Amity School of Business Hvco 5 Semester 2021

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Amity School of Business

HVCO 5th Semester 2021

Weekly Progress Report – 7

30th August to 5th September 2021

Name: Pratik Sinha

Enrollment No.: A3906419402
Section: G
Roll No: 50
Faculty Guide Name:

Title: Health and Hygiene Awareness in Rural Areas

Objectives of the week:

1. Remote Outreach Initiative
• Revisit objectives to ascertain the attainment
• Maintain the records of observation and pertinent experiences

Weekly Progress:
1. Remote Outreach Activity.
• Revisited the objectives to ascertain the attainment of initial goals and objectives.
• Conducted Surveys amongst the villagers using a google form and pen and paper-
based form to check their health and hygiene awareness and determine weather
the campaigns undertaken and posters/content developed worked or not. – survey
results awaited for next week.

Objectives for the Next Week:

1. Remote Outreach Initiative

• Revisit objectives to ascertain the attainment
• Maintain the records of observation and pertinent experiences
Log Sheet WPR-7

Student’s Name Agency/Community: Agency Supervisor if applicable:

Pratik Sinha Primary Health Centre, Valan. Surat

Week Time * Description of Activity Evidence for activities undertaken.

1 Day/Date: 3rd September 2021 Engaged with the Medical

Officer’s team who worked on
Time total Hours: 02 Hrs.
the content and poster’s
development to conduct a
2 Day/Date: 5th September 2021 survey on current hygiene
Time total Hours: 02 Hrs. awareness of the villagers and
determine the campaign
drive’s efficiency.

Student’s Signature Faculty Coordinator’s Signature


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