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C.72 YG/SMP -3- TPPU/B.


Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara menghitamkan bulatan (  ) pada huruf A, B, C
atau D pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!
This text for questions number 1 and 2.

1. What is the aim of writing the text?

A. To inform people to cross the tracks to other side.
B. To ask people to fine others crossing on the tracks.
C. To tell people to use underpass if they want to cross.
D. To remind trespassers of the penalty due to breaking the regulation.
2. What will be done to people crossing the tracks?
A. They will be charged as punishment.
B. They will have to pay tax up to $5.500.
C. They will be warned by the person-in-charge.
D. They will be given some reminders to obey the rules.
This text for questions number 3 to 6.

Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat is located off the northwest tip of Bird's Head Peninsula on the island of New
Guinea, in Indonesia's West Papua province. It provides the best underwater experience, and
the great variation of underwater species.
For underwater enthusiasts, Raja Ampat offers a first-class diving and snorkeling experience.
Covering 9.8 million acres of land and sea combined, it really is an endless adventure of
discovering the island's underwater realm. Take on a new meaning of marine life as tiny seahorses
circle around your fingers, manta rays glide right next to you, schools of colorful species of fish
pass by, and if you're lucky, meet the rare sea turtle and dolphins.
Raja Ampat also provides wildlife beyond the ocean. With an equally breathtaking setting,
venture through thick forests within the island and various bird species, shy monitor lizards, rare
and vivid species of flowers, and other beautiful plantations. Spectacular wonders await above
and beyond the waters of Raja Ampat. This island is truly a physical meaning to enchanting,
beautiful, fascinating, and mesmerizing.

3. What does the text highlight?

A. The nature expedition of discovering Raja Ampat Island.
B. The beauty of an island in West Papua, called Raja Ampat.
C. The experience got by someone visiting RajaAmpat Island.
D. The great variation of underwater species in Raja Ampat Island.
4. What can visitors see when diving the underwater?
A. Various species of marine fauna.
B. Marine wildlife both flora and fauna.
C. Beautiful seahorses and manta rays.
D. Adventurous area full of fish species.

5. An underwater enthusiasts will enjoy ... in Raja Ampat.

A. being very close to sea animals
B. passing by rare and wild animals
C. diving and snorkeling experience
D. catching tiny seahorses and manta rays
6. Raja Ampat island is a recommended holiday destination ... it is wonderful both below and beyond
the ocean.
A. since
B. though
C. therefore
D. however
This text for questions number 7 and 8.
Dear Judhist,
Finally, you did it! Your hard work has paid off.
You have finished your study with flying colour. Your achievement proves you're the best! You
really deserve it, buddy
CONGRATULATIONS! Hoping that you'll get a seat in your dreamed senior high school

7. Why did Judhist receive this card?

A. He has done his job.
B. He has just finished his study.
C. He dreamed to have a seat in senior high school.
D. He graduated from junior high school with wonderful scores.
8. The phrase "flying colour" in the card means that Judhist ....
A. passed the examination very successfully
B. had a chance to enter senior high school
C. got colourful signs on his graduation
D. finished his study very quickly
This text for questions number 9 to 13.

A woman looked confused, I stopped to see if I could help. When I looked down into the car
seat next to her, I truly thought her baby was dead. His color was blue-black. I had to think quickly
and decided on the heart center. I dragged Mrs. Dyer along, trying to reassure her. Dr. Randy
Caldwell and Tim Cordes were right there and immediately started resuscitating him. His pH was
something like 6.7 and the blood oxygen extremely low. This baby was probably minutes from
death. Despite of the normal procedure, viewing at the child's condition, the nurse said, "I'll take
that baby!" The cardiology team quickly found that the baby had transposition of the great
vessels. I had assumed the child would have brain damage due to prolonged, severe lack of
oxygen. I lost touch with the family after the baby recovered from his heart surgeries and was
sent home, but I never forgot them.
About four years ago, I found a little envelope in my office with a note inside. "Dear
Dr. Schreiner," it said. "I don't know if you remember me, but when I came to Riley Hospital seven
years ago you stopped and grabbed me and took me to the heart center. I just wanted to thank
you for saving Matthew's life." There was a picture of a beautiful, healthy, smart child boy.
The spirit of Riley Hospital is all about. Yes, we help sick kids heal. But their families need us
too. You need to always go about your day ready to help, whether by guiding someone through
the winding halls or by giving them words of reassurance that they'll never forget.

9. The purpose of writing the text is to ....

A. describe the best service of Riley Hospital
B. show the writer's happiness to his healthy little patient
C. express the writer's gratitude to his team at the hospital
D. tell readers about Dr. Schreiner's unforgettable experience
10. What did the nurse's statement "I'll take the baby!" mean?
A. She was willing to help him.
B. She wanted to be his mother.
C. She would like to handle him herself.
D. She would help after the normal procedure.
11. How did Dr. Schreiner think about the kid before the letter arrived?
A. He was lack of oxygen.
B. He suffered from brain damage.
C. He still had to have heart surgeries.
D. He totally recovered from his sickness.
12. "Dr. Randy Caldwell and Tim Cordes were right there and immediately started resuscitating him."
The word 'him' refers to ....
A. Dr. Randy Caldwell
B. Dr Tim Cordes
C. Dr. Schreiner
D. Matthew
13. What did Dr. Schreiner learn from his experience with the kid patient?
A. Words of advice and comfort for parents are very important.
B. Emergency service must be served on normal procedure.
C. Patients with severe disease should be handled first.
D. Hospital must be equipped with complete facility.
This text is for questions number 14 and 15.


MAXIMUM Rp 10.000 per day (Mon-Fri)
First 2 hours
Rp 3.000
Every Subsequent Hour or Part There of
Rp 1000
 Effective 1st December 2019
 Only for Multistorey and Perimeter Car Park
 Terms & Condition apply.

14. The text informs us that ....

A. the parking duration will be limited
B. the new parking tariff will be enforced
C. the most parking expense is only Rp 10.000
D. the parking service is only Monday to Friday
15. Where do we probably find such text?
A. At a mall.
B. At school.
C. In a central park.
D. In a public garden.

This text is for questions number 16 to 18.

The Glow-Worm and the Jackdaw

A Jackdaw once flew up to a Glow-worm and was about to seize him. "Wait a moment, good
friend," said the worm; "and you shall hear something to your advantage."
"Ah! What is it?" said the Jackdaw.
"I am but one of the many glow-worms that live in this forest. If you wish to have them all,
follow me," said the Glow-worm.
"Certainly!" said the Jackdaw.
Then the Glow-worm led him to a place in the wood where a fire had been kindled by some
woodmen, and pointing to the sparks flying about, said, "There you find the glow-worms warming
themselves round a fire. When you have done with them, I shall show you some more, at a
distance from this place."
The Jackdaw darted at the sparks, and tried to swallow some of them; but his mouth being
burnt by the attempt, he ran away exclaiming, "Ah, the Glow-worm is a dangerous little creature!"
Said the Glow-worm with pride, "Wickedness yields to wisdom!"

16. The purpose of writing the text is to ....

A. describe how Jackdaw and Glow-worm live together in the forest
B. teach a good deed through the story of Jackdaw and Glow-worm
C. explain the characteristics of the Jackdaw and Glow-worm
D. tell readers about the habits of the Jackdaw and Glow-worm
17. Why did Glow-worm show the sparks of fire for Jackdaw to see?
A. The sparks were Jackdaw's food too.
B. Many Glow-worms stayed near the fire.
C. Jackdaw usually liked to enjoy the sparks.
D. The sparkling shapes looked like Glow-worms.
18. What does the phrase "Wickedness yields to wisdom!" mean?
A. Bad plan always resulted in bad effect.
B. Glow-worm believed evil must be fought by evil.
C. Jackdaw must learn better attitude despite of his tricky plan.
D. Glow-worm wished to teach Jackdaw but he had wrong way
This text is for questions number 19 to 22.

Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio on Feb 11, 1847, the youngest of seven siblings.
His parents were middle class, though they were not wealthy. He attended only three months of
formal schooling. He irritated his teachers with his repeated questioning and inability to just
follow instructions. Unfortunately, from an early age, Edison developed a severe deafness, which
ultimately left him almost 90% deaf. He was largely disinterested at school and was mainly self-
educated through reading. He took upon it himself to read every book on the library shelf. He
seemed to take his deafness in his stride, and never saw it as a disability. By the age of 12, he
was reading Sir Isaac Newton's famous work - Principia Mathematica. However, Edison was not
impressed by the complex math of Newton and resolved to try and make science more
With William Joseph Hammer, Edison started inventing and producing the electric light bulb,
and it was a great commercial success. Edison's great advance was to use a carbonized bamboo
filament that could last over 1,000 hours. In 1878, he formed the Edison Electric Light Company
to profit from this invention. Edison successfully predicted that he could make electric light so
cheap, it would soon come universal. To capitalize on the success of the electric light bulb, he
also worked on electricity distribution. His first power station was able to distribute DC current to
59 customers in lower Manhattan.

Edison made many important inventions and development in media. These included the
Kinetoscope (or peephole view), the first motion pictures and improved photographic paper. And
his most well-known invention is electric light bulb.
He had six children, three from each marriage. Edison died of diabetes on October 18,

19. What does the text emphasize?

A. A biography of the inventor of Principia Mathematica.
B. A biography of an electric light bulb inventor.
C. A history of electric light bulb industries.
D. A history of electric light bulb.
20. What did Edison do to get more profit on his electric light bulb business?
A. He cooperated with Joseph Hammer in producing the electric light bulbs.
B. He improved other inventions related to electric light bulb.
C. He established the Edison Electric Light Company.
D. He founded a proper research laboratory.
21. After reading the text, what can students learn from Thomas Edison?
A. Repeating error is a method to be successful.
B. To be well known we have to make inventions.
C. To be an inventor we should repeat trial and error.
D. Having disability is not an obstacle to be successful.
22. " ... Edison developed a severe deafness, which ultimately left him almost 90% deaf." (paragraph 1).
The word "deaf" in the sentence means being unable to ....
A. see
B. hear
C. walk
D. speak
This Text is for questions number 23 and 24.

Dear Indra,
I borrow your new laptop at the moment to make my school assignment at my friend's house. My
laptop is broken. I have told mother and she permitted me to use it. I promise that I will use it
carefully. I will return it to you as soon as I finish doing the assignment.
I'm sorry for not informing before because you were sleeping.
Your sister,

23. What is the message mainly about?

A. Asking for permission to mother.
B. Doing an assignment using a laptop.
C. Asking permission to borrow something.
D. Informing someone to do school assignment together.
24. Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.
" ... mother's permission, Aisha will not use Indra's new laptop."
A. Because of
B. Without
C. For
D. By

This text for questions number 25 and 26.

25. What is the benefit of reading such text?

A. We know the way how to get the product.
B. We get proper reference in using the product.
C. We know the way how to make the product.
D. We understand the ingredients of the product.
26. After taking the reliever for four days and there is no significant progress, what will probably
a mother do to her son?
A. Stop using the product on the fifth day.
B. Go to a pediatrician to have better treatment.
C. Spray the reliever more often to her son's mouth.
D. Keep using the product under physician's supervisian.
This text is for question number 27 to 29.

A long time ago in the southern area of Borneo Island, lived a beautiful girl named Rangda.
She had excellent weaving and sewing skills. Her beauty was known in the whole area. Many
young men fell in love with her.
One day, the prince who had heard about Rangda's beauty, came to her house to order
a special outfit from her. The prince was amazed by Rangda's beauty and her humbleness. He
fell in love with her. After he got his dress, the prince immediately went back to the palace. He
wanted to tell his father that he already found his future wife. However, right after the prince
arrived at the palace, he suffered a terrible illness. He was unconscious and got high fever.
Every night in his sleep, he always whispered a name, "Rangda... Rangda... Rangda."
The king knew that his son had fallen in love with the girl. He ordered Wakil Mangkubumi to
tell Rangda and her parents about the wedding proposal. Rangda was very happy because she
also fell in love with the prince.
Seeing that he would soon marry to Rangda, he was very happy. His health improved
significantly. Then the prince, the king, and the soldiers went to Rangda's house. But the trip was
very tiring and made the prince got even worse. It was so bad that finally the prince died on the

The king was so sad. He thought it was useless to continue the trip. Then he went back to
the palace. Meanwhile, Rangda did not know that the prince had died. She was sewing a wedding
dress for the wedding. She wanted to give the prince the best wedding dress. Every day, she
waited and waited for the prince, but he never came. She kept on sewing the wedding dress until
she was old. People then called her Ning Rangda. She was called Ning because she was old and
had a hunchbacked body.

27. With the story the writer would like to remind us that ....
A. a girl should be soon married
B. we should be loyal to everyone around us
C. something happening to us should be accepted
D. we should do something to change our condition
28. What did the king do after he knew that his son fell in love with a girl?
A. He arranged the wedding party.
B. He conducted a long trip to visit the girl.
C. He asked his vice king to propose the girl.
D. He ordered his son to propose the girl himself.
29. Arrange these words to make a meaningful sentence.
tiring - because - the - trip - the - of - got - prince - worse - even
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. 3 - 8 - 7 - 9 - 10 - 2 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 1
B. 3 - 1 - 4 - 7 - 10 - 9 - 2 - 6 - 5 - 8
C. 3 - 8 - 7 - 10 - 9 - 2 - 6 - 5 - 1 - 4
D. 3 - 8 - 7 - 10 - 9 - 2 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 1
This text is for question number 30 to 34.

Sumatran elephants feed on a variety of plants and deposit seeds wherever they go,
contributing to a healthy forest ecosystem. They also share their lush forest habitat with several
other endangered species, such as the Sumatran rhino, tiger, and orangutan, and countless
other species that all benefit from an elephant population that thrives in a healthy habitat.
Sumatran elephants typically have smaller tusks but they are enough to tempt poachers
who kill the animals and sell their tusks on the illegal ivory market. Only male Asian elephants
have tusks so every poaching event further skews the sex ratio further constraining breeding
rates for the species.
In response to high incidents of elephant and tiger poaching in central Sumatra, a foundation
concerning wildlife and its local partners have coordinated wildlife patrol units that conduct
antipoaching patrols, take snares and other means of trapping animals away, educate local
people on the laws in place concerning poaching, and help authorities apprehend criminals. The
evidence collected by wildlife patrol units has helped bring known poachers to court. In many
Asian countries, this foundation works with TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, to
reduce the threat that illegal and illicit domestic ivory markets pose to wild elephants.

30. The writer of the passage aims at ....

A. describing Sumatran elephants as the endangered animals
B. giving attention toward Sumatran elephant population
C. informing the role of Sumatran elephant in wildlife
D. showing the work of wildlife foundation
C.72 YG/SMP - 10 - TPPU/B. INGGRIS/20

31. After reading the text we agree that ....

A. elephant population gives advantages to other animal species in the forests
B. elephant sex ratio has no clear effect on the breeding rates of the species
C. antipoaching patrols work to place some means of trapping animals
D. TRAFFIC is a network that supports the illegal ivory market
32. In the last paragraph, the writer wants to express his idea that ....
A. saving endangered animals needs collaboration
B. wildlife foundation must be established to save animals
C. elephant antipoaching can work itself successfully in saving elephants
D. authorities succeed in bringing all poachers to the court based on evidences
33. After reading the passage, a wildlife observer will likely ....
A. give few attention to the trade of domestic ivory
B. participate in reducing the illegal ivory market
C. create a better network of ivory market
D. establish illicit domestic ivory market
34. " ... and help authorities apprehend criminals." (paragraph 3)
The closest meaning to the word "apprehend" is ....
A. punished
B. secured
C. escaped
D. arrested
This text is for question number 35 to 37.

How to Share Your Location on WhatsApp

1. Open WhatsApp. It is a green application with a white phone icon on it. If you haven't yet set
up WhatsApp, do so before continuing.
2. Tap the "Chats" tab. This option is at the bottom of the screen. You can select a conversation
from here. If WhatsApp opens to a conversation, first tap the "Back" button in the top-left
corner of the screen.
3. Tap a conversation. Doing so will open the conversation with the corresponding contact. You
can also tap the "New Message" icon in the top-right corner of the "Chats" page and then
select a contact to create a new message.
4. Tap "+". It's in the bottom- left corner of the screen.
5. Tap "Location". This option is near the bottom of the pop-up menu.
6. Tap "Send your location". It's below the map at the top of the screen. Doing this will send
the map with a red pin indicating your location. Your recipient may tap the "Share" arrow
and tap "Open in Maps" to receive directions.
Note : These steps might not be accurate for all types of smartphone. You may still need few

35. What will happen if we tap "Send your location"?

A. The WhatsApp will show the red pin.
B. Our location will be seen on the map.
C. The map will be sent to the recipient.
D. The recipient will open the map.
C.72 YG/SMP - 11 - TPPU/B. INGGRIS/20

36. What does the recipient do before tapping "Open in Maps"?

A. Sending the map.
B. Making adjustment.
C. Showing the sent map.
D. Tapping "Share" arrow.
37. You need to make few adjustments ... the steps are not suitable with your smartphone.
A. so
B. as
C. if
D. but
This text is for questions number 38 to 39.


To all students of Grade VIII
We are going to leave for Jogjakarta on Friday, 7 February 2020, at 6 a.m. Please, come at
least 30 minutes before departure. Don't forget to bring your ID Card, permission letters from
your parents and mobile phone.
For more information please contact Mr. Arifin: 0811125567

38. The announcement is about ....

A. the use of ID card
B. the tour to Semarang
C. the trip for the first graders
D. the departure to Semarang
39. What will the students do after reading the announcement?
A. Writing the permission letter.
B. Buying a new mobile phone.
C. Coming to school after 6 a.m.
D. Asking permission from their parents.
40. Re-arrange the jumbled words below into a good sentence based on the announcement.
be - school - the - at - students - in - the - morning - must - early
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The good arrangement of the words is ....
A. 3 - 5 - 9 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 10 - 6 - 7 - 8
B. 3 - 5 - 9 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 10 - 6 - 7 - 8
C. 3 - 9 - 5 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 10 - 6 - 7 - 8
D. 3 - 9 - 1 - 5 - 4 - 2 - 10 - 6 - 7 - 8
C.72 YG/SMP - 12 - TPPU/B. INGGRIS/20

This text is for questions number 41 to 43.

41. Who will most likely find the advertisement useful?

A. Children.
B. Teachers.
C. Parents.
D. Producers.
42. The product being advertised is mainly made of ....
A. vegetables
B. cereal
C. grain
D. fruit
43. "Savor the nutty taste ... "
The word 'savor' means ....
A. dine
B. grab
C. enjoy
D. please
C.72 YG/SMP - 13 - TPPU/B. INGGRIS/20

This text is for questions number 44 to 46.

Indonesian-Style Collard Greens Curry

 1½ tsp. ground turmeric  2 tsp. sugar
 7 shallots, roughly chopped  1 tsp. kosher salt, plus more to taste
 4 cloves garlic, roughly chopped  1 (14-oz.) can unsweetened coconut milk
 2 red or green Thai chilies, minced  2 lb. collard greens, stemmed and cut cross-
 1 (3") piece ginger, peeled and thinly sliced wise into ½" -wide strips
 2 large fresh stalks lemongrass  Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
 3 tbsp. peanut oil
1. Combine turmeric, shallots, garlic, chilies, and ginger in a small food processor and purée,
adding up to 4 tbsp. water, to form a smooth paste; set aside. Trim the tip and root ends of
lemongrass stalks and remove tough outer layer. Using a meat mallet, smash lemongrass to
flatten and tie into a knot.
2. Heat oil in a 6-qt. pot over medium-low heat; add reserved paste and lemongrass; cook,
stirring often, until very fragrant, 10 - 12 minutes. Add sugar, salt, and coconut milk; bring to
a simmer over medium heat. Add collards; cook, stirring occasionally, until just tender, 40
minutes. Remove lemongrass; season with salt and pepper and serve warm.

44. What is the text about?

A. How to make curry green.
B. How to serve local dish.
C. How to prepare green curry.
D. How to cook vegetables curry.
45. When is the best time to add sugar, salt and coconut milk?
A. After adding collards.
B. After it smells good.
C. After removing lemongrass.
D. Before adding paste and lemongrass.
46. Who will benefit most from the text?
A. A father at home.
B. Professional Chefs.
C. Restaurant waiters.
D. A nutritionist.
This text is for question number 47.

Geralt : Did you watch the news?

Henry : What about?
Geralt : The virus outbreak in China.
Henry : Ah. I hope their government can solve the problem.
Geralt : I heard the antivirus has not been developed.
Henry : That's terrible. We can only hope things get better.

47. "I heard the antivirus has not been developed."

The sentence means ....
A. the antivirus is not available yet
B. the virus is not developing anymore
C. the antivirus is ready to use for public
D. there is no problem with the antivirus
C.72 YG/SMP - 14 - TPPU/B. INGGRIS/20
This text is for question number 48

Mr. Fachri : What a great job you've done! Congratulations, Joe! How do you feel now?
Vandro : This is unbelievable. Did I really beat him? God, this feels unreal.
Mr. Fachri : What are you talking about? You played so well on the match. I can't wait to watch
you shine as you enter the next exciting chapter in life!
Vandro : I'd never be able to do this without you, Coach. Thank you!
Mr. Fachri : Don't thank me. Now let's celebrate this!
Vandro : It's very kind of you

48. "I can't wait to watch you shine as you enter the next exciting chapter in life!"
What does the sentence mean?
A. Mr. Fachri hopes that Vandro will be more successful.
B. Mr. Fachri wants Vandro will reach a shining life.
C. Mr. Fachri and Vandro want to shine together.
D. Vandro will shine with an exciting life.
This text for questions numbers 49 and 50

A moonbow (also known as a lunar rainbow or white rainbow) is a rainbow produced by
moonlight rather than direct sunlight. Its formation is the same as the formation of a solar rainbow.
The difference is only in the light source. It is caused by the refraction of light in many water
droplets, such as a rain shower or a waterfall, and is always positioned in the opposite part of the
sky from the moon relative to the observer.
Moonbows are much fainter than solar rainbows, due to the smaller amount of light reflected
from the surface of the moon. Because the light is usually too faint to excite the cone color
receptors in human eyes, it is difficult for human eye to see colors in a moonbow. As a result,
a moonbow often appears to be white. However, the colors in a moonbow do appear in long
exposure photographs.
Moonbows are most easily viewed when the moon is at or nearest to its brightest phase full
moon. Since having the greatest prospect of appearing, the moon must be low in the sky (at an
elevation of less than 42 degrees, preferably lower) and must not be obscured by cloud. In
addition, the night sky must be very dark.

49. What is the intention of writing the text?

A. To describe the effect of observing moonbow directly.
B. To acknowledge the common facts of moonbow.
C. To show how moonbow differs from rainbow.
D. To explain the definition of moonbow.
50. On reading the text, students who are fond on learning about nature will probably ....
A. create an equipment to observe the natural phenomenon
B. look for information about another natural phenomenon
C. observe the phenomenon and write an article about it
D. plan to see the natural phenomenon if any


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