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Republic Act 1425 in my perspective as a student, is realistic.

I say this fully aware of the risks

of translation and exposition. Republic Act 1425 in its core, is the honoring of Philippine
Literature and symbolizing the works of Jose Rizal. This act also solidifies and preserves the
writings of a nationalistic and patriotic man; a hero. Literature, especially Philippine Literature
has been revolutionary in the 1800s. Philippine Literary works has captured the hearts and minds
of many readers all over the world. It has piqued the interests of foreigners, and for the Filipinos,
it has been empowering. Rizal’s literary works has touched multiple aspects of History, Religion,
and Philosophy. Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere has been seen political, yet patriotic as it has been
truthful and exposed the political, social, and economic exploits of the Spanish. This in itself is
enough to make Rizal a hero as it inspires readers nationalism. Literature can also have aspects
of propaganda, this has allowed literature be a form or way aspire or incite ideas, like revolution.
In the Republic Act 1425, one important factor in Rizal’s works has been the accuracy and
truthfulness of his works. More importantly, every work of literature has to have some form of
basis depending on the times. Rizal’s works so far has been an accurate portrayal of the
Philippines and its society in the Spanish colonial era, furthermore it shows the readers the life of
Filipinos during those times, in addition to the abuses of the Spanish. Even though a lot of
Catholics have attacked the works due to reasons of wayward clerics portrayed in the work of
Rizal, it has been defended by supporters of the law, that this has also been an eye-opener for the
Catholic church. Since Rizal has been cultured and has been multilingual. Many of his works
have mixed languages and included multiple references of different cultures in many countries.
This consequentially made his work unaccessible to monolingual or even bilingual readers. This
has also made it prone to misinterpretations for readers who cannot understand references and
literary cues. Because of these things, there have been many translators that helped in localizing
the literary works of Rizal. Even with these methods, there is no guarantee that it will be perfect
and the literary ideas and theories be accurately preserved throughout the shift in languages.
Translation is always a local and cultural method that goes with the times. References and
literary cues in the past won’t always stay the same, thus the need for modernization for the
reading audience. And even more complex passages and ideas have to be extensively studied and
researched to be properly translated with the context perfectly preserved. Yet even with all these
roadblocks and hiccups in translation, what’s important is that the idea and soul of the literature
is preserved and passed to the interested reader. I am sure there is always a way, no matter the
language or cultural barrier, Rizal’s literature always captures the heart if the reader, and inspires
patriotism and nationalism to the Filipino heart.
What is the relationship between literature and society?

Literature has always based its ideas and theory to reality, from what’s impossible to what’s
possible. Literary works oftentimes relates to the current era of the Society. Literature somehow
finds a way to keep up with the times of the human society and civilization. It can be to the
factors of society like Politics, Art, Economy etc.

How does one learn “patriotism “and “nationalism” from literature?

Literature always had the capability to introduce and inspire ideas and concepts. There are
abstract concepts the instill the mind and heart. This allows literature to have propaganda or even
agenda. An example is the literary work of the Rizal which is Noli Me Tangere which exposes
the abuses of the Spanish in the Philippines in the past. These ideas and prepositions display
ideas of revolt and inspires the idea of loving and protecting ones country. Rizal’s love of
country is shown this ways, this has made the author patriotic and inspires nationalistic ideals for
the Filipino people

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