Essay 2

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Name : Annadhifatul C Illiyyin

NIM : 09320147
Class : E


A dream is an ambition or hope that is going to be got by people who want it,
according to Oxford Pocket Dictionary. Since we know if they want to have it, it means that
their ambitions are things they don’t have yet. The way to reach is not easy, too. When I was
a child, I also had some fabulous dreams. Being a doctor, a national flag companionship, and
a Miss Indonesia were my dreams. At that time, I thought the best effort that I had to do was
being a clever girl. Every day and every time, I spent my time to study hard. Although I was
not as smart as my brother, I tried to give my best on doing the assignments so I could get
good score. Because of my dreams, I would be a smart girl.

I liked to help another people and it would be great if I became a doctor. I had ever
heard that a doctor should be clever. I started from my elementary school to senior high
school to study and study hard. In my senior high school, my scores in science lessons, such
as: mathematics, physics, biology, and chemistry had to be always good. Afterward, my
cousin that studied at medical, Fery shared about his experience facing the challenging. The
first time of lesson that he got was entering a dark room by him. Then, he had to introduce
parts of body. He guessed that he just pointed the organs of imitation body. Unfortunately,
my cousin should rearrange the body parts of corpse. It made me scared. After hearing this
story, I considered that I should be brave but I was not sure.

Once I was in the kindergarten, I was fond of watching ceremony flags every
independence day on television. It was conducted by central government in “Istana
Merdeka”. There were some elected senior high school students of all regions throughout
Indonesia that being flag companionship. It was interesting because it would make my
parents proud of me then, if I became one of the members on national flag companionship.
Moreover, I wanted to be a flag recipient from the president so it would be the greatest
experience I ever had. During my effort as a smart girl, I believed that next time was my turn
to be a national flag companionship. Then, when I went to senior high school, I was
eliminated from a kind of this member. Shocking sensation was what I felt. In fact, my height
was not qualified, even I was classified as a smart students.

Being a winner of beauty contests was my dream, too. Not only outer appearance but
also inner beauty was the important one of my life. It seemed like the requirements of beauty
contests, they were 3B (e.i. beauty, brain, behavior). As I wanted to achieve my dreams,
again and again I always tried to be a smart student. When I was in senior high school, I
eventually was elected to be a delegation of my class to join “Mas lan Mbak Smaneka”,
which was conducted by my school. I believed that the winner was me. I was really glad
because I considered it would lead me be a Miss Indonesia next time. Then, I had passed
stage by stage of selection and the result had come. I was nervous on waiting it and finally it
read that the winner was not me. I just got runner up. Although my knowledge was wider
than other participants, I had any weaknesses they were: I wore glasses and my height was
not required. They were needed because my school would delegate the winner of Mas lan
Mbak Smaneka to Joko Roro, the beauty contest in local level of beauty contest.

After knowing about being brave, required in height, and not wearing glasses, I
realized that there were much more to getting my dreams than being a clever girl. Now, I try
to look for other dreams better than before.

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