perform distant operations. Mars Rover is one the
example of distant operation being carried out by men. Smart stick for blind man is one of the self
operating robot that follows a line that drawn on the floor. Capture line position with optical sensor
mounted at front end of the robot. Most are using several number of photo-reflector, and some
leading contestants are using as image sensor for image processing. The line sensing process
requires high resolution and high robustness. Steer robot to track the line with any steering
mechanism. This is just a servo operation; any phase compensation will be required to stabilize
tracking motion by applying digital PID filter or any other servo algorithm. Control speed according
to lane condition. Running speed is limited during passing a curve due to friction of the tire and the
floor. Smart stick for blind man is a machine that can follow a path. The path can be visible like a
backline on a white surface (or vice-versa) or it can be invisible like a magnetic field. Sensing a line
and manoeuvring the robot to stay on course, while constantly correcting wrong moves using
feedback mechanism forms a simple yet effective closed loop system. As a programmer you get an
opportunity to ‘teach’ the robot how to follow the line thus giving it a human-like property of
responding to stimuli. Practical applications of a line follower: Automated cars running on roads with
embedded magnets guidance system for industrial robots moving on shop floor.

5) In this paper, we introduce a smart stick system for assisting blind people. The smart stick comes
as a proposed solution to enable visually impaired people to find difficulties in detecting obstacles
and dangers in front of them during walking and to identify the world around. The system is
designed to act like an artificial vision and alarm unit The system consists of five sensors: ultrasonic
sensor, IR sensor, water sensor, fire sensor, and light (LDR) sensor, microcontroller (Arduino Uno R3)
to receive the sensor signals and process them to short pulses to the Arduino pins where buzzers,
vibrator and voice alarms are connected. GPS navigation in the Mobile can be used to guide the
blind for new places and unfamiliar places. The blind man uses an earphone to listen to the
navigation directions that are coming from the GPS and buzzer alarm to warn by sound. We seek in
our project to provide a smart stick affordable and suitable for most blind people, and also it is light
in weight. It can be made available to all segments of the society and their families who need them.

6) There are many issues over which humans have no control blindness is one of such
issues. It snatches the vivid visual beauty of the world from an individual's life. But
missing the beauty of nature becomes one of the last worries of such people as they
have to face numerous difficulties in order to perform even the most basics of tasks in
their day to day life. One of their most dominant problems is of transport, such as
crossing roads, traveling in trains, or other public places. They always require human
assistance to do so. But sometimes they are rendered helpless when no such
assistance is offered. Their dependencies deteriorate their confidence. Traditionally they
have been using the conventional cane stick to guide themselves by touching/poking
obstacles in their way. This causes a lot of accidents and hence is dangerous for them
and others. As this is a technologically driven era we decided to aid these differently
abled people by coming up with a technology utilizing solution. We call it the “Smart
Stick”. It is a device which guides the user by sensing obstacles in the range of stick. It
will identify all obstacles in the path with the help of various sensors installed in it. The
microcontroller will retrieve data and pass it on as vibrations which will notify the user
about hurdles on the way. It is an efficient device and will prove to be a big boon for
blind people.
7) A smart stick has been built for the visually impaired people that help to detect
obstacles with the use of infrared, ultrasonic and water sensors. Obstacles within the
distance of about 3m can be detected with the help of these sensors. Also, we make use
of GPS module to give positioning and navigation to the stick. Using GPS module
assists the blind person to reach his destination. While the blind person navigate, the
GPS receiver gets the location of the person updated and the co-ordinates of that
location can be used to keep track of the blind person for safety concerns. The blind
person can also send emergency message or make an emergency call at times of risk,
to his guardian, using GSM module. In this way, the GSM module will be used to give
notifications when the blind person has threats.
8) This paper presents design and implementation of an ultrasonic sensor based walking
stick for visually impaired person. An ultrasonic sensor module, HC-SR04 is used for
obstacle detection in the path of the blind person and a buzzer is used to make the
person alert. The proposed system is implemented using PIC microcontroller 16F877A.
Blind persons can use this walking stick for safe navigation. It can detect obstacle within
5 to 35 cm range of distance.
9) Smart walking stick - an electronic approach to assist visually disabled persons. In this paper the
sensor based circuitry consisting of sensors Ultrasonic Sensor is used to detect obstacles, A
PIC16F690 microcontroller reads these sensors and drives a buzzer, a LED and a motor with PWM.
An audio output is designated by a buzzer alarm. 2. Arm7 Based Electronic Travel Aid System for
Blind People Navigation and Monitoring .This paper aims at the development of an Electronic
Travelling Aid (ETA) kit to help the blind people to find obstacle free path. This ETA is fixed to the
stick of the blind people. When the object is detected near to the blinds’ stick it alerts them with the
help of vibratory circuit (speakers or head phones). The system consists of ultrasonic sensor, GPS
Module, GSM Module and vibratory circuit (speakers or head phones). The location of the blind is
found using Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) and Global Position System (GPS). A
wireless rf based remote is used for this purpose. Pressing the remote button sounds a buzzer on the
stick which helps the blind person to find their stick. Thus this system allows for obstacle detection
as well as finding stick if misplaced by visually disabled people.

10) In this work, a device is designed and implemented that it is doing three
jobs in order to help blind people to walk without accidents may occur. The
first proposed one is accomplished by putting the ultrasonic sensor in a
measured angle about 40o on a suitable blinding stick to detect if there is a
hole or stair in front of blind at about 48 cm distance to prevent him from
falling and as a result may be causing many injuries.The second one uses a
moisture sensor in the first leg of the four legs stick to measure the degree
of the land soil moisture in front of the blind and alert him when that degree
exceeds a measured level that may immerse the feet of him. While, the third
one is made by using another ultrasonic sensor on the stick to turn an alarm
ON when there is an obstacle, person, or wall at a small distance about 50
cm near him to prevent a collision accident.The stick is implemented
practically using four leg blinding cane, Arduino microcontroller and the three
sensors. Also, the three buzzers and one vibrator motor and three LEDs are
used on the stick to turn on when a such problems occur. The device gives
good results when many visually impaired people in Merjan medical city in
Babylon used it.



ABSTRACT: The sticks currently available for the blinds to navigate are based on physical contact
and thus are not suitable for protection against other obstacles like water pits and fire. The sticks
having these features (available in advanced counties) are very closely and not affordable by
common man in India. Therefore, there was a need to develop a stick giving these features at very
low cost. Our paper outlines the developmental process, working principle of a stick using a smart
sensor developed by us at a very low cost of Rs 200. The stick has been tested in the actual
environment for more than six months and has proved successful.

12) Producing Energy Using Blind Man Stick

We all are familiar with the problems a blind person faces while performing several daily
life activities. These problems are generally related to walking on roads, walking on
ramps, movement in staircases, looking for path in crowded streets and market places and
many other situations. Of course, many of us come ahead to help them by guiding their
way, but sometimes it becomes a matter of self-respect, or say, the person is not willing
to take help from others or even it is possible that nobody may be available to help. Think
of a situation when a blind person is alone and an Electronic Travel Aid Stick suddenly
stops working due to a completely discharged battery system. This paper aims to build a
device that can generate that much amount of energy that is required to run the
electronic systems efficiently so that it can prevent visually impaired people from
suffering in difficult situations.

13) Intelligent Walking Stick for Elderly and Blind People

Mobility for blind and elderly people is a problem as they have to face many difficulties in their
day to day life. Most commonly, stick is use by blind and elderly people as a support for their body
to stand and walk. The most common disadvantage of walking stick is user should have to be in
close proximity of obstacle so that he can sense the location of obstacle to avoid bumping while
waggling. We proposed a new concept of walking stick which is helpful for both blinds and elderly
people to move in unfamiliar environment and monitor their medical condition. In this
methodology we have used different sensors mounted on a walking stick which will help a user to
navigate easily indoor and outdoor along with monitoring their health. Unlike other electronic
blind stick which were helpful in detecting obstacle and alert user we designed a stick having
multiple feature embedded in a single stick. This stick used for detecting obstacle, pit ,water on
ground to some level, location of user, pulse rate detection, body temperature measurement of
user and alert another person by sending message about the health issue of user or some other

14) Design and Implementation of Smart Blind Stick

Independence is the building methodology in achieving dreams, goals, and objectives in life.

Visually impaired persons find themselves challenging to go out independently. There are

millions of visually impaired or blind people in this world who are always in need of helping

hands. For many years the white cane became a well-known attribute to blind person’s

navigation and later efforts have been made to improve the cane by adding remote sensors.

Blind people have a big problem when they walk on the street or stairs using a white cane,

but they have sharp haptic sensitivity. The electronic walking stick will help the blind person

by providing a more convenient means of life. The main aim of this paper is to contribute our

knowledge and services to the people of the blind and disable society.
This paper represents an approach to overcome major challenges face by blind people. A
blind person has a physical limitedness of vision. Therefore, to facilitate their mobility to
move, they make use of a normal cane. But the cane could not help them in avoiding
obstacles on the sidewalks, technology can further help in providing assistance to the
user. This research will develop a smart cane for a blind person using Arduino UNO and it
has an Ultrasonic sensor, buzzer and a vibration motor to facilitate the user in detecting
the obstacles. To assist in tracking the user’s location, this smart cane utilizes GPS to
determine the location and send it via SMS. The method used in this paper is the design of
hardware and software. The expected results of this paper are to create a smart cane for
blind person which can assist their daily activities. A blind person can avoid a collision
because this smart cane will alert the user through the buzzer and also the vibration
motor alerts when the user is unable to hear the buzzer sound and the smart cane notify
their family if they are lost.

16) Smart Stick For Blind Person Assisted with Android

Application And Save Our Souls Transmission
Today technology is improving daily in different aspects in order to provide flexible
proposes Smart Stick for blind person. But there is no such kind of good system to
navigate a blind person and help in emergency situation. In this paper, user friendly device
is proposed that can identify the obstacles in the path using ultrasonic sensors. In this
system blind person will navigated through a stick interfaced with an android application.
A blind person can establish voice call or SMS to a predefined number just by pressing the
emergency button on stick using GSM module. In addition, people will get notified as
Facebook status updated with emergency alert. This system develop an android
application which is smart and user-friendly. While walking in public place during night
time, the blind person can use stick as a flashlight which illuminates automatically.


This paper describes ultrasonic blind walking stick with the use of arduino. According to
WHO, 30 million peoples are permanently blind and 285 billion peoples with vision
impairment . If u notice them , you can very well know about it they can’t walk without
the help of other. One has to ask guidance to reach their destination. They have to face
more struggles in their life daily life. Using this blind stick , a person can walk more
confidently. This stick detects the object in front of the person and give response to the
user either by vibrating or through command. So, the person can walk without any fear.
This device will be best solution to overcome their difficulties .

18) Blind Hurdle Stick: Android Integrated Voice Based

Intimation via GPS with Panic Alert System

ABSTRACT: The acknowledgment of the fact that it is so hard to do things when our eyes
are shut urged us to think of an inventive thought.There are roughly 36 million individuals
over the world who are visually impaired and more than 12 million are from India.Till date
blind people are managing to travel with walking stick and obstacle detecting cane and
other devices.As of late there has been a great deal of Electronic Travel Aids (ETA) plans
and these devised to help the blind navigate independently and safely.In this paper, smart
stick acts like an artificial vision and alarm unit that enables visually impaired people to
find difficulties in detecting obstacles. This framework utilizes sensors for hurdle
detection, bluetooth alongside an android application which give a voice help to the
visually impaired individual. To identify position of the blind person a GPS module with a
panic alert system is integrated so that intended person can be notified.This system has
an advanced feature integrated to help the blind find their stick if it is misplaced.
Keywords-Smartstick, Ultrasonicsensor, GPS, Microcontroller.



ABSTRACT: Blind navigation is an accessibility application that enables blind to use an

android Smartphone in an easy way for indoor navigation with instructions in audio form.
We have proposed a prototype which is an indoor navigation application for blinds that
uses QR codes. It is developed for android Smart phones and does not require any
additional hardware for navigation. It provides automatic navigational assistance on pre-
defined paths for blind. QR codes are placed on the floor sections after specific distance
that acts as an input for current location detection and navigation. Whenever a QR code is
scanned it provides the user with the information of the current location and asks the user
to select the destination and then offers optimal and shortest path using path finding
algorithms. During navigation whenever the deviation from the proposed path is detected
it prompts the user and guides back to the right path by comparing the current path with
the generated path. All of the instructions throughout the application are provided in
audio form to the user. The interface of the application is well built for blinds which
makes the smart phones user-friendly and useable for blind people. The user interacts
with the application through a specific set of user-friendly gestures for specific inputs and
operations. At the end, we have performed comparison between different state of art
approaches and concluded that our approach is more user friendly, cost effective and
produced more accurate results.
20) This project was developed as we see there are no initiative for blind person to make them feel
save when they walk outside without guardians. The life if blind people is very difficult and
challenging, they can’t see an object in front them and sometimes they can get hit by object even
human and it actually can lead to injured. This Smart Stick is intended to help reduce the difficulties
faced by blind people. This stick will be embedded by sensor to senses any object or human in front
of them. Beside that, the tendency to blind people get lost is very high because they can’t see the
road. With that we use GPS to track where they go and this stick will inform the keeper the current
location whenever they go to anywhere

21) 3.2 Ultrasonic sensors The smart stick will have four HC-SRC04 ultrasonic sensors, one of which
will detect obstacles in front of the person, and three of which will be used to detect obstacles on
the stick’s sides. An ultrasonic sensor is a sensor that detects objects using sound waves. As pointed
out earlier, it works the same way as sonar or radar works. High-frequency sound waves are
generated and received back, and sensors determine the distance from the time it takes to send and
receive the echo signals. An HC-SRC04 ultrasonic sensor contains four pins ground, Vcc, trigger, and
echo. It has a range of 2 to 400cm. Usually, it has two openings; one for the transmitter and the
other for the receiver.

22) Blindness is a lack of vision that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lens. Visually
challenged people faces lots of problems including navigation from one place to another. In this
paper we introduced a smart walking stick which includes ultrasonic sensors, water level sensor and
GPS module. Webcam is used to capture a short duration video of the present location of the blind
people and is sent to the receiver. GPS tracking is done via blynk mobile application which uses
latitude and longitude to locate. This smart stick is too easy to handle and very convenient to use
Keywords: Ardiuno, GPS, Blind, Ultrasonic sensor, Vision, Wi-Fi, Buzzer

23) In order to help the visually challenged people, a study that helps those people to walk more
confidently is proposed. The study hypothesizes a smart walking stick that alerts visually-impaired
people over obstacles, pit and water in front could help them in walking with less accident. It
outlines a better navigational tool for the visually impaired. It consists of a simple walking stick
equipped with sensors to give information about the environment. GPS technology is integrated
with pre-programmed locations to determine the optimal route to be taken. The user can choose
the location from the set of destinations stored in the memory and will lead in the correct direction
of the stick. In this system, ultrasonic sensor, pit sensor, water sensor, GPS receiver, level converter,
driver, vibrator, voice synthesizer, keypad, speaker or headphone, PIC controller and battery are
used. The overall aim of the device is to provide a convenient and safe method for the blind to
overcome their difficulties in daily life.

24) — Mobility for blind and elderly people is a problem as they have to face many difficulties in
their day to day life. Most commonly, stick is use by blind and elderly people as a support for their
body to stand and walk. The most common disadvantage of walking stick is user should have to be in
close proximity of obstacle so that he can sense the location of obstacle to avoid bumping while
waggling. We proposed a new concept of walking stick which is helpful for both blinds and elderly
people to move in unfamiliar environment and monitor their medical condition. In this methodology
we have used different sensors mounted on a walking stick which will help a user to navigate easily
indoor and outdoor along with monitoring their health. Unlike other electronic blind stick which
were helpful in detecting obstacle and alert user we designed a stick having multiple feature
embedded in a single stick. This stick used for detecting obstacle, pit ,water on ground to some level,
location of user, pulse rate detection, body temperature measurement of user and alert another
person by sending message about the health issue of user or some other emergency. Keywords—
Walking stick, TCRT1000, GSM, GPS

1) Punitha.V Revathi.S Sathiya Priya.B.M Department of Information Technology, Adhiyamaan
College of Engineering, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India G. Fathima Professor, Adhiyamaan College of
Engineering, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India

2) Ayat A. Nada,Department of Computers and Systems, Electronics Research Institute,

Giza, Egypt
Mahmoud A. Fakhr, Department of Computers and Systems, Electronics Research
Institute, Giza, Egypt
Ahmed F. Seddik, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Helwan, University, Cairo, Egypt

3) Mithiles Kumar, Faysal Kabir, Sahadev Roy. Low Cost Smart Stick for Blind and Partially Sighted
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4) Nitish Sukhija1 , Shruti Taksali2 , Mohit Jain3 and Rahul Kumawat, International Journal of
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International Research Publication House

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University, P.O. Box 888, 21974 Taif, SaudiArabia. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)
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6) Mukesh Prasad Agrawal

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra,

Kurukshetra, Haryana, 136119, India
Atma Ram Gupta
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra,
Kurukshetra, Haryana, 136119, India

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8) Naiwrita Dey

Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, RCC Institute of Information

Technology, Kolkata, India
Ankita Paul
Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, RCC Institute of Information
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Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, RCC Institute of Information
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Chandrama Mukherjee
Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, RCC Institute of Information
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Sohini Dey
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13) Dr. Balwinder Singh & Shalini Singh (ACSD, C-DAC Mohali, India)

14) Shubham Bele, Swapnil Ghule , Akshay Gunjal

JSPM’s BSIOTR, Wagholi, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Nitesh Anwat
JSPM’s Bhivrabai Sawant Institute of Technology & Research (BSIOTR)

15) Ch. Sri Satya Jyothirmai, K.R. Krishna Tulasi, K. Jayasri, Pavitra Sahu and K. Priyanka
(Students, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vignan’s Institute of Engineering for
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16) Ms. Pratibha Shantaram Pawaskar (M. E. Student, Dept. of Eln. Engg, Tatyasaheb Kore
Inst. of Engg.& Tech. Warananagar), Prof. D. G. Chougule (Head of Dept., Dept. of
Eln.Engg, Tatyasaheb Kore Inst. of Engg.& Tech. Warananagar) Prof. A.S. Mali (Assistant
Prof., Dept. of Eln.Engg, Tatyasaheb Kore Inst. of Engg.& Tech. Warananagar)
17R.Dhanuja, F.Farhana, G.Savitha (Assistant Professor,Department of electronics and
communication engineering, Jeppiaar SRR Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India)
18) Vani Walvekar, Swathi T Shetty , Shruthi N,Yashaswini B R (Department of CSE,
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19) Affan Idrees, Zahid Iqbal, Maria Ishfaq (Department of Computer Science, University of
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21) Balu N. Ilag AI and UC & Collaboration Expert Silicon Valley, CA; Yogesh Athave Sr. Software
Engineer Silicon Valley, CA; International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume
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22) Allan J Wilson1 , A.S.Sarika2 , Dr.P.Kannan3 1Asst.Professor, Amrita College of Engineering and
Technology, Nagercoil,India, 2Asst.Professor, Amrita College of Engineering and Technology,
Nagercoil,India, 3Associate Professor, Amrita College of Engineering and Technology, Nagercoil,

23) G.Gayathri, M.Vishnupriya,R.Nandhini, Ms.M.Banupriya,

Article Date Published : 28 March 2014

24) Shalini Singh ACSD, C-DAC Mohali, India; Dr. Balwinder Singh ACSD, C-DAC Mohali, India;
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

 There are many issues over which humans have no control blindness is
one of such issues. It snatches the vivid visual beauty of the world
from an individual's life. But missing the beauty of nature becomes one
of the last worries of such people as they have to face numerous
difficulties in order to perform even the most basics of tasks in their
day to day life.
 One of their most dominant problems is of transport, such as crossing
roads, traveling in trains, or other public places. They always require
human assistance to do so. But sometimes they are rendered helpless
when no such assistance is offered


1. Arduino Nano (Any version will work)

2. Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
3. LDR
4. Buzzer and LED
5. 7805
6. 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver
7. Resistors
8. Capacitors
9. Push button
10. Perf board(For physical implementation)
11. Soldering Kit(For physical implementation)
12. 9V batteries


Board setup process:-

First the ultrasonic sensor,2 buzzer, Led should be attached to
breadboard then we should connect these components to
Arduino by wires after that the circuit should be attached to a
stick with a tape/adhesives(dry).
Arduino setup process:-
1) The Arduino is connected to a laptop/pc and the respective
code is installed in the Arduino board with the help of
Arduino IDE ( It helps to write, edit and install the code to
the Arduino board).
2) The Arduino later shows a blip signalling the code is
3) At this point we have to attach the Arduino to the
aforementioned breadboard along with the sensors and with
a battery for the implementation of the code upon the
Process Flow

#include <SPI.h>

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#include <EEPROM.h>

#include <SD.h>

//#include <Keypad.h>

// Define pins for ultrasonic and buzzer

// include the library code:

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins

// The circuit:

// 10K resistor:

// ends to +5V and ground

int const trigPin = 10;

int const echoPin = 9;

int const buzzPin = 2;

int const ldrPin = 0; // Declaring LDR on Analog Pin 0

int piezoPin = 8; // Declaring Piezo Buzzer on Pin 8

int ldrValue = 0; // Reading different values from the LDR

int sensorState = 4;//Reading pir

void setup()


pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // trig pin will have pulses output

pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // echo pin should be input to get pulse width

pinMode(buzzPin, OUTPUT);// buzz pin is output to control buzzering

pinMode(2, INPUT);

pinMode(8, OUTPUT);

void loop()

int analogValue = analogRead(A0);

ldrValue = analogRead(ldrPin); // read the value from the LDR

// reads the input on analog pin A0 (value between 0 and 1023)

Serial.print("Analog reading = ");

Serial.print(analogValue); // the raw analog reading

// We'll have a few threshholds, qualitatively determined

if (analogValue < 600) {

tone(piezoPin,500); // Play a 1000Hz tone from the piezo (beep)

delay(100); // wait a bit, change the delay for fast response.

noTone(piezoPin); // stop the tone after 25 ms in this case

delay(ldrValue); // wait the amount of milliseconds in ldrValue} //

Serial.println(" - Dark");

} else if (analogValue < 700) {

Serial.println(" - Light");

} else if (analogValue < 800) {

Serial.println(" - Bright");

} else if (analogValue < 900) {

Serial.println(" - Bright");

} else {

Serial.println(" - Very bright");


// Duration will be the input pulse width and distance will be the distance
to the obstacle in centimeters

int duration, distance;

// Output pulse with 1ms width on trigPin

digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

// Measure the pulse input in echo pin

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

// Distance is half the duration divided by 29.1 (from datasheet)

distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;

Serial.print( "obstacle Distance in cm is " );



// if distance less than 1 meter and more than 0 (0 or less means over

if (distance <50) {
// Buzz

digitalWrite(piezoPin, HIGH);

} else {

// Don't buzz

digitalWrite(piezoPin, LOW);

// Waiting 500 ms won't hurt any one


// read the state of the sensor/digital input

sensorState = digitalRead(2);

// check if sensor pin is HIGH. if it is, set the

// LED on.

if (sensorState == HIGH) {

digitalWrite(piezoPin, HIGH);

Serial.println("Sensor activated!");

} else {

digitalWrite(piezoPin, LOW);

delay(500); // Delay a little bit to improve simulation performance

Board diagram

Platform of Execution:
◦ Here we have used Arduino IDE as the
platform to run the code.

◦ The Arduino Integrated Development

Environment - or Arduino Software (IDE) -
contains a text editor for writing code, a message
area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons for
common functions and a series of menus. It
connects to the Arduino and Genuino hardware
to upload programs and communicate with them

◦ It is very similar to python programming.

◦ Simple, clear programming environment - The

Arduino Software (IDE) is easy-to-use for
beginners, yet flexible for everyone to use.

◦ The main advantage of the Arduino technology

is, you can directly load the programs into the
device without the need of a hardware
programmer to burn the program.

◦ It is used in designing of basic circuit designs,

Development of Automation System etc.

◦ We have finally completed our project
with all the asserted informations.
◦ This will help the elderly, blind and low
sighted people in their manoeuvre
keeping the standards of safety.
◦ This is an example of what technology,
especially implementation of Iot does to
our daily life.
◦ It is environment friendly so it does not
cause any pollution
◦ Hence, making world a bit better place
for those in need.

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