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Name:_____________________________ Cohort:______________

Inferring About Characters: Challenges and Response in Chapter 1-5

I can cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text and make inferences about a character. (RL.6.1)

Directions: You will find TWO examples from the text that show a challenge Percy has faced over the last five
chapters and how he responds to them. Be sure to include page numbers and DIRECT quotes from the text.

Page Challenge Response I can infer that…

Example: Nancy Bobofit was Percy wants to defend Percy is a very
pg. 3 harassing Grover on Grover by standing up protective friend, and
the bus. to Nancy Bobofit. does not like to see
people get bullied.
“Nancy Bobofit was ‘’That’s it.’ I started to
throwing wads of get up, but Grover
sandwich that stuck in pulled me back to my
his curly brown hair.” seat.”

Example: Percy gets expelled He thinks it is okay Percy really cares and
page 17 from Yancy Academy. because he is homesick thinks about the
and wants to be with people in his life.
his mom.

He realizes he will
miss Grover and Mr.

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