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Research Report



Submitted to

For the partial fulfillment for the award of the

Master of Business Administration

Session: 2009-2010

Submitted By:- Supervisor:-

Sangeeta Singh
M.B.A 4th sem.



I declare that this project report is the result of my own individual efforts on
the topic-



I further declare that this project work is my original work and no material
contained within this assignment has been used in any other submission, by
the author for an academic award.

Place: Ghaziabad SANGEETA SINGH

Date: Roll. no-


Exchange of ideas generates a new object to work in better way. Whenever a person is

helped & cooperated by others his heart is bound to pay gratitude & obligation to them.

At the outset, I express my sincere gratitude to all the people who has been very kind and

considerate and helped me throughout the project.

This project had been not possible without the valuable guidance, suggestions and

relentless efforts by- Mr. Sangram Samantray (Zonal marketing Head-North &

East Zone) & Ms. Nishat Khan (Senior Marketing Officer) & Ashok Kumar, Bhrat

sir, are also (Marketing team members) & All Spencer’s department & the most

important characters are My M B A Department & Mrs. Poonam Painuly (2nd

campus of GKV Haridwar, T P O).

Further, I am also grateful to my family and friends who gave their full support and

cooperation in helping me out to understand the topic and give their valuable advice &

suggestions to enable me make this project a success.

Table of content

S. No. Particular Page

• Certificate 1
• Declaration 2
• Acknowledgement 3
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Objective of the Study 8
1.2 Research Methodology 9
2 Spencer’s Retail Ltd 11
3 Marketing communication 16
4 Data Presentation and Analysis 44
5 Conclusion and Suggestions 67
• Bibliography 69
• Annexure - 4 - 70-73

Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively
and making it accessible. Companies must also communicate with present and potential
stakeholders, and the general public. Every company is inevitably cast into the role of
communicator and promoter. For most companies, the question is not whether to
communicate but rather how?

The answer to this is the marketing communication mix which consists of five major
modes of communication, namely:

• Communication
• Sales Promotion
• Public Relations and Publicity
• Personal Selling
• Direct Marketing

Among these marketing is the most important communication channel for marketing.
“Communication is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas,
goods or services by an identified sponsor.”

The form of communication in today’s era ranges from Print and broadcast ads,
Packaging-outer, Packaging inserts, Motion pictures, Brochures and booklets, Posters and
leaflets, Directories, Reprints of ads, Billboards, Display signs, Point-of-purchase
displays, Audiovisual material, Symbol and logos, Videotapes, News paper ads, Outdoor
Banners, Danglers, Dropdown, Standees, Price communication, Arch communication,
Standees, Drop box, Leaflets and other elements..
Retailing and Communication must work in hand-in-hand to assure product
The Retail Industry: - Retailing is the final step in the distribution of
m e r c h a n di s e - t h e l a s t l i n k i n t h e S u p p l y C h ai n - c o n n e c t i n g t h e b u l k
p r o d u c e r s o f c o m m o d i t i e s t o t h e f i n al c o n s u m e r s . R e t a i l i n g c o v e r s d i ve r s e
p r o d u c t s s u c h a s f o o t a p p a r e l s , c o n s u m e r g o o d s , f i n a n c i al s e r v i c e s a n d

A retailer, typically, is someone who does not affect any significant change in the product
execs breaking the bulk. He/ She are also the final stock point who makes products or
services available to the consumer whenever require. Hence, the value proposition a
retailer offers to a consumer is easy availabilities of the desired product in the desired
sizes at the desired times. In the developed countries, the retail industry has developed
into a full-fledged industry where more than three-fourths of the total retail trade is done
by the organized sector. Huge retail chains like, Pantaloon, RPG, Wal-Mart, K-Mart,
McDonalds, etc. have now replaced the individual small stores. Large retail formats; with
high quality ambiance and courteous and well-trained sales staff are regular features of
these retailers. B r o a d l y t h e o r g a n i z e d r e t a i l s e c t o r c a n b e d i vi d e d into two
segments, In-Store Retailers, who operate fixed point-of-sale locations, located and
designed to attract a high volume of walk-in customers, and the non-store retailers, who
reach out to the customers at their homes or offices. Every organized retailer in India is
faced with myriad questions: differentiating with the other competitive formats;
sustaining the differentiation with upcoming me-too formats; retention of footfall day
after day; coping with local-neighborhood shops;

*To know the impact of the communication influencing purchase

Decision of the consumer.

*To know the communication element on the branding.

*To study the customer perception about communication


*To know benefit of communication for the producer in terms of

Charging premium price product.

*To know role of the communication elements.


It is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a

science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various

steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem

along with we talk of research methodology we not only talk of the research methods

but also consider the logic behind the methods we use in the context of our research

study and explain why we are using a particular method or technique and why using

other so the research results are applicable of being evaluated either by the researcher



Primary data are those, which are collected afresh and for the first time and thus
happen to be original in character. Important primary data are: -
1. Observation method
2. Interview method
3. Through questionnaires

2. SECONDARY DATA-Secondary data are those data, which have already been
collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the
statistical process, secondary data can be collected from:-
1. Various publications of state, central and local government.
2. Technical and trade generals
3. Books, magazines and newspapers.
4. Reports and publications of various associations.
5. Reports prepared by research scholars, universities etc.

It is the unit, which is considered for the purpose of the study.

Sampling unit is Spencer’s Retail shops at Ghaziabad area. To commence
the study sample size for,

Customer - 150

The Research Methodology for this dissertation primarily consists of Desk Research
which is also called Secondary Research and it involves studying Various Books to
have more insight about the relevant subject .Accessing various libraries for referring
various national and international journals. Referring various News papers and
magazines. Surfing various sites on Internet. Collecting and compiling data, preparing
the final reports.
• Retail

• Entertainment err

• Tyres

• Transmission

• IT

• Power

• Carbon Black

• Specialty
Companies in
Retail Sector:
Spencer's Retail
Music World
Books and Beyond
Top of Form
RPG companies

Bottom of Form
Spencer's Retail


Spencer's Retail Limited is one of India's largest and fastest growing multi-format retailer

with 275 stores, including 36 large format stores across 66 cities in India. Spencer's

focuses on verticals like food and grocery, fruit and vegetables, electrical and electronics,

home and office essentials, garments and fashion accessories, toys, food and personal

care, music and books. Established in 1996, Spencer's has become a popular destination

for shoppers in India with hypermarkets and convenient stores catering to various

shopping needs of its large consumer base.


Spencer's has retail footage of over 1 million square feet and over 275 Spencer's stores in

50 cities. The company operates through the following formats:

The Spencer's hyper stores are destination stores, of more than 15,000 sq. ft in size. They

offer everything under one roof. The merchandise ranges from fruits & vegetables,

processed foods (Ready to Eat, Ready to Cook, and FMCG products), specialty foods

including international, sugar free, organic foods, etc...groceries, meat, chicken, fish,

bakery, chilled and frozen foods, garments, consumer electronics & electrical products,

home care, home décor & home needs, office stationeries, soft toys. Besides, the stores

also comprise book & music retailing, electronic gadgets and IT accessories. On an

average, a Spencer's hyper stocks 70,000 SKUs across 35,000 items.

The Spencer's stores are neighborhood stores ranging from 1500 less than 15000 sq. ft.

These stores stock the necessary range and assortment in fruit and vegetables, fmcg food

and non-food, staples and frozen foods and cater to the daily and weekly top-up shopping

needs of the consumer. Some of these stores which have floor area of more than 10,000

sq ft sometimes offer home care products; personal care products, bakery, chilled and

frozen food; baby care, basics in garments and limited range of electronics and electrical.

RPG Enterprises, established in 1979, is one of India’s fastest growing business

groups with a turnover touching Turnover of Rs. 13,500 cr.. The group has more
than twenty companies managing diverse business interests in the areas of Retail,
Power, Tyre, Transmission, IT, Entertainment, Carbon Black, and Specialty.
Wide-ranging businesses, growing returns and a reputation to reckon, makes
working with RPG an enriching experience. Where entrepreneurial skills are
valued, excellence is the by-word, and performance is a pre-requisite.


The RPG Management Board is the backbone of the conglomerate. Its members
are highly qualified professionals, well experienced in their respective fields.
RPG’s business ethics promote higher levels of excellence. The group’s values of
Customer Sovereignty, People Orientation, Innovation & Entrepreneurship,
Transparency & Integrity, Passion for Superior Performance, Anticipation, Speed
and Flexibility propel it to perform and excel in all spheres of the business.
For RPG quality determines success. Continuous process improvements are
carried out to ensure complete satisfaction of customer and market requirements.
Beyond Business
RPG is a socially responsible organization; believing in giving back to the
community what it has gained from it. The group regularly contributes toward the
welfare of various social groups and is involved in promoting social activities in
the field of sports and arts.
Description about these depts. As above below

 HR DEPTT: Recruitment & selection, training, an overview

 FINANCE DEPTT: Cash & transactions related activities. An overview


 MARKETING DEPTT: There are mainly two type activities, ATL & BTL

• ATL: Above the line activity like promotion through media, TV

channels, newspapers, radio etc.

• BTL: Below the line activity like promotion through hoardings,

leaflats, and primary information promotion. Marketing deptt. Generally involves in
BTL activities.

 VISUL MERCHANDISING DEPTT: Stock, inventory marinating related

activities. , an overview.

 SUPPLY CHAIN DEPTT: Supplying activity of the store of stocks. An


Marketing communication is a subset of the overall subject area known as

marketing.Marketing has a marketing mix that is made of price,place,service permotion,

product(know as the four P’s ), that include people, processes and physical evidence,

when marketing service(known as seven P’s).

How does marketing communication fit in? Marketing communication is ‘promotion

from the marketing mix.

Why are the marketing communication ‘intergrated means combine or amalgamate, or

put simply the jigsaw that together make a complete picture. This is so that a single

message is conveyed by all marketing communication, diffrent message confuse your

customer and damage brands, so if a TV advert carries a particular logo, image, then all

newspaper adverts and point-of-sale materials should carry the same logo, image or

message, or one that fits the same them.

Marketing communication has a mix. Elements of the mix are blended in different

quantities in a campaign.

The marketing communication mix includes many different elements, and the following

list is by no means conclusive, It is recognized that there is some cross over between

individual elements.

7’ steps of communication process……



*Message/ Media





Brands marketing

selling internet

s), Merchandi
sing (and
Marketing sale),

Direct Sponsorshi
marketing p
Trade fairs

- Personal selling - .Packaging,

- Sales promotion, - .Merchandising (and point-of-sale),

- .Public relation (and publicity), - .E-marketing (and internet promotions),

- Direct marketing, - Brands

- Trade fairs and exhibitions,

- .Sponsorship,

Because of the many forms o and uses of communication, it’s difficult to make all-
Embracing generalizations. Yet a communication must contain the following

Communication public nature confers a kind of legitimacy on the product and also
suggests a standardized offering. Because many people receive the same message,
buyers know that motives for purchasing the product will be publicly understood.

Communication permits the seller to repeat a message many times. It also allows
the buyer tom receive and compare the messages of various competitors. Large-
scale communication says something positive about the seller size, power and


Communication provides opportunities for dramatizing the company and its

products through the artful use of print, sound and color.
The audience does not feel obligated to pay attention to communication.
Communication is a monologue in front of, not a dialogue.

Communication can be used to build-up a long-term image for a product or trigger quick
sales. Communication can efficiently reach geographically dispersed buyers. Certain
forms of communications like TV commercials can require a large budget, whereas other
forms like newspaper communication can be done on a small budget. Communication
might have an effect on sales simply through its presence. Customers might believe that a
heavily communication brand must offer “good value”.

In today’s communication three media are noticeable, namely:

• Advertorials are print ads that contain editorial content and may be hard to
distinguish from a newspaper or magazines content.
• Infomercials are TV commercials that appear to be 30-minutes television shows
demonstrating or discussing a product. Viewers can phone and order the product;
hence the information produce directly measurable results like the Asian Sky
Shop and Tele Brand products communication programs.
• Banners are small signs on web pages communication an offer or company that
can be reached by clicking on the banner.

In developing an communication program, managers must always start by identifying the

target market and buyer motives. There they have to take five major decisions in
developing an communication program known as 5Ms of communication:

The mission of communication aims at defining communication objectives that
set an communication goal, which is a specific communication task and
achievement level to be accomplished with a specific audience in a specific period
of time.

It aims at deciding on communication budget. Communications have a carryover

affect that last beyond the current period. Although communication is treated as a
current expense, part of it is really an investment that builds up an intangible asset
called Brand Equity.

Choosing the communication message is a very important and integral part of
communications, where communication campaigns vary in their creativity.
Advertisers mainly go through four steps to develop a creative strategy:
1. Message Generation
2. Message Evaluation and Selection
3. Message Execution
4. Social Responsibility Review

The product “benefit” message should be decided as a part of developing the
product concept but marketer may change the message, especially if
consumers seek new or different benefit from the product.

Creative people use several methods to generate possible communication

appeals. Many use Inductive framework by talking to consumers, dealers,
experts and competitors.
In today’s world the company do it through it various ad agencies that can compose
many alternative ads in a short time by drawing from computer files containing still
and video images, type sets and so on.

2. Message Evaluation and Selection:

A good ad normally focuses on one core-selling proposition while it can be rated on

the three main factors:

• Desirability
• Exclusiveness
• Believability

Hence advertisers conduct market research to determine which appeal work for its target


The message impact depends not only upon what is said but also on how it is said. Some
ads aim for Rational positioning where ads mainly show the product utility and others for
Emotional positioning where ads connects product with something that effects customer’s
perception by stirring them emotionally.
Creative people also find a cohesive Style that is related to the presentation of the
message theme, Tone that can be positive or humorous depending on the ads desirability,
Words that can be catchy or memorable and Format that stresses on size, color and
illustration that effects ad’s impact as well as cost, for executing the message.

4. Social Responsibility Review:

It’s done by advertisers and their agencies to be sure that their creative
communication doesn’t overstep social and legal norms.

It involves evaluating communication effectiveness. Today advertisers try to
measure the communication effect of an ad that is its potential, effect on
awareness, knowledge or preference.
These can be measured mainly by two-research technique:
• Communication-Effect Research that seeks to determine whether an ad is
communicating effectively.
• Sales-Effect Research seeks to determine the sales that have been generated by
the ads. This is generally harder to measure than its communication effect


Source ation
elements Channel


Source: The source of a message in the communication system is the point of which the
message originates. There are many types of “sources” in the context of communication
such as the company offering the product, the particular brand or the spokesperson used.

Message: The message refers to both the content and the execution of the
communication. It is the totality of what is perceived by the receiver of the message. The
message can be executed in great variety of ways and can include, for example, the use of
humor or fear.

Channel: The message is transmitted through some channel from the source to the
receiver. The channel in an communication communication system consists of one or
more kinds of media, such as radio, television, newspapers, magazines, billboards, point-
of-purchase displays and so on. The impact of the communication can be different for
different media. Any communication system has a channel capacity. There is only so
much information that can be moved through it and only so that a receiver will be
motivated to receive and be capable of processing.

Receiver: The receiver in an communication system is also called the target audience.
Thus, the receiver can be described in terms of audience segmentation variables,
lifestyles, benefits sought, demographics etc .Of particular interest will be the receiver’s
involvement in the product and the extent to which he or she is willing to search for
and/or process information. It is the characteristics of he receiver- the demographics,
psychological and social characteristics- that provide the basis for understanding
communications, persuasion and market processes.

Destination: The communication model in Figure1 allows for the possibility that the
initial receiver might engage in word-of-mouth communication to the ultimate destination
of the message. The receiver then becomes an interim source and the destination becomes
another receiver. The word-of-mouth communication resulting from communication can
be a critical part of a campaign. It is only the word-of-mouth communication that has the
credibility, comprehensiveness and impact to affect the ultimate behavior of a portion of
the audience. Furthermore, communication can actually stimulate word-of-mouth
activity. Even when it cannot stimulate it, knowledge of its appropriateness and power
can be very helpful.

An Communication message can have a variety of effects upon the receiver. It can:
Create awareness
Communicate information about attributes and benefits
Develop or change an image or personality
Associate a brand with feelings and emotions

Through effective communications, marketers attempt to build product category needs,

create brand awareness, and facilitate purchases. Communication is the process of
establishing commonness or understanding between a sender and a receiver. Integrated
marketing communications (IMC) is the coordination of all promotional activities to
produce a unified customer-focused message. Someone in the organization is responsible
for integrating and coordinating all communications in order to deliver a clear, consistent,
and compelling message about the organization and its products. IMC begins with the
identification of consumer needs. It includes managing every aspect of the image an
organization wants to deliver, which involves coordinating the look and feel of each
element, as well as coordinating the timing of various promotion elements. Then the
organization must deliver that image through everything that they do, because everything
communicates something about the brand. The increasing complexity and sophistication
of marketing communications requires careful promotional planning to coordinate IMC

The functions of communications include informing, persuading, reminding, adding
value, and assisting other organizational efforts. The communication process consists of
the following elements:

• A source (or sender) has thoughts to share with others. The sender includes the
organization communication, a spokesperson, or a salesperson. Celebrities are
often used in communication because they represent the desired qualities that an
advertiser wishes to associate with its brands. A celebrity is a personality who is
known to the public for his or her accomplishments in areas other than the product
class endorsed.

• The source encodes or translates ideas into a message.

• The message is a symbolic expression of a sender’s thoughts. After defining the

target audience and the desired response from this target audience, the marketer
designs an effective message that will achieve the communication objectives. The
AIDA model defines a good message the stages a receiver should go through. It
gains the receiver’s attention, holds interest, arouses desire, and obtains a desired
action. A hierarchy-of-effects model of consumers' responses to communications
implies that for communication to be successful it must move consumers from
one objective to the next objective, much in the same way that one climbs a ladder
– one step at a time until the top of the ladder is reached. In designing a message,
decisions need to be made about the message content, message structure, and
message format. Rational appeals relate to the audience’s self-interest. These
appeals simply relate the rational benefits of the product and explain how the
product will satisfy the functional needs of consumers. Emotional appeals attempt
to stir up positive or negative emotions that can motivate purchase. Organizations
looking to discourage undesirable behavior by directing an audience to “what is
right” use moral appeals. Widely used communication techniques include humor,
fear appeals, guilt, sex appeals, subliminal messages, the use of music, and
comparative communications.

• A channel is the path used to transmit the message. Marketers select the promotional
media that best target and reach customers. Media refers to the entire set of channels
through which it is possible to transmit messages to some people or the entire public.
The channel can take the form of broadcast (TV and radio), print (newspapers,
magazines, direct mail), display media (billboards, signs, posters), or electronic (Internet
web pages, diskette presentations). If the function of a channel is to distribute the same
message to many

people simultaneously it is considered a nonpersonal communication channel or mass medium

(television, radio, newspaper, magazine, billboard). Newspapers and television represent the
largest communication media categories. No interaction is possible between mass media and
their receivers; they carry messages without personal contact or feedback. If the channel is only
able to transmit a message to one person at a time it is considered a carrier (telephone). In
addition, a carrier permits interactivity (the ability to respond and react) between sender and
receiver. In a personal communication channel, sender and receiver communicate directly with
each other over the telephone, face to face, through the mail, or through Internet chats. Direct
contact with consumers by company salespeople forms a common personal communication

• The Internet is both a mass medium and a carrier. It can reach many people
simultaneously and provide a high level of interaction. The dialogue between
marketer and customer is always evolving. The Internet can be used by marketers
to create individual dialogues and even to change a message as marketer and
customer get to know each other. This provides the basis for the one-to-one
marketing process that is at the center of contemporary consumer marketing

The Internet is an exciting and powerful addition to traditional media. Interactive media
represents the fastest growing type of media. Interactive communication directly
involves the viewer, who controls how much information he or she receives. The
interactive two-way communications capability of the Internet, combined with its broad
and rapidly growing acceptance around the world, has attracted advertisers. The Internet
provides a medium for promotion that can be used to identify prospects, collect
information profiling those prospects, and execute micro-segmentation promotion
delivery strategies. Online promotional content can be tailored to current or past
customer behavior, attributes, knowledge or prior buying behavior, or a combination of
all three.

• A receiver is the person or group with whom the sender attempts to share ideas.
Marketers want a response, the reactions of the receiver after being exposed to the

• The receiver decodes or interprets the message. For a message to be decoded by a

receiver the way it was intended by the sender, the sender and receiver need to
have some shared fields of experience. A receiver may not decode a message (in
the way it was intended) if his or her background and experiences differ greatly
from the sender’s. Marketers must be sensitive to the audience.

• Noise interferes with or disrupts effective communication. It includes any

unplanned distortion during the communications process that results in the
receiver getting a different message than the one sent by the sender.

• Feedback is monitoring and evaluation how accurately the intended message is

being received. After sending the message, it is important to collect feedback in
order to monitor the effectiveness of the communication. Marketers conduct
research by asking consumers their recall of ads, their attitudes towards products
(after exposure to the ad), their evaluations of ads, etc. Feedback is used to
modify promotional programs to make them more effective.

With the increase in international marketing research in recent years, an increasing

number of scholars have shown interest in cross-cultural communication research.
This section focuses on the most cited studies, and reviews them in some detail.
However, there are a large number of other studies in existence that study certain
aspects of communication, or repeat other studies in different settings. For obvious
reasons, those studies have not been discussed in this part. The main studies included
here have been selected to represent and visualise the variety of studies that are
available, but certainly, the list is not exhaustive.
Most of the studies published have paired two or more countries and examined the
differences. The majority of the studies used either two or three countries, and only a
few have extended their studies beyond this number. Some of these studies used
research questions and resulting hypothesis loosely based cross-cultural theories, in
combination with economic and other data, or strictly based on cross-cultural
theories. Other studies have used country specific information, such as predominantly
economic information. A large number of the studies looked at communication in
general, without a directed research question, however, some studies were
particularly interested in a limited number of
societal phenomena, such as gender roles and work ethics. Resulting from this,
current research can be broadly classified in three categories:
Sociological research Research of this type usually focuses on a certain aspect of society
as portrayed in communication. Research in this category typically tries to contrast
culturally inspired norms such as gender roles between different countries. (e.g. Gilly,
1988; Tansey, Hyman, Zinkhan and Chowdhury, 1997).

Ethnology inspired research Studies in this category rely on a set of historic and general
society values to explain perceived differences in communication in two or more

Cross-cultural psychology inspired research This type of research aims to provide a

somewhat deeper explanation of observed differences in communication by linking
appeals and observations to cultural dimensions, and hence trying to be able to forecast
value and appeal differences in various countries.


1. Verbal communication

Oral Written E-mail


2. Non verbal communication

Non verbal


Expression Body
Behaviors Language
-Expression behaviors
-Body language




Formal/ Vertical/ Personal/ Instrumental/

Informal Horizontal Impersonal Expressive

official/unofficial information exchange


situation of mutual influence/exchange without mutual influence

necessary for job /No job information transmission

Each single communication 5’ steps


5 2
Decoding Encoding



1-Message formation
2-Message encoding
3-Message transmission
4-Message reception
5-Message decoding
(pathway between 2 people-INTERACTIONS occurs)




All channels
- Wheel
- Chain
- All channels


-Related to communication
-Related to choice of channel
-Related to message structure
-Related to delivery style
-Related to mode

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