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The article is titled ‘Why the

Future Doesn’t Need us?” Do you

agree that
the future won’t indeed need us?
Explain your answer.
For me, the future still needs us
people from the past. But not in all
They need us to remind them of
the happenings from the past. The
cultures, traditions, lifestyles, and
all the aspect of living naturally.
life exists without that much
technology in our systems. They
need us
because a future will never exist
without its past. But to be honest, I
foresee that the future will be
technology-based. That’s why, I
can’t say
that I’m a hundred percent ok with
us not being needed in the future.
me, there is still a difference
between the digital way of
showing and
seeing things to showing things
and letting them experience it and
have it
for the rest of their lives, and
giving things from other sources,
not just

In his article, Why the future

doesn’t need us, Joy proposed
that scientists should stop
developing new technologies
that are potentially harmful. Do
you think Joy’s fear substantiate
the complete abandonment of
powerful emerging
technologies? Why or why not?
I do believe that Joy
doesn’t want for the new
technologies to be
abandoned. Although Joy
stated that new technologies
such as genetic engineering,
nanotechnology, and robotics
can cause harmful effects to the
future of humanity, this does
mean that there are no
other ways to turn these
predicaments into something
that can
absolutely benefit the humanity.
Not only in terms of
technological advancements or
improvements, but also
ethically. Joy only fears the fact
that these new technologies
possibly improve more than
humanity itself. It may take
over the labor, reason and
nature of humanity to the point
that humans may become
dependent on them. Since
are created in way that exceeds
human comprehension, there is
a high possibility that robots
might rule in the future and
humans, unknowingly, will
become slaves.
Humans are built with reason
and are bound to be curious all
the time. As the year
passes by, millions and
millions of scientists have
become absolutely curious
in creating
something that can possibly
lead to the amelioration of
nature and humanity making
more curious if Immortality
really does exist. Due to this, as
our technology advances,
create different kinds of
inventions that are entirely
beneficial to nature and
humans, yet
unfortunately, can also generate
mass destructions. This is one
of Joy’s fears in the future.
only the elites have access to
such dangerous inventions,
there’s also a high possibility
these creations may be used in
selfish schemes or worse, be
used to induce wars.
Joy always assert that the future
doesn’t need humanity since we
have been creating
numerous technologies that can
help us make our life more
convenient and easier. In this
if these technological
advancements will not be taken
advantage by the elites and
instead, by
those who truly care about the
future of the masses, it will
create a peaceful environment
people will only depend on the
robots’ effort and they will live
the life of leisure. However,
freedom will be obliterated and
they will be treated as domestic
Joy’s fear of technological
advancement does not
substantiate the complete
abandonment of powerful
emerging technologies. He only
wanted the people to be more
of the consequences that these
technologies might bring in the
future instead of concentrating
to its creation and production.
According to Joy, scientists and
other people who are involved
the creation of technological
advancements should focus on
both the positive and negative
possibilities that these
technologies might bring so
that they will be ready if
ever such
consequences occur.
Genetics, Nanotechnology, and Robotics
Of all the technologies riding the wave of exponential progress,
Kurzweil identifies genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics as the three
overlapping revolutions which will define our lives in the decades to
come. In what ways are these technologies revolutionary?

 The genetics revolution will allow us to reprogram our own

 The nanotechnology revolution will allow us to manipulate
matter at the molecular and atomic scale.
 The robotics revolution will allow us to create a greater than
human non-biological intelligence.

The Genetics Revolution: ‘The Intersection of Information and Biology’

“By understanding the information processes underlying life, we are

starting to learn to reprogram our biology to achieve the virtual

elimination of disease, dramatic expansion of human potential, and

radical life extension.”

– Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity Is Near

The Nanotechnology Revolution: ‘The Intersection of Information and the Physical


“Nanotechnology has given us the tools…to play with the ultimate toy box of

nature atoms and molecules. Everything is made from it…The possibilities to

create new things appear endless.”

– Nobelist Horst Störmer, The Singularity Is Near

The Robotics Revolution: ‘Building Strong Artificial Intelligence’

“It is hard to think of any problem that a superintelligence could not either

solve or at least help us solve. Disease, poverty, environmental destruction,

unnecessary suffering of all kinds: these are things that a superintelligence

equipped with advanced nanotechnology would be capable of eliminating.”

– Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity Is Near




1. I now have almost totally lost the ability to read and absorb a longish article on the Web or
in print,”

My own opinion so the reading on traditional sense is not lost

but rather not used due to certain circumstance


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