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No Bxne RERS) Dati Dodk Contents 4 Hello! 2 Camping 56 as Space Explorers 3 64 * Picture Dictionary 66 * Cut-outs 73 ak Christmas Eve 85 * Quest puzzle 86 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS O write. ten eight five one three two seven four six nine tl an OS 6 7 8 9 1 Follow and colour. Then write. (ted } (orange) (yellow ) (blue } (green ) { black } 4 The ball is_blue. 3 The apple is 5 The flower is 2 The book is ___ 4 The bird is 6 The catis Finished? Colour the numbers. Write sentences. (Example: Number 2 is blue.) @ Listen, find and write the age. ©) © Read. Draw yourself and write. What's your name? How old are you? A Hello! I'm Sophie. I'm eight. ao © write and colour. Then answer. Number (18)_ eighteen _ is grey and number (13) Number (10) Number (16) Number (15) Number (8) Number (5) Number (14) Number (20) Number (3) Number (11) = is blue. is red and number (12) is blue. is blue and number (1) is brown. is black and number (17) is blue. is blue and number (19) is yellow. is blue. eal = eral is orange. is blue. is pink. is blue. What's the secret letter? What colour is it? [rel 2 [45] @ Listen and order. OQ! 4 Isita pen? Yes it is. 2 Isita cat? No, it isn’t. It’s a dog. 3 Isita ball? 4 Isita bike? 5 Isita flower? 6 Isit an apple? a) Finished? Draw pictures. Write sentences. (Example: it’s a bird.) @ Complete the months. Then write. stalnjufalrly Jfuft iy Fle|’ |r alrly Alu uls a cE elpf Jelmiblel A r fee ole ° e|r M Njolyv m as nie e|cle b r What's the mystery word? © Answer and draw a birthday picture. My birthday's in January. When’s your birthday? © Ask your friends. Write the answers. My friend My friend 4 What's your name? 2. How old are you? 3 When's your birthday? ; (1) ot 1) Write the number. Tanda] binoculars (_) notebook (_) camera © watch = C) © Find, circle and write. m|a|p vip vieljfa z|b|clolm|pla|s|s elily|r{h{g]t{m]c blifnfofc}ultfa}r]s]r xfafe{i{alal|rlilz]wle rjufe]k]sfa]cl]k]ala]a h{b|n|cfalmle|r]a) b]njoltie ofo]k wiaft}e]h|i e|r|g Finished? Draw and label the explorer items you have, © Write. Then tick / or cross X. Ask a friend and tick / or cross X. Me My friend 4 Have you got a_torch? Cie ane me — ng OO O70 Have you got a watch? Yes, | have. / No, | haven't. haven't = have not 7 @ Read and circle. A beautiful bird 4 Sam and GBR) GF ore in the country. 2 Sophie has got @leamera) (Gineeulars 3 Sam can see a (frog) (bird) 4 The bird is (Big) Simall. 5 The bird is on Nick's Guimper T-Shir. O write. Remember? * pen pencil case Se Ee book 1 Have you got a camera? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. c z=] 2 Have you got a pencil case? ) 3 Have you got binoculars? SE ye 4 Have you got a book? J El 5 Have [ Yes. hove] No, haven't. ] | Yes, | have. og Finished? Write about the story. (Example: Sophie has got a pencil.) @ Circle. Listen and check. @)% Let's go to the ark) school. We can see the ‘trees: ‘cars, The ‘insects (birds) on the flowers: There are ducks) beetles’, ants and (bees) (rabbits)! I've got my watch ... Let's stay in the park. Let's not say ‘hello’ goodbye Icon see a Snake) Grasshopper And a lovely (frog) ‘butterfly ! I've got my watch ... O write. ese | eS TpSaygpsehy reylybett grasshopper 4 gebee sehjest 10 @ Read and write A, Bor C. H Have you got a rucksack? —— Yes, | have. Have you got binoculars? Z] No, I haven't. What can you see? } It’s picture ©) © Colour and write. Look! | can see a bee and a grasshopper. iy I've gota_green rucksack anda } \canseea_red butterfly anda Remember! I've got a green rucksack. I've = | have I can see a red butterfly. @ write the words in order. Match. 4 mantids look flowers. Some like 4 4 Some mantids look like flowers. & 2 grass. hide can grasshoppers Some in 3 butterflies leaf. like Some look a 4 got colours. beetles warming Some have © Find and colour the insects. Count and write. eight mantids eleven butterflies Finished? What con you see in the park? Write a list. 1 12 @ Look at Class Book pages 14 and 15. Tick / Yes or No. 4. Oscar has got binoculars. s 5 4 The beetle has got six legs. < KOo wD wO OB wO wO 2. Holly has got a camera. 5 Oscar has got a picture of a beetle. «OO woe Ol «OO wO VER] ( 3 The leaf insect is brown. 6 The leafcutter ants are black. QY) yes) oC) vs) noO) pag Now write about © Read. Draw and write. Bhi ae {f I've got _torch, binoculars anda notebook. Lhaven’t got a map. Lcan see two butterflies and five ants. wy Finished? Write a list of insects and explorer items beginning with a, band c. Explorer's review © complete. © Listen and number. ©)" © Write the questions. Answer Yes, / have or No, | haven't. 4 2) ae you got [x] @ Read and tick V. Ican... CO member the words in the O sing the song 1'm a great explorer! Picture Dictionary. eon CO ead the story 4 beautiful bir. O ead, write and talk about exploring. =) =p Ooneene wan a Cem Came) © understand a text about insect colours. 13 “the ant od tee grasshopper @ Read and write A for Anfor Gfor Grasshopper. af Qa (Um hoppy! ] es busy! J [ive gotateat. J [tts sunny! ] iY © © @ O O Cae oO © Choose and circle. Have you got food? My favourite part of the storyispicture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Ilike this part because its ©) funny ©) happy (2) sod CES ary. My favourite character is Grasshopper “Ant. © what do you think happens the next day? Read, tick / and draw. ~The grasshopper collects food. Ow Ow The grasshopper is hungry again. Ow On The grasshopper goes to the av ant nest iva: Ovo @ write the number. 41 2 CO) The grasshopper jumps.) The ant works (@ The grasshopper sings. © Fungus grows. @ The grosshopper laughs CO) The grasshopper visits the ont. © Look and write. Listen and check. @W *[AlO[O[+|o|#/ele/a[m[¢]o[*p4¥@ from the leaves in the ant nest. The grasshopper revere the ant. 15 O Motch. GEA play the violin play the recorder play the piano play tennis play the drums play basketball play football play computer games O write. play the violin 5 play play the 6 play 3 SS playthe "2 play =X & | 4 lay the 8S Po eC ‘4 Finished? Write a list of the activities you can do. @ Listen and tick / or cross xX.) : Me My friend lay the piano? CON Cro OOo Ct O° Remember! Can you play the violin? ¢ No, I can’t. can’t = cannot Can you play computer games? ¢ Yes, | can. 17 @ Read and circle True or False. I can skateboard! 41 Lucy is in the park. False 2 Lucy's skateboard is pink. True False 3 Sophie can skateboard. Tue False 4 Mike can play the guitar. True False 5 Lucy can run True False O Write. Remember? ride a bike rollerblade f sing Can you play the violin? Yes, I can. 2 (Canyou ploy the drums? 7 } 3 ( Can you play tennis? 7 7 4 {Can L 5 Yes, | can. 5 J ae] 6 Yes, | can. SJ No, | can't. ] @ Write the number. | 1skate 2run 3swim 4dive 5rideahorse 6 skateboard 7 paint | Bdraw 9read 10 write 14 play the drums 12 rollerblade © Which activity is not in the song? Circle above. Listen and check. © write. 4a 19 322 @ Read and tick / or cross X. 2 Zan ‘ou play the iano?) $ peel ee No, Hcan't, = {[can you play the recorder? ] Yes, | can. | can sing too. ) (con you play football? ) [Yes. ean. | love football! ] Can you swim? ] No, I can't. She can_ride a horse and she can , but she can't Remember! I-can play football. | can’t play the piano, She can play the drums. He can’t ride a bike. @ Match the instruments with the countries. a 9d ee ¢ Nigerig ry ¥ 1 sitars and @ Find and write the black and the orange words. Complete the sentences. 1(aninidmaliskian animal skin India in_India_, some traditional instruments are made from _animal skin. 2(drwouomds In India, traditional are made from 3(shaplakentrs In Nigeria, traditional are made from a 4(armgauidiltalorss In South America, traditional are made from eg Finished? Write « list of instruments used in traditional music in your region 24 1. Jack has got an electric guitar. ESD 2 Jack has guitar lessons every day. se. 3 Jack's sister can sing med wee a © Read. Draw and write. ock at Class Book pages 26 and 27. Tick / Yes or No. (ES 4 Harry plays the drums. Yes O No © 5. Lisa can play the keyboard is RE op 6 Hannah and the Heroes play at school «O wO os This is me and my This is friend Ruby. I can play the piano. I can’t skateboard. Ruby can paint. She can’t rollerblade. ay Finished? Write ‘Can you’ questions for a friend. Then ask your friend. © write the questions. Answer Yes, / can or No, can’t. Can you ? @ Read and tick ¥. CEE Ican... [= remember the words in the O sing the song My super sister. Picture Dictionary. @ understand a text about @ say the chant world music. © ead the story fan skateboard!) read, write and talk about activites. oom oan Oe an Oem) 23 Kitty Sally The Explorer Mac Jim © who's speaking? Write the names. Kitty, can you Can you see The aliens have got play football? aliens? Come here! } your football! Look! | 1 Jim 2 3 4 © what's missing? Write the number. football © planet (C) WZ notebook (_) 1 ee i 24 © Look at the picture in Activity 1. Write the answers. Yes, | have. No, | haven't. Yes, can. No, | can't. 4 Have you got a rucksack? 2. Have you got a pencil? a 3 Can you skateboard? 4 Can you rollerblade? © write and number. 4 got camera. I've a I've 2 skateboard. | can 3 haven't binoculars. 1 got 4 play can't 1 tennis. 25 ere swimsuit © sandals (@) raincoat Ce sunglasses (_) ee e Complete. Then write the mystery word and draw. Nnueswn The mystery word is Finished? Draw and label what you are wearing. @ Listen and tick Aor Qi & © Follow and write. ea 1 What’s he wearing? He's wearing _a woolly hat, and 2 3 What's he wearing? # He's wearing gloves. | He's = He is What's she doing? # She's skating. ( She's = She is 27 Read and circle A, Bor C. A sunny day qe IESz A a cold day. B) a sunny day. © a rainy day. Ses 2. Nick is wearing ... @) a raincoat. (B) a swimsuit. © a pink hat. = 3 Lucy is wearing ... (A) boots. —_(B) shoes. © sandals. 4 Samhas got... (Aascarf. ‘B) anumbrella. (© a raincoat. 5 They're having ... ‘Av aconcert. ‘B) a birthday party. ‘© a water fight. © Read and draw. Then write. Remember? a a shorts Ads, boots jumper XX what's Sam wearing? / { What's Sophie wearing? > He's wearing boots. She's wearing sunglasses. He's wearing a scarf. What's Lucy wearing? What's Nick wearing? What's she doing? What's he doing? She's wearing jeans He's wearing a woolly hat ( 28 : Finished? Draw and write about what your friend is wearing. @ Write. Listen and check. @% rainy gloves summer sandais park windy snowy playing jumping ) 4 I'mwearing my sandals _ today. In the park, in the park all day. Is it autumn? No, it’s summer! It's hot and sunny in the 21'm in the pork today. In the leaves, in the leaves all day. Is it winter? No, it’s autumn! It’s very in the autumn. w I'm wearing my today. In the snow, in the snow all day. Is it summer? No, it’s winter! It’s cold and in the winter! 4tm in puddles today. In the rain, in the rain all day. Is it winter? No, it’s spring! It's warm and in the spring © Write the seasons. summer 29 30 Read and write the number. 41 ® He's wearing boots, jeans and a T-shirt. Q Isit summer? ® No, it isn't. it’s spring Q sit winter? ® No, it's autumn. 3 @ He's wearing jeans, a T-shirt and sandals. Q Isit summer? ® Yes, itis. 4 @ He's wearing a woolly hat. He’s skating. Q Is it winter? ® Yes, itis. © Colour. Then write. red 2blue 3orange 4green Spink 6 yellow She's wearing black sunglasses ; a blue T-shirt_, and She's playing the guitar. It's_Summer. Remember! Is it winter? * Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. It's = Itis It's summer. @ Tick V and follow. Write the word. summer. O write. People eat fish at Diwali, (C) b Chinese New Year.) T y Chinese New Year is in Cherry Blossom Festivals are from China. © I Pine Cherry Blossom Diwali is in gestvals are In October or November. C_) 1 Bake ® Wy. January or February. CO E # Women wear special dresses at Cherry Blossom Festival Chinese New Year. @e D October or November.) D January or February. CO R fireworks candtes picnic sweets tea red clothes On ThewordisW Diwali Chinese New Year Cherry Blossom festival Bs Finished? Draw someone at your favourite festival. Describe what he/she is wearing. 31 32 @ Look at Class Book pages 38 and 39. Tick / Yes or No. 4 Holly and Oscar have got «a party invitation. CO OD Holly and Oscar go to 5 Holly is skating. the fancy dress shop O co Yes No OO wO Pia Oscar is wearing red boots. g = 6 It's Jack's birthday. ie rORe ee ee © Read. Draw and write. 4 The pirate costume is £20. Gio 6 eee eS N w is me and mu friend Molly. I’m wearing shorts and sandals. She’s wearing a swimsuit and _Sunglasses. It’s summer. 6.0 “Finished? Draw and label a picture of your favourite costume. © complete © Listen and number. @% © Read and answer. 5 5| What's he wearing? | ¢] What's she wearing? $5? What's she doing? @ Read and tick /. Ican... remember the words in the Picture Dictionary. O s0y the chant. CO ead the story A sunny day. © Colour a face. © sing the song The seasons. © understand a text about festivals © read, write and talk about clothes. 33 © Choose, circle and write. My favourite part of the storyispicture 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Like this part because it's (3) funny (©) happy (2) sad i) scary . My fovourite character is © What do you think happens the next day? Read, tick / and draw. The emperor wears the new clothes again, Yes @ No The tailors go to the emperor's palace again. O« Ow The emperor buys more clothes. Yes © No @ Listen, point and repeat. ©)" 20 21 22 23 2S 25 2 twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five _ twenty-six Cl 2 &) 80 & BO twenty-seven twenty-eight ~—_ twenty-nine thirty forty fifty © Listen, circle and say the number you don’t hear. @)°3” a 22 27 GD) 39 ¢ 31 33 35 37 e 23 33 43 53 b 20 30 40 50 d42 44 46 48 f 45 29 33 50 © Read, calculate and write the price. “21 yuan} s 8 coat hat Total sco (C) ig (ore CS © sandals © O Total | forty-nine _ yuan = sandals @ 608 gloves ane boots Total ~(C) yuan yuan Total Total yuan 35 Q: AME StL eer ae O Match. mirror lamp bin picture bookcase radio plant wardrobe @ Find, circle and write. 5 Eamim | fi z]s]r rama (P\laglyly{t}ely offifftfolm[plfolelt ifcllxfififofa]t]o ‘CD vinftwlolrla]rlolble elelfulft[mlrlalalifolu ae mlollrja}s]olm]slilnlw 7 s fle} blelrip{t]e] i = d}ofolo{k|c]alsle '§ Finished? Draw and label items in your bedroom. 36 N He < 4 | the picture. ’S under It’s under the picture. T-shirt It’s bookcase. jp the lamp 3 | wardrobe. the jn It bookcase 4/0" table. '"S the radio 5 | mirror, !t'S the under plant Where's the bin? ¢ It’s under the picture. inyon \ynder 3 38 Read and circle. 1 Nick has got a pet (house) rabbit . 2 The mouse is on the bookcase floor . 3 The mouse is isn’t behind the plant. 4 Mike is in his bedroom the kitchen . 5 Nick's mouse is under the picture table . © Colour. Then write. ‘blue 2green 3red 4 yellow Nick’s mouse I ! Remember? cupboard 4 | Where's the red lamp? ] It’s under the picture. J 2 [Where's the green ball? ] j 3. | where's the blue radio? ] J | 4 | Where's (Lies under the chair. ] [tes om the chair. ] eo —J 5 j | It’s in the cupboard. ] 4: Finished? Where are the things in your bedroom? Write sentences. Caargs> @ Circle and write. Listen and check. QP phone sofa living room fridge cooker There's a mouse in the house. Where can it be? Is itin the neal Gs) ree kitchen ? I can't see. Is it next to the 4H ii} 8 pt Oris it on the 2 am, AL ? Where's my mouse .... There's a mouse in the house. Where can it be? Is it in the aa) SR flee SS under the TV? Oriitonthe =4 Sa 4 ? Or next to the 8 LS AL ? Where's my mouse ... © write. Then match. EEX cooker fridge -nextto phone sofa TV 1 COCUCS next to LS 39 40 @ Read and write A or B. 1 @ There’s a cooker in the kitchen. © Is it next to the fridge? @ Yes it is. 2 © Where's the phone? @ It’s on the table. 3 SD Where's the chair? @ It’s under the cupboard. 4 © Is the plant in the bin? @ No, itisn’t. It's in the bookcase! © © Read sentences 1-3 and draw. Look and write sentences 4-6. A 4 Picture A: 4 <=> the cooker is The table is under the picture. i Rey 2 Picture B: 5S The bin is next to the bookcase. (&2C)) 6 3 Picture B: The TV is on the table. There's a cooker in the kitchen. There’s = There is The bin is under the table. © Match. 1| In parts of Spain 2) some Masai people live in huts. 2| In the Arctic je 5 some people live in houses on stilts. eos : ia | eel 3| Inthe Amazon) some people live in cave houses. 4| In Africa) some hunters live in igloos. © Find and circle. Write. 3 Houses on stilts are made of & x 4 Masai huts are made of aN ‘ and £7 Finishea? Write about the things and rooms in your house. 47 42 @ Look at Class Book pages 50 and 51. Tick Yes or No. 4. Broughton Castle is seven years old. 4 Sanjay and Grace see six bedrooms. eO wO MEE CO vO 2 There are suits of armour 5 The toilet is next to N in the Great Hall. Queen Anne's Room. wO ~O sO »O 3 There's a bed in the Great Hall. 6 There's a fireplace in the King’s Chamber. | wet) Or vs) nO “Now write about Zz © Read. Draw and write. youselt! (OF This is my bedroom. This is There’s a wardrobe next to a bookcase. My dog is on the chair. ey gi “2. Finished? Draw a picture of a castle. Make a list of the rooms and things in the castle. © Complete. © Listen and numbe: . q \ U] —— — © Write questions and answers. Where's @ Read and tick ¥. CREED Icon... CEO szmember the words inthe CO sina the song Where's my mouse? Picture Dictionary. By) soy the chant. read, write and talk about things Oo read the story Nick's mouse. C inc house. Ocmenn (wom Oe Glam Cem) © understand « text about houses 43 new planets 44 Uf @ Match sentences from the story. Write the number. 7 (esrarme] @ O {What's that on your head? ] © O O O Os it Mac or Sally? Write. acoat boots gloves ascarf a woolly hat a jumper 1 r Sally is wearing gloves. son @ Listen and circle A or BO) @ Write. 14 @® 2A B 3A 8B 4A 8B 5@ & 6A B 4 Picture A: The scarf_is under the table. v Picture A: The lamp w Picture A: The plant B Picture B: The glove 5 Picture B: The scarf © write the questions. Ask your friend. 4 wearing ? he What's What's 2 the Where's ? radio 3 she What's wearing ? 4 bin the Where's ? ss x5): TACT at veo © write the number. fiamningo lion python zebra parrot crocodile gorilla OOOCCOO0O monkey por't, £°9mitnt 46 ef Finished? Write the animals in alphabetical order. @ Listen and tick WA or 8. QB a) Has it got long arms? [ Has it got short legs? Yes, ithas. ‘ ae Has it got a big mouth? Has it got wings? Has it got legs? Has it got a small mouth? Remember! Has it got long legs? Yes, it has. / No, ithasn't. hasn't = has not az 48 @ Read and circle True or False. At the zoo 1 The children are at the zoo. ue False 2 Sam's favourite animal is a parrot. True False 3 Sam and Sophie see a gorilla. True False 4 Sophie's favourite animal isan elephant. True False 5 The elephant has got a long nose. True False © Write the words in order. Then write Sophie's favourite animal. Guess my favourite animal! Remember? tail Sa legs 1 | it got 0 eyes? = Has it got two eyes? _/— | Yes.ithas. ] = 2 [aot legs? Short yas i { J [esitinas. ] 3 [smal it 90t Has head? g| es / [Nowit aay 4 [a2l? Hes'tiong 9] | ——} [Yes ithos.} ey | inished? Write a a list of animals with four legs. @ Which animal is it? Write. Then listen and order. (2) | It's got big hands and big, big feet. And lots and lots of hair. And lots and lots of teeth. But it hasn’t got feathers © It’s got big scales and big, big claws. @ O © Write. Then write the number. 1 glows 4 haig claws 2 Peeth 5 sbalee 3 wh 6 Restbcre 43 Read and circle A, B or C. Write the animal. Has it got feathers? No, it hasn't. 7 Has it got hair? BR Yes, it has. 7 No, it can’t. 4 t's got_whiskers. It hasn't got It ean lt can't scales whiskers run fly 2 It’s got scales hair swim climb It's got whiskers. It hasn't got a tail. It's got = It has got 50 Itcan fly. It can’t climb. © Read and match. a mammals c "Shey lay eggs. 7 They have babies 2 They lay eggs. They haven't got hair They give their babies They haven't got wings. They've got feathers. milk, They've got They've got scales. warm blood O write. (Chumens flamingos lions snakes bats dolphins parrots crocodiles ) mammals reptiles birds humans Finished? Write about an animal. Ask your friend to guess what it is. 51 52) @ Look at Class Book pages 62 and 63. Tick / Yes or No. 1. Keisha and Jack are at a wildlife park. 4 A zebra eats small animals. GEFEN ot @) no C) EGGS vs ©) wo O 2 Apython eats grass and leaves 5 A Morpho butterfly is from Africa nO WO ae oO BO 4 £ 6 AMorpho butterfly has got four legs. ves) No C) Cy 3 Apython can swim. “Es Mees vs ©) nO? f © Read. Draw and write. This is my favourite animal. It’s a lion. It’s got hair, eyes, claws and whiskers. Tt_can run and jump. ned “Finished? Ask a friend. Draw and write about his/her favourite animal Lh al ae Explorer's review © complete. © Listen and number. @2 © write the questions. Answer Yes, it has or No, it hasn't. (im?) Has it got a ?| an @ Read and tick ¥. SSE I can... remember the words in the ( sing the song Animal fun. Picture Dictionary. © say the chant. © read, write and talk about wild O ead the story At the z00. animals LD ay Oomeee (war Car Can Clem) © understond a text about mammals. == aNTHE MAGIC TREE: @ Order. Then find and write the animals' names. Tortoise © Choose, circle and write. 0 My favourite part of the story ispicture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ilike this part because it’s (3) funny (3) happy (2) sad () scary. My favourite character is © what do you think happens the next day? Read, tick / and draw. 5) The animals laugh at cs Tortoise again, Ed Ore Ovo The onimals are hungry again. Yes No The animals eat the fruit from the tree again. Che fw

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