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(HVE AS-302)
Kaumudi Singh, Assistant Professor, AS&H -PC, FoET
Competence in Professional Ethics
◦ 1. Clarity about the comprehensive human goal, and its fulfillment through universal human order from
family to world family.
◦ 2. Confidence in oneself along with Harmony, co-existence and self-regulation prevailing in entire
existence based on Right Understanding of oneself.
◦ 3. Competence of mutually fulfilling behavior:
Mutual Happiness( People-friendly)
Mutual Prosperity (Eco-friendly)
◦ 4. Competence of mutually enriching interaction, with nature, ability to assess the needs for physical
facilities for family and world (via production system)
◦ 5. Competence of actualizing one’s understanding in real life.
Ethical Human Conduct = Behavior which is ethically correct. It is self-satisfying, people-friendly, eco-friendly and

Examples of Ethical Values =

Like, Keeping promise, honesty, loyalty, fairness, concern for others, commitment, abiding by law etc.

Good Professional = A person having Ethical Human Conduct + requisite Professional Skills

Professional Ethics = The personal, official or business rules that govern our behavior within the context of a particular
The Right Understanding gained through Self Exploration enables us to identify the definitiveness of human conduct,
also called, the Ethical Human Conduct.


The definitiveness of ethical human conduct is understood in terms of definiteness of

values, policies and character and it is universal.
1. Values: They are part of our Ethical conduct and are the outcome of our realization and understanding. They are
always definite.
There are 30 Values in all for a human being:

• Within the Self (in “I”) – 4 Values

Happiness, Peace, Satisfaction, Bliss

• As a human being, in participation in the universal order – 6 Values

Perseverance, Bravery, Generosity, Kindness, Beneficence, Compassion.

• In human relationships with other human beings – 18 Values

Trust, Respect, Affection, Care, Guidance, Reverence, Glory, Gratitude, Love, Complementariness, Compliance,
Commitment, Generosity, Spontaneity, Obedience, Ease, Self-restraint, Unanimity
Human beings in interaction with rest of the nature – 2 Values
Utility Value
Artistic Value
2. Policy– It refers to developing an ethical sense in all our pursuits and think, behave and
work towards nurturing this harmony. It is a manifestation of right understanding in
deciding upon the enrichment, protection and right utilization of the three resources
namely, Mind, Body and Wealth.

• Economic Policy– Policy for enrichment of wealth

• Political Policy- Policy for protection of body and wealth
• Policy for Universal Human Order- Policy for the right utilization of mind, body and

3. Character–
Definiteness of our living and character
• Chastity in Conjugal relationship( husband-wife relationship)
• Rightful production, acquisition and utilization of wealth
• Humane behavior and work with kindness
• Human Values, A. N. Tripathi
• Professional Ethics and Human Values

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