2021 NATURE REVIEWS Paracetamol Use During Pregnancy

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Paracetamol use during pregnancy —

a call for precautionary action
Ann Z. Bauer1, Shanna H. Swan2, David Kriebel1, Zeyan Liew3, Hugh S. Taylor4,
Carl-​Gustaf Bornehag2,5, Anderson M. Andrade   6, Jørn Olsen7, Rigmor H. Jensen   8,
Rod T. Mitchell9, Niels E. Skakkebaek10, Bernard Jégou11,13 and David M. Kristensen8,11,12 ✉
Abstract | Paracetamol (N-​acetyl-​p-​aminophenol (APAP), otherwise known as acetaminophen) is
the active ingredient in more than 600 medications used to relieve mild to moderate pain and
reduce fever. APAP is widely used by pregnant women as governmental agencies, including the
FDA and EMA, have long considered APAP appropriate for use during pregnancy when used
as directed. However, increasing experimental and epidemiological research suggests that
prenatal exposure to APAP might alter fetal development, which could increase the risks of
some neurodevelopmental, reproductive and urogenital disorders. Here we summarize this
evidence and call for precautionary action through a focused research effort and by increasing
awareness among health professionals and pregnant women. APAP is an important medication
and alternatives for treatment of high fever and severe pain are limited. We recommend that
pregnant women should be cautioned at the beginning of pregnancy to: forego APAP unless
its use is medically indicated; consult with a physician or pharmacist if they are uncertain whether
use is indicated and before using on a long-​term basis; and minimize exposure by using the
lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time. We suggest specific actions to implement
these recommendations. This Consensus Statement reflects our concerns and is currently
supported by 91 scientists, clinicians and public health professionals from across the globe.

Dedication: We dedicate this article to the memory cause of acute liver failure in children7 and adults5,8 in the
of Bernard Jégou, who died prematurely after its Western world. Of note, APAP is widely used by preg-
acceptance. We are profoundly indebted to Bernard, nant women, as the FDA and EMA have long considered
not only for his work on this manuscript, but most APAP-​containing products to be of minimal risk when
importantly for his significant personal contribution to used as directed during pregnancy9,10.
the recent advances in the field of endocrine disruption As scientists, medical experts and public health pro-
that are described here and for his friendship and fessionals, we are concerned about increasing rates of
generosity. neurological, urogenital and reproductive disorders.
We are witnessing disturbing increases in the num-
A growing body of experimental and epidemiological ber of children with cognitive, learning and/or behav-
research suggests that prenatal exposure to paracetamol ioural problems. For example, the US National Health
(N-​acetyl-​p-​aminophenol (APAP), otherwise known as Interview Survey reported that between 2009 and 2017,
acetaminophen) might alter fetal development, which approximately one in six children aged 3–17 years had a
could in turn increase the risks of certain neurodevelop- developmental disability diagnosis. A 9.5% increase was
mental, reproductive and urogenital disorders1–3. APAP observed in the overall rate of developmental disabilities
is the active ingredient in more than 600 prescription between 2009–2011 and 2015–201711.
and non-​prescription medications used to relieve mild Furthermore, in Western regions the prevalence
to moderate pain and reduce fever (Consumer Health of male reproductive and urogenital disorders has
Products Association — acetaminophen). Sales of increased. These disorders include cryptorchidism,
APAP-​containing products, which are not restricted hypospadias and testicular germ cell cancer, together
✉e-​mail: to pharmacies in many countries, are increasing with early puberty, decreased sperm counts, levels of sex
david@moebjerg.com worldwide4. Adverse effects of APAP are well known; for hormones and decreased fertility12,13. Data support the
https://doi.org/10.1038/ example, intentional overdose, unintentional overdose5,6 contribution of environmental exposure during fetal life,
s41574-021-00553-7 and chronic use have resulted in APAP being the leading including exposure to pharmaceuticals, to these increases

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in rates of neurological, urogenital and reproductive including systematic reviews, using the following search
disorders13,14. terms: ‘acetaminophen’ or ‘paracetamol’, ‘endocrine’,
In this Consensus Statement, we summarize the ‘reproduction’, ‘urogenital’, ‘neurodevelopment’, ‘attention
epidemiological research and animal studies that have deficit disorder’, ‘autism spectrum disorder’, ‘hypospa-
examined neurological, urogenital and reproductive dias’, ‘anogenital distance’ and ‘cryptorchidism’. The
outcomes that have been associated with maternal and reference lists of identified papers were then searched
perinatal use of APAP (Figs 1,2). Based on this research, for additional relevant articles. Only studies that investi-
we believe we know enough to be concerned about the gated APAP as an independent exposure were included.
potential developmental risks associated with prenatal All relevant studies are summarized in Supplementary
APAP exposure and therefore call for precautionary Tables 1–5. After discussion and deliberation amongst
action. We provide recommendations for a specific plan the authors, an executive writing group (A.Z.B., S.H.S.,
of action. We note that in this article, the terms women B.J. and D.M.K.) wrote the first draft, which was circu-
and men refer to cisgender women and cisgender men. lated to all authors for critical review. Specific recom-
The published research cited in this article does not mendations were accepted after extensive discussion
consider pregnancy that occurs in transgender men, and multiple drafts and revisions by the author group.
non-​binary people or intersex people. No one outside the author group was involved in this
process. Subsequently, the near final draft was circulated
Methods among clinicians, scientists and public health profession-
This Consensus Statement is the work of an international als known to the authors in relevant disciplines leading
group of experts, which included clinicians (specializing to further comments and revisions. The final statement,
in neurology, obstetrics and gynaecology, and paediat- which takes into consideration differing international
rics), epidemiologists and basic scientists (specializing perspectives, prescribing practices and clinical consid-
in toxicology, endocrinology, reproductive medicine erations, was supported by 78 signees in addition to the
and neurodevelopment). The statement was devel- 13 authors (Supplementary Box 1).
oped independently of specific societies and colleges
by the 13 authors. The process of creating a Consensus APAP use during pregnancy is widespread
Statement was initiated in parallel in Europe (D.M.K., APAP is one of the most commonly used medications
A.M.A., C.-​G.B. and B.J.) and the US (Z.L., S.H.S. and globally2. In the USA, APAP is estimated to be used by
A.Z.B.). S.H.S. chaired an initial joint meeting between up to 65% of pregnant women18,19. Worldwide, more than
Z.L., A.Z.B., D.M.K., and after additional consulta- 50% of pregnant women are estimated to use APAP18,20,21.
tion with B.J., A.M.A. and C.-​G.B., goals and strategy APAP has long been considered an option by regulatory
were developed for a joint statement. The expert panel bodies such as the FDA and EMA for use in pregnancy
decided not to include respiratory effects, as systematic for pain and fever when used as directed9,10, as NSAIDs
reviews suggest confounding factors; for example, the are contraindicated for use in pregnant women in later
presence of respiratory tract infections complicates pregnancy22,23. Pharmacotherapy during pregnancy
the evidence15–17. D.M.K. and A.Z.B. conducted a com- involves a benefit–risk assessment, in which there is a
prehensive review of both the experimental and epide- trade‐off between the potential benefits to the mother
miological literature in English available on PubMed and fetus and possible risks to the fetus24. The FDA has
published between 1 January 1995 and 25 October 2020, formerly given APAP a ‘B’ rating for use in pregnancy
in all three trimesters, meaning that animal studies
have failed to demonstrate any risks of congenital birth
Author addresses
defects from fetal exposure and that no adequate and
Department of Public Health, University of Massachusetts School of Health Sciences, well-​controlled studies have been performed in pregnant
Lowell, MA, USA. women20. In addition, the EMA has found epidemiolog-
Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health, Icahn School of Medicine ical data inconclusive and that experimental data do not
at Mount Sinai, New York City, NY, USA. meet their standards10,25.
Yale Center for Perinatal, Paediatric, and Environmental Epidemiology, Yale School
During pregnancy, the use of APAP is important for
of Public Health, New Haven, CT, USA.
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Yale School the treatment of high fever and severe pain that, left
of Medicine, Yale-​New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT, USA. untreated, could potentially affect the developing fetus
Department of Health Sciences, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden. or the mother26–31. Fever is a well-​accepted risk factor
Departamento de Fisiologia, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do for multiple disorders, including neural tube defects and
Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, Brazil. later life cardiovascular disorders32. Most studies, but not
Department of Public Health, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark. all33,34, have suggested that antipyretics such as APAP can
Department of Neurology, Danish Headache Center, Rigshospitalet-​Glostrup, reduce this risk32. In a 2020 analysis of daily APAP use
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. in pregnant women, of women classified as APAP users,
MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, Queens Medical Research Institute, Edinburgh, 8% reported fever as the reason for use35. By contrast, a
review of nine cohort studies showed that fever mitiga-
Department of Growth & Reproduction and EDMaRC, Rigshospitalet, University
of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. tion accounted for APAP use in approximately one-​third
Univ Rennes, Inserm, EHESP, Irset (Institut de recherche en santé, environnement of women using APAP during pregnancy3. Elective
et travail) UMR_S, 1085, Rennes, France. APAP use for the treatment of headache, muscle pain,
Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. back pain and infection accounted for APAP use in the
Deceased: Bernard Jégou majority of women using APAP during pregnancy3,35.


C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

Potential associations suggested by human observational studies we call for a focused research effort. This effort should
include the initiation of epidemiological and experimen-
tal studies to understand the hormonal, epigenetic and
APAP exposure Perinatal Childhood Adolescence and
in pregnancy aduIthood metabolic mechanisms by which APAP acts and might
adversely affect development. Epidemiological studies
should be designed specifically with the following goals
in mind:
• Human epidemiological studies on APAP use in
pregnancy should be designed to reduce confounding
↓ AGD ♂ ↑ ADHD, autism, ↑ Early puberty by indication for use.
↑ Genital hyperactivity, onset ♀ • Human epidemiological studies on APAP use in
malformations ♂ behavioural difficulties pregnancy should be designed to control for genetic
↓ IQ, language ♀
• Human epidemiological studies on APAP use in
Fig. 1 | Associations between prenatal APAP exposure, reproductive and
neurobehavioural development suggested from observational human studies. pregnancy should be designed to accurately capture
Human observational studies suggest prenatal N-​acetyl-​p-​aminophenol (APAP) exposure exposure and outcome.
might be associated with both reproductive and neurobehavioural abnormalities in both • Human epidemiological studies on APAP should be
sexes. APAP exposure during pregnancy might increase risk of male urogenital and designed to examine timing, dosage and duration of
reproductive tract abnormalities, as studies have found an elevated risk of undescended exposure both prenatally and postnatally.
testicles (cryptorchidism) and reduced distance between the anus and the base of the
penis, a measure known as the anogenital distance (AGD). Both reduced AGD and As this combined effort and subsequent systematic
cryptorchidism are indicators of disturbed masculinization and risk factors for reviews will require considerable time and resources,
reproductive disorders in later life. Prenatal APAP exposure has also been associated we are proposing precautionary action that can be
with earlier female pubertal development. Additionally, epidemiological studies
implemented now.
consistently suggest prenatal APAP exposure might increase the risk of adverse
neurodevelopmental and behavioural outcomes, such as attention deficit hyperactivity We recommend that women be counselled prior to or
disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder, language delay (in girls) and decreased early in pregnancy with the following guidance:
intelligence quotient. Collectively, the studies suggest that the timing and duration • Pregnant women should forego APAP use unless
of maternal APAP use are critical factors. medically indicated.
• Pregnant women should consult with their physician
or pharmacist if they are uncertain whether use is
Importantly, studies have suggested that in the major- indicated and before using on a long-​term basis.
ity of women using APAP during pregnancy, its use • Pregnant women should minimize risk by using the
might be without strong indications or have only lim- lowest effective APAP dose for the shortest possible
ited efficacy for such conditions as chronic pain, back time.
and knee pain, as well as headache36–42. In people who
experience migraine headache, including women of We recommend the following specific actions to
reproductive age, studies show that migraine days can implement the goals of raising awareness amongst
be decreased by reducing use of analgesics, including patients and health-​care providers:
APAP43,44. • The 2015 FDA Drug Safety Communication recom-
Research suggests that women are reluctant to use mendations should be updated based on evaluation
medications during pregnancy 23,45. However, eight of all available scientific evidence9, including both
out of ten women take at least one prescription or epidemiological and experimental evidence.
over-​the-​counter medicine during pregnancy45,46 with • The EMA Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment
APAP being the most common exposure (65%) 3,18. Committee should review the most recent research
Among pregnant women, APAP and antibiotics are and issue an updated Drug Safety Communication10,
believed to have the lowest risk and greatest benefit23. including both epidemiological and experimental
Moreover, APAP usage might be under-​reported, as one evidence.
study showed that when asked about pharmaceutical • Obstetric and gynaecological associations should
use, many pregnant women did not report APAP unless review all available research and update their
specifically asked24. guidance.
• The Acetaminophen Awareness Coalition (“Know
We call for precautionary action Your Dose” Campaign) should be expanded
In this Consensus Statement, we summarize research to include standardized warnings including that
showing adverse neurological, urogenital and reproduc- pregnant women should forego APAP use unless
tive outcomes associated with maternal and perinatal medically indicated.
use of APAP. Based on this experimental and epide- • All sales of APAP-​containing medications, regard-
miological literature (Supplementary Tables 1–4), we less of country, should be accompanied by recom-
believe the potential for harm from continued inaction mendations for use in pregnancy. This information
exceeds the harm that might arise from precautionary should include warning labels on packaging of all
action. We recognize the limitations of the existing APAP-​containing medications. If possible, APAP
epidemiological literature and the need for rigorous should be sold only from pharmacies (as is currently
meta-​analyses (Supplementary Table 5) and therefore done in France, Spain, Sweden, Finland and Iceland).

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Evidence from animal models and in vitro studies

APAP exposure Perinatal Juvenile AduIthood

↓ AGD ↓ Neurotransmission ↑ Ovarian insufficiency

↓ Steroidogenesis ↓ Cognitive performance ♂ ↑ Infertility ♀
↓ Gonocyte differentiation ↓ Olfactory discrimination ↓ Sexual behaviour ♂
↓ Germ cells ↓ Motor skills ↓ Social behaviour
↑ DNA damage ↓ Spatial learning ↓ Learning
↑ Locomotion ♀ ↓ Memory, habituation

Fig. 2 | Evidence of APAP disruption of reproductive and neurological development from animal studies. In vivo,
in vitro and ex vivo studies have shown that N-​acetyl-​p-​aminophenol (APAP) directly perturbs hormone-​dependent
processes, which leads to disrupted reproductive development and neurodevelopment in both sexes. Fetal exposure
in rodents has been shown experimentally to cause reproductive disorders of the male urogenital tract, including
abnormalities in testicular function, sperm abnormalities and sexual behaviour. Experiments have shown disruption
of female ovarian development resulting in reduced oocyte number and subsequent early ovarian insufficiency and
subsequent reduced fertility. Fetal APAP exposure has been demonstrated to induce changes in neurotransmission in
the brain manifesting in altered cognitive function, behaviour and locomotion. The studies have shown that the effect
of APAP is dependent on the timing of exposure in relation to specific developmental processes and duration as well
as dose. AGD, anogenital distance.

Although these recommendations might not sub- brain57–59; therefore, some of the disrupting effects of
stantially differ from advice currently given to pregnant APAP are probably mediated through this pathway.
women, we believe that APAP-​specific risk commu- Moreover, increasing clinical evidence suggests that the
nication between health professionals and pregnant action of APAP in inhibiting prostaglandin signalling
women is warranted due to the high prevalence of use in the third trimester can lead to ductus arteriosus con-
and a widespread perception of negligible risk. APAP striction, a condition that might result in fetal loss or
use should be minimized but might in some situations, life-​threatening cardiac failure in the newborn60.
such as high fever and/or severe pain, be the course of In vivo, in vitro and ex vivo studies have shown
action with the lowest risk. that APAP directly perturbs hormone-​dependent pro-
cesses, including inhibition of androgen production
APAP is an endocrine disruptor and increased oestrogen production, disruption of
Chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system are con- steroidogenesis, depletion of sulfated sex hormones,
cerning because they can interfere with the activ- perturbation of immune function, induction of oxi-
ity of endogenous hormones that are essential for dative stress and indirect activation of the endocan-
healthy neurological, urogenital and reproductive nabinoid system1,2,61–65. Independently of APAP, these
development2,47,48. APAP is known to readily cross the processes have been implicated as mechanisms related
placenta and blood–brain barrier49,50. During pregnancy, to the development of neurodevelopmental66–76 and
changes occur in APAP metabolism, which might make reproductive disorders2. In addition to potential effects
pregnant women and their fetus more vulnerable to on neuronal and reproductive development, a combina-
toxic effects. For instance, the molar dose fraction of tion of clinical studies together with experimental work
APAP that is converted to the oxidative metabolite in animal models and cell lines has also suggested that
N-​acetyl-​p-​benzoquinone imine might be increased APAP exposure during pregnancy might decrease fetal
during pregnancy51,52. haematopoietic stem cell numbers alter steroidogenesis
The analgesic and antipyretic properties of APAP are in the placenta and induce placental damage65,77–80.
still not fully understood. However, several lines of evi- Studies of intrauterine APAP exposure have found
dence suggest that APAP acts both in the periphery and effects on development in both mouse and rat mod-
centrally through several mechanisms. For example, one els. In these studies, doses ranged from the maximum
of the ways APAP is believed to relieve pain is through safe dose for a pregnant woman of 50 mg/kg per day
inhibition of prostaglandin signalling53. Furthermore, to 1,430 mg/kg per day (Supplementary Tables 2, 4)81,82.
APAP inhibits serotonergic mechanisms in clinical The majority of studies have used between 200 and
studies54. APAP also acts as a prodrug for analgesic 400 mg/kg per day, which is well within the appropri-
metabolites55; in experimental studies, these metabolites ate range for comparing animal and human exposure
activate serotonergic, opioidergic, vanilloid and canna­ studies, if the difference in body size is taken into con-
binoid receptors, as well as transient receptor potential sideration. Hence, for such studies a system of allometry
channels53,56. Prostaglandins are lipid compounds with (how anatomy, physiology and behaviour change based
physiologically important roles in the development of on body size) based on body surface area is normally
the gonads in both sexes and the development of the applied, where mouse and rat dose data are divided


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by a factor of 12.33 and 6.2, respectively, to reach the programming window (explained later). Another study
equivalent human dose83. has demonstrated reduced AGD in boys exposed to the
Taken together, APAP has many of the key character- combination of APAP and NSAIDs during pregnancy,
istics for hazard identification of an endocrine-​disrupting suggesting a potential additive effect as exposure to
chemical84. However, understanding the exact mecha- APAP alone did not result in a significant difference
nisms that lead to a particular outcome in humans is in AGD92. Similar additivity with other analgesics has
complicated as APAP potentially interacts with several been seen for cryptorchidism, where the association is
critical pathways during development, such as prosta- strongest among mothers using more than one analge-
glandins and steroids. Furthermore, the mechanisms sic during pregnancy24. Moreover, exposure to APAP for
leading to APAP-​induced reproductive outcomes are >2 weeks increased the risk of cryptorchidism24. Most
probably not the same as those leading to neurological associations for cryptorchidism are seen following
outcomes. In addition, the effect of APAP is dependent long-​term APAP exposure (>2 weeks) during late first
on the timing of exposure; for example, any effects on to early second trimester, which is consistent with the
testicular masculinization might not necessarily overlap critical time windows for development2,91. Thus, these
with the effects on brain masculinization. data suggest that the timing and duration of maternal
APAP use are critical factors and that short-​term APAP
Potential urogenital and reproductive effects use might be of limited risk.
Concerns about the safety of APAP in relation to urogen- Although not directly related to evidence of the
ital and reproductive effects have not been addressed in effects of APAP in utero, studies have also suggested that
reviews by governmental authorities such as the FDA, or adult men who used APAP had increased time to preg-
obstetric and gynaecological associations9,85,86. Although nancy, decreased testosterone production and had sperm
some studies have shown no APAP-​induced effects, an abnormalities, including DNA fragmentation 101,102.
increasing body of evidence suggests that APAP has the Moreover, exposure of ex vivo adult testes to APAP
ability to disrupt animal and human reproductive tract has similarly shown a negative effect on testosterone
development, from fetal life to adulthood in both sexes1,2. production103. A single cohort study that investigated
Fetal exposure in animal models has been shown exper- prenatal APAP exposure and female reproductive out-
imentally to cause disorders of the male urogenital tract comes found increasingly earlier attainment of markers
through reduction of androgen action2. Furthermore, of female pubertal development (for example, pubic
experimental models have consistently shown disrup- and axillary hair) with increasing number of weeks of
tion of ovarian development, which results in reduced prenatal APAP exposure, in a dose-​responsive manner93.
fertility at the same dose or close to the dose used by These observational studies controlled for numer-
pregnant women87,88. ous confounding factors but were potentially limited by
residual confounding and exposure and outcome mis-
The epidemiological evidence of urogenital and repro- classification. Confounding by indication for use was
ductive effects. The relationship between prenatal APAP controlled for in nine studies24,89,90,93–95,97,101,102. Exposure
exposure and urogenital and reproductive abnormali- assessment relied on maternal self-​reported APAP use
ties has been investigated in 11 observational studies in in all 11 studies. In these cohorts exposure information
six cohorts including over 130,000 mother–child pairs was collected in a timely manner to attempt to minimize
from different parts of the world24,89–98 (for a compre- exposure misclassification and recall bias. Importantly,
hensive review of the literature including effect sizes such misclassification is most likely to be non-​differential
see Supplementary Table 1). Findings from five of and result in underestimation of the true effect, rather
these studies suggest that prenatal APAP exposure is than to represent spurious associations104.
associated with male urogenital and reproductive tract Together, increasing evidence suggests that pre-
abnormalities, by showing increased risk of male unde- natal APAP exposure is associated with male uro-
scended testicles (cryptorchidism)24,89,90 and a reduced genital and reproductive tract abnormalities (Fig. 1).
anogenital distance (AGD)91,92. An additional study has Inconsistencies between studies are probably due to
suggested an association between prenatal APAP expo- differences in assessment methodologies of exposure
sure and early female puberty93. Four studies have found and outcomes. Moreover, the fact that APAP is a less
no increased risk of hypospadias from prenatal APAP potent anti-​androgen than other pharmaceuticals (for
exposure94–97. example, ketoconazole) probably means that only large
AGD is the distance between the anus and the base studies would be sufficiently powered to detect effects.
of the penis, which is an indicator of the degree of mas-
culinization of the genitals51,91,92,99. Both AGD and crypt­ The experimental evidence of urogenital and reproduc-
orchidism are risk factors for reproductive disorders in tive effects. Consistent with evidence from epidemio-
later life13. Reduced AGD has been found in boys follow- logical studies, exposure to APAP has been linked to
ing exposure to APAP during weeks 8–14 of gestation, abnormalities in testicular function, sperm abnormal-
which coincides with the timing of the masculinization ities and the development of male reproductive disor-
programming window. This period is when male repro- ders across a range of studies involving in vitro, ex vivo
ductive development (including AGD) is considered and in vivo models (Supplementary Table 2). These
to be programmed91,100. Importantly, reduced AGD is data suggest that several mechanisms of action result in
recapitulated in mouse and rat experimental studies decreases in hormones critical for normal reproductive
when animals are exposed in the equivalent rodent development and inhibition of germ cell proliferation

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and differentiation. For example, experimental stud- and related behavioural abnormalities19,116–118,135, but
ies have suggested that APAP can reduce testosterone also autism spectrum disorder (ASD)121,124,130, language
production in the human fetal testis105. Treatment of delays 117,118,127,136, decreased IQ 113, cerebral palsy 122,
pregnant mice and rats with APAP has been found to oppositional–defiant disorder125, decreased executive
cause urogenital abnormalities, such as reduced AGD function112,114 and conduct disorders125. Effect sizes were
in male offspring that is coupled to decreased hormo- generally modest but because exposure is widespread1,107,
nal levels during the masculinization programming even a small effect size could translate into a large num-
window24,64,105. Differences and inconsistencies remain ber of affected children. Dose–response has been inves-
between studies that might be related to several fac- tigated in 19 studies112–114,116–122,124,127–130,133,136–138 and of
tors, including species, strain, age, developmental stage, these, 16 studies112,114,116–122,124,127,129,130,133,136,137 identified a
dose, duration, and route and schedule of administra- dose–response association, whereby increased duration
tion, among others. However, strong evidence from of exposure was associated with increased risk. In many of
rodent studies and experiments with human cells and these studies, associations were weak for short-​term
tissue performed in several independent laboratories exposure suggesting that short-​term use might be of lim-
shows that both acute (for example, 24 h) and long- ited risk. As with reproductive and urogenital outcomes,
term (for example, 1 week) exposure to APAP results in exposure timing is important, as the highest risk seemed
a reduction in fetal androgens24,105. to occur from exposure during the second and third tri-
Both acute exposure (24 h) and long-​term exposure mesters of pregnancy (with some exceptions112–114). Two
(for example, 1 week ex vivo or from 7 days post coitum studies also investigated APAP exposure during infancy.
to birth in vivo) of rodent and human fetal gonadal One study of infant exposure identified associations with
tissue to APAP have been demonstrated to adversely decreased mid-​childhood executive function and poor
affect germ cell development and proliferation81,106. behaviour114, whereas the other found no association
Additionally, prenatal exposure of mice to APAP with cognitive development outcomes19.
from 7 days post coitum to birth seems to impair male These 29 observational studies were limited by poten-
sexual behaviour in adulthood by disrupting sexual tial confounding, including by indication for APAP use,
neurobehavioural programming107. by genetic factors and by bias introduced by exposure
Four independent research teams have found con- and outcome misclassification, as well as study partic-
sistently that prenatal APAP exposure can reduce female ipant loss to follow-​up139. Several analytical techniques
reproductive health and fertility81,87,88,106,108,109. These have been used to control for confounding by indication,
teams utilized different models in both rats and mice with results largely remaining unchanged3,41. Similar dis-
with APAP exposure at doses equivalent or close to ease risk observed across different indications supports
the maximal human recommended dose from 7 days a causal association, as different indications (for exam-
post coitum to birth or from 13.5 days post coitum to ple, fever and back pain) are unlikely mechanistically to
birth. The combined data show that APAP exposure affect disease risk in similar ways140. Using methods such
results in the reduction of primordial germ cells and as sibling control design, polygenic risk scores and neg-
delayed meiotic entry, which leads to a decreased num- ative controls, efforts were made to control genetic con-
ber of follicles in adult ovaries and subsequent infertil- founding in 16 studies with little effect on the reported
ity through early-​onset ovarian insufficiency81,106,108,109. associations in all but two of these studies115,116. APAP
Importantly, the effects of APAP on female develop- exposure assessment relied on maternal self-​report in
ment have not yet been properly investigated in human 24 studies, on biomarkers in five studies127–130,137 and
observational studies. on prescription records in one study138. Although one
study that used both biomarkers and self-​reported
Potential neurodevelopmental effects exposure suggested that the two measures of exposure
The developing human brain is uniquely vulnerable were correlated127, exposure misclassification remains a
to exposure to toxic chemicals. Critical windows of concern in studies using maternal self-​report24. Timely
developmental vulnerability occur in utero, and during collection of exposure information would probably min-
infancy and early childhood110. During these sensitive imize such exposure misclassification and recall bias.
life stages, certain chemicals can cause permanent brain Importantly, misclassification, as mentioned above, is
injury at low exposure levels111. most likely to be non-​differential and result in under-
estimation of the true effect, rather than to represent
The epidemiological evidence of neurodevelopmen- spurious associations104. The underestimation could be
tal effects. The relationships between prenatal APAP substantial, as evidenced by the far stronger associations
exposure and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes reported in biomarker studies127,129,130,137 than in studies
have been investigated in 29 observational studies in relying on self-​report.
14 cohorts including over 220,000 mother–child pairs Two notable studies overcame some of the important
from different parts of the world19,112–138 (for review of limitations of earlier studies. A 2021 study evaluated the
the literature including effect sizes see Supplementary association between levels of APAP metabolites in umbil-
Table 3). Of these studies, 26 identified positive asso- ical cord plasma (direct evidence of fetal exposure141)
ciations with APAP exposure during pregnancy and and physician-​diagnosed childhood ADHD, ASD and
a range of clinically assessed and parent-​reported neuro­ other developmental disabilities, using data from the
developmental outcomes, primarily attention deficit Boston Birth Cohort130. Cord plasma APAP metabolite
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)115,119–121,123,126,129–134,137,138 concentrations in the first tertile compared with the


C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

second and third tertiles were associated with a more demonstrated that the strongest effects of long-​term use
than twofold higher odds of an ADHD diagnosis and and exposure occur at a time equivalent to the beginning
up to a threefold higher odds of an ASD diagnosis. of the third trimester of pregnancy and the time around
Sensitivity analyses and subgroup analyses found con- birth in humans69,148.
sistent associations between APAP metabolite concen- APAP effects on the cannabinoid and prostaglandin
trations and ADHD and ASD across strata of potential pathways alone or in combination might be the possi-
confounders, including maternal indication, substance ble mechanisms1,62,65,69,152–154. The antipyretic effect of
use, preterm birth, and child age and sex. APAP involves inhibition of prostaglandin-​synthesizing
In a 2020 prospective cohort study conducted in cyclooxygenase enzymes in the brain155. Prostaglandin
Québec, Canada, children exposed to APAP prenatally E2 is an endogenous lipid molecule involved in normal
(as measured in meconium) were at increased risk of brain development, regulating cerebellar development
physician-​diagnosed ADHD and hyperactivity, which and inducing masculinization of the preoptic area of
was indicated by resting-​state brain connectivity at ages the brain70. Emerging clinical and molecular research
6 and 7 years137. Compared with no APAP, detection has provided compelling evidence that abnormal cyclo­
of APAP in meconium was associated with twice the oxygenase 2 and prostaglandin E2 signalling is associated
odds of ADHD. A dose–response association was also with ASD-​related pathology and behaviours68,69,154,156–158.
detected. Prenatal APAP exposure was also associated Other data suggest that the analgesic effect of APAP acts
with increased negative connectivity between the left through the endocannabinoid system159. The endocan-
prefrontal cortex (frontoparietal seed) and the right pre- nabinoid system is a complex network of lipid signalling
central gyrus, which mediated the association of APAP pathways that have an important role in the develop-
with hyperactivity. The authors stated “these results sug- ing nervous system160. Alterations of the endocannabi-
gest that prior studies may have been biased towards the noid system have been found in both the brain and the
null by inaccurate maternal recall. Thus, the association immune system of humans with ASD161,162. Studies in
between prenatal acetaminophen and ADHD may be mice have demonstrated the emergence of ASD-​like
even stronger than previously estimated”137. This study behaviours following diverse genetic or pharmacological
established for the first time an association between pre- manipulations targeting the endocannabinoid system160.
natal APAP exposure and a physical manifestation of As with reproductive studies, inconsistencies
neurological alteration. This study not only potentially between studies might relate to factors such as species,
identifies an underlying mechanism, but also reduces strain, age, dose, duration of exposure, and route and
concern that associations found in earlier studies might schedule of administration. However, a particular obsta-
have been due to diagnostic inaccuracy introduced by cle is the difficulty in translating human outcomes, such
suboptimal or subjective outcome measurement139. as ADHD and ASD, to behaviour in an animal model.
A limitation of the study is that it did not control for Future studies should include evaluation of brain and
indication; however, when effect sizes are large, as seen in behavioural effects in higher order species, from both
this study, residual confounding by uncontrolled factors prenatal and early life exposure, for specific indications
is a less likely explanation for identified associations142. and exposure windows153.
Present biomarker studies are not without limita-
tions in the assessment of exposure. For example, pres- Conclusions
ent standard targeted methods are based on analysing This APAP Consensus Statement is a call to prioritize
free APAP and phase II conjugates after enzymatic research initiatives and to provide evidence-​based med-
deconjugation143. This method captures only part of ical guidance for APAP use by pregnant women, with the
the metabolic pathway and leaves a fairly short window goal of creating awareness so women can make informed
to assess APAP due to its short half-​life (4–6 h)141,143,144, decisions that will lead to minimizing APAP exposure.
which can lead to underestimation of actual exposure. We therefore call for agencies such as the FDA and EMA
Thus, a 2021 study suggested that biomarkers identified and appropriate obstetric and gynaecological societies
with standard methods used in biomonitoring are inad- to review all available data covering both epidemio-
equate for human biomonitoring of a non-​persistent logical and experimental studies, so an evidence-​based
chemical such as APAP and result in underestimation evaluation of the risk can be made available to inform
of actual exposure141. patients and their health-​care professionals. The limita-
tions that we identified in the existing literature should
The experimental evidence of neurodevelopmental be addressed in well-​designed research that accurately
effects. Experimental animal studies have suggested that captures medication use during pregnancy and mini-
perinatal APAP exposure, even at low therapeutic doses, mizes potential confounding by indication and exposure
increases the risk of brain and behavioural abnormal- misclassification.
ities in rodents51,145–151, supporting the epidemiological We here recognize our professional and social
evidence (Supplementary Table 4). A 2019 study sug- responsibility to take this action, even in the face
gested that APAP enters the developing rat brain and of uncertainty, in light of the serious consequences of
cerebrospinal fluid in higher amounts than the adult inaction. This call to action is consistent with the 2016
brain. Long-​term (5 days) fetal exposure resulted in even Targeting Environmental Neuro-​Developmental Risks
higher transfer rates than short-​term exposure, which (TENDR) Consensus Statement47, which we support:
might lead to accumulation of APAP in the fetal brain50. “We as a society should be able to take protective
Consistent with the epidemiological data, studies have action when scientific evidence indicates a chemical is of

NATURE REvIEwS | Endocrinology

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

concern, and not wait for unequivocal proof that a chem- however, we believe the combined weight of animal and
ical is causing harm to our children. Evidence of neuro­ human scientific evidence is strong enough for pregnant
developmental toxicity of any type — epidemiological women to be cautioned by health professionals against
or toxicological or mechanistic — by itself should consti- its indiscriminate use, both as a single ingredient and
tute a signal sufficient to trigger prioritization and some in combination with other medications. We recom-
level of action.”47. mend that APAP should be used by pregnant women
In addition, a new opinion statement issued by the cautiously at the lowest effective dose for the shortest
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists possible time. Long-​term or high-​dose use should be
suggests that gynaecologists should screen patients for limited to indications as advised by a health professional.
exposure to environmental chemicals before and dur- Packaging should include warning labels including these
ing pregnancy and counsel on how to minimize risks. recommendations. Given the high prevalence of APAP
We support this statement, which is consistent with our use by pregnant women, the public health implications
recommendations163. of use reduction might be substantial.
APAP is a modifiable exposure. We recognize that
Published online xx xx xxxx
limited medical alternatives exist to treat pain and fever;

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138. Chen, M.-H. et al. Prenatal exposure to 158. Hoffman, J. F., Wright, C. L. & McCarthy, M. M.
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acetaminophen and the risk of attention-​deficit/ A critical period in Purkinje cell development is
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hyperactivity disorder: a nationwide study in Taiwan. mediated by local estradiol synthesis, disrupted
J. Clin. Psychiatry 80, 18m12612 (2019). by inflammation, and has enduring consequences
139. Wood, M. E. Associations between prenatal only for males. J. Neurosci. 36, 10039–10049
acetaminophen exposure and child neurodevelopment: (2016). © The Author(s) 2021



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