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M R I m a g i n g of t h e

M e s e n t e r i c Vas c u l a t u re
Jeremy D. Collins, MD, FSIR

 Mesenteric ischemia  MR angiography  MR venography  4D flow MR imaging  Vasculitis
 Atherosclerosis  Fibromuscular dysplasia  Venous thrombosis

 MR angiography is a flexible technique enabling assessment of the arterial and venous vasculature
of the abdomen in a single examination.
 MR angiography of the abdomen can be performed using gadolinium-based contrast media or fer-
umoxytol as a blood pool contrast agent.
 Noncontrast MR angiographic techniques are mature, available across vendor platforms, and
enable depiction of the mesenteric arterial vasculature.
 4D flow MR imaging can be performed simultaneously with MR angiography, adding functional
evaluation to the anatomic visualization.
 Common and rare causes of mesenteric ischemia, including atherosclerosis, noninflammatory vas-
culopathies, vasculitis, dissection, arterial embolization, and mesenteric venous thrombosis are
well depicted at MR angiography.

INTRODUCTION ferromagnetic devices in the field of view,

including stainless steel endografts and stents,
Vascular MR techniques are well suited to eval- surgical clips, and embolization coils. This review
uate for suspected mesenteric ischemia or to article describes MR techniques of relevance and
further characterize severity of aortic or mesen- discusses their role in the assessment of the
teric venous disease leading to mesenteric mesenteric vasculature in patients with sus-
ischemia. MR techniques useful for this evalua- pected mesenteric ischemia.
tion include contrast-enhanced MR angiography
(MRA), phase-contrast imaging, including four-
dimensional (4D) flow MR imaging, pseudo– MR ANGIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES
steady-state imaging, noncontrast MR angio- First-Pass MR Angiography
graphic techniques, and vessel well imaging. First-pass MRA is a conventional angiographic
MR has advantages over computed tomographic technique enabling multiphase imaging of the
(CT) methods due to the insensitivity of the abdominal arterial and venous vasculature.1
method for artifacts related to vascular calcifica- Contrast is administered intravenously followed
tions, the intravascular T1 shortening achievable by a saline flush and the first imaging acquisition
with lower amounts of administered contrast, is initiated to align acquisition of the central lines
flexibility to image the blood vessels in multiple of k-space with peak contrast arrival in the abdom-
phases of respiration, the ability to simulta- inal aorta and abdominal aortic branches (Fig. 1).
neously evaluate the abdominal venous vascula- This first phase is typically performed with k-space

ture, and the lack of ionizing radiation. sampling methods that focus on filling the central
Disadvantages compared with CT include a lines of k-space first, followed by the peripheral
longer examination time and artifact from lines after peak arterial enhancement in the

Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street Southwest, Rochester, MN 55901, USA
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Radiol Clin N Am - (2020) -–-
0033-8389/20/Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Collins

Fig. 1. First-pass MR angiogram. (A)

Coronal and (B) sagittal maximum-
intensity projections from a first-pass
MR angiogram demonstrating excel-
lent signal-to-noise and wide patency
of the mesenteric branches.

vascular territory of interest.2 MR angiographic solutions to achieve TR-MRA imaging, the underly-
techniques rely on the paramagnetic effect of gad- ing principles are the same. Following complete
olinium with T1 shortening.3 Using a spoiled sampling of the initial imaging volume or mask,
gradient recalled echo imaging technique with a the central lines of k-space are updated more
short repetition time (TR) increases the conspicuity frequently than the peripheral lines. All of the
of the vascular territory of interest. Mask subtrac- sampled k-space data are combined to enable a
tion additionally suppresses unenhanced back- more frequent update of the entire k-space dataset
ground tissue improving the signal-to-noise ratio than would be possible with accelerated methods
of the vasculature over perivascular fat.4 and complete sampling of k-space alone. The addi-
First-pass MR angiographic techniques can be tion of mask subtraction enables efficient review of
extended to multiple acquisitions, with continued these TR-MRA angiographic data (Fig. 2). TR-MRA
use of the mask subtraction technique for visuali- is helpful in identifying the contrast kinetics associ-
zation of the late arterial, early venous, and late ated with atherosclerosis and dissection. In addi-
venous phases of enhancement. These subse- tion, the method is simple to perform and does
quent acquisitions are obtained using a sequential not require careful timing of the onset of the acqui-
k-space ordering schema as the imaging is ob- sition with contrast arrival in the vascular territory of
tained after the pass of the peak arterial bolus or interest. TR-MRA is often used in conjunction with
during the bolus tail.5 first-pass MR angiographic techniques as a
First-pass MRA can be obtained with or without method to calculate the transit time of contrast
electrocardiographic (ECG) gating. ECG gating is from a peripheral vein to the arterial territory of inter-
necessary to freeze pulsatile motion in the mid- est while obtaining useful information about
ascending aorta and aortic root, but is not neces- vascular pathology.
sary for assessing the arch, descending thoracic
aorta, or abdominal aorta. ECG gating for abdom- Pseudo–Steady-State Imaging
inal aortic applications is helpful when imaging
structures that change in configuration over the car- The gadolinium-based contrast media available on
diac cycle, such as dissection flaps, pseudoaneur- the market today are classified as extracellular,
ysms, luminal thrombus, or complex atheromas. non-blood pool agents.8 Other than liver function
agents, the gadolinium contrast media equilibrate
into the interstitium and are excreted primarily via
Time-Resolved MR Angiography
renal filtration with variable amounts of hepatic
TR-MRA is an extension of the first-pass MR angio- and enteric excretion. Despite formulation that
graphic technique to enable highly accelerated im- does not optimize dwell time of gadolinium
aging.6,7 Although vendors have used different contrast media in the arterial and venous
Mesenteric Ischemia 3

Fig. 2. Time-resolved MR angiogram. Sequential temporal-phase subtracted maximum-intensity projection im-

ages (A–K) from a time-resolved MR angiogram demonstrating typical dynamic image quality achievable. This pa-
tient demonstrates reflux into the proximal left ovarian vein.
4 Collins

vasculature, vascular contrast concentration spoiled gradient recalled echo imaging methods,
enabling effective imaging of the T1 shortening ef- T1-weighted imaging techniques using fat satura-
fect extends well beyond the second or third pass tion to increase the conspicuity of the vasculature
of gadolinium. So-called pseudo–steady-state im- adjacent to fat, or other methods with inversion
aging methods take advantage of this prolonged recovery-based fat suppression. Pseudo–steady-
vascular dwell time as the contrast is being state imaging enables extension of a nonangio-
excreted, enabling imaging with both arterial and graphic imaging examination to include a
venous territories opacified (Fig. 3).9 Pseudo– late-phase assessment of the arterial and venous
steady-state imaging can be performed with either vasculature in an anatomic region of interest.

Fig. 3. Pseudo–steady-state MRA. Partition images from (A) 3D inversion recovery prepared spoiled gradient re-
called echo and (B) 3D inversion recovery prepared balanced steady-state free precession MR angiograms
through the celiac axis and superior mesenteric artery origins demonstrate celiac axis stenosis on end-
expiratory-phase triggered imaging. (C) Coronal partition images from first-pass MRA and (D) venous-phase
first-pass MRA demonstrates mild celiac axis stenosis. (E) Coronal maximum-intensity projection image from
the first-pass MR angiogram demonstrates the difference in conspicuity of the arterial vasculature compared
with pseudo–steady-state imaging.
Mesenteric Ischemia 5

This approach works well with medium and larger Steady-State Imaging with Ferumoxytol
vessels, where clear separation of the artery and
Ferumoxytol (Feraheme, AG Pharmaceuticals) is
accompanying vein(s) is possible. However, this
an iron supplement Food and Drug Administration
approach is limited where smaller arterial
(FDA) approved for iron deficiency anemia.11–13
branches are positioned adjacent to variably pre-
Ferumoxytol is an ultrasmall paramagnetic iron ox-
sent paired veins, such as the distal branches of
ide with a dextran-derivative coating enveloping
the mesenteric vasculature, along the portal triads,
the Fe particle core resulting in a particle diameter
and at the visceral hila. Pseudo–steady-state im-
of approximately 30 nm.12 The agent is slowly
aging also precludes any assessment of contrast
removed from the blood stream by the reticuloen-
kinetics as the contrast media is completely
dothelial system with a half-life of approximately
dispersed throughout the arterial and venous
14 hours. The long persistence in the blood stream
vasculature. Imaging during the pseudo-steady
necessitates coordination of other MR imaging
state is useful to improve the conspicuity of the
tests with ferumoxytol administration14; nonangio-
vasculature for 4D flow MR imaging, further
graphic MR imaging should be delayed for 3 days
increasing the contrast to noise ratio from perivas-
after administration. In addition, ferumoxytol has
cular fat and other tissue with short T1 values.10
an FDA black box warning noting the risk of
3D ECG-gated techniques with respiratory
anaphylactoid-type reactions in susceptible pa-
compensation methods have been developed
tients in whom the agent is administered undiluted
and championed for pseudo–steady-state imag-
at the rate initially recommended by the manufac-
ing.9 Respiratory compensation methods include
turer. It is now well recognized that administration
respiratory bellows, respiratory navigators, and
of undiluted ferumoxytol unnecessarily increases
k-space reordering, with the central lines obtained
the risk of treatment-resistant hypotension. Slower
at end-expiration and peripheral lines obtained at
administration of dilute ferumoxytol coupled with
other less consistent portions of the cardiac cycle.
screening for a history of medication-associated
Contrast medium in the pseudo-steady state is
hypotension, resting systolic blood pressure less
helpful with these methods as the intravascular
than 100 mm Hg, and past intolerance of Fe-
T1 shortening effect can be used to take advan-
related medications, while providing both intrave-
tage of inversion recovery-based techniques to
nous and oral hydration, has been proven to be
improve the conspicuity of the vasculature relative
safe in clinical practice. The FeraSafe MRI Multi-
to perivascular fat. These techniques use spoiled
Center Registry, developed and maintained by in-
gradient recalled echo or balanced steady-state
vestigators from the University of California, Los
free precession methods.9 Spoiled gradient
Angeles, has documented the safe administration
recalled echo imaging has inherently less signal
of ferumoxytol to more than 500 patients.15
but is more resistant to off-resonance effects and
Ferumoxytol is administered intravenously and
susceptibility artifacts, useful for applications in
has been shown to act as an effective blood pool
the abdomen with air-filled bowel loops.
contrast agent at 1.5 and 3 T (Fig. 4).16,17

Fig. 4. Feraheme MRA. (A) Early steady-state and (B) late steady-state MRA with Feraheme. Note the similar
appearance of the arterial and venous vasculature. Image (B) was obtained 5 minutes after image (A).
6 Collins

Ferumoxytol has distinct benefits for MR angio- Bright blood flow-insensitive methods
graphic and venographic imaging in patients with 3D balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP)
suspected mesenteric ischemia. Ferumoxytol is described above as an imaging strategy for
typically administered as a slow bolus outside of pseudo–steady-state imaging can also be used
the magnet with in-room nurse monitoring and as a noncontrast MR angiographic technique
subsequent imaging in the steady state. This en- (Fig. 5). This technique is more commonly used
ables simultaneous high-resolution imaging of in the chest for noncontrast coronary and thoracic
the arterial and venous vasculature. Spatial resolu- aortic MRA. The relatively bright fat surrounding
tion achievable with ferumoxytol is not limited by the vasculature compared with postcontrast tech-
the short dwell time of high contrast concentration niques and susceptibility artifact from adjacent air-
in the arterial vasculature; rather the image quality filled bowel loops can limit the overall image
is primarily limited by the patient’s breath-holding quality.
ability or respiratory navigator technique used.18 Quiescent interval single shot (QISS) is a robust
Ferumoxytol greatly facilitates 4D flow MR imaging technique with well-recognized accuracy in the
by improving the image quality of the accompa- evaluation of abdominal aortic, iliac, and lower ex-
nying phase-contrast MR angiogram, streamlining tremity peripheral arterial disease.24 This
data analysis by improving the vascular segmenta- approach suppresses signal from adjacent veins
tion step.19 Simultaneous arterial and venous im- by using a tracking saturation pulse positioned to-
aging with adequate spatial resolution to ward the feet, an inversion pulse for static tissue,
distinguish arteries and veins in close proximity and a dedicated fat-suppression pulse.25 The
optimizes table time in these patients.18 Venous resultant 2D axial images highlight the arterial
and arterial causes of mesenteric ischemia can signal. The principle limitation of this technique is
be assessed simultaneously. What is lost from the slice orientation and requirement for the blood
the dynamic components of the typical MR angio- vessel of interest to be orientated nearly orthog-
graphic study with arterial, late arterial, portal onal to the slice. Consequently, the superior
venous, and systemic venous phases can be mesenteric and inferior mesenteric arteries are
captured with 4D flow MR imaging. Artifact from well seen but the celiac axis is poorly assessed.26
bowel motility can be reduced by administering When applied in the abdomen, concatenated
glucagon IV.20 breath-holds are used to cover the abdominal
In addition, a meal challenge with Ensure can be aorta and mesenteric branches (Fig. 6).
performed to simulate the physiologic stressors
leading to intestinal angina without requiring addi- Bright blood flow-sensitive methods
tional intravenous contrast for imaging after the bSSFP inflow enhanced imaging overcomes the
meal challenge.21,22 The long half-life of ferumoxy- limitation of plane positioning described above
tol also enables postinterventional steady-state with QISS.23 Implemented as a respiratory navi-
imaging without administering additional contrast gated 3D technique, the pulse sequence relies
media. on saturating static tissue and venous inflow while
highlighting fresh signal from arterial inflow into the
volume to visualize the arterial vasculature.27 This
Noncontrast MR Angiographic Techniques approach is well suited to image the mesenteric
Noncontrast MR angiographic techniques have arteries as well as the celiac axis and its branches
been developed for peripheral MRA, and modifica- (Fig. 7). The inflow time can be lengthened in the
tions of these methods applied to the mesenteric presence of disease with reduced distal arterial
vasculature. The primary impetus for development flow. This method is, therefore, both anatomic
was concerns around nephrogenic systemic and functional, similar to contrast-enhanced
fibrosis and subsequently the low but unknown methods.
risk of gadolinium chelate accumulation in patients Ancillary techniques
irrespective of renal insufficiency. With the avail- Ancillary imaging techniques include 2D phase-
ability of macrocyclic gadolinium-based contrast contrast (PC) imaging, 4D flow MR imaging, and
and Fe-based contrast media the clinical need vessel wall imaging.
for noncontrast MR angiographic techniques is
less apparent. Although a comprehensive review Two-dimensional phase-contrast MR imaging 2D
of noncontrast MR angiographic methods is PC imaging has been a useful adjunct for deter-
beyond the scope of this review, methods useful mining the hemodynamic severity of vascular ste-
in the mesenteric arterial system include both nosis and flow directionality. 2D PC imaging
bright blood relatively flow-insensitive and bright enables determining peak velocity for estimating
blood flow-sensitive imaging techniques.23 pressure gradients, and flow quantification.28 The
Mesenteric Ischemia 7

Fig. 5. 3D bright blood MR angiogram. Sequential coronal partition images (A–N) from a bright blood 3D
balanced steady-state free procession MR angiogram demonstrating the image quality achievable with this tech-
nique. The origins of the celiac axis, superior mesenteric artery, and inferior mesenteric artery are well seen, as is
the branching of the celiac axis. More distal branches of the superior mesenteric artery are not as well seen. Note
the well visualized IVC, portal vein, and superior mesenteric vein branches.
8 Collins

Fig. 6. Quiescent interval single-shot MRA. (A) Axial maximum-intensity projection at the superior mesenteric ar-
tery origin and (B) oblique sagittal maximum-intensity projection showing the proximal celiac axis and superior
mesenteric artery origins. (C) Oblique coronal maximum-intensity projection image showing the left gastric
origin from the celiac axis. Images were obtained with concatenated breath-holds at end-expiration.

2D approach has several notable limitations, with flow encoding in the x-, y-, and z-axis direc-
including a rectangular voxel with relatively poor tions can overcome this limitation, the longer
through-plane resolution, peak velocity depen- breath-hold and limited coverage poses chal-
dence on plane positioning orthogonal to the di- lenges to clinical use. The choice of VENC is
rection of flow, and appropriate choice of the important for accurate peak velocity and flow cal-
velocity encoding (VENC) gradient for the vascular culations as the velocity noise scales proportion-
territory of interest and approximate severity of ately to the VENC. Underestimating the peak
vascular disease when present. For example, 2D velocity by more than a factor of 2 results in prob-
PC imaging can be used to confirm dynamic ste- lematic aliasing and erroneous velocity values. Ve-
nosis associated with median arcuate ligament locity scout imaging is available from multiple
syndrome (MALS)-related celiac stenosis by imag- vendors to facilitate appropriate VENC selection;
ing patients in deep inspiration and at end- review of prior vascular ultrasound studies may
expiration, demonstrating higher velocities at also be helpful to identify the correct VENC. The
end-expiration. Flow directionality is also able to VENC should be matched to just greater than the
be assessed with 2D PC imaging; for example, im- highest peak velocity expected in the imaging
aging the flow direction within mesenteric collat- plane of interest.
eral arcades can help confirm the severity of
proximal stenoses. 2D PC encodes velocity either Four-dimensional flow MR imaging 4D flow MR
in-plane or orthogonal to a plane of interest; both imaging extends flow imaging into a 3D volume
are dependent on plane orientation for accurate with flow encoding in the x-, y-, and z-directions
velocity estimation. In vitro work has shown that (Fig. 8).30 The imaging acquisition is ECG gated
plane malpositioning greater than 20 to the direc- with either respiratory k-space reordering and/or
tion of flow in a vessel results in errors in the peak respiratory navigator gating. 4D flow MR imaging
velocity and net flow of greater than 10%.29 is well suited to assess flow directionality, hemo-
Although so-called tri-directional 2D approaches dynamic significance of a vascular stenosis, or

Fig. 7. Balanced steady-state free pre-

cession MRA. (A) Sagittal maximum-
intensity projection at the celiac axis
and superior mesenteric artery origins
and (B) coronal maximum-intensity
project image at the common hepatic
artery bifurcation. This technique uses
a respiratory bellows triggering at
Mesenteric Ischemia 9

Fig. 8. 4D flow MR imaging. (A)

Vascular segmentation with the aorta
colored red, the mesenteric, splenic,
and portal veins colored light purple,
and the systemic and hepatic veins
blue. (B) Pathlines overlaid on the
segmented vasculature demonstrates
the flow directionality in all of the

visualize collateral vascular arcades.21 4D flow MR Vessel wall imaging Vessel wall imaging is helpful
imaging is triggered at end-expiration given the when imaging patients with suspected atheroscle-
more consistent anatomic positioning at that res- rosis, vasculitis, or noninflammatory vasculopa-
piratory phase. At rest, visualizing vascular collat- thies. These techniques rely on T1-weighted
erals is helpful in determining the direction of flow imaging precontrast and postcontrast as well as
in collateral arcades associated with MALS, dark blood-prepared 2D and 3D imaging to isolate
although as noted above the demonstration of dy- vessel wall signal from the adjacent vessel lumen
namic changes between inspiration and expiration and perivascular tissues (Fig. 10). Common pulse
is helpful. A clinically relevant application of 4D sequences include dark blood-prepared T1-
flow MR imaging in patients with suspected weighted and dark blood-prepared T2-weighted
mesenteric ischemia includes functional imaging fat-saturated imaging.31 Mural thickness is well
with a meal challenge as described above.22 Pa- assessed with dark blood-prepared T1-weighted
tients are imaged with 4D flow MR imaging at imaging; juxta arterial edema is well seen with
baseline and after 2 cans of Ensure (Fig. 9). The dark blood-prepared fat-saturated T2-weighted
resultant changes in mesenteric flow allows deter- imaging. Mural edema may be appreciated when
mination of clinical severity of celiac axis and the wall is adequately thickened to assess mural
mesenteric artery stenoses, thus guiding revascu- T2 signal. In addition, 3D T1-weighted imaging
larization. 4D flow MR imaging is also useful in techniques are useful when more extended
visualizing flow directionality in the mesenteric coverage is desired; for example, visualizing all
veins and portal venous system.21 mesenteric branches and the abdominal aorta in

Fig. 9. 4D flow with meal challenge. Images from a 4D flow MR imaging dataset performed before (A) and after
(B) meal challenge demonstrating increased flow through the arc of Riolan (arrow). Also, increased flow is noted
in the gastroduodenal arcade. (Reprinted from Roldan-Alzate A, Francois CJ, Wieben O, et al. Emerging applica-
tions of abdominal 4D flow MRI. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2016;207(1):58-66; with permission.)
10 Collins

Fig. 10. Tissue characterization sequences for vessel wall imaging. (A) Dark blood T1 turbo spin echo, (B) dark
blood short tau inversion recovery, precontrast (C), 1-minute postcontrast (D), and 5-minute postcontrast (E)
3D T1 fat–water-separated multiecho, and (F) 3D respiratory navigator and ECG-gated T1 turbo spin echo imag-
ing demonstrates a normal appearance of the abdominal aortic wall and superior mesenteric artery at the level of
the left renal vein.

a single acquisition. 2D or 3D precontrast and post- flow-limiting stenoses involve the origins of all 3
contrast T1-weighted fat-suppressed techniques mesenteric branches, the collateral arcades pre-
are useful in the evaluation of mural inflammation; sent are no longer able to accommodate the fluc-
it is important to standardize the timing of postcon- tuations in blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract
trast acquisitions to adequately capture early and required as part of the normal digestive process.
late phases of mural enhancement. Some authors This results in abdominal pain termed “mesenteric
have advocated for delayed enhancement tech- angina” that is reproducible and occurs after
niques similar to myocardial delayed enhancement eating (Fig. 11). Although ultrasound, CT angiog-
methods in the identification of mural fibrosis; how- raphy and MRA are used in confirming the clinical
ever, such approaches are limited in the medium- suspicion of mesenteric arterial stenoses, MRA
sized mesenteric vessels.32 has several distinct advantages in making this
diagnosis. Calcification is a prevalent component
of abdominal aortic and branch atherosclerosis;
the resultant beam-hardening artifact exaggerates
arterial stenoses at CT angiography. Alternative
Atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta and its causes for mesenteric ischemia include mesen-
branches is prevalent with age.33 When teric venous thrombosis (see venous thrombosis
Fig. 11. Chronic mesenteric ischemia.
(A) Coronal and (B) sagittal maximum-
intensity projection images of a first-
pass MR angiogram demonstrating
severe stenosis of the celiac axis and su-
perior mesenteric artery. The inferior
mesenteric artery is severely diseased
and faintly opacified proximally on
the sagittal MR angiogram.
Mesenteric Ischemia 11

section below), which can be assessed simulta- devices) are visible in the MR environment but
neously at MRA performed with delayed phased demonstrate only local susceptibility artifact.
imaging. Collateral arterial arcades are well Self-expanding nitinol stents in the common iliac
assessed at MRA, an important secondary sign arteries are large enough to permit visualization in-
of the severity of arterial stenosis. 4D flow MR im- side the stents. Similarly, endografts with nitinol
aging can be performed at the same time to supporting alloys are well characterized at MRA.
confirm the severity of arterial stenosis and In medium or smaller vessels, however, even
demonstrate flow directionality in arterial with the small amount of associated artifact, the
collaterals.22 lumen of the stent is too small to confidently
Abdominal aortic aneurysms often coexist with assess for in-stent restenosis; patency can be
advanced abdominal aortic atherosclerosis. MRA inferred, however, by visualization of flow distal
is well suited to assess the size and extent of to the stented segment. Another benefit of MRA
abdominal aortic aneurysms, determine the extent is the lack of artifact from liquid embolics and
of mural thrombus, and evaluate for high-risk fea- glues. These materials cause significant artifact
tures, including peri-aortic inflammation, peri- on CT angiography as well as conventional digital
aortic hematomas, and aneurysms involving other subtraction angiography.
territories, including the internal iliac arteries.34 Less significant artifacts from inferior vena cava
Penetrating ulcers also coexist with advanced (IVC) filters penetrating the cava contacting the
atherosclerosis; MR is well suited to assess the abdominal aorta can limit evaluation of adjacent
chronicity of such vascular pathology by assess- aortic wall. The impact is related to the extent of
ing the integrity of the adventitia and identifying contact of the IVC filter along the IVC wall adjacent
edema in the surrounding fat. to the abdominal aorta, and the location of pene-
A limitation of MRA is imaging patients after trating struts relative to abdominal aortic
stainless steel stent placement, after surgery with branches. Similarly, other implanted nitinol-based
placement of metallic clips, or after embolization devices adjacent to the aorta limit assessment of
with stainless steel coils. Balloon expandable the wall, but only have local susceptibility artifact.
stents are commonly used in the treatment of Other such devices include atrial septal occluders
mesenteric arterial stenoses; such stents cause deployed between the abdominal aortic wall and
susceptibility artifact. Although the stents will not the IVC wall after transcaval access for transcath-
move the in MR imaging environment, the suscep- eter aortic valve replacement in patients with se-
tibility artifact precludes assessment of in-stent vere femoral arterial vascular disease.
restenosis and limits evaluation of the adjacent
vasculature. When such devices are present, other
imaging modalities should be considered, with CT Median arcuate ligament syndrome
angiography the primary choice when anatomic MALS is a clinical syndrome associated with dy-
imaging is desired. Susceptibility artifact from sur- namic extrinsic arterial stenosis caused by a nar-
gical clips adjacent to mesenteric branch vessels rowed opening of the diaphragmatic crus.35 The
can cause pseudostenosis or can preclude visual- celiac axis, superior mesenteric artery, and/or the
ization of arterial segments. The clip composition renal arteries can be involved. The extrinsic
and proximity to the vessel of interest are impor- compression of the arterial vasculature in MALS is
tant considerations; reviewing nonangiographic accentuated at end-expiration (Fig. 12). MRA is
CT imaging is helpful in determining the likely an ideal imaging technique to assess respiratory-
impact on MR angiographic image quality. Some phase-associated stenosis. Multiphase MR angio-
embolization coils are extremely dense on CT but graphic imaging can be obtained in inspiration
have limited susceptibility on MR imaging; hence, and expiration with gadolinium-based contrast
a priori knowledge of the coil composition is crit- media or a blood pool agent. When using
ical when considering MRA. Stainless steel embo- gadolinium-based contrast, MRA is performed in
lization coils are commonly used for ureteral inspiration followed by pseudo–steady-state imag-
embolization and can be used in other vascular ing with an end-expiratory-phase trigger. Blood
applications; when present these cause significant pool contrast agents are well suited for MRA in
susceptibility artifact and limit visualization of arte- MALS as the prolonged blood pool dwell time en-
rial structures far from the coil pack. It is important ables conventional unsubtracted MR angiographic
to remember that conventional contrast-enhanced techniques, 3D Dixon fat/water separation T1-
MR angiographic techniques rely on spoiled weighted imaging, and 3D inversion recovery pre-
gradient recalled echo imaging, which is resistant pared bSSFP techniques. 4D flow MR imaging
to local field inhomogeneity. Therefore, nonferro- with an end-expiration respiratory trigger can
magnetic materials (nitinol alloys, titanium-based demonstrate collateral arterial arcades, confirming
12 Collins

Fig. 12. Dynamic narrowing of the celiac

axis. (A) Inspiratory-phase steady-state
MR angiogram with ferumoxytol with a
sagittal multiplanar reconstructionslice
through the proximal celiac axis and (B)
expiratory-phase respiratory navigator
gated 3D inversion recovery prepared
gradient recalled echo imaging in the
same orientation demonstrating dy-
namic stenosis of the celiac axis with
wide patency of the superior mesenteric
artery throughout the respiratory cycle.

the hemodynamic significance of the dynamic arte- perivascular inflammation and edema using fat-
rial stenosis. saturated T2-weighted imaging sequences often
with black blood preparation pulses. Wall
Vasculitis enhancement is assessed with precontrast, early
MRA is an ideal imaging technique to evaluate for postcontrast, and late postcontrast T1-weighted
vasculitis in medium and larger vessels, including imaging with fat suppression. Early wall enhance-
the mesenteric arteries.31 In addition to evaluating ment is indicative of acute inflammation, whereas
for the degree of arterial stenosis, vessel wall im- late wall enhancement indicates fibrosis.32 Identifi-
aging enables assessment of disease status cation of abnormally thickened vessel walls is
(Fig. 13). Acute inflammation is identified by facilitated by the use of 3D T1-weighted pulse

Fig. 13. Active Takayasu’s arteritis. (A) Dark blood T1-weighted turbo spin echo imaging demonstrating wall
thickening at the aortic hiatus with corresponding edema on dark blood short tau inversion recovery imaging
(B). Mural enhancement is seen comparing precontrast (C) with 1-minute (D) and 5-minute (E) postcontrast T1-
weighted fat-saturated imaging. These mural changes are not as apparent on first-pass MRA (F).
Mesenteric Ischemia 13

sequences with dark blood preparation.36 Late Noninflammatory vasculopathies

gadolinium enhancement using inversion pre- Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) and segmental
pared 2D and 3D pulse sequences has been arterial mediolysis (SAM) can both involve the
used to identify arterial fibrosis.32 Differentiation mesenteric arterial vasculature. FMD is a nona-
of active atherosclerosis from active vasculitis therosclerotic, noninflammatory disorder present-
can be difficult on imaging alone; segmental re- ing with vascular stenosis. The vascular
gions of abnormal wall thickening and enhance- pathology associated with FMD can manifest in
ment with intervening normal-appearing vessel the intima, media, or adventitia with a variety of
walls suggests vasculitis over atherosclerosis. different MR angiographic appearances. Although
Similarly, circumferential, symmetric vessel wall the renal arteries are the most commonly
thickening favors vasculitis, although precontrast impacted arterial bed, the mesenteric arteries are
imaging is helpful in excluding an intramural hema- uncommonly affected (Fig. 14). Patients rarely
toma. Vascular calcifications can be seen in pa- present with mesenteric ischemia. Differentiation
tients after treatment or with coexistent of this entity from atherosclerosis or SAM is impor-
atherosclerosis. An advantage of MRA is the lack tant as patients with FMD respond to balloon an-
of vascular calcification-associated artifacts. gioplasty.40 Patients with FMD present with
Novel pulse sequences have been developed segmental dilation alternating with webs causing
that enable visualization of arterial calcifications stenoses (intimal subtype), smooth discrete steno-
at MR imaging.37 Fusion imaging also enables ses (medial subtype), or aneurysms (adventitial
overlay of noncontrast CT with MRA to highlight subtype).41 Identifying coexistent disease in other
the location and distribution of vascular calcifica- vascular beds, such as the iliac and/or renal ar-
tions.38 MR/PET imaging combining metabolic im- teries, is helpful in making the diagnosis of FMD.
aging with MRA and vessel wall imaging is an SAM results from degeneration of the media of
excellent modality enabling distinction of region- medium-sized muscular arteries, with dissection,
ally active from quiescent disease.39 occlusion, and aneurysm formation with stenosis
occurring during the healing phase of the disease

Fig. 14. Mesenteric fibromuscular

dysplasia. (A) Thin slab maximum-
intensity projection image from a
first-pass MR angiogram demon-
strating segmental dilation and dissec-
tion in the proximal superior
mesenteric artery. The associated renal
involvement with typical webs and an-
eurysms (B) is helpful in making the
diagnosis of fibromuscular dysplasia.
(C) Digital subtraction angiogram con-
firming fibromuscular dysplasia
involvement of the superior mesenteric
14 Collins

process (Fig. 15).42 Patients with SAM often pre- distal embolization. Multiphase imaging enabled
sent with abdominal pain or bleeding. The celiac by MRA is well suited to characterize arterial
axis and superior mesenteric artery are the most dissection and identify complications, including
commonly involved vessels. Treatment is conser- distal embolization, thrombosis of the false lumen,
vative with supportive measures.43 Coil emboliza- and occlusion of branch vessels.
tion has been performed for patients with bleeding
not responsive to supportive care with good out- Arterial embolization
comes. Stent placement or open surgical tech- Thromboembolism to the mesenteric arteries is an
niques have been associated with relatively high important cause of mesenteric ischemia. Unlike in
mortality due to the friable nature of the involved slowly progressive atherosclerosis, the sudden oc-
vessel segments. The primary differential diag- clusion of a mesenteric branch does not permit
nosis for SAM includes mycotic aneurysms, adequate recruitment of arterial collaterals. Acute
medium-vessel vasculitis, and FMD. The location embolic occlusion is distinguished from underlying
of involved vascular segments, laboratory tests, atherosclerosis by the location of the clot typically
and evolution of vascular changes on imaging is at a branch point in the proximal vessel, rather
helpful in distinguishing these entities. than at the vessel ostium (Fig. 16). Multiple emboli
are commonly present; identifying other embolic
Arterial dissection events, including visceral infarctions is helpful in
Dissections of the mesenteric arteries can be making the diagnosis. Treatment is focused on
associated with propagation of a dissection flap urgently restoring arterial flow; as such lytic
from the abdominal aorta or can be associated therapy plays little role in management. Rather em-
with atherosclerosis or an underlying vascular dis- bolectomy with adjunctive balloon angioplasty or
order, including FMD or SAM. Patient presentation stenting is performed to re-establish flow quickly.
is related to the location of the lesion, the degree of MRA is well suited to identify the thromboembolism
associated stenosis of the true lumen, propagation and can be performed efficiently by relying on multi-
of the dissection to involve branch vessels, and phase imaging. Noncontrast methods can identify

Fig. 15. Systemic arterial mediolysis. Dark blood T2-weighted imaging in the axial (A) and sagittal (B) planes dem-
onstrates edema around the celiac axis without involvement of the abdominal aorta. Postcontrast T1-weighted
imaging with fat suppression in the early arterial (C) and portal venous (D) phases of enhancement demonstrates
luminal irregularity with a thrombosed dissection extending into the common hepatic and splenic arteries with
progressive mural enhancement.
Mesenteric Ischemia 15

Fig. 16. Superior mesenteric arterythrombus. (A) Coronal 3D maximum-intensity projection, (B) 3D volume
rendered image, (C) Coronal, and (D) oblique sagittal multiplanar reformat first-pass MR angiogram demonstrated
an eccentric filling defect in the proximal superior mesenteric artery with thrombus in the abdominal aorta. (E) Cor-
onal and (F) oblique sagittal multiplanar reformats from a venous-phase MRA showing mural enhancement and
contrast along the anterior aspect of the vessel outlining the thrombus. (G) Postcontrast T1-weighted imaging
with Dixon fat separation demonstrating the superior mesenteric artery thrombus and aortic thrombus.

Fig. 17. Portal vein and superior mesenteric vein thrombus using a non-blood pool contrast agent. (A) A near-
occlusive filling defect in the superior mesenteric vein is seen on coronal venous-phase MRA, the extent of which
is better depicted with a minimum intensity projection technique (B). Main portal (C) with right portal extension
(A, D) clot is also present with abnormal enhancement of the right lobe of the liver. Late-phase T1-weighted fat-
saturated imaging demonstrates associated thrombophlebitis with avid enhancement of the wall of the superior
mesenteric vein surrounding the thrombus (E).
16 Collins

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