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Universidad Tecnológica de Corregidora

Teacher: Abigail Hernández Aldana

English IX
Ana Cristina Carranza Martínez
Task 1.- Open the video "The Grammar Gameshow" and write 7 facts about it.
1.-The informative speech is useful for gossip, rumors and conjectures.
2.-The most used verbs are: say, tell and ask
3.-Say is used exclusively without a personal pronoun
4.-Tell must be followed by a pronoun
5.-Ask is used in informed questions, so it can be followed by a pronoun
6.-You must reverse the time when you want to pass a direct speech to a speech reporting
7.-An example is that the present becomes the past, and the past becomes the perfect past.

Task 2.- In groups of 4 or 5 members create a Gameshow. You have to use Reported Speech on the
VS: The Game Show
H: Hello viewers, In this episode of how to say ... we have as guests Sasha and Maylie, who will have to
correctly say the phrases that the little voice from heaven will say!
H: The first stage begins now.
VS: I am from France
1P: He said he was from France
H: Right !! Next.!
VS: I like love speaking in Portuguese
2P: He said he loved speaking in Portuguese
H: Right! Next!
H: very good, your answers so far have been correct, but it is time for the second stage, which begins… now!
VS: I drove to buy a hamburger yesterday
2P: He said he had driven to buy a hamburger the previous day
H: Corect! following
VS: I worked last Friday
2P: He said he had worked last Friday
H: Sasha did not do very well in this round, but let's hope you recover in this last stage, in which they will have
to say a phrase that has marked their life and the one that receives the most applause will be the winner.
Sasha begins
1P: well my mother when I broke up with my first boyfriend she told me that she should generously forget
people who cannot love us.
Audience: OHHHH !!!!!
2P: An astronaut was once asked what the Earth looked like from space, he just said it looked so good without
any division of nations.
Audience: applause
H: the winner is Maylie
VS: see you in the next show, see you later

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