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C.71 YG/SMP -3- TPPU/B.


Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara menghitamkan bulatan (  ) pada huruf A, B, C
atau D pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!

This text is for questions number 1 and 2.

1. The notice is intended to ….

A. inform people to play football or soccer in the garden
B. prohibit people to enter the garden with their dog
C. tell visitors the rules of visiting the garden
D. invite people to visit the gardens at night

2. What will likely happen to a group of boys who are still there at dinner time?
A. They will be given an authority.
B. The guard will explain the rules to them.
C. They might be legally accused as criminals.
D. The authorized will fine them for breaking the rules.

This text is for questions number 3 to 6.

Lake Kaolin
Lake Kaolin, a man-made lake, turned from a mining ground holes, is located in Air Raya
Village, Tanjung Pandan, Belitung Regency. It offers you sand stretching from the east to the
west, all in a three hectares area of land.
At a glance, Kaolin is similar to the white crater of Ciwidey, Bandung. However, the water in
this lake is much clearer and brighter. When the weather is clear, tourists can see the reflection
of the clouds from the lake’s surface. The crystal-clear Kaolin water occurred as the bottom of
the lake is based on white color, added with the reflection of the sun. The white clouds moving
above have added the exoticism of the spot.
Anyone would barely be patient to swim when looking at the clear lake water. Unfortunately,
you cannot. The sand-based land in this location is quite fragile, as it easily erodes. Visitors
have to pay attention when they walk.
This artificial lake used to be a regular land turned white as it contains kaolinite. Due to
years of kaolinite mining, 2 to 10 meter holes were formed. The holes were then covered with
rain water, and a lake was formed. Water from Lake Kaolin is used by locals to shower. However,
the water is not drinkable because of its kaolinite exposure. The kaolinite powder itself is used as
a mixture for floors, ceramics and cosmetic ingredients.
3. The text mainly deals with ….
A. a natural lake near the area of koalinite mining
B. a hand - made lake, called Lake Koalin
C. a sandy area with a lake on it
D. a very proper lake to swim

4. What does the lake water looks like?

A. It’s much brighter than that of Ciwedey white crater.
B. It is so clear that it can be safely consumed.
C. It’s dark, reflecting the bottom of the lake.
D. It’s too cold to swim in.

5. The visitors can enjoy … in the lake.

A. very clear water, the sun reflection, and the moving of the cloud
B. swimming, kaolinite mining, and taking shower using the water
C. bright water, white sands, cloud reflection, and swimming
D. white sands, dark water, and cloud moving above water

6. The water from Lake Kaolin contains kaolinite … it is not drinkable.

A. but
B. and
C. so
D. if

This text is for questions number 7 and 8.

7. From the text, we know that ….

A. Fadli wants Marko to hold another event.
B. Marko made great efforts to be the champion.
C. Fadli congrats for Marko’s further achievement.
D. Marko becomes the champion in every match.

8. The phrase “thumbs up” in the card indicates that ….

A. Fadli appreciates Marko for his achievement
B. Fadli is very happy knowing Marko’s achievement
C. Marko is satisfied with the result of the achievement
D. Marko wants Fadli to get more and more achievement
This text is for questions number 9 to 13.

A Bowl of Noodles from a Stranger

That night, Sue quarreled with her mother, then stormed out of the house. While en route,
she remembered that she did not have any money in her pocket, even if just to make a phone
call home.
At the same time, she went through a noodle shop, picking up sweet fragrance, she suddenly
felt very hungry. She wished for a bowl of noodles, but she had no money!
The seller saw and offered her to eat a bowl.
“But … but I do not carry money …,” she shyly replied.
“Okay, I’ll treat you,” the seller said. A few minutes later he brought her a steaming bowl of
noodles. Suddenly Sue cried and when the seller asked her, she said that she was just touched
by his kindness!
“Even a stranger on the street gives me a bowl of noodles, and my mother, after a quarrel,
chased me out of the house. She is cruel!!
The seller sighed, “Girl, why did you think so? I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you felt
that way. Your mother had raised you since you were little, why were you not grateful and disobeyed
your mom?”
Sue was really surprised after hearing that. I should have felt more indebted to mother who
had raised me since I was little. On the way home, Sue thought in her head what she would say
to her mother when she arrives home : “Mom, I’m sorry. I know it is my fault, please forgive me …”
Once up the steps, Sue saw her mother worried and tired of looking for her everywhere.
Upon seeing Sue, while holding a cup of coffee, her mother gently said, “Sue, come inside
honey. You are probably very hungry? I’ve cooked and prepared the meal already, come eat
while it is still hot ….” Could not control any longer, Sue cried in her mom’s hands.
Adapted from:

9. What is the purpose of writing the text?

A. To tell the way how he loves his mother.
B. To express his gratitude to his beloved mother.
C. To show his high respect and love of his mother.
D. To differentiate his mother’s from the seller’s love.

10. Why did Sue cry after eating the noodle?

A. She remembered her mother’s cruelty.
B. She felt the seller’s generosity to her.
C. She was chased out of the house
D. She quarreled with her mother.

11. How did Sue’s mother react when she came home?
A. She suddenly cried out loud.
B. She could not control her anger.
C. She welcomed her daughter very well.
D. She told how tired she was searching for her.

12. “… I’ve cooked and prepared the meal already, come eat while it is still hot ….” (the last paragraph)
What does the word “it” refer to?
A. The honey.
B. The noodle.
C. The coffee.
D. The dinner.
13. The author of the story wants to highlight that parents love their kids ….
A. unconditionally
B. unchangeably
C. unbelievably
D. undoubtedly

This text is for questions number 14 and 15.

Our room is getting new carpeting!

We will be closed to receive this new carpet from Saturday, May 6th through Friday, May 19th
Any due dates that fall during this time will be extended to Monday, May 22nd.
We prefer that you return items before or after these closed days. If you need to use the
outside return drops, we understand.
We will still empty the drops daily.

14. The text announces that ….

A. the place will be reopened on Monday, May 22nd
B. there will be extension time for due dates
C. the service will be only for the drops
D. the place will be temporarily closed

15. The text is probably found at a ….

A. library
B. bookshop
C. laboratory
D. book expo

This text is for questions number 16 to 18.

The Camel and the Pig

A camel said, “Nothing like being tall and fit, how tall I am!” A pig, who heard these words,
said, “Nothing like being short and fit; look, how short I am!” The camel said, “Well, if I fail to
prove the truth of what I said, I shall give up my hump.” The pig said, “If I fail to prove the truth of
what I have said, I shall give up my snout.” “Agreed!” said the camel. “Just so!” said the pig.
They came to a garden. It was enclosed by a low wall without any opening. The camel stood
on this side the wall, and reaching the plants within by means of his long neck, made a breakfast
on them. Then he turned jeeringly to the pig, who had been standing at the bottom of the wall,
without even having a look at the good things in the garden, and said, “Now, would you be tall, or
Next they came to another garden. It was enclosed by a high wall, with a wicket gate at one
end. The pig entered by the gate, and, after having eaten his fill of the vegetables within, came
out, laughing at the camel who had had to stay outside because he was too tall to enter the
garden by the gate, and said, “Now, would you be tall, or short?”
Then they thought the matter over, and came to the conclusion that the camel should keep
his hump and the pig his snout, observing, “Tall is good where tall would do; of short, again, it’s
also true.”

16. The purpose of writing the text is to ….

A. teach the readers the meaning of humility
B. inform about the importance of cooperation
C. describe the difference between camel and pig
D. show how camel and pig cope with their weaknesses
17. Why did the pig laugh at the camel?
A. The pig was trying to underestimate the camel.
B. The pig felt satisfied after eating vegetable.
C. The camel wanted to be as short as the pig.
D. The camel could not eat the vegetable.

18. “Tall is good where tall would do; of short, again, it’s also true.” The phrase means ….
A. being tall is better than being short
B. all animals must behave as themselves
C. being either tall or short is not good choice
D. tall animal should substitute the short’s role

This text is for questions number 19 to 22.

James Watt was born in Greenock in 1736. He was not a healthy child and was educated at home
for most of his early years. His father was a carpenter and shipwright who set himself up in business as
a merchant and ship-owner. Watt liked to make models and repair nautical instruments in his father’s workshop.
In the late 1750s, Watt met Joseph Black, who then was Professor of Chemistry at Glasgow
University. The men became friends, and Watt provided model engines for Black to use in his lectures on
the properties of heat.
In 1765, Watt was struck by the idea that was to spark the Industrial Revolution. Walking in a park
near the Clyde, he suddenly realized how he could make the standard Newcomen steam engine more
efficient. He could use a separate chamber to condense steam without cooling the rest of the engine. And
he patented his steam engine condensing chamber in 1769.
In 1774, Watt started a business in Birmingham with investor Matthew Boulton to manufacture his
improved steam engine. The Boulton & Watt Company produced steam engines that could be used
anywhere, and demand for them was high. Watt and Boulton became leading figures in the Industrial Revolution.
Watt continued to make improvements to steam engines, and patented other important inventions,
such as the rotary engine and a steam locomotive.

19. What does the text mainly discuss?

A. A biography of the steam engine inventor.
B. A biography of a professor of chemistry.
C. A history of an industrial revolution.
D. A history of a steam engine.

20. How did James Watt spark the Industrial Revolution?

A. By patenting his invention.
B. By making a standard steam engine.
C. By making realizing the improvement of his engine.
D. By inventing an efficient steam engine with condensing chamber.

21. After reading the text, what can students learn from James Watt?
A. To be well known they have to make discoveries.
B. To be an inventor they should study at a university.
C. To get better success they should improve their performance
D. To make them famous they should make a high achievement.

22. “In 1765, Watt was struck by the idea that was to spark the Industrial Revolution.” (paragraph 3)
The word “spark” in the sentence has a closest meaning to ….
A. cause
B. make
C. result
D. bring
This text is for questions number 23 and 24.

Dear ARYA,
I borrow your new motorcycle at the moment to pick up my friend at railway station. I have told
Mother and she permitted. I promise that I will use it carefully. I will return it to you as soon as
I’m sorry for not informing before because you were sleeping.
Your brother,

23. What is the message mainly about?

A. Asking permission for borrowing something.
B. Picking up a friend at a railway station.
C. Informing someone to pick up a friend.
D. Asking for permission to mother.

24. Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.

… mother’s permission Ruru will not use Arya’s new motor cycle.
A. Because of
B. Without
C. From
D. By

This text is for questions number 25 and 26.

25. For what purpose is the label made?
A. To provide detailed information as user’s reference.
B. To make readers informed about the product benefit.
C. To persuade people to consume the product.
D. To describe the product based on the usage.

26. After reading the label, a mother of a two-year-old child will likely….
A. buy the product to cure her child from runny-nose
B. change her mind not to consume this product
C. ask a pediatrician before giving the product
D. decide not to give the product to her child

This text is for questions number 27 to 29.

Once upon a time, a grandmother and her granddaughter lived in Roti Island, Nusa Tenggara
Timur. They had a field and grew some vegetables. The grandmother sold them at the market.
On one morning, the grandmother would go to the market. Before she left, she asked her
granddaughter to cook. “Please cook some rice for lunch. But just cook one grain of rice. It’s
enough for both of us.”
“Why, Grandma?” asked the girl.
“Just do what I said!” said grandmother.
The grandmother then left for the market. Later, the girl started to cook. However, she felt a
grain of rice would not be enough for them.
“I think it’s not enough for me and my grandmother,” said the girl.
Then she took two handful of rice. Suddenly, something bad happened to the rice pot.”Oh
no! The rice flowed out of the pot!” shouted the girl.”What should I do?”
The rice became rice porridge. It flowed and flowed until it covered the kitchen. Suddenly,
the grandmother came home. The girl explained what happened.
“You are a naughty girl! Why didn’t you listen to me?” the grandmother was so angry.
She hit the girl with a wooden stick.
“Please forgive me, Grandma!” the little girl cried and cried.
But the grandmother kept hitting her. Then, an incredible thing happened! The girl turned
into a monkey. The monkey then ran away and climbed a tree. The grandmother chased the
From the tree, the monkey said. “Grandmother, I’m a monkey now. I cannot live with you
anymore. You are all alone.” Then the monkey climbed up and disappeared.
The grandmother was very sad. She regretted what she done to her beloved granddaughter.
“Please come back to me. Please forgive me, my granddaughter!” but it was too late.
Source :

27. The writer of the story probably would like to remind parents to ....
A. insist children on obeying what they ask them to do
B. give clear and logical instruction to children
C. avoid punishment in educating children
D. say sorry for mistakes they have done

28. When did the girl change into a monkey?

A. After she cooked a handful of rice.
B. Before her grandmother went to the market.
C. While the rice porridge flowed throughout the kitchen.
D. After being continuosly hit with a wooden stick by her grandmother.
C.71 YG/SMP - 10 - TPPU/B. INGGRIS/20
29. Arrange these words to make a meaningful sentence!
would – for – granddaughter – and – a grain of rice – not – the grandmother – enough – be – her
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. 5 –1 –6 – 9– 8– 2 –3 – 4– 10 – 7
B. 5 –1 –6 – 8– 9– 2 –7 – 4– 10 – 3
C. 5 –1 –6 – 9– 8– 4 –7 – 2– 10 – 3
D. 5 –1 –6 – 9– 8– 2 –7 – 4– 10 – 3

This text is for questions number 30 to 34.

Bornean orangutan populations have declined by more than 50% over the past 60 years,
and the species’ habitat has been reduced by at least 55% over the past 20 years.
Orangutans play a critical role in seed dispersal, keeping forests healthy. Over 500 plant
species have been recorded in their diet.
Orangutans are sometimes shot in retaliation when they move into agricultural areas, such
as oil palm plantation, and destroy crops. This occurs particularly in times of hardship when
orangutans can’t find the food they need in the forest.
A foundation concerning wildlife works with governments to help create and manage a
network of protected areas. This foundation also collaborates with certified logging concessions
to connect them with carefully managed “ecological corridors.” Studies show that Bornean
orangutans can survive in logged forests if the impact of logging is reduced through selective
logging, keeping fruit trees intact, and controlling hunting. It has developed scientifically rigorous
assessment tools and plans to manage orangutan landscapes. It engages with timber and palm
oil companies to develop specific protection and management plans for their concessions, in
order to mitigate negative impacts on habitats and orangutan populations.

30. The writer of the passage aims at ….

A. describing orangutan as the endangered animals
B. giving attention toward orangutan population
C. informing the role of orangutans in wildlife
D. showing the work of wildlife foundation

31. After reading the text we agree that ….

A. orangutans help forests to regenerate by spreading seeds across areas
B. in hardship time orangutans help farmers disperse seeds on the farms
C. the impact of logging can only be reduced through selective logging
D. a foundation works alone to mitigate negative impacts of illegal logging

32. In the last paragraph, the writer wants to express his idea that ….
A. government needs to conduct studies to protect orangutans
B. to save orangutans needs collaboration among related institutions
C. orangutans can stay alive in logged forests with complete fruit trees
D. researches must be conducted to unveil the impact of logging on orangutans

33. After reading the passage, a wildlife observer will likely ….

A. participate in the effort of stopping illegal logging
B. establish regulation to terminate controlled hunting
C. set a certain foundation to manage the protection effort
D. build a game reserve to give a new habitat for the species
C.71 YG/SMP - 11 - TPPU/B. INGGRIS/20
34. “It engages with timber and palm oil companies to ….” (paragraph 4)
What is the closest meaning to the word “engages”?
A. Accommodates.
B. Collaborates.
C. Renovates.
D. Recreates.

This text is for questions number 35 to 37.

How to Start Video Call on WeChat

1. Open WeChat. It’s green application with two white speech bubbles.
2. Tap “Contacts”. This icon is at the bottom of the screen.
3. Tap a contact’s name. Depending on how many WeChat contacts you have, you may need
to scroll down to find a correct one.
4. Tap “Messages”. It’s below your selected contact’s name in the middle of the screen. This
will take you to a conversation with that contact.
5. Tap “+”. It is the bottom – right corner of the screen.
6. Tap “VideoCall”. This icon, which resembles a video camera, is an option in the box at the
bottom of the screen.

35. What will happen if we tap “Messages”?

A. We will see the list of contacts we have.
B. The “VideoCall” menu will be on the screen.
C. Conversation with a certain contact will be ready.
D. The bottom of the screen will show us an icon to call.

36. What must we do before choosing the contact’s name?

A. Tap “Contacts”.
B. Tap “Messages”.
C. Tap “VideoCall”.
D. Tap “WeChat”.

37. … we have many contacts in our phone, we have to find a contact’s name by scrolling the list down.
A. When
B. Though
C. As
D. If

This text is for questions number 38 to 40.

SMP Dharma Praja Basket club opens recruitment for new members.
Those who are interested please come to the basket court on Wednesday and Saturday at
3 p.m. to do registration and join our practice.
For more information, please contact Fernando at 0857356872635

38. The topic of the text is about … for new member of the basket ball team.
A. the registration
B. the election
C. the voting
D. the choice
C.71 YG/SMP - 12 - TPPU/B. INGGRIS/20
39. The students who wants to join the program should ….
A. send an email to Fernando
B. phone the headmaster
C. dial 0857356882635
D. do the enrollment

40. Arrange these words to make a meaningful sentence.

do – students – to be – should – the registration – of basketball club – the new member 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 2 –4 –1 –3 – 7– 6– 5
B. 2 –4 –1 –7 – 3– 5– 6
C. 2 –4 –1 –5 – 3– 7– 6
D. 2 –4 –1 –3 – 5– 7– 6

This text is for questions number 41 to 43.

41. The product will be the interest of someone who ….

A. does a little exercise
B. has a strict diet program
C. suffers from serious obesity
D. needs nutritious healthy food

42. From the text we can conclude that the product ….

A. can be consumed right away
B. can be kept in room temperature
C. should be cooked before serving
D. should be cooked half-done before consumed

43. “All Natural entrees.”

The word “entrees” means ….
A. the main dish
B. refreshment
C. appetizer
D. dessert
C.71 YG/SMP - 13 - TPPU/B. INGGRIS/20
This text is for questions number 44 to 46.

This cake is a classic childhood cooking memory. Whether using lurid colors for a psychedelic
finish, or just chocolate and vanilla, it’s a teatime treat
Ingredients :
 225g butter, softened
 225g caster sugar
 4 eggs
 225g self-raising flour
 3 tbsp
 1 tsp vanilla extract
 2 tbsp cocoa powder

Method :
1. Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Grease a 20cm cake tin and line the bottom with a circle
of greaseproof paper.
2. If you want to make life easy, simply put 225g butter, 225g caster sugar, 4 eggs, 225g self-
raising flour, 3 tbsp milk and 1 tsp vanilla extract into a food processor and whizz for 1-2 mins
until smooth.
3. If you prefer to mix by hand, beat 225g butter and 225g caster sugar together, then add
4 eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition.
4. Fold through 225g self-raising flour, 3 tbsp milk and 1 tsp vanilla extract until the mixture is
5. Divide the mixture between 2 bowls. Stir 2 tbsp cocoa powder into the mixture in one of the
bowls. Take 2 spoons and use them to dollop the chocolate and vanilla cake mixes into the
tin alternately.
6. When all the mixture has been used up (and if young kids are doing this, you’ll need to
ensure the base of the tin is fairly evenly covered), tap the bottom on your work surface to
ensure that there aren’t any air bubbles.
7. Take a skewer and swirl it around the mixture in the tin a few times to create a marbled effect.
8. Bake the cake for 45-55 mins until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Turn
out onto a cooling rack and leave to cool. Will keep for 3 days in an airtight container or
freeze for up to 3 months.

44. What is the topic of the text?

A. A new method of making marble cake.
B. An introduction of marble cake.
C. The description of marble cake.
D. The way to make marble cake

45. Why should we check the air bubbles at the bottom?

A. To ensure that the cake is perfectly formed.
B. To spare the mixture before it is used up.
C. To give space when tapping the cake.
D. To make the surface flat.

46. Who will possibly be interested in reading the text?

A. Little kids.
B. Cake sellers.
C. Oven producers.
D. Cake ingredient supplier.
C.71 YG/SMP - 14 - TPPU/B. INGGRIS/20
This text is for question number 47.

Ernie : Do you bring your mobile phone?

Ella : I don’t bring it. Where is your mobile phone?
Ernie : … now. I brought it to the service centre last Monday.
Ella : I’m sorry to hear that. Have you got it back?
Ernie : Not yet. They will call me if they have fixed it.

47. A. It has been fixed

B. It had been fixed
C. It is being fixed
D. It was being fixed

This text is for question number 48.

Clara : Congratulations on your graduation! I'm really proud of you. And my most worthy expectation
that you will proceed with such achievement and will prevail in future life.
Rofiq : Thank you. You're the one who always made me believe I'd get to finish my study in 3.5 years.
And here I am today, I made it! Thank you.
Clara : We have to celebrate this.
Rofiq : Yes, we should. What about dinner? Are you free tonight?
Clara : That sounds great.
Rofiq : Alright, I'll see you at 7.

48. Clara says, “And my most worthy expectation that you will proceed with such achievement and will
prevail in future life”
What does the phrase “will prevail in future life” in the sentence mean?
A. To succeed for the next step of life.
B. To get best job after graduating.
C. To reach the best future.
D. To gain all the dreams.

The text is for questions number 49 and 50.

Fire rainbow or circumhorizontalarc is an optical phenomenon that belongs to the family of ice
halos. It is formed by the refraction of sun or moonlight in plate-shaped ice crystal suspended in the
atmosphere, especially in cirrus or cirrostratus clouds. In its full form, the arc has the appearance of a
large, brightly spectrum-coloured band (red being the topmost colour) running parallel to the horizon,
located far below the Sun or Moon.
Fire rainbow or circumhorizontal arc can be observed, depends on the location and the latitude of
the observer. In the United States it is a relatively common halo, seen several times each summer in any
one place. In contrast, it is a rare phenomenon in northern Europe for several reasons. Apart from the
presence of ice-containing clouds in the right position in the sky, the halo requires that the light source
(Sun or Moon) be very high in the sky, at an elevation of 58° or greater. This means that the solar variety
of the halo is impossible to see at locations north of 55°N or south of 55°S.

49. What is the intention of writing the text?

A. To describe the beauty of fire rainbow.
B. To present the common facts of fire rainbow.
C. To inform the effects of observing fire rainbow.
D. To remind readers not to observe fire rainbow directly.

50. Upon understanding the text, a science teacher will likely ….

A. create an equipment to observe the natural phenomenon
B. observe the phenomenon and use it as a teaching aid
C. look for information about other natural phenomena
D. plan to see the natural phenomenon

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