BDSM Library - After The Garden Party

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After the Garden Party

Provided By: BDS M Library

Synopsis: nice teasing and denial story...

After The Garden Party

"But how long will we stay?" I asked, as my

beautiful wife parallel parked her sleek, black
2000 Camaro into a space right in front of Susan
our hostess' house. Christine loved the car, a
gift from me two Christmases ago, made memorable
because my princess had been so thrilled she let
me sleep with her for the first time in several
years (and the last time since then). "Not that
long, honey...I know you hate these afternoon
parties, but Susan is counting on me..."
Christine looked at me imploringly, batting
her eyelashes. "You promised I could watch the
Dolphins play Minnesota if I cleaned the
house..." I was whining. Smiling, she traced her
magenta fingernail across my crotch area.
Immediately my penis swelled within my jeans.
Oh, God, she looked so good, too, in a pink
summerdress with a very low cleavage. I wasn't
often allowed to see my lovely wife in the nude,
so I was easily aroused by her brief dresses and
bikinis... The night before, during "milking
hour" she'd worn a hot pink tube top that I think
she stole from my niece. "Big Boy, you're
Christine tossed back her long blond hair and
squeezed the bulge in my Levis. "Lot more room in
there, huh? Someone likes traveling around
without his cage." She unzipped me and my cock
jumped out of the opening with a will of its own.
Turning off the ignition, Christine put her
hand on my member, wrapping fingers and thumb
around the base, and began pulling gently. "If
you're a good boy..."
Pushing her hair back again, my Princess
leaned into my neck and began giving me a hickey,
which I interrupted my tilting up her chin and
plunging my tongue in her mouth. We necked, and
she stroked my burgeoning cock, occasonally
tickling the tip with her long nails...

My penis turned to near-granite in her soft

white hand... her fingers wandered up and down my
shaft, gradually getting faster, and I felt that
familiar surging from my testicles..So
close...would this be my first orgasm in nineteen
Christine referred to my periods between
orgasm in a matter of months or weeks such as
"You didn't fix the sink, another week in the
belt" but I counted by the days...Her tongue felt
so good exploring my mouth, "tonsil hockey, we
called it in middle school.
God, she's not let me kiss her this way
since...Suddenly the stroking stopped, and she
pulled back.
"Let me cum, PLEASE..."I mumbled into her
cheek. She slapped my cock lightly. "Put that
away, what's wrong with us." Christine tried to
look severe, but you could hear the giggle in her
tone. She folded her hands primly and watched me
stuff my straining erection back into my
Seeing my dejected face, Christine whispered
in my ear "I let you go out without the cage,
didn't I? If you're a good boy at the party, you
might get a special treat later on...I feel like
getting laid!" She flicked her tongue in my mouth
once, and got out of the car. I watched her cute
little butt twitch as she walked into the
Aldrich's back yard,greeting Susan's husband with
a too-friendly kiss. Was she sleeping with HIM,
What was the last special "treat"? A year
ago, after we'd arrived home from an awards
ceremony in which I was honored for designing the
cardiac ward where I was chief surgeon, Christine
had stripped me of tuxedo and chastity belt.
She'd cuffed me hand and foot and laid me on the
living room floor, where she brought me to a
thundering orgasm by slowly rubbing my cock into
the Oriental rug.
Sixty-six days celibate,I'd not been due to
come for another month for leaving the lawn mower
in the rain, and it'd been a wonderful
surprise...I still remembed her looking
indulgently down at me in her glittery party
dress with that Mona Lisa smile as I squirted all
over her stockinged toes... it was her way of
telling me she was proud of me!

"Margo, this is Dr. John Sidwell, and his wife

Christine." Susan introduced us to another woman,
and her husband... we all looked at the fountain
by her garden.I tried to make pleasant
conversation, but all I could think about was my
"treat" later on...
Though I'd introduced Christine to femdom and
tease/denial games more than a decade ago,
sometimes I missed having regular sex with her,
especially suckling her large,succulent breasts,
usually forbidden me, except of course for the
night she'd gotten a $65,000 car!
"Honey, I'm going inside to the bathroom."
Christine turned and looked at me, and leaning
over, she whispered in my ear. "Don't you play
with my little dingie in there, or you'll have
that cage on with no relief for the next six
months...Two minutes! I'm timing you." She patted
my butt warningly as I headed for the "loo".
I sat on the toilet, pants down, and began
tentatively fingering my member. Damn! My fingers
weren't as soft and skilled as my Princess' but
it had been a while since I'd had had release. At
least thirty-seven, thirty-eight, and
last time I'd come she'd made me rub my cock on
the leg of my grandmother's mahogany secretary.
I, she promised me a treat,
possibly she'd have sex with me! I heard a knock
on the door. "Number two in there?" came
Christine's lilting tone. "Otherwise you should
be out here, entertaining us with your sparkling
The rest of the party was leaden for me. A
few of the women were quite pretty, none so much
as my Princess, and every time I shook hands or
hugged one of them, my wee-wee tingled. A few of
the guys asked me if I wanted to come into the
den to watch the pregame show, but I stayed close
to my Princess. Susan eyed me strangely, and I
realized I was playing "pocket-pool" rubbing my
dick through my Armani pants.
I kept whispering "Can we go?" into
Christines ear, and she looked at me
quizzically...telling me with her blue-gray eyes
to bide my time. Once she flicked my crotch with
a long nail, and I almost collapsed on Susan
Aldrich's floor. My next two requests to use the
rest room were cruelly denied. Finally, she made
her good-byes with her now inarticulate doctor
I tottered out of her car finally, and
attempted to make my way into the house.
Christine stopped me, and gave me a big, warm
hug...pressing her boobs into my chest, she
looked up into my eyes. "Was...I good?" I asked
disbelievingly. "Do you..really want to..." I
didn't want to seem too hopeful. Christine
smiled, and pushed back her hair. "Baby, you know
I never lie...but we have to do it my way! Let's
go inside." I looked at my watch as we went in.
Only three p.m.! We had hours...

All right, Big Boy, get naked and bring me

some wine" Christine's eyes sparkled. "Bring it
upstairs to my room." About thirty seconds later
I ran into her bedroom, totally nude, with my
cock and balls dancing. She had the master
bedroom in our house, and I slept in what had
formerly been our maids room til a few years ago,
when my Princess decided we didn't need household
I handed Christine the wine. Although she
hadn't removed her sundress, she had undone a few
buttons, and I could see the outline of her lacy
Frederick's of Hollywood brassiere, another gift
from me, I'd never been allowed to see it on her,
but I knew she wore it for someone, because I had
to wash it at least once a week.
She saw me looking, and pretended to be
embarrassed, buttoning one button. "Honey, I
thought you were getting undressed!" I felt
ridiculous, as always, in my birthday suit with
her fully clothed. By now I should've been used
to it, huh?
Putting the glass on the end table, Christine
opened the drawer and took out...THE HANDCUFFS!
"Oh baby...I thought just this once..." I pouted
miserably, but my cock was rigid. Christine
giggled, and waved her finger, silently ordering
me to turn around. After my wrists were secure,
she giggled again. "Patience, my Big Boy...I said
I'd get laid eventually, didn't I? Lie down on
your back, you know how..."
She then took out another set of cuffs, and
secured my ankles I was, in the
"milking" position quite, quite familiar to me
these last ten years. Still, my cock rose,
expectantly. Her tits bouncing in the snug
sundress, Christine took the lube from the
drawer, and set it down beside my right thigh.
She'd switched from baby oil the year before
because it gave me a rash. She then sat herself
down and smiled at me.

"Johnny, I know you want more, but I think we

should start out with the usual" Start out? Maybe
she would eventually sit on my cock. My Princess
scratched the tip of my penis lightly with her
long purple nails, and then squirted some lube in
her right hand.
"Now the good doctor's going to feel nice."
She rubbed her hands together and then put them
around my cock in a sort of praying
position,rolling it as if it were a burrito. Then
my ambidextrous wife began rubbing my shaft with
her right hand, and tickling my balls with her
"Can't you take off SOMETHING?" I pleaded, and
she shook her head, but seeing I was near tears,
a pitiful situation for a forty-six year old
surgeon, My Princess unbuttoned enough for me to
see the black cups again, and jiggled her
cleavage at me. Christine smiled, putting her
tongue between her lips, and pulled up her dress
a little, so I could check out her gams. Though
I'd just shaved them this morning, her legs never
failed to thrill me.

As Christine varied between the quick up and

down rubbing motion, causing me to arch my butt
off the bed to meet the strokes, and the slower
version, where she inched her purple-tipped
forefinger agonizingly up and down the shaft, I
began to beg..."Sweetie please... you did this
for five HOURS last night, and then threw me into
a cold shower with my cuffs still on! It was
supposed to be different, you're driving me
CRAZY..." I was rumbling, it seemed, in my
groin...and all she did was reach her bare size 6
footie and cover my mouth..."Too much talk, Big
Boy..." Her hands and feet were quite soft, as I
massaged them every night with Lubriderm before I
gave her blonde mane its customary two hundred
strokes with the elephant tusk hairbrush (and
then she gave me two hundred and fifty somewhere
else). Oh, God, then I'd trudge off to my lonely
room, butt blistered and penis surging i its
cruel prison...but that was nothing compared to
this afternoon. A Treat! She PROMISED!
"Christine!" I pleaded with her, as I
struggled with my wrists. "I thought we'd do
something special!" "Isn't this special?" That
little girl smile! Christine licked her upper
lip, putting her tongue between her teeth. Her
forefinger middle finger were rubbing my cock
right under the now purple head. "Do you want me
to stop? I could do the laundry..."
"No, no,.." I yapped. "It's wonderful! But I
thought we were going to do something
closer...this afternoon..." Though I had
captained the debating team at Stanford, there
was little chance that I could talk her into
anything...that evil girl! Christine picked up
the remote and clicked with one hand. "The
football game?" I asked. "No no...'Mildred
Pierce'...I love Joan Crawford"
It was nearly six oclock. "Mildred Pierce" was
long over, as was a horribly boring Martha
Stewart show, though I hadn't paid much attention
to that... I was still lying down Christine had
shifted me face-up over her lap, my rear end
balanced on her shapely thighs. Her hand cupped
under my testicles and was moving the fingers of
her other hand around the head of my cock...
Twirling it as if she were unscrewing a
child-proof cap of Bayer aspirin. Four times in
the past three hours she had interrupted the
tesae to sit on my face, where I licked her to
many powerful orgasms "If I'm going to get laid
I'll need some foreplay." she had explained...and
for a period of thirty excruciating minutes she'd
leaned back in a chiar by the bed and tantalized
my poor pecker with her bare feet, the toes
painted the same shade as the wandering
But now we were back to the eternal
masturbation "Please, please...Princess" I begged
"Let's have sex, it's been two and a half years,
and five before that wanted it right?
Or let me cum Christine,'s been THIRTY-EIGHT've been rubbing for HOURS PLEASE!"
Giggling, Christine rubbed more lube into my
over-filled scrotum. "All you think about is sex
and cumming." She played with my foreskin. "BUT
YOU CAME!" I begged, a little too loudly.
Christine interrupted her massage of my scrotum
to squeeze my balls lightly. "Are you raising
your voice to me?" Ooh. The pain was not
excessive, but it was enough.
"No ma'am" I replied meekly as Christine
released the sack and went back to pulling the
base of my shaft. "Take your time, Princess,
please..." I got a beautiful smile just
then...and she winked! God, the cum was surging
up, but Chrsitine kept squeezing the base to slow
it down.
Finally, she got out from under me, lying
me back in the now hateful "milking position" My
cock was so engorged I was considering
amputation..."Do you notice your pee-pee matches
the shade of my violet nails?" "YES!" "Are you
crying? I thought you did ROTC..that's not
manly." Christine took her hands off my cock.
"You know what, Johnny?" Christine leaned back.
"It's time to get laid."
I looked at her with misty eyes..."Really?" I
began babbling "Oh baby, you won't regret
it...I'll paint the house, anything...".That
wonderful wet pussy...Oh, I need it. Christine
smiled and went to the phone. "What are you
doing?" I asked. Was she ordering a pizza?
Christine leaned into the phone. "Jamal?" She
was talking to my Physician assistant, a nice
colored kid, but a little arrogant..."Yes, your
mother's really gone?...I'll meet you in twenty
minutes. Dr. John? No he's away, and we have an
open marriage..."

It's ten-thirty, and she's still gone. My cock
is still hard, and I've been crying on and off
for four and a half hours...I can't move because
the cuffs are still on, and I have to pee really
badly...I can't even watch television...she
turned it off so I could think about how great it
is getting LAID!!! Waaah!
The End

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