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(Each question carries 1 Mark)

1. A project is in the initiating stage, and the Project Manager is identifying project
communication constraints. Which of the following could be a valid constraint?


A. The project could face high attrition rate

B. Management and customer expect detailed formal status reports on the project
C. Project team members would be required to work from different geographical locations
D. Many stakeholders of the project would not be able to attend the planned project kickoff

2. Which of the following is NOT a project?


A. Campaigning for an election

B. Family Weekend drives to seacoast
C. Writing an autobiography about project management experience
D. Preparing for PMP® examinations

3. John has been assigned to a project recently, and he is in the process of documenting
the project charter with the project sponsor. Which of the following MUST he include
in the Project Charter?


A. Project purpose or justification

B. Positive risks
C. Budget estimates
D. Risk analysis

4. As a Project Manager of a large project with hundreds of stakeholders, which of the

following is the BEST course of action?


A. Incorporate needs of only important stakeholders

B. Incorporate needs of all stakeholders
C. Ask your manager to manage the stakeholders
D. Eliminate some of the stakeholders
5. You are a Project Manager of an ambitious project in an organization. Although you
have successfully managed many critical projects before, this is a new organization and
you are working on this technology for the first time. However, you hear that the
company has proven expertise on the technology and has also done a similar project in
the past. In this situation, what is the BEST option available to you?


A. Approach the Project Manager from the earlier project and take his inputs
B. Obtain historical records and guidance from the Project Management Office (PMO)
C. Involve Stakeholders and take their opinion and expertise on the project
D. Continue to manage the project by your instincts until there is a major issue

6. You are managing a large and complex project which is in the planning stage. After
assessing the detailed project requirements with the stakeholders, you ask the team to
create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). However, since most of the team is new,
you decide to brief them on some rules of creating a WBS. Which of the following
statements is INCORRECT about a Work Breakdown Structure?


A. WBS is a list of specific activities used to accomplish the deliverables

B. WBS includes only work needed to create deliverables. Hence, work not in WBS is not
part of the project
C. Lower-level WBS components are a decomposed result of the upper-level WBS
D. WBS allows better estimation of cost, risk, and time

7. In a project kickoff meeting, there is utter chaos, with all the attendees talking
simultaneously. The Project Manager is not able to present his report due to the
commotion, and the stakeholders feel that their expectations are not being met properly.
Also, many of the invited attendees are not present. What must have the Project
Manager done to avoid this situation?


A. Communicate the agenda of the meeting clearly to all the Stakeholders

B. Postpone the meeting to ensure availability of all the Stakeholders
C. Conduct a brainstorming session to reach a consensus with Stakeholders
D. Establish ground rules for the meeting and communicate the rules to all the attendees

8. A Project Manager has used a popular cost estimating model to come up with cost
estimates for his upcoming project. However, the sponsor asks him to add 15% to the
total cost estimate as the customer always negotiates and asks the prices to be reduced
by 10% to 15%. What is the BEST option for the Project Manager?


A. Do as the sponsor says as she is your senior and project sponsor

B. Recalculate the cost estimates using a more suitable technique and check the difference
between the estimates
C. Provide the sponsor with details on cost estimation and suggest that she share this with
the customer
D. Refuse to make any changes or increase the estimated cost

9. After a project management plan is prepared and approved, a project stakeholder asks
the Project Manager to correct some syntax and grammatical errors in the project
document as they could be misleading. What should the Project Manager do?


A. Refuse as these are trivial changes and can be ignored

B. Refuse as the project management plan has already been discussed and approved
C. Refuse and ask the stakeholder to meet the project sponsor
D. Refuse and ask the stakeholder to raise a change request that can be considered by the
change control board

10. You are a Project Manager of a software project that is in a critical phase of testing and
bug fixing. An enthusiastic test engineer working on the project tells you that he found
a major bug the previous night during testing. He assures you that there is nothing to
worry about as he has 'patched' the code and it is working fine now. What should be
your main concern about this incident?


A. There is nothing to be concerned about; the incident shows the proactive approach of the
team member, and he should be appreciated
B. It can be a case of scope creep
C. It shows disrespect to the project management authority as the team member didn't ask
his opinion
D. The patch or bug fix may not work correctly in all scenarios.

11. A project is in the final testing stage and is approaching a critical deadline. Two senior
members of the team who have already had disagreements throughout project execution
are caught up in a deadlock. The Project Manager has earlier tried his best to sort out
their differences, but it hasn't worked. What is the BEST the Project Manager can do in
this situation?


A. Talk to the project sponsor since they are senior members of the project
B. Give them a final warning and make it clear that such behavior is not encouraged
C. Talk face-to-face with each of them individually to sort out their differences
D. Use an Autocratic approach and make a decision that is best for the project

12. Your customer asks for a small change in the project, which was not budgeted initially.
It is a small effort compared to the total project, and you need the goodwill of the
customer to be successful in a multi-million-dollar gas project. What will you do?


A. Implement approved changes according to the change management plan to meet the
project requirements
B. Since you need to maintain goodwill, you agree to incorporate the change
C. Speak to the sponsor for his consent
D. Tell the customer to keep it a secret and not inform the sponsor about the change to be

13. A Project Manager is forced to give a contract to a preferred supplier as he has a strict
deadline to meet. What could be the BIGGEST risk in this situation for the Project


A. The seller has not proven that he has required expertise and resources to take this
B. The Project Manager didn't get a chance to evaluate other vendors who could be better
C. The seller may not fulfill the evaluation criteria to bid for the project
D. The seller may not meet acceptance criteria in the contract, and Project Manager might
have to accept what he gets

14. Your company is bidding for a major project from Company X. You have a friend in
Company X, and he requests your help in evaluating the proposals. What action should
you take?


A. Accept the friend's request and work impartially while helping on the proposal evaluation
B. Accept the friend's request and take care of your company's interests while helping on the
proposal evaluation
C. Reject the friend's request
D. Ask your Manager's opinion

15. A Project Manager has worked on many challenging projects and has managed teams
across the globe in the last 20 years of his career. Now, he intends to share his best
practices and lessons learned throughout his professional career. The Project Manager


A. Enhancing his professional skills by evaluating his experience and strengths

B. Contributing to the project management knowledge base
C. Capturing his professional stint in an autobiography
D. Informing others about project management principles and helping the profession grow

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