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Plered is the name of one of the districts

in Purwakarta, West Java. History Plered
not be separated from the history of
ceramics and struggle. Plered region,
Cirata, Gandasoli and Citalang including
the old town or village in Purwakarta
Regency. History Plered and ceramics has
been around since the Neolithic era. At
these times, there have been people who
came to the area along the river Citarum

From the results of excavations in areas Cirata found relics of stone, square axes, tools
and pestle to pound the rock, including found pots and clay pots, also found the
panjunan (anjun) place to make pottery.

The origin of the name Plered have different versions: in whom the name was derived
from the forced cultivation at the time when the area became a place of coffee
cultivation and the results are transported using carts, small carts pulled by water
(Called Palered). Coffee cart carrier is made of good wood board would also
pedatinya wheel, so strong it when through muddy streets. Transportation coffee
towards Cikao Bandung / Jatiluhur hereinafter transported using a raft down the river
to Tanjung Priok Citarum.

Development of Ceramics Plered

Ceramics as a craft has appeared on the Dutch colonial era, starting in 1795 which at
that time around there Citalang-Lio Lio (place of manufacture of roof tiles and
bricks). Since then the houses of the people who originally thatched roofed, shingle,
palm leaves or reeds around Plered and in the Karawang regency began to be replaced
with tile roof even in the vicinity Anjun (Panjunan) has started making pottery /
pottery. Beginning in 1935, the glazed earthenware product in Plered become a home
industry. In that year, there is a Dutch company that opened a factory glaze named
Hendrik De Boa in the Public famous, Plered.

In the Japanese colonial era, ceramics due to its population decline should work as
romusha, mainly around the foot of Mount Cupu and Ciganea. While De Boa
controlled factory and renamed as Toki Kojo. Nevertheless the company is still
At the time of independence, the production of pottery and ceramics in Plered almost
stopped altogether because of the involvement of citizens in the struggle movement.
After the handover of sovereignty on 29 December 1949, the situation gradually
Plered well, so the pottery and ceramic production began to rise again marked by
Bung Hatta official opening of the building near the Parent Ceramic Gonggo in 1950.
At that time the machines imported from Germany and then reached its heyday
because of relatively high productivity. In addition, the Parent Ceramic instrumental
in guiding the domestic industry to grow rapidly.

Currently, along with the development of the era and a paradigm shift, going
improvement in the application of engineering design, technology and management
are conducted in coordination between the Working Group on Industrial Clusters
Plered Ceramics under the guidance of Directorate General of Small and Medium
Enterprises, Ministry of Industry in collaboration with Ceramics Research UPTD
Plered as agencies under the Department of Industry, Trade and Investment
Purwakarta Regency supported academically by Team HI-LINK which is a
partnership task force for the community college-FSRD craftsmen from Bandung
Institute of Technology.

Current condition is recorded about 264 business units that employ about 3,000
people with production values ranging from 8.5 billion dollars. Production is exported
to various countries including: Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, the
Netherlands, Canada, Saudia Arabia, the United States and Latin America, Britain,
Spain, Italy and various other foreign countries .**
If you are interested in knowing more about the ceramic Plered and even wanted to
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