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Solar energy has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years due to both technological

improvements resulting in cost reductions and government policies supportive of renewable

energy development and utilization. This study analyses the technical, economic and policy

aspects of solar energy development and deployment. While the cost of solar energy has

declined rapidly in the recent past, it still remains much higher than the cost of conventional

energy technologies.In this chapters we covered the basic concepts of solar power system

design, reviewed various system configurations, and outlined all major system equipment and

materials required to implement a solar power of solar power installations that have been

implemented throughout the report.

This seminar discusses practical steps that may be taken in the design and installation of

efficient off-grid solar power system for homes, as a way of reducing, if not ending, the

lingering National Energy Crises. This seminar also discussing about the design algorithm of

5MW grid connected solar power generation scheme.

page no.

























Fig.3.1 Basic solar energy conversion system 12

Fig.3.2 Concentrated solar power 13

Fig.3.3 Solar photo voltaic technology 14

Fig.3.4 Areas of the world with high insolation 15

Fig.3.5 Insolation vs time curve 16

Fig.4.1 SPV power generating units 23

Fig.5.1 5MW SPV power generation scheme 29



Essential steps required for solar power systems engineering design include site evaluation
feasibility study, site shading analysis, photo voltaic mapping or configuration analysis, dc
to-ac power conversion calculations, PV module and inverter system selection, and total
solar power array electric power calculations. In previous chapters we reviewed the
physics,manufacturing technologies, and design considerations applied to photo voltaic solar
power co generation Perhaps the most important task of a solar power engineer is to conduct
preliminary engineering and financial feasibility studies, which are necessary for establishing
an actual project design. The essence of the feasibility study is to evaluate and estimate the
power generation and cost of installation for the life span of the project. building block of the
photo voltaic technology. Solar cells are made of semiconductor materials, such as silicon.
One of the properties of semiconductors that makes them most useful is that their
conductivity may easily be modified by introducing impurities into their crystal lattice. Photo
voltaics’ offer consumers the power generation system has the advantage of more effective
utilization of generated power.


1. To understand how solar power system work.

2. Know about the solar power generation technology.

3. Know about the design steps for designing a solar power system.

4. Establishment of a solar power system that can supply 1kw power.

5. Design of a 5MW SPV Power Generation scheme



M.Egidio ,and E. Lorenzo [3]: This report examines the literature associated with the design
and optimization of photo voltaic (PV) solar energy in an attempt to identify the different
ways in which PV cells was used in small domesticated establishment. Preliminary as it may
be, this study stands to be a source of an invaluable promotion on renewable energy-solar
resources in particular. In addition, this thesis presents study on sizing and cost estimation
methodology for stand-alone photo voltaic (SAPV) power system to provide the required
electricity. In essence, highlighted are the technical and economic feasibility of a SAPV
system for electricity generation.

E.H. Camm, Member, IEEE S. E. Williams [6]: The development of newer technologies in
concentrating solar power (CSP) plants, particularly plants using dish Stirling systems, as
well as changes in the design of photo voltaic (PV) inverters is creating new challenges in the
design of lowand medium-voltage collector systems for large solar power
plants.Furthermore, interconnect requirements for reactive power, voltage, and ramp rate
control and the characteristics of solar power require unique solutions for optimal plant
design. To ensure large solar plants can be connected successfully to the grid without
impacting grid stability or reliability, the design process must include the development of
suitable models of these plants for transient and dynamic simulation. Simulation tools and
models can then be used to determine special requirements to deal with issues such as daily
plant energization, low voltage ride-through, temporary over voltage and feeder grounding,
etc. The presentation will focus on the key technical issues and design optimization of large
solar power plants.

Bharath Kumar M 1and Dr. H V Bragada [2]: The favourable climate conditions of the
place called Belagavi of Mandaya district in the state of Karnataka and the recent legislation
for utilization of renewable energy sources provide a substantial incentive for installation of

photovoltaic power plants. In this paper, the grid connected solar photo voltaic power plant
established by Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, is presented, and its performance is
evaluated. The photovoltaic power plant has a solar radiation of 5.26 kWh/ spread
over 25 Acres of land. The plant has been in operation since 2012. The power plant is
suitably monitored during 7 Months, and the performance ratio and the various power losses

(temperature, soiling, internal, network, power electronics, grid availability and

interconnection) are calculated.

Obtain E.B and Momoh F.P[1]: The goal of the off-grid PV system design is to optimize
the most suitable design in order to collect all the available solar energy to satisfy the need
for the energy demand at an economically feasible price. The purpose of this thesis paper is
to provide a rural remote commercial-purposed shelter with energy demand throughout the
whole year by designing a solar PV off-grid system on a tilted rooftop. Also, a
comprehensive overview was conducted throughout the paper for Solar PV systems, parts,
and components, the principle of operation. The design criteria of the off-grid solar PV
system were divided into several detailed stages where each stage was conducted upon
enumerated values thoroughly.



3.1 The Solar Energy Conversion System:

There are many different types of solar energy systems that will convert the solar resource
into a useful form of energy. A block diagram showing three of the most basic system types
is shown as Figure 3.1. In the first diagram, the solar resource is captured and converted into
heat which is then supplied to a demand for thermal energy (thermal load) such as house
heating, hot water heating or heat for industrial processes. This type of system may or may
not include thermal storage, and usually include an auxiliary source of energy so that the
demand may be met during long periods with no sunshine

Figure-3.1 Diagram of a basic solar energy conversion systems. The AUX. box represents
some auxiliary source of thermal or electrical energy. If the demand (load) to be met is
electricity (an electrical load) rather than heat, there are two common methods of converting
solar energy into electricity. One method is by collecting solar energy as heat and converting

it into electricity using a typical power plant or engine; the other electricity. Both methods are
shown schematically in Figure 3.1. In general, if solar energy conversion systems are
connected to a large electrical transmission grid, no storage or auxiliary energy supply is
needed. If the solar energy conversion system is to be the only source of electricity, storage
and auxiliary energy supply are usually both electricity may be used to extend the operating
time of the system. Auxiliary energy may either be supplied either as heat before the power
conversion system, or as electricity after it. If the photo voltaic route is chosen, extra
electricity may be stored, usually in storage batteries, thereby extending the operating time of
the system. For auxiliary power, an external electricity source is the only choice for photo
voltaic systems.

Solar Energy can be trapped using two techniques:

• Solar Thermal / Concentrated

Solar Power

• Solar Photo Voltaic Technology

Figure-3.3 solar photo voltaic[3]

3.2 The Solar Resource

The basic resource for all solar energy systems is the sun. Knowledge of the quantity and
quality of solar energy available at a specific location is of prime importance for the design of
any solar energy system. Although the solar radiation (insolation) is relatively constant
outside the earth's , local climate influences can cause wide variations in available
insolationon the earth’s surface from site to site. In addition, the relative motion of the sun
with respect to the earth will allow surfaces with different orientations to intercept different
amounts of solar energy.

Figure 3.4 shows regions of high insolation where solar energy conversion systems will
produce the maximum amount of energy from a specific collector field size. However, solar
energy is available over the entire globe, and only the size of the collector field needs to be
increased to provide the same amount of heat or electricity as in the shaded areas. It is the
primary task of the solar energy system designer to determine the amount, quality and timing
of the solar energy available at the site selected for installing a solar energy conversion

Figure 3.4 Areas of the world with high insolation[2]

Just outside the earth's atmosphere, the sun's energy is continuously available at the rate of
1,367 Watts on every square meter facing the sun. Due to the earth's rotation, asymmetric
orbit about the sun, and the contents of its atmosphere, a large fraction of this energy does not
reach the ground. we discuss the effects of the atmospheric processes that modify thein
coming solar energy, how it is measured, and techniques used by designers to predict the
amount of solar energy available at a particular location, both instantaneously and over a long
term. As an example of the importance of the material discussed in shows the variation of
insolation over a full, clear day in March at Daggett, California, a meteorological
measurement site close to the Kramer Junction solar power plant described previously. The
outer curve, representing the greatest rate of incident energy, shows the energy coming
directly from the sun (beam normal insolation) and falling on a square meter of surface area
which is pointed toward the sun. The peak rate of incident solar energy occurs around 12:00
noon and is 1,030 Watts per square meter. Over the full day, 10.6 kilowatt-hours of energy
has fallen on every square

Figure 3.5 Insolation data from Doggett, California on a clear March day. The middle curve
represents the rate of solar energy falling on a horizontal surface at the same location. For
reasons to be discussed later this curve includes both the energy coming directly from the
sun's disc, and also that scattered by the molecules and particles in the atmosphere (total

horizontal insolation). This scattered energy is shown as the bottom curve (diffuse
insolation). Over the entire day, 6.7 kilowatt-hours of solar energy fall on every square meter
of horizontal surface, of which 0.7 kilowatthours comes from all directions other than directly
from the sun.

Techniques for estimating the temporal solar resource at any site on the face of the earth are
presented in Chapter 2. In addition, the development and use of computerized meteorological
data files is described. These data files based on long-term actual observations, form the
timedependent database of the computerized performance computations contained within this
book and, indeed, much of the solar literature. An example of a complete set of beam normal
insolation data for a given location is shown in Figure 3.5. Here we see hourly insolation
data, summarized over a day, for each month of a year. With this type of data

for a specific site, it is possible to predict accurately the output of a solar energy conversion
system, whether it is a low temperature thermal system, a high temperature thermal system or
a photovoltaic system.

3.3 Benefits of Grid -connected Solar Power Plants:

1. Power from sun is clean, silent, limitless and free.

2. Photovoltaic process releases no CO2, SO2 or NO2 gases and thus

do not contribute to Global warming.

3. It has introduced the concept of Distributed Generation thus

improving the overall grid reliability.

4. Solar powered Grid Connected Plants can act as tail-end

energizers, which in turn reduces the transmission and distribution


5. Provides a potential revenue source in a diverse energy portfolio.

3.4 The Latest in Solar Technology

Solar technologies have evolved a lot since they first made their debut in the 1960s. While
previously solar photovoltaics (PV) were seen as a thing of the future, today, technological
breakthroughs have positioned the industry for huge growth.

A series of new developments in solar PV technology also promise to contribute to the

industry's success.

Advances in Solar Cell Technology
Researchers have longed looked for ways to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of
solar cells - the life blood of solar PV systems. A solar PV array is comprised of hundreds,
sometimes thousands of solar cells, that individually convert radiant sun light into electrical
currents. The average solar cell is approximately 15% efficient, which means nearly 85% of
the sunlight that hits them does not get converted into electricity. As such, scientists have
constantly been experimenting with new technologies to boost this light capture and

Light-Sensitive Nanoparticles. Recently, a group of scientists at the

University of Toronto unveiled a new type of light-sensitive new materials use n-type and p-
type semiconductors - but ones that can actually function outdoors. This is a unique discovery
since previou designs weren't capable of functioning outdoors and therefore not practical
applications for the solar market. University of Toronto researchers discovered that n-type
materials bind to oxygen - the new colloidal quantum dots don't bind to air and therefore can
maintain their stability outside. This helps increase radiant light absorption. Panels using this
new technology were found to be up to eight percent more efficient at

converting sunlight.

Advances in Energy Storage

Another major focus of scientists is to find new ways to store energy produced by solar PV
systems. Currently, electricity is largely a "use it or (or any type of fuel source) the electricity
goes onto the grid and must be used immediately or be lost. Since the sunlight does not shine
twenty-four hours a day, this means that most solar PV systems are only meeting electrical
demands for a portion of the day - as a result, a lot of electricity is lost, if it's not used. There
are a number of batteries on the market that can store this energy, but even the most high-tech
ones are fairly inefficient; they're also expensive and have a pretty short shelf life, making
them not the most attractive options for utility companies and consumers. That is why

scientists are exploring different ways to store this electricity so that it can be used on

Molten Salt Storage Technology. A company called Novate Solar

recently commissioned a promising energy storage solution for solar PV systems using
amolten salt storage technology. The process uses inorganic salts to transfer energy generated
by solar PV systems into solar thermal using heat transfer fluid rather than oils as some
storage system have. The result is that solar plants can operate at temperatures over 500
degrees Celsius, which would result in a much higher power output. This means that costs to
store solar would be lowered significantly and utility companies could finally use solar power
plants as base load plants rather than to meet peak demand during prime daylight hours.

Solar Panel with Built-In Battery. In a project funded by the United

States Department of Energy, Ohio State University researchers recently announced they
created a battery that is 20% more efficient and 25% cheaper than anything on the market
today. The secret to the design is that the rechargeable battery is built into the solar panel
itself, rather than operating as two standalone systems. By conjoining the two into one
system, scientists said they could lower costs by 25% compared to existing products.

Advances in Solar Cell Manufacturing: Another area that has

made solar PV technologies cost prohibitive compared to traditional fuel sources is the
manufacturing process. Scientists are also focused on ways to improve the efficiency of how
solar components are manufactured.

Magnesium Chloride. While over ninety percent of solar panels on the

market today are comprised of silicon semiconductors, the keyingredient to converting
sunlight into electricity, many believe the next generation of solar panels will be made of a
thin film technology that uses narrow coatings of cadmium telluride in solar cells - this
technology promises to be a much cheaper and more efficient way to engage the photovoltaic
process. One major obstacle for cadmium telluride thin film cells is that they become highly

unstable during the manufacturing process, which currently uses cadmium chloride.
Researchers have devised a new, safe and seemingly low-cost way to overcome this hurdle
by using a material called magnesium chloride in replace of cadmium chloride. Magnesium
chloride is recovered from seawater, an abundant resource, which makes the resource very
low cost, as well as non-toxic. Replacing the manufacturing process with this material
promises to increase the efficiency of these solar cells from two percent to up to fifteen

New Solar Applications

When most people think of solar PV systems, they think of them atop roofs or mounte
forindustrial scale use. But researchers are exploring a number of unconventional
solarapplications that could promise to transform the industry.

Solar Roadways. Scientists are exploring ways to actually line highways and
roads with solar panels that would then be used to deploy large amounts of electricity to the
grid. This would help overcome a major barrier to industrial scale solar, which opponents say
threatens to take up too much land. Solar roadways have already popped up in the

Floating Solar. Another way to address land use concerns associated with wide
scale solar is to erect solar plants on the water, since over 70% of the Earth's surface is
covered in water. Some researchers, including a French firm called Ciel et Terre, are
experimenting with this technology. The company has projects set up in France, Japan, and
England and other parts of the world are also piloting projects including a project in India and
California in the U.S.

Space Based Solar. Scientists are resurrecting a technology that was first tested
over forty years ago in which space-based satellites capture sunlight and convert it into
microwave energy that is then beamed back to earth. This type of technology promises to
capture significant more amount of sunlight (nearly ninety percent) since satellites can be
positioned to optimize light capture round the clock. India, China and Japan are investing
heavily in these technologies right now.




The four basic design configurations of PV system are:

i.) Borehole: application for water pumping: This employs line current booster (LCB) to
drive d.c pumps. It is designed for daylight operation and so does not require batteries.

ii.) Hybrid system: A PV system is said to be hybrid if it is not the only source of
energy to the load(s). In this case, there is an energy source (e.g utility or gen. set) in addition
to the module/array. The two energy sources complement each other. The problem with
hybrid system is economy. It costs more to install and requires operation/maintenance
personnel especially for the auxiliary generator. However, this may be seen as the price for
higher reliability.

iii.) Grid connected: The grid-connected may be viewed as a special type of stand-
alone system. The connection of its output to the grid makes the grid a load to the system. In
its simplest form, it consists of array, an inverter and them the gird (load).

iv.) Stand-alone (off-grid): This configuration refers to when the system operates as
the sole source of supply to its load. The inclusion of storage in PV systems is aimed at
increasing its availability and consequently its reliability.

Figure-4.1 SPV Power Generating units [5]


1. Site Selection

2. Topographical Survey

3. Soil Test

4.Planning & Designing

5. Construction Works

6. Selection of SPV Module

• Type of Module

• Maximum Output Power

• Open Circuit voltage - Voc

• Short Circuit Current - Isc

• Voltage corresponding to MPP – VMP

• Current corresponding to MPP – Imp

7. SPV Mounting Structures

8. Junction Boxes

9. Power Conditioning Unit

• Inverter that changes the incoming DC received from PV modules into AC with
suitable power quality in sync with Grid supply

• electronics for MPPT

• Synchronization and Internal Protection

• Remote monitoring.

10. LT Power Interfacing Panel – Measuring instruments, selector switches and Mimic


11. Computer Aided Data Acquisition System – Measurement and continuous recording of
system parameters

12. Lightning and Over voltage Protection

13. Earthing System

Switchyard Equipment’s

1. Transformer

2. Circuit Breaker

3. Isolator and Insulators

4. Current Transformer

5. Potential Transformer

6. Protection and Metering System

7. Lightning Arrestors

8. Structures

9. Earthing System

10.AC & DC Auxiliary Supply



1. Design of a 5 MW SPV Power Generation Scheme

Basic System Operation

1. The system automatically ‘wakes up’ in the morning.

2. Operates in a ‘Grid Interactive’ mode to export power. MPPT techniques are utilized to

optimize the generation

3. If the grid voltage or frequency goes out of operating range the inverter will be

immediately disconnected and reconnect in a predetermined time after the grid comes back in


4. When the exported power is around zero percent for a predetermined time the system will

go into a ‘sleep’ mode. The standby losses are less than 5% of the no load losses.

4. The Grid-connected inverter system will switch over to a low power ‘sleep’ mode at night

and during periods of low insolation and automatically ‘wake-up’ when the insolation level

rises above a preset point.


STEP-1. Registered Capacity of Plant = 5 MWP

i.e. (5MW X 6 hrs X 250 days)

7.5 million units (KWH) / year


1. The fast diminishing world reserves of fossil fuels, increasing demands for energy and the

environmental hazards have leads us to harness freely available energy from the sun

2. Solar Photo voltaic is a technology for generating electrical energy directly from sunlight

using solar cells packaged in photovoltaic modules. The DC power produced by solar PV

array is converted to alternating current (AC) power by the PCU and exported to utility

power grid through step up transformer with suitable electrical monitoring and metering


3. Power conditioning and Quality control is to be ensured for smooth operation of a SPV

power plant in a Grid-interactive mode. The Power Conditioning Units consisting of inverter

and other electronics for MPPT, Synchronization and remote monitoring is employed. CPD’s

like STATCOM, DVR, UPQC are proved to be capable of mitigating multiple PQ problems.

4. A 5 MW SPV Power Plant is designed. SPV Modules, Inverter, Transformer, Protective

Relays and other switchyard equipment’s of appropriate specifications are selected. An

algorithm has been prepared to calculate number of modules and inverters required and in

what fashion they are to be inter-connected in order to generate desired power.

5. A 1KW stand alone solar power system plant is also designed. Detailed study of practical

steps used in designing discussed.


[1] Obtain E.B; Momoh F.P international journal of scientific & engineering research,

volume 7, issue 1, January-2016 “Practical steps in the design and analysis of an efficient off

grid solar power system for homes”

[2] Bharath Kumar M 1, Dr. H V Byregowda 2 Vol. 3, Issue 6, June 2014 “Performance

Evaluation of 5MW Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant”.

[3] M. Egido, and E. Lorenzo The Sizing of a Stand-Alone PV System: A review. (Elsevier

Science Publishers B. V; Holland, 1992.

[4] © 2009 Washington State University Extension Energy Program 905 Plum Street SE,

Bldg 3 Olympia, WA 98504-3165 October 2009

[5] Jay Robert B. del Rosario and Elmer P. Daddios, PhD College of Engineering, De La

Salle University Taft, Manila 1004 PHILIPPINES Design and Optimization of Photovoltaic

Solar Energy in a Small Domesticated Establishment.

[6] E.H. Camm, Member, IEEE S. E. Williams Member, IEEE Solar power plant design and



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