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Universidad Tecnológica de Corregidora

English IX
Ana Cristina Carranza Martínez
5S intro
Hello, my name is Ana Carranza, a student at the Corregidora Technological
University and I will tell you about my project called, In vitro evaluation of the
antimicrobial activity of the extract of the Taraxacum officinale plant, also known as
dandelion, on Propionibacterium acnes.
Get comfortable we started!
5s intro
In recent years, some people have opted for alternative medicine to treat their
ailments, because they feel safer with natural products that in the long run will not
have negative effects on their health.
In the one thousand nine hundred forty , Dr. Henry Leclerc reported that dandelion
infusions could treat dermatological problems such as redness, or swelling, which are
caused by poor liver function and are revealed in the skin health.
Thanks to previous studies carried out, the dandelion is classified as a herbaceous
plant, it is part of the Asteraceae family.
Among its physical characteristics are its lobed and serrated leaves, it has a central
root that is thick and long, in some countries it is considered a pest. In analyzes carried
out, it was shown that it has antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory
properties thanks to phytosterols, flavonoids, tetrahydroridentin B and sesquiterpene
lactone found in leaves, stem and roots.
Leonhart Fuchs and William Wilson and their research work is that the name of acne
vulgaris began to be taken and it was considered as a skin pathology. studied fifty
sebaceous gland biopsies and reported in detail their histological, chemical and
physical findings of acne, from this it was concluded that the "sebum" could initiate
the process, but that it was evident that not all pilosebaceous units showed it, so there
must be susceptibility.
One of the main causes of acne is Propionibacterium acnes, which belongs to the
propionibacterial family, it is a gram positive bacillus. This microorganism releases
Universidad Tecnológica de Corregidora
English IX
Ana Cristina Carranza Martínez
lipases and proteases that hydrolyze sebum triglycerides producing free fatty acids,
which are irritant and comedogenic, with inflammatory action.
Now that you know the basics of our research, we wanted to abort this problem
because acne is considered the eighth most prevalent disease in the world. About
eighty percent of the young population between twelve and twenty four years old
suffer from some degree of acne, and between fifteen and twenty percent of people
between fifteen and seventeen years old suffer from moderate to severe acne. And
despite the fact that there are already treatments, these are usually very aggressive
with the skin.
Our project is in the planning stages to begin with experiments, wish us luck because
this path is just beginning. Thanks

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