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In the name of ALLAH

which is most
Beneficent and most
Tery tukron pe paly
gher ke thokar pe na
Jhirkian khain kahan
chor ky sadqa tera…
 Administrator Aspect

1. Taking backup of the database

2. Editing/Deleting/Creating the database.

3. Adding or expelling Teacher

4. Expelling student

5. Changing the super password.

 Teacher Aspect

1. Logging into the system.

2. managing registrations of candidates

3. Adding the candidate to a group according to test dates

4. Create/Edit/Delete candidate test dates

5. Creating a test

6. Posting questions in the above test

7. Posting multiple options to respective question

8. Marking correct answer within the given options

9. Time limit of the test if any.

10. Whether to randomize the questions

11. Whether to randomize the options displayed

12. In practice mode the correct answer is shown immediately after the candidate
selects an option.

13. Set negative marks option for wrong answer

 Student Aspect:

1. Requesting registration

2. Logging into the system.

3. Edit user information.

4. Selecting the test date and center id.

5. Selecting whether the test to be taken in practice mode or exam mode.

6. Appearing for the examination.

7. Printing the result at the end of the examination.

8. Reviewing the given answers.

9. Changing password.

10. Resetting of forgotten password using mail id.

(1) Main page view
Testing system’s name label

Signup as tech button

Signup as student button

Signup as banker button

Login as tech button

Login as student button

Login as banker button

About us button

Feedback button

List of centers wd center id set of labels

test validation button

(Checking using registration numbers)

(2) Test validation view

Enter registration no

Validate button

Cancel button

(3) News view

Test dates news label

Result news label

Merit list news label

Top scorer news label

(4) Admin view

DB backup

DB control (editing/creating/deleting)

Add teacher

Expel teacher

Changing password

(5) Student sign up view

Student name

Father name



Mail id

User name


Confirm password

Contact number

Id card number

Test type

Fee slip #

Registration number std

Preferred center id

Metric gained marks

F.S.C gained marks

(6) Student’s view

Change Password

Repeater button

Edit name

Test Date

Test Time

Option to change test date to next test date (10 days before test)

Valid for institutes (list)

Center id????


Scoring Result (if test occurred)

Percentile (if test occurred)

Ranking in merit list (if test occurred)

Validate till….

(7) Student test view

Exam timer

Student registration no
Question no


Explanation (if needed)

Ans 1

Ans 2

Ans 3

Ans 4

Ans 5

Show image


Estimated time for question

(8) Student practice view

Student name

Random Question

Explanation (if needed)

Ans 1

Ans 2

Ans 3

Ans 4

Ans 5

Correct answers immediate after answering

Show image

(9) Teacher’s view

Change password

Prepare question paper

Add question

Remove question

(10) Teacher’s question adding view

Question no

Question type (as multiple choice, fill in the blanks, true & false)


Explanation (if needed)

Ans 1

Ans 2

Ans 3

Ans 4

Ans 5

Correct Ans

Question weight (marks)

(11) Teacher’s question removing/changing view

Question no



(12) Teacher’s paper preparation view

Question paper date
Question paper time

Add using Question no’s

Add using random from data base

(13) Student repeater view

New fee slip #

Test date

Center id

(14) Banker’s view

Fee slip #


Student name

Id card number


Center id

(1)Student’s registration Form
Student name

Father name



Mail id

User name


Confirm password
Contact number

Id card number


Test type

Fee slip #

Registration number std

Preferred center id

Metric gained marks

F.S.C gained marks

(2) Teacher’s registration Form

Subject type

Teacher’s name

Father name



Mail id

User name


Contact number

Id card number

Registration number teach

(3) Banker’s registration

Bank name

Branch code

Fee for center id

Mail id


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