Elapital Solutions: Game Engine Development Project

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Game Engine Development Project

eLapital Solutions

Proposal for Game Engine Development Project

Proprietary and Confidential www.elapital.com

Game Engine Development Project

1. Scope
This document will be referred by business development manager to know the team structure,
process followed for the project execution and to estimate cost of the project.

2. Software Development Life Cycle

Project will be developed under different phases, each phase is equally important to deliver a
quality product. Following phases are there for this project.

2.1. Requirement gathering

Pillota is a default game provided by Microsoft OS called Hearts. We are planning to

develop in Jquery or Java Applet. The current http://www.webpilotta.com/ is developed using
Java Applet.

2.2. Designing of Software Module

We would design all software modules in such a way that we can reuse any common module for
future development of the project, It should be expandable and it should be integrated in easy
way with third party software or in live network.

2.3. Coding
Coding is one of the major parts of the project development. Coding will be done according to
the guidelines provided by the client.

2.4. Testing
All projects needs exhaustive testing; following testing methodology will be applied to the
developed system.
 Unit Testing --- Unit testing will be done for each feature of the all projects.
 Integration Testing --- We should do end to end testing of the all project with real call
scenario or data flow scenario.

2.5. Installation
Developed system will be installed at the client’s site, all hardware and third party software
would be provided by the client. Support to install and configure with live network will be
provided by elapital team member.

3. Project Management Plan

3.1. Team Structure
To execute this project our team will have following roles.
 Project Manager:

Proprietary and Confidential www.elapital.com

Game Engine Development Project
For this project we will involve one Project Manager to monitor all projects closely to meet
the deadline.

 System Architect:
System Architect will be responsible to design the project to meet all requirements.

 Developer (Expertise in Java Game application development)

3.2. Process
We will follow water fall model for all project.

4. Time and Cost Estimation


As a first phase our execution plan is mention below.

No Task Role Days

1 Play games to understand each and every Project Leader 15
moves of the game
2 Design interface Sr Developer / Designer 10
3 Prepare Algorithm and flowchart Project Leader /Sr  Developer 15
4 Development Sr. Developer 45
5 Testing and Debugging Tester 15
6 Bug fixing and implementation Sr. Developer 20

Cost For Whole Project=120 Man Days*8hours/Day*15$/hour=14400$

5. Delivery Date

Proprietary and Confidential www.elapital.com

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