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A long-acting vasopressin analog for septic shock: Brilliant idea or

dangerous folly?*

T his issue of Pediatric Critical pulmonary vascular resistance, whereas va- These two case reports on the use of
Care Medicine includes two sopressin does not cause pulmonary vaso- terlipressin for pediatric septic shock in
case reports regarding the constriction (6). this issue of Pediatric Critical Care Medi-
successful use of terlipressin Terlipressin has been extensively used cine are consistent with a small series in
for catecholamine-dependent and cate- and studied in adults with acute esopha- adult patients with septic shock: Ter-
cholamine-resistant septic shock in chil- geal variceal bleeding and the hepatore- lipressin can also increase the mean arterial
dren (1, 2). As a pediatric intensivist, my nal syndrome (9, 10). Although numer- pressure and decrease catecholamine re-
first question is, What is terlipressin? My ous pharmacological agents have been quirements; however, the vasoconstriction
next questions are, What are the advan- used for acute esophageal variceal bleed- can result in lower cardiac output (1, 2, 5).
tages and disadvantages of this agent, and ing, terlipressin is the only one shown to An 11-year-old child was demonstrated to
similar agents, in catecholamine-depen- reduce mortality rate compared with pla- be in hyperdynamic norepinephrine-depen-
dent and catecholamine-resistant septic cebo, with an impressive 34% relative dent vasodilatory septic shock (1). Intrave-
shock? Finally, do I have enough infor- risk reduction in mortality rate (3, 4). nous administration of 0.5 mg terlipressin
mation to decide whether I should use Terlipressin is well studied and com- (~0.14 mg/kg) promptly increased his sys-
the medication for my patients? monly used in adults throughout the temic vascular resistance, thereby allowing
Terlipressin (triglycyl lysine vasopres- world for this indication but is not pres- rapid weaning of his norepinephrine infu-
sin) is a long-acting vasopressin analog (3– ently available in the United States. sion. However, his cardiac index promptly
8). In part, it is a prodrug that is slowly Vasopressin and/or vasopressin ana- decreased. The duration of the vasocon-
cleaved in vivo to lysine vasopressin by logs may have a role in the treatment of strictor effect with each terlipressin bolus
endo- and exopeptidases in the liver and vasodilatory shock states, including sep- was ~6 hrs. The use of terlipressin in an
kidney over 4 – 6 hrs, thereby allowing pro- anuric 8-day-old neonate was especially
tic shock (5, 11–14). Plasma vasopressin
longed effects by intermittent intravenous bold (2). The baby improved while receiving
concentrations initially increase substan-
injections rather than continuous intrave-
tially with acute hemorrhage or sepsis 7 ␮g/kg of intravenous terlipressin every 12
nous infusion. However, it has some other hrs. To my knowledge, terlipressin pharma-
characteristics suggesting independent (11, 12). However, adults with vasodila-
cology had not been previously studied in
pharmacological effects. Vasopressin and tory hypotensive septic shock receiving
neonates. It is conceivable that differences
terlipressin stimulate vascular V1a recep- catecholamine infusions have low plasma
in neonatal hepatic function could result in
tors and renal tubular V2 receptors result- vasopressin concentrations (i.e., relative
substantial pharmacokinetic differences. It
ing in vasoconstriction and renal free water vasopressin deficiency), although the
is somewhat reassuring that terlipressin
reabsorption, respectively. Terlipressin has concentrations are not low enough to
had been used extensively in adults with
relatively higher affinity for the vascular precipitate diabetes insipidus (11). The hepatorenal syndrome and acute gastroin-
V1a receptor and lower affinity to the V2 low plasma vasopressin concentrations in testinal hemorrhage associated with portal
receptor than vasopressin (7). In addition, vasodilatory septic shock are generally at- hypertension and severe hepatic dysfunc-
terlipressin does not appear to increase fi- tributed to a hormonal deficiency syn- tion and that adverse effects seemed to be
brinolytic activity, whereas vasopressin drome due to neurohypophysial vasopres- rare (3, 4, 9, 10).
does (8). Because of the interplay between sin depletion or depressed release. The use of terlipressin for hyperdynamic
the coagulation/fibrinolytic systems and Interestingly, these patients have hyper- vasodilatory septic shock is intriguing.
the inflammatory system, these differential sensitive vasopressor responses to vaso- However, most children in septic shock
effects on fibrinolytic activity may be perti- pressin infusions. Although vasopressin have hypodynamic cardiac function with
nent for treatment of septic shock. Both infusions of 0.2–2 units/min rarely affect high systemic vascular resistance (15, 16).
vasopressin and terlipressin increase left the blood pressure in adults with gastro- In this setting, a vasoconstrictor may fur-
ventricular afterload and decrease splanch- intestinal hemorrhage (or in normal sub- ther impede myocardial function and de-
nic blood flow. In an endotoxemic sheep jects), low-dose infusions of 0.01– 0.07 crease tissue perfusion. Moreover, the well-
model, terlipressin resulted in increased units/min substantially increase the mean known decrease in splanchnic perfusion
arterial pressure and decrease catechol- with both vasopressin and terlipressin is
amine requirements in patients with vaso- worrisome; splanchnic ischemia is associ-
*See also pages 112 and 116. dilatory septic shock (11-13). This hyper- ated with continued systemic inflammatory
Keywords: terlipressin; vasopressin; septic shock; sensitivity to the pressor action of
vasodilatory shock; catecholamines; pediatric; child;
response syndrome and multiple-organ
infant vasopressin has also been observed in other system failure. In addition, children in sep-
Copyright © 2004 by the Society of Critical Care vasodilatory shock states (e.g., late-phase tic shock often change hemodynamic pro-
Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Inten- hemorrhagic shock, severe heart failure files (15, 16). For example, a child with
sive and Critical Care Societies treated with a ventricular assist device, and vasodilatory shock at one moment may
DOI: 10.1097/01.PCC.0000121301.62216.0D postcardiopulmonary bypass) (11–14). transform to a hypodynamic shock with

188 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2

high systemic vascular resistance as the shock. They also highlight the need for tide, compared with terlipressin and vaso-
disease progresses. A long-acting drug like delineation of terlipressin pharmacology pressin on systemic and splanchnic hemody-
terlipressin cannot be easily titrated as the in neonates, infants, and other young namics in a rat model of portal hypertension.
disease process changes. This inflexibility is children. Finally, the time has come for Hepatology 1998; 27:351–356
potentially quite problematic. further studies of low-dose vasopressin 8. Douglas JG, Forrest JA, Prowse CV, et al:
Do I have enough information to decide and/or terlipressin hormonal replace- Effects of lysine vasopressin and glypressin
if and when I should use terlipressin in my ment therapy for catecholamine-resistant on the fibrinolytic system in cirrhosis. Gut
patients (if it were available in the United vasodilatory septic shock and other vaso- 1979; 20:565–567
States)? Because there are abundant adult dilatory shock states in children. 9. Solanki P, Chawla A, Garg R, et al: Beneficial
data indicating that terlipressin is a safe Robert A. Berg, MD effects of terlipressin in hepatorenal syn-
and effective agent for the treatment of The University of Arizona drome: A prospective, randomized placebo-
acute esophageal variceal bleeding, I be- controlled clinical trial. J Gastroenterol
Steele Memorial Children’s
lieve there is sufficient information to use Hepatol 2003; 18:152–156
Research Center
10. Colle I, Durand F, Pessione F, et al: Clinical
terlipressin for adolescents with this dis- Tucson, AZ course, predictive factors and prognosis in
ease process. In contrast, the data are less
patients with cirrhosis and type 1 hepatore-
convincing for septic shock. At this time, REFERENCES
nal syndrome treated with Terlipressin: A
the concept of low-dose vasopressin “hor-
1. Peters MJ, Booth RA, Petros AJ. Terlipressin retrospective analysis. J Gastroenterol Hepa-
monal replacement” therapy for cate-
bolus induces systemic vasoconstriction in tol 2002; 17:882– 888
cholamine-resistant vasodilatory shock or septic shock. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004; 11. Landry DW, Levin HR, Gallant EM, et al:
for decreasing high-dose catecholamine us- 5:112–115 Vasopressin deficiency contributes to the va-
age in catecholamine-dependent vasodila- 2. Matok I, Leibovitch L, Vardi A, et al: Terlip- sodilation of septic shock. Circulation 1997;
tory shock is alluring. However, there is no ressin as rescue therapy for intractable hypo- 95:1122–1125
evidence that the hemodynamic benefits tension during neonatal septic shock. Pedi- 12. Robin JK, Oliver JA, Landry DW: Vasopressin
translate into better outcomes. Moreover, atr Crit Care Med 2004; 5:116 –118
deficiency in the syndrome of irreversible
the potential decreases in splanchnic flow 3. Ioannou GN, Doust J, Rockey DC: Systematic
shock. J Trauma 2003; 54:S149 –S154
and myocardial function are concerning. A review: Terlipressin in acute oesophageal
13. Tsuneyoshi I, Boyle WA. Vasopressin: New
long-acting agent like terlipressin may be variceal haemorrhage. Aliment Pharmacol
uses for an old drug. Contemp Crit Care
inherently more dangerous during septic Ther 2003; 17:53– 64
2003; 1:1–11
shock, especially for children with their un- 4. Ioannou G, Doust J, Rockey DC: Terlipressin
for acute esophageal variceal hemorrhage. Co- 14. Morales DL, Garrido MJ, Madigan JD, et al: A
predictable and rapidly changing hemody- double-blind randomized trial: Prophylactic
chrane Database Syst Rev 2003;1(CD002147)
namic profiles. Finally, I would prefer more vasopressin reduces hypotension after car-
5. O’Brien A, Clapp L, Singer M: Terlipressin for
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic diopulmonary bypass. Ann Thorac Surg
norepinephrine-resistant septic shock. Lan-
information in neonates and young chil- cet 2002; 359:1209 –1210 2003; 75:926 –930
dren before adding terlipressin to my thera- 6. Westphal M, Stubbe H, Sielenkämper AW, et 15. Carcillo JA, Fields AI: Clinical practice pa-
peutic armamentarium in these age groups. al: Terlipressin dose response in healthy and rameters for hemodynamic support of pedi-
These two case reports highlight the endotoxemic sheep: Impact on cardiopulmo- atric and neonatal patients in septic shock.
potential benefits of terlipressin, a long- nary performance and global oxygen trans- Crit Care Med 2002; 30:1365–1378
acting vasopressin analog, for cate- port. Intensive Care Med 2003; 29:301–308 16. Ceneviva G, Paschall JA, Maffei F, et al: He-
cholamine-dependent and/or catechol- 7. Bernadich C, Bandi JC, Melin P, et al: Effects modynamic support in fluid-refractory pedi-
amine-resistant vasodilatory septic of F-180, a new selective vasoconstrictor pep- atric septic shock. Pediatrics 1998; 102:e19

Pediatric patient safety: Identification and characterization of

adverse events, adverse drug events, and medical error*

A dverse events involving pa- injury resulting from a medical interven- make patient safety and the reduction of
tients, particularly the criti- tion or the “the failure to complete a adverse events an issue of highest priority
cally ill and medically fragile, planned action as intended or the use of a (3).
occur at an alarming frequency wrong plan to achieve an aim” (1, 2). The According to a national poll conducted
(1, 2). An adverse event is defined as an goal of all thoughtful and conscientious by the National Patient Safety Founda-
caregivers is to provide the best care pos-
tion, nearly half of respondents, includ-
sible without exposing patients to addi-
*See also pages 119 nd 124. tional harm and suffering by experienc- ing physicians (35%) and members of the
Key Words: medical error; adverse drug event;
ing an adverse event. Unfortunately, public (42%), reported errors in their
medication errors; patient safety; pediatrics; pediatric own or a family member’s medical care.
intensive care unit; neonatal intensive care unit adverse events are a substantial safety
Copyright © 2004 by the Society of Critical Care concern in health care. The increasing Almost a third (32%) of the respondents
Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Inten- complexity in patient care, as well as the indicated that the error had a permanent
sive and Critical Care Societies public’s increasing scrutiny of the health negative effect on the patient’s health (4).
DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000113928.24594.94 care system, underscores the need to Advances are being made to improve sur-

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2 189

veillance of medical errors and occur- The HCUP database also is limited to hos- low severity at baseline. Previous studies
rence of patient harm (5–7). Identifying pitalized patients who survive to discharge have found comparably low rates of pre-
and characterizing adverse events and and does not include medication errors ventable adverse drug events (17).
medical errors comprise a necessary first (18). In the Kanter study of premature ne- Dr. Cimino and colleagues (11) ad-
step to effectively target efforts to de- onates, a limitation of the HCUP database is dress the lack of measurement standards
crease the risk of adverse events to our its inability to discriminate between ad- or a consistent benchmark for adverse
patients (8, 9). Current efforts to enhance verse events due to medical care and events drug events by demonstrating the useful-
patient safety must include progress in due to birth trauma (10). Birth trauma has ness of a generalizable method employed
the capture and characterization of ad- been reported to be at a frequency of 1.5 to identify, document, and analyze pre-
verse events, the occurrence of harm, and cases per 100 births (18). Strengths in us- scribing errors across a broad range of
the degree of preventability of harm. No- ing HCUP include ready availability, low PICUs. The technique is labor intensive
where is this more important than in the cost, and coverage of large populations but yielded consistent results across the
pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). (15). PICUs and correlated with other pub-
In this month’s issue of Pediatric Crit- The study by Dr. Kanter and col- lished studies (17). This method of ana-
ical Care Medicine, two groups of re- leagues (10) contributes to the develop- lyzing prescribing errors captures error
searchers have tackled this challenging ing field of patient safety by providing a and harm associated with medication
task (10, 11). In 1984, the rate of adverse descriptive epidemiology of medical er- use. However, there was considerable
events among newborns in New York rors in the population of premature new- variation in the methods used to reduce
State was 1.4 in 100 hospitalizations with borns sampled from a diverse range of error rates, and the study design did not
an associated 20.8% rate of negligence hospital settings. Despite the limitations allow for testing of any specific interven-
(12). Nearly 20 yrs later, Dr. Kanter and of administrative databases, the findings tion. In addition, there was the puzzling
colleagues (10) have found very little of Dr. Kanter and colleagues are likely to finding of two institutions reporting an
progress. Their study determined the rate be generalizable to the national popula- increase in identified prescribing errors.
and characteristics of hospital-reported tion of premature infants given the large One of the most important aspects of this
medical errors involving premature neo- data set and representative sampling of study was the establishment of a baseline
nates (n ⫽ 824). They reported a national hospitals in the HCUP database. rate for medication prescribing errors,
medical error rate of 1.2 per 100 dis- The next step in creating a safe envi- thus providing a benchmark for other
charges using the Healthcare Cost and ronment is the development of targeted PICUs.
Utilization Project (HCUP) 1997 dis- patient safety interventions. The second The published literature focusing on
charge database. This national adminis- patient safety-related article in this issue the occurrence of medical errors in pedi-
trative database represents discharges focuses on adverse drug events occurring atrics is limited and concludes that hos-
from nearly 900 hospitals, consisting of in the PICU. Dr. Cimino and colleagues pitalized children experience significant
the International Classification of Diseas- (11) successfully developed a method to numbers of adverse medical events (17,
es-9 discharge diagnosis of 996 –999 for assess the rate of prescribing errors in 18). The authors of these two articles
medical error (10). nine freestanding PICUs. Dr. Cimino and have taken an important step to advance
HCUP is a family of health care data- colleagues identified medication errors the understanding of the incidence and
bases and related software tools devel- prospectively for categorization and eval- character of medical errors and adverse
oped through a federal-state-industry uation, and they assessed the impact of events occurring in hospitalized children.
partnership and sponsored by the Agency initiatives to reduce medication error se- The first step in designing a health care
for Healthcare Research and Quality (13). verity and rates. The main goal of the system to prevent medical injury is to
In a previous study, Slonim et al. used the study was to assess the overall rate of identify errors and their pattern of occur-
same database and methods and identi- prescribing errors in nine PICUs partici- rence within delivery systems to reduce
fied 1.81–2.96 medical errors per 100 dis- pating in Child Health Accountability Ini- the likelihood of adverse events (3). Re-
charges of pediatric hospitalized patients tiative (CHAI) network (19) and to test ducing the rate of medical errors and
(14). Adult studies of medical errors have the effectiveness of a variety of hospital- adverse events experienced by our pa-
ranged from 3.7 to 16.6 adverse events specific interventions to reduce medica- tients should be one of the main goals of
per 100 admissions (12, 15, 16). There are tion-associated adverse events (11). providing optimal health care for children.
many strengths and limitations to admin- Using a pretest, posttest design, Gitte Larsen, MD
istrative databases. One concern is the 12,026 PICU medication orders at base- Mary Jo C. Grant, PNP, PhD
underrecognition and underreporting of line and 9,187 orders postintervention Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
adverse events (1, 17, 18). Miller et al. were evaluated for prescribing errors, ex- Primary Children’s Medical Center
cited significant underreporting of pa- cluding resuscitation orders. Medication University of Utah
tient safety events as a limitation in their errors were defined as errors in drug or- Salt Lake City, UT
study using the 1997 HCUP database dering, transcribing, dispensing, admin-
(18). Although existing administrative da- istering, or monitoring. Adverse drug REFERENCES
tabases can reasonably be used to define the events are injuries that result from the
1. Institute of Medicine: To Err Is Human:
epidemiology of adverse events and medical use of a drug. The authors found a 31%
Building a Safer Health System. National
errors as done by Dr. Kanter and colleagues reduction (11.1–7.6% of orders) in pre- Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2000
(10), the data provide limited clinical infor- scribing errors. Preventable adverse drug 2. Committee on Quality of Health Care in
mation, little insight into timing of events, events were uncommon (0.13% of all America. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New
and no ability to assess causality, and they medication errors at baseline, 0.03% dur- Health System for the 21st Century. National
probably result in underreporting (14, 18). ing the postintervention period) and of Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2001

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of patient safety in pediatrics. Pediatrics safety efforts should focus on medical inju- 24, 2003
2001; 107:1473–1475 ries. JAMA 2002; 287:1993–1997 14. Slonim AD, LaFleu BJ, Ahmed W, et al: Hos-
4. Blendon RJ, DesRoches CM, Brodie M, et al: 9. McNutt RA, Abrams R, Aron DC: Patient pital-reported medical errors in children. Pe-
Views of practicing physicians and the public safety efforts should focus on medical errors. diatrics 2003; 111:617– 621
on medical errors. N Engl J Med 2002; 347: JAMA 2002; 287:1997–2001 15. Weingart SN, Iezzoni LI: Looking for medical
1933–1940 10. Kanter DE, Turenne W, Slonim AD: Hospital- injuries where the light is bright. JAMA 2003;
5. Barach P, Small SD: Reporting and prevent- reported medical errors in premature neo- 290:1917–199
nates. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004; 5:119–123 16. Wilson RM, Runciman WB, Gibberd RW, et
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Mechanical ventilation of the intubated asthmatic: How much do

we really know?*

I n this issue of Pediatric Critical mention the specific modes of ventilation the frequency of intubation in these pa-
Care Medicine, Dr. Sarnaik and used in the patients reported (7). Case tients is very different in different cen-
colleagues (1) review their 5-yr ex- reports of the use of pressure support (8), ters. Roberts et al. (14) previously showed
perience using pressure-con- noninvasive ventilation (9, 10), and high- that the approach of the pediatric critical
trolled ventilation in pediatric patients frequency oscillatory ventilation (11) care community varies widely with re-
with status asthmaticus and respiratory suggest that physicians are using many of spect to frequency of the use of invasive
failure. Although this is a retrospective the numerous modes available on today’s monitoring, blood gas determination,
review, the patients undergoing mechan- sophisticated ventilators. This phenome- and use of mechanical ventilation. Some
ical ventilation were treated by a prede- non probably indicates a lack of content- centers were classified as “high-use”
termined protocol. The 40 patients, who ment with the traditional approach to (⬎20% of admitted patients with status
underwent 51 episodes of mechanical mechanically ventilating these critically asthmaticus went on to intubation) and
ventilation, had a low incidence of baro- ill patients and the continual search for a patients at these centers had a more than
trauma and no mortality, despite the in- better way. There have been previous two-fold higher risk of intubation, after
vestigators’ efforts at achieving and main- suggestions in the literature that pres- adjustment for severity of illness, than
taining normal Pa CO 2 levels in the sure control may be a rational alternative patients at “low-use” institutions (where
patients. to volume control (12, 13), but Dr. Sar- ⬍20% of their patients with status asth-
The authors indicate that pressure- naik and colleagues (1) are the first to maticus were intubated). Patients at
controlled ventilation may represent a demonstrate its safety and effectiveness high-use centers had a longer pediatric
safe alternative to the “traditional” mode in a relatively large group of patients. intensive care unit and hospital length of
used in these patients, which the authors How likely is it that the data presented stay than patients at the low-use centers,
believe to be volume-controlled ventila- in Dr. Sarnaik and colleagues’ article will but mortality rates were not different be-
tion. Although volume-controlled venti- be applicable to the practice of the read- tween the two types of centers. In Roberts
lation may be the most commonly used ers of this journal? To answer that ques- et al.’s (14) database interrogation study,
mode in reported series in children (2, 3) tion, one would need to know the preva- the overall rate of intubation and me-
and adults (4 – 6), some series do not lent approach to status asthmaticus in chanical ventilation for status asthmati-
pediatric intensive care units across the cus was 17%, but the incidence ranged
nation or throughout the world. At this from a low of 3% to a high of 46%.
*See also p. 133. point, it is impossible to state what the Twenty percent of the patients cared
Key Words: pressure-controlled ventilation; status
asthmaticus; respiratory failure
standard is for initiating mechanical ven- for by Dr. Sarnaik and colleagues (1) re-
Copyright © 2004 by the Society of Critical Care tilation in critically ill pediatric patients ceived mechanical ventilation, putting
Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Inten- with status asthmaticus, let alone to their center at the breakpoint between
sive and Critical Care Societies know what the standard approach is once the high- and low-use centers described
DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000113929.14813.51 the patients are intubated. We know that by Roberts et al. (14). What does this tell

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2 191

us about the practice of this group of terbutaline. These are all agents that have 4. Mutlu GM, Factor P, Schwartz DE, et al:
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thesia. Crit Care Med 2002; 30:477– 480
ratory acidosis, but 22% were intubated these adjunctive measures may have af-
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This latter group of patients proves prob- sented. for status asthmaticus. Chest 2001; 120:
lematic in its evaluation and emphasizes The use of inhaled ipatropium, al- 1616 –1621
the subjective nature of our approach to though recommended by both National 6. Georgopoulos D, Kondili E, Prinianakis G:
this disease. It therefore makes it even Institutes of Health panels (16, 17), was How to set the ventilator in asthma. Monaldi
more difficult to compare the reported only used in 47% of the patients. The Arch Chest Dis 2000; 55:74 – 83
population to that in other intensive care reasons for this variation are not clear, 7. Malmstrom K, Kaila M, Korhonen K, et al:
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article to other reported series of patients Does this article prove the safety of pres- vere asthma. Pediatr Pulmonol 2001; 31:
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Despite these problems, the strength of children with status asthmaticus? No. It
children with severe asthma. Crit Care Med
the current research lies in the nature of suggests that in the hands of this particular 1996; 24:1603–1605
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ratory failure. Once intubated, the peak in- population, pressure-controlled ventilation Non-invasive mechanical ventilation in sta-
spiratory pressure was adjusted in a tightly has been successful. It does not preclude tus asthmaticus. Intensive Care Med 2001;
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values as quickly as possible. When ready other people’s hands. It does not address 10. Meduri GU, Cook TR, Turner RE, et al:
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for medical therapies to work, without re- in status asthmaticus. Chest 1996; 110:
variety of ways, clearly at the discretion of
the treating physician. The median length sorting to mechanical ventilation. As pedi-
11. Duval EL, van Vught AJ: Status asthmati-
of mechanical ventilation was 29 hrs, com- atric critical care practitioners read this ar-
cus treated by high-frequency oscillatory
paring favorably with previous reports in ticle, they should compare the results to ventilation. Pediatr Pulmonol 2000; 30:
children (2) and adults (5, 15). There was their own practice and consider letting the 350 –353
no mortality, and the incidence of baro- rest of the world know how they care for 12. Werner HA: Status asthmaticus in children.
trauma was low, in most cases predating such patients in their own institutions. Addi- A review. Chest 2001; 119:1913–1929
the initiation of mechanical ventilation. tional reports of well-described approaches to 13. Lopez-Herce J, Gari M, Bustinza A, et al: To
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treatment of asthma, many patients re-
lation in children with status asthmaticus. 1991
ceive nonstandard care. In the population Pediatr Pulmonol 1991; 11:120 –126 17. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute:
presented by Dr. Sarnaik and colleagues 3. Abd-Allah SA, Rogers MS, Terry M, et al: The Expert Panel Report 2: Guidelines for
(1), a varying percentage of patients were Helium-oxygen therapy for pediatric acute the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma.
treated with heliox, isoproterenol, the- severe asthma requiring mechanical ventila- Bethesda, MD, National Institutes of Health,
ophylline, magnesium, ketamine, and tion. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2003; 4:353–357 1997

192 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2

Don’t forget the “single chromosome polymorphism”: A need for
gender-stratification in pediatric patients?*

A ppropriately, a recent flurry of many of the beneficial effects seen in fe- As with previous studies, Dr. Morrison
clinical study has been directed males are attributed to the influence of and colleagues (5) found that younger
toward genetic associations and sex hormones. Estrogen has been shown age was a significant risk factor for death
disease (1). With ⬎1 million to preserve cerebral blood flow after TBI after TBI (9). This may be related to the
genetic polymorphisms (2), this becomes of in rats, and endogenous and injected pro- predominance of inflicted trauma (child
clear significance given that many future gesterone reduced cerebral edema in fe- abuse) in infants and toddlers. These pa-
therapies are likely to be genotype-directed male rats after TBI (7, 8). Indeed, a clin- tients often present for medical care after
and many studies genotype-stratified. The ical trial in adult patients using a significant time delay after injury and
simplest polymorphism is referred to as a progesterone as a neuroprotective agent perhaps after repeated insults, and they
single nucleotide polymorphism. These after TBI is underway. have notoriously poor outcomes com-
genetic polymorphisms can significantly Not discounting an important role for pared with TBI due to noninflicted (acci-
influence susceptibility and/or outcome in sex hormones in the pathophysiology and dental) trauma (17). Thus, the presence
manydiseasestates,forinstance,theapolipo- of inflicted TBI in the younger age group
outcome after TBI, it remains possible, or
protein E allele, which is important in may have contributed to the higher mor-
even likely, that innate, sex hormone-
Alzheimer’s disease (3) and traumatic brain tality rate. Biochemical differences also
independent gender effects also contrib-
injury (TBI) (4). In this issue of Pediatric exist in these two patient populations
Critical Care Medicine, Dr. Morrison and ute. This may be of particular importance (18 –20).
colleagues (5) attempt to determine in terms of TBI patients outside of the Although the study by Dr. Morrison
whether there is an association between reproductive years (i.e., children and the and colleagues (5) disproved their origi-
a much more common “polymorphism” elderly), when the influence of circulat- nal hypothesis that boys would fare worse
after TBI, namely the Y-chromosome. ing sex hormones is less dominant. In- than girls after TBI, this and other pedi-
TBI is unarguably a major public deed, these age-group subpopulations are atric studies support the notion that the
health problem in the United States, il- known to have unfavorable outcomes af- influence of gender should be considered
lustrated by the fact that TBI is the lead- ter TBI (9, 10). Furthermore, boys are in the study design, clinical management,
ing cause of death and disability in in- believed to have poorer memory function and outcome assessment in pediatric in-
fants and children. Among children aged (11) and a higher incidence of neuropsy- tensive care unit patients. Just as futur-
0 –14 yrs in the United States, there are chiatric sequelae (12) than girls after TBI. istic approaches to intensive care unit
3,000 deaths, 29,000 hospitalizations, and This issue’s report by Dr. Morrison medicine will likely include genotype-
400,000 emergency department visits an- and colleagues (5) is important because it and phenotype-specific management and
nually associated with TBI (6). Studies attempts to correlate gender and age with therapy, perhaps present-day approaches
have shown that the highest pediatric age intensive care unit length of stay, hospi- to intensive care unit medicine should
incidence of TBI is among persons aged tal length of stay, survival, and neuro- begin to identify pathologic processes re-
15–24 yrs followed by ages 5 and logic outcome after TBI in a pediatric quiring gender-, age-, and mechanism-
younger, and males are more than twice population. Importantly, it begins to di- specific treatment.
as likely as females to become victims of rect our attention to the possible need for Ericka L. Fink, MD
TBI. Current understanding suggests “gender-stratification” in terms of treat- Robert S. B. Clark, MD
that being of female gender (XX) imparts ment and study design in pediatric pa- University of Pittsburgh School of
a degree of protection from the sequelae tients with acute brain injury cared for in Medicine and Children’s
of TBI compared with male gender (XY). our pediatric intensive care units. In con- Hospital of Pittsburgh
This experimental evidence is based en- Pittsburgh, PA
trast to the previously mentioned studies
tirely on carefully controlled studies in
(11, 12), there was no gender difference
reproductive-aged animals using hor- REFERENCES
in neurologic outcome in the current
mone replacement therapy, and as such
study by Dr. Morrison and colleagues (5). 1. Ioannidis JP, Trikalinos TA, Ntzani EE, et al:
There was, however, a shorter intensive Genetic associations in large versus small
care unit length of stay for boys vs. girls. studies: An empirical assessment. Lancet
*See also p. 145. The impact of gender in pediatric inten- 2003; 361:567–571
Key Words: child abuse; gender; head injury; pe- 2. Sachidanandam R, Weissman D, Schmidt
sive care unit patient populations extends
diatric; sex hormones; traumatic brain injury SC, et al: A map of human genome sequence
Copyright © 2004 by the Society of Critical Care beyond TBI, as gender differences are variation containing 1.42 million single nu-
Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Inten- seen in either outcomes or responses to cleotide polymorphisms. Nature 2001; 409:
sive and Critical Care Societies therapy in children with stroke (13), pre- 928 –933
DOI: 10.1097/01.PCC.0000115621.73210.B9 maturity (14), and cancer (15,16). 3. Fallin D, Cohen A, Essioux L, et al: Genetic

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2 193

analysis of case/control data using estimated the traumatic coma data bank. Neurosurgery come of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in
haplotype frequencies: Application to APOE 1992; 31:435– 444 children with AL90 regimen: Impact of re-
locus variation and Alzheimer’s disease. Ge- 10. Susman M, DiRusso SM, Sullivan T, et al: sponse to treatment and sex difference on
nome Res 2001; 11:143–151 Traumatic brain injury in the elderly: In- prognostic factors. Med Pediatr Oncol 2001;
4. Crawford FC, Vanderploeg RD, Freeman MJ, creased mortality and worse functional out- 37:10 –19
et al: APOE genotype influences acquisition come at discharge despite lower injury sever- 17. Duhaime AC, Christian CW, Rorke LB, et al:
and recall following traumatic brain injury. ity. J Trauma 2002; 53:219 –223 Nonaccidental head injury in infants—the
Neurology 2002; 58:1115–1118 11. Donders J, Hoffman NM: Gender differences “shaken-baby syndrome.” N Engl J Med 1998;
5. Morrison WE, Arbelaez JJ, Fackler JC, et al: in learning and memory after pediatric trau- 338:1822–1829
Gender and age effects on outcome after pe- matic brain injury. Neuropsychology 2002; 18. Kochanek PM, Clark RS, Ruppel RA, et al:
16:491– 499 Biochemical, cellular, and molecular mech-
diatric traumatic brain injury. Pediatr Crit
12. Poggi G, Liscio M, Adduci A, et al: Neuropsy- anisms in the evolution of secondary damage
Care Med 2004; 5:145–151
chiatric sequelae in TBI: A comparison after severe traumatic brain injury in infants
6. Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States:
across different age groups. Brain Injury and children: Lessons learned from the bed-
Assessing Outcomes in Children. Atlanta,
2003; 17:835– 846 side. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2000; 1:4 –19
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
13. Hurvitz EA, Beale L, Ried S, et al: Functional 19. Clark RS, Kochanek PM, Adelson PD, et al:
2000 outcome of paediatric stroke survivors. Pedi- Increases in bcl-2 protein in cerebrospinal
7. Roof RL, Hall ED: Estrogen-related gender atr Rehabil 1999; 3:43–51 fluid and evidence for programmed cell
difference in survival rate and cortical blood 14. Hindmarsh GJ, O’Callaghan MJ, Mohay HA, death in infants and children after severe
flow after impact-acceleration head injury in et al: Gender differences in cognitive abilities traumatic brain injury. J Pediatr 2000; 137:
rats. J Neurotrauma 2000; 17:1155–1169 at 2 years in ELBW infants. Extremely low 197–204
8. Roof RL, Hoffman SW, Stein DG: Progester- birth weight. Early Hum Dev 2000; 60: 20. Ruppel RA, Kochanek PM, Adelson PD, et al:
one protects against lipid peroxidation fol- 115–122 Excitatory amino acid concentrations in ven-
lowing traumatic brain injury in rats. Mol 15. Weil MD, Lamborn K, Edwards MS, et al: tricular cerebrospinal fluid after severe trau-
Chem Neuropathol 1997; 31:1–11 Influence of a child’s sex on medulloblas- matic brain injury in infants and children:
9. Levin HS, Aldrich EF, Saydjari C, et al: Se- toma outcome. JAMA 1998; 279:1474 –1476 The role of child abuse. J Pediatr 2001; 138:
vere head injury in children: Experience of 16. Ishii E, Eguchi H, Matsuzaki A, et al: Out- 18 –25

Incidence and risk factors for oropharyngeal aspiration in

mechanically ventilated infants and children*

M echanically ventilated in- The wide range in reported incidence is from the dye method correlate with those
fants and children are at likely due to differences in the methods from established diagnostic methods to
risk for aspiration of oro- used to detect aspiration and in the pop- detect aspiration. To the contrary, how-
pharyngeal and gastric ulations studied. In this issue of Pediatric ever, there are data to show that the dye
contents into their tracheobronchial tree. Critical Care Medicine, Dr. Amantea and method lacks sensitivity. For example,
Although aspiration can be clinically si- colleagues (7) take on the challenge of Thompson-Henry et al. (8) demonstrated
lent, aspiration of large volumes or recur- estimating the incidence and describing that dye added to small volumes of oral
rent aspiration of small volumes can lead the risk factors for oropharyngeal aspira- liquid and semisolid feedings failed to de-
to lower respiratory tract disease. Aspira- tion in a group of 50 mechanically venti- tect aspiration in tracheotomized adults
tion pneumonitis is a chemical injury lated infants and children. The overall in whom aspiration was confirmed by
caused by the inhalation of sterile gastric incidence of oropharyngeal aspiration modified barium swallow or fiberoptic
acid, whereas aspiration pneumonia is an was 28%. Among the risk factors identi- endoscopic evaluation. Other studies in
infectious process caused by the inhala- fied were frequent swallowing move- which blue dye was used to color enteral
tion of oropharyngeal secretions or gas- ments detected by surface electromyogra- formulas delivered through nasogastric
tric contents colonized with pathogenic phy, the presence of an oral endotracheal feeding tubes also have shown that blue
bacteria (1). The incidence of aspiration tube, and lack of adequate sedation (in- dye lacks sensitivity in detecting aspira-
in critically ill patients is difficult to as-
creased wakefulness). tion (9, 10). Considering the methods
certain from the literature, with reported
Research on the epidemiology of aspi- used by Dr. Amantea and colleagues (7),
values ranging from 0.8 to 95% (2– 6).
ration has been complicated by the lack their findings suggest that the incidence
of sensitive and specific bedside markers of aspiration in their population is
to detect aspiration. In the study by Dr. ⱖ28%.
*See also p. 152. Amantea and colleagues (7), aspiration of Risk factors for aspiration in critically
Key Words: aspiration; intubation; mechanical ven- oropharyngeal secretions is assessed by ill patients are numerous; most com-
tilation; infant; child
Copyright © 2004 by the Society of Critical Care the application of blue dye to the base of monly cited are decreased level of con-
Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Inten- the tongue and subsequent testing of tra- sciousness, supine positioning, presence
sive and Critical Care Societies cheal secretions for the dye’s presence. of a nasogastric or endotracheal tube, in-
DOI: 10.1097/01.PCC.0000113267.04557.7D No data are available to show that results termittent feeding delivery methods, and

194 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2

high-risk conditions such as neurologic ported by a comprehensive review of the 15% with no significant difference be-
disorders (11). A randomized trial of su- physiology and pathophysiology of upper tween the two endotracheal tube groups
pine vs. semirecumbent body positioning airway reflexes by Nishino (14). Accord- even after controlling for age, duration of
conducted by Drakulovic et al. (12) dem- ing to Nishino, the main function of the intubation, trauma, leak around the en-
onstrated that the frequency of clinically swallowing reflex is to propel food and dotracheal tube before extubation, and
suspected and microbiologically con- secretions from the oral cavity to the Pediatric Risk of Mortality Score. No pa-
firmed nosocomial pneumonia was sig- stomach, thereby keeping the oropharynx tient experienced any long-term airway
nificantly greater in supine positioned pa- clear of foreign materials. Lack of swal- complications. Khine et al. (16) com-
tients. The incidence of nosocomial lowing thus could be expected to result in pared the use of cuffed vs. uncuffed en-
pneumonia was highest for patients re- accumulation of colonized secretions in dotracheal tubes in 488 children mechan-
ceiving enteral nutrition in the supine the oropharynx, predisposing the patient ically ventilated during anesthesia.
position. Mechanical ventilation for ⱖ7 to aspiration pneumonia, the presence of Cuffed tubes prevented the need for re-
days and decreased level of consciousness an endotracheal tube not withstanding. peat intubations due to airleak, allowed
(Glasgow Coma Scale ⬍9) were addi- The integrity of the barrier preventing
the use of lower rates of fresh gas flow,
tional risk factors. In a prospective obser- oropharyngeal secretions from gaining
and reduced the concentration of anes-
vational study, Adnet and Baud (13) dem- access to the tracheobronchial tree is
thetics in the operating room atmo-
onstrated an increased frequency of markedly influenced by the interaction
sphere. The incidence of postextubation
suspected aspiration pneumonia on in- between the swallowing reflex and the
tensive care unit admission in adults with respiratory cycle. Awake swallowing oc- stridor was low and similar between
impaired consciousness at the time of curs during the expiratory phase of res- groups. These studies suggest that cuffed
initial contact with prehospital person- piration, thus serving as a protective endotracheal tubes can be safely used in
nel. Most investigators agree that supine mechanism that prevents low-grade aspi- young children as long as cuff pressures
positioning and impaired consciousness ration from occurring. Swallowing in the are carefully followed.
are major risk factors for aspiration. unconscious state, on the other hand, It is clear that pulmonary aspiration in
Dr. Amantea and colleagues (7) evalu- occurs equally during inspiration and ex- infants and children is a multifactorial
ated the contribution of various risk fac- piration, rendering the patient suscepti- process. Less clear, however, are the find-
tors for aspiration using both univariate ble to aspiration. ings from this study concerning the in-
and multivariate analyses. On univariate All of the patients studied by Dr. fluence of sedation and swallowing ability
testing, inadequate sedation (i.e., in- Amantea and colleagues (7) were me- on aspiration in critically ill children. As-
creased wakefulness), increased fre- chanically ventilated with uncuffed endo- sessing the adequacy of sedation requires
quency of swallowing movements, and tracheal tubes and were evaluated for as- clinical judgment; furthermore, decisions
oral intubation were associated with in- piration in the supine body position. must be based on the underlying disease
creased aspiration risk. On multivariate These features make their findings diffi- process, planned interventions, antici-
testing, inadequate sedation was not an cult to apply to those intensive care units pated outcomes, and patient preferences.
independent risk factor, presumably due where patients are routinely cared for in Practitioners would be amiss to conclude
to the high correlation between level of the semirecumbent position and cuffed that sedation is inadequate in mechani-
sedation and frequency of swallowing endotracheal tubes are frequently used. cally ventilated children unless swallow-
movements. These findings are in con- Several studies have found the use of ing reflexes are inhibited. The degree of
trast with previous studies of both intu- cuffed endotracheal tubes to be protective sedation required to suppress swallowing
bated and nonintubated patients in which against aspiration (4, 15–16). Due to the may be associated with other unwanted
decreased levels of consciousness were anatomy of the infant’s airway, practitio- outcomes such as prolonged mechanical
found to contribute to aspiration risk (12, ners are cautious about using cuffed en- ventilation, suppression of cough and
13). The contrasting findings may be ex- dotracheal tubes in these patients (17). predilection for atelectasis, and hemody-
plained by the nature of the impaired The infant’s airway is narrowest at the
namic instability. An important finding of
consciousness, whether pharmacologi- laryngeal subglottis, which is surrounded
this study is the benefit of nasal intuba-
cally induced in the critical care setting by a rigid cartilaginous complete cricoid
tion compared with oral intubation in
or due to preexisting neurologic compro- ring. Compression of the respiratory mu-
reducing aspiration risk. The relationship
mise before endotracheal intubation. It is cosa by a tight-fitting endotracheal tube
also possible that the questionable effi- can cause subglottic edema. Short-term between route of intubation and clinically
cacy of the detection method used in the complications include postextubation significant pulmonary aspiration needs to
study partially explains why risk factors stridor, whereas in the long term tracheal be further addressed in a randomized
identified by the investigators are incon- stenosis can develop. Recent studies in controlled trial.
gruent with what is typically reported in both the pediatric intensive care unit and Kathleen L. Meert, MD
the literature. operating room settings have demon- Norma A. Metheny, PhD
Dr. Amantea and colleagues (7) spec- strated the safety and efficacy of cuffed Department of Pediatrics
ulate that the presence of an oral endo- endotracheal tubes in infants and young Children’s Hospital of Michigan
tracheal tube impairs tongue movement children. Deakers et al. (15) studied 282 Wayne State University School of
and laryngeal closure, and that children consecutive tracheal intubations in a pe- Medicine
who swallow frequently expose their air- diatric intensive care unit to compare the Detroit, MI
ways to oropharyngeal secretions more outcomes of patients with cuffed and un- St. Louis University School of
often than sedated children who swallow cuffed endotracheal tubes. The overall in- Nursing
less. The latter speculation is not sup- cidence of postextubation stridor was St. Louis, MO

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2 195

REFERENCES intragastric-placed small bore nasoenteric 11. Metheny NA: Risk factors for aspiration. J
feeding tubes: A randomized, prospective Parenter Enteral Nutr 2002; 26:S26 –S33
1. Marik PE: Aspiration pneumonitis and aspi- study. J Parenter Enteral Nutr 1992; 16: 12. Drakulovic MB, Torres A, Bauer TT, et al:
ration pneumonia. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 59 – 63 Supine body position as a risk factor for
665– 671 7. Amantéa SL, Piva JP, Sanches P, et al: Oro- nosocomial pneumonia in mechanically ven-
2. Winterbauer RH, Durning RB, Barron E, et pharyngeal aspiration in pediatric patients tilated patients: A randomized trial. Lancet
al: Aspirated nasogastric feeding solution de- with endotracheal intubation. Pediatr Crit 1999; 354:1851–1858
tected by glucose strips. Ann Intern Med Care Med 2004; 5:152–156 13. Adnet F, Baud F: Relation between Glasgow
1981; 95:67– 68 8. Thompson-Henry S, Braddock B: The modi- Coma Scale and aspiration pneumonia. Lan-
3. Cataldi-Betcher E, Seltzer MH, Slocum BA, cet 1996; 348:123–124
fied Evan’s blue dye procedure fails to detect
et al: Complications occurring during en- 14. Nishino T: Physiological and pathophysiolog-
aspiration in the tracheotomized patient:
teral nutrition support: A prospective study. J ical implications of upper airway reflexes in
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4. Browning DH, Graves SA: Incidence of aspi- 15. Deakers TW, Reynolds G, Stretton M, et al:
ration with endotracheal tubes in children. 9. Potts RG, Zaroukian MH, Guerrero PA, et al: Cuffed endotracheal tubes in pediatric inten-
J Pediatr 1983; 102:582–584 Comparison of blue dye visualization and sive care. J Pediatr 1994; 125:57– 62
5. Kingston GW, Phang PT, Leathley MJ: In- glucose oxidase test strip methods for detect- 16. Khine HH, Corddry DH, Kettrick RG, et al:
creased incidence of nosocomial pneumonia ing pulmonary aspiration of enteral feedings Comparison of cuffed and uncuffed endotra-
in mechanically ventilated patients with sub- in intubated adults. Chest 1993; 103:117–121 cheal tubes in young children during general
clinical aspiration. Am J Surg 1991; 161: 10. Metheny NA, Dahms TE, Stewart BJ, et al: anesthesia. Anesthesiology 1997; 86:627– 631
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6. Strong RM, Condon SC, Solinger MR, et al: tecting pulmonary aspiration. Chest 2002; tubes in infants and small children. Anaes-
Equal aspiration rates from postpyloric and 122:276 –281 thesist 2001; 50:395– 400

Nitric oxide: To inhale or not to inhale*

C ardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) issue of Critical Care Medicine. Their el- duction is needed to maintain normal
is an iatrogenic hierarchical egant experiments in a piglet model of vascular tone whereas large amounts, as
kill of vital organ perfusion. It CPB compared the effects of INO on car- seen in septic shock, are detrimental.
is associated with a defined diopulmonary status when INO was ad- An explanation of the detrimental ef-
period of altered perfusion of lung and ministered during ischemia only, during fect of INO during CPB is elusive. It is
myocardium. After CPB, increases in pul- reperfusion only, and during both isch- possible that the study (90 mins) may not
monary artery pressure and pulmonary emia and reperfusion (8). They found that be of sufficient duration to determine the
vascular resistance may lead to deteriora- administering INO during the ischemic full extent of the effect of INO on the
tion in the postoperative period. Inhaled period of CPB worsens post-CPB hemo- cardiopulmonary variables in piglets. It is
nitric oxide (INO) has been proposed as a dynamic status, whereas administration also possible that the authors found no
likely candidate to ameliorate these un- of INO after CPB only may be beneficial; difference in lung damage using dry
toward effects. However, the effect of INO INO during both ischemia and reperfu- lung-weight ratio, myeloperoxidase, and
in decreasing the deranged physiology of sion yielded intermediate benefits. histologic evaluation because of the short
ischemic reperfusion injury has met with These findings are puzzling in that time frame or because the histologic eval-
contrasting results. Most of the studies intuitively we would expect that if INO uation is crude and subjective (hemor-
examining INO effects on pulmonary administered after CPB is beneficial, rhage, neutrophil number, and alveolar
pathophysiology were performed in iso- there should be, at a minimum, no ad- destruction on a score of 0 for best to 3
lated lung models (1–5) and in situ lung verse effects on hemodynamic status if for worst for each of category). However,
models, which do not mimic the clinical given during CPB. The finding of NO be- what are likely explanations if these find-
scenario after CPB (6 –7). ing good and bad in differing amounts or ings of worsening hemodynamics are
In an attempt to settle the score, Dr. circumstances has posed a dilemma for real?
Hubble and colleagues (8) conducted ex- investigators. The seemingly good and The authors offered several plausible
periments in an in vivo ischemic reper- bad effects on a single organ are amply explanations; however, none can fully
fusion lung injury model, reported in this demonstrated in the lung, in which basal explain the phenomenon seen. It is pos-
concentrations of NO are important for sible that accumulation of NO in the
normal lung physiology (bronchodilation lung tissue of the piglets that received
*See also p. 157. and maintenance of normal arterial tone) INO during the ischemic phase of CPB
Key Words: nitric oxide; inhaled nitric oxide; car- but the large amounts produced during may set up the milieu for the genera-
diopulmonary bypass; ischemic reperfusion injury; pul-
monary hypertension
asthma exacerbations may increase lung tion of potentially toxic substances un-
Copyright © 2004 by the Society of Critical Care edema and mucus secretion (9). In fact, der hyperoxic study conditions. An-
Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Inten- the beneficial effects of steroids used in other explanation was the up-
sive and Critical Care Societies asthma may be partly due to decreased regulation of endothelin with a
DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000113927.64484.C0 NO production. Similarly, basal NO pro- concomitant down-regulation of intrin-

196 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2

sic NO synthesis resulting in the eleva- Mechanical forces imposed on cells remind us that too much of a good
tion of pulmonary vascular resistance by dynamically changing blood (pulsa- thing may be good for nothing.
and pulmonary hypertension. However, tile vs. nonpulsatile flow) and air flow Niranjan Kissoon, MD, CPE
both theories go adrift because worse (including positive end-expiratory pres- Division of Pediatric Critical Care
hemodynamics than the control group sure) are also important contributors to Medicine
(no INO) would be expected but did not both microvascular and airway NO pro- University of Florida
occur in the group that received INO duction. During ischemia, these me- HSC/Jacksonville
only during CPB. It is also possible that chanical stimuli are reduced with the Jacksonville, FL
dosing of INO during CPB altered the potential effect of decoupling NO syn-
response to post-CPB INO without up- thesis from shear stresses. During isch- REFERENCES
regulation of endothelin. This is likely emia and reperfusion, NO can serve
to explain the hemodynamic values both as an antioxidant (by inhibiting 1. Barbotin-Larrieu F, Mazmanian M, Baudet B,
seen in the INO during CPB only group lipid free radicals) and as an oxidant (by et al: Prevention of ischemic-reperfusion
and also may explain the blunted re- contributing to peroxynitrite forma- lung injury by inhaled nitric oxide in neona-
sponse to INO in the group receiving tion), which both lead to its consump- tal piglets. J Appl Physiol 1996; 80:782–788
2. Murakami S, Bacha EA, Mazmanian GM, et
INO both during and after CPB. tion. These complex interactions are
al: Effects of various timings and concentra-
An examination of endogenous NO likely to alter NO production. In fact,
tions of inhaled nitric oxide in lung isch-
generation in lung ischemic reperfusion NO production measured by exhaled NO emia-reperfusion. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
injuries may provide the physiologic un- is reduced postoperatively and is thought to 1997; 156:454 – 458
derpinning of the seemingly contradic- be due to lung epithelial or pulmonary vas- 3. Guidot DM, Repine MJ, Hybertson BM, et al:
tory findings. Nitric oxide is produced by cular endothelial injury (24). Inhaled nitric oxide prevents neutrophil-
many cells within the lung (albeit in Based on these iterations, one can pre- mediated, oxygen radical-dependent leak in
small amounts—parts per billion) and dict that ischemic reperfusion injury isolated rat lungs. Am J Physiol 1995; 269:
appears to play a critical role in the would be associated with a complicated L2–L5
pathophysiology of the pulmonary vascu- picture of NOS expression, generation, 4. Eppinger MJ, Ward PA, Jones ML, et al: Dis-
parate effects of nitric oxide on lung isch-
lar bed and airways (10 –12). Endothelial and consumption. An appreciation of the
emia-reperfusion injury. Ann Thorac Surg
cells constitutively express a relatively complexity of NO physiology in lung in-
1995; 60:1169 –1176
low output of NO via NO synthase I en- jury, however, although important, does 5. Kavanagh BP, Mouchawar A, Goldsmith J, et
zymatic pathway, and airway epithelial not enable us to fully explain the study al: Effects of inhaled NO and inhibition of
cells normally produce NO via the NO findings. The relative contribution of endogenous NO synthesis in oxidant-induced
synthase III pathway. Output of NO via each of these complex interactions will acute lung injury. J Appl Physiol 1994; 76:
NO synthase II, which could be further need to be unraveled to fully explain the 1324 –1329
induced by inflammatory mediators, pro- observed phenomenon. 6. Wehberg KE, Foster AG, Wise RM, et al:
duces larger quantities of NO (13, 14). Regardless of the explanation, how Nitric oxide mediates fluid accumulation
Endogenous NO production and bio- relevant are these findings to the clini- during cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thorac
Cardiovasc Surg 1996; 112:168 –174
activity are subject to great alterations cian? Does the piglet’s physiology ap-
7. Serraf A, Robotin M, Bonnet N, et al: Alter-
due to hypoxia, ischemia, and reperfu- proximate the human neonate in whom
ation of the neonatal pulmonary physiology
sion. Experiments in both cell culture in CPB may be used? It is possible that the after total cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thorac
animal and human lungs have shown basal NO production and response to Cardiovasc Surg 1997; 114:1061–1069
that enzymatic NO production exhibits a INO during CPB seen in healthy piglets 8. Hubble CL, Cheifetz IM, Craig DM, et al:
characteristic oxygen dependence and would be different from that seen in Inhaled nitric oxide results in deteriorating
thus hypoxia reduces enzyme activity to neonates with congenital heart disease hemodynamics when administered during
synthesize NO (15–18). Hypoxia, how- in whom hypoxia, acidosis, increased or cardiopulmonary bypass in neonatal swine.
ever, might increase NO generation from decreased pulmonary blood flow, and Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004; 5:157–162
nonenzymatic sources involved in the re- altered pulmonary mechanics may be 9. Barnes PJ: NO or no NO in asthma? Thorasc
1996; 51:218 –220
duction of inorganic nitrate to NO, a re- present before CPB. Several authors
10. Barnes PJ: Nitric oxide and airway disease.
action that takes place predominantly have reported that preoperative pulmo-
Ann Med 1995; 27:389 –393
during acidic/reducing conditions as may nary hypertension and left to right 11. Pinsky DJ: The vascular biology of heart and
be seen during ischemic reperfusion in- shunts seem to be related to postoper- lung preservation for transplantation.
jury (19, 20). Although the potential rel- ative pulmonary vascular reactivity Thromb Haemost 1995; 74:58 – 65
evance of this phenomenon to lung pa- (25–27). The findings of the study, 12. Pinsky DJ, Naka Y, Chowdhury NC, et al: The
thology has been demonstrated by therefore, need to be verified under nitric oxide/cyclic GMP pathway in organ
showing alteration of acid-base balance conditions more likely to be seen in the transplantation: Critical role in successful
and increase in NO production from ni- neonate undergoing CPB. Moreover, in lung preservation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
trate and acidic pH in asthma (21), it also view of the complex relationships in NO 1994; 91:12086 –12090
13. Guo FH, De Raeve HR, Rice TW, et al: Con-
has been suggested that pH changes as- production during ischemic reperfu-
tinuous nitric oxide synthesis by inducible
sociated with ischemia can trigger this sion injury, control for the multitude of
nitric oxide synthase in normal human air-
chemistry in the heart and aorta (22, 23). factors involved will be needed to un- way epithelium in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U
Therefore, hypoxia and ischemia might ravel their relative contribution—a S A 1995; 92:7809 –7813
alter NO concentrations and bioactivity daunting task indeed. In the meantime, 14. Asano K, Chee CB, Gaston B, et al: Constitu-
by multiple and sometimes opposing INO should be used with caution if at tive and inducible nitric oxide synthase gene
mechanisms. all during CPB. The tantalizing data expression, regulation, and activity in human

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lung epithelial cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci Anaesthesiol Scand Suppl 1996; 109: “acidic-metabolic” vasodilation. Acta Physiol
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Nitric oxide synthesis in the lung. Regulation enzymatic nitric oxide synthesis in biological Decreased exhaled nitric oxide may be a
by oxygen through a kinetic mechanism. systems. Biochim Biophys Acta 1999; 1411: marker of cardiopulmonary bypass-in-
J Clin Invest 1998; 101:660 – 666 250 –262 duced injury. Ann Thorac Surg 1998; 66:
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constitutive nitric oxide synthase transcript derived nitric oxide: A possible mediator of 25. Hoffman JIE, Rudolph AM, Heymann MA:
and protein in cultured endothelial cells. “acidic-metabolic” vasodilation. Acta Physiol Pulmonary vascular disease with congenital
J Cell Physiol 1996; 167:469 – 476 Scand 2001; 171:9 –16 heart lesions: Pathologic features and causes.
17. Nelin LD, Thomas CJ, Dawson CA: Effect of 21. Hunt JF, Fang K, Malik R, et al: Endogenous Circulation 1958; 28:533–547
hypoxia on nitric oxide production in neona- airway acidification. Implications for asthma 26. Del Nido PJ, Williams WG, Villamater J, et al:
tal pig lung. Am J Physiol 1996; 271: pathophysiology. Am J Respir Crit Care Med Changes in pericardial surface pressure dur-
H8 –H146 2000; 161:694 – 699 ing pulmonary hypertensive crises after car-
18. Ziesche R, Petkov V, Mosgoller W, et al: 22. Zweier JL, Samouilov A, Kuppusamy P: Non- diac surgery. Circulation 1987; 76(Suppl III):
Regulation of human endothelial nitric enzymatic nitric oxide synthesis in biological III-93–III-96
oxide synthase by hypoxia and inflamma- systems. Biochim Biophys Acta 1999; 1411: 27. Meyrick B, Reid L: Ultrastructural findings in
tion in human pulmonary arteries— 250 –262 lung biopsy material from children with con-
implications for the therapy of pulmonary 23. Modin A, Bjorne J, Herulf M, et al: Nitrite- genital heart defects. Am J Pathol 1980; 101:
hypertension in COPD patients. Acta derived nitric oxide: A possible mediator of 527–542

Is it time to revisit a role for antithrombotic therapy in asphyxia


I t has been estimated that approx- resonance imaging findings. At the time pura pathophysiology) occluding vessels.
imately 130 million births occur of the writing of this editorial, the results Skyberg and Jacobsen (7) reported the
worldwide each year with four of a multicenter, randomized, controlled first successful treatment of this syn-
million newborns suffering birth trial of postresuscitative hypothermia for drome in an asphyxic term newborn in-
asphyxia, of whom one million die and perinatal asphyxia are expected to be dis- fant who presented with severe spasticity
one million have serious neurologic im- cussed at a “Hot Topics” conference in and opisthotonus 5.5 hrs after birth. His
pairment (1). A great deal of excitement neonatology. If therapeutic hypothermia temperature was 35.8°C, he was in shock
has been generated by recent studies that becomes a mainstay, then the next clini- with deep blue skin, and his cerebrospi-
suggest that hypoxic-ischemic brain in- cal question is which approach can act nal fluid contained visible blood. He was
jury can be reversed or ameliorated by synergistically with this therapy to fur- treated as defibrination syndrome with
the use of therapeutic postresuscitative ther improve both survival and neuro- one exchange transfusion of 500 mL of
hypothermia. Independent groups in logic outcome from asphyxia neonato- heparinized whole blood (containing
Austria and Australia demonstrated, in a rum? 2500 international units of heparin) plus
randomized, controlled trial format, that In this issue of Pediatric Critical Care an 8-day course of corticosteroid therapy.
postresuscitative cooling led to a signifi- Medicine, El Beshlawy et al. (5) demon- The child had a remarkable recovery and
cant improvement in neurologic out- strate that neonatal asphyxia is associated was considered neurologically normal at
come in adults who, for the most part, with systemic thrombosis and depletion 1 yr of life. The neonatal community was
had ventricular fibrillation-induced car- of two important anticoagulant proteins: favorably impressed by this report, and
diac arrest (2, 3). Compagnoni and col- antithrombin III and protein C. The au- several subsequent reports refer to treat-
leagues (4) simultaneously reported, in a thors speculate that the use of antithrom- ment with heparinized whole blood ex-
sequential series trial format from 1997 bin III concentrate and protein C concen- change transfusion as the established
to 1999, that newborns with asphyxia trate should be investigated in asphyxia therapy for asphyxia neonatorum. In
who were subjected to whole-body cool- neonatorum. The link between perinatal 1973, Hambleton and Appleyard (8) per-
ing within 6 hrs of birth to a temperature asphyxia, thrombosis, and “defibrination formed a controlled trial of fresh frozen
between 32°C and 34°C for 72 hrs had a syndrome” was first described in the plasma infusion alone in asphyxiated low
significant reduction in major neurologic 1960s. Leissring and Vorlecky (6) re- birthweight infants (⬍2.5 kg) and found
abnormalities and abnormal magnetic ported autopsy findings of a term new- no reduction in intraventricular hemor-
born with asphyxia after breech delivery rhages with this treatment. They and oth-
for severe preeclampsia. The child had ers concluded that although fresh frozen
*See also p. 163.
vasoocclusive fibrin thrombi (consistent plasma infusion was not effective, hepa-
Copyright © 2004 by the Society of Critical Care with disseminated intravascular coagula- rinized whole blood exchange transfusion
Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Inten- tion pathophysiology) and hyaline was “well established” as an effective
sive and Critical Care Societies thrombi (platelet thrombi consistent therapy for asphyxia with defibrination
DOI: 10.1097/01.PCC.0000121302.62216.D6 with thrombotic thrombocytopenic pur- syndrome in the term newborn (9). In

198 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2

agreement with the findings of Hamble- these anticoagulant factors can be REFERENCES
ton and colleagues, a 1996 randomized, achieved with plasma infusion or with
controlled trial similarly showed that concentrates. Each 10 mL/kg of plasma 1. Buonocore G, Perrone S, Longini M, et al:
prophylactic treatment of preterm babies given replaces approximately 10% of nor- Non protein bound iron as early predictive
with fresh frozen plasma had no effect on marker of neonatal brain damage. Brain
mal activity. Antithrombin III and pro-
2003; 126(Pt 5):1224 –1230
outcomes (10). tein C can be more efficiently given as 2. Bernard SA, Gray TW, Buist MD, et al: Treat-
Much has changed since the 1970s. commercially purified concentrates. ment of comatose survivors of cardiac arrest
The collective memory for the use of hep- In the past, when neurologic outcome with induced hypothermia N Engl J Med
arinized whole blood exchange has been was considered immutable after perinatal 2002; 346:557–563
lost. Indeed, whole blood is no longer asphyxia, little thought was given to 3. The Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest Study
available in much of the Western world treating or reversing the associated Group. Mild hypothermia to improve neuro-
where blood is presently banked as com- thrombotic microangiopathy. However, logic outcome after cardiac arrest. N Engl
ponents. However, there has been a great now that brain injury appears to be at
J Med 2002; 346:549 –556
improvement in knowledge about antico- 4. Compagnoni G, Pogliani L, Lista G, et al:
least partly reversible with therapeutic Hypothermia reduces neurologic damage in
agulant and procoagulant proteins and
hypothermia, it is time to think about the asphyxiated newborn infants. Biol Neonate
their role in thrombotic microangio-
potential role of anticoagulant therapies 2002; 82:222–227
pathic syndromes. Three clinically im-
to further improve outcome and neuro- 5. El Beshlawy A, Hussein HA, Abou-Elew HH,
portant circulating anticoagulant pro- et al: Study of protein C, protein S, and
teins have been identified, namely, logic function after perinatal asphyxia.
Preparatory studies will likely be needed. antithrombin III in hypoxic newborns. Pedi-
antithrombin III, protein C, and von Wil- atr Crit Care Med 2004; 5:163–166
lebrand factor-cleaving protease, or First, because temperature itself has ef-
6. Leissring JC, Vorlicky LN: Disseminated in-
ADAM TS 13 (11). Antithrombin III is an fects on coagulation, the effects of hypo- travascular coagulation in a neonate. Am J
active anticoagulant only when it is com- thermia on thrombosis and fibrinolysis Dis Child 1968; 115:105–111
plexed with heparin. It is common prac- will need to be considered. Coagulation is 7. Skyberg D, Jacobsen CD: Defibrination syn-
tice in veterinary medicine today to treat decreased at 32°C; coagulation is not de- drome in a newborn and its treatment with
creased at 35°C. Second, because some exchange transfusion. Acta Paediatr Scand
defibrination syndrome by infusing hep-
patients with perinatal asphyxia have de- 1969; 58:83– 86
arin-treated fresh frozen plasma. The ra-
8. Hambleton G, Appleyard WJ: Controlled trial
tionale given is that heparin “activates” fibrination syndrome whereas others do
of fresh frozen plasma in asphyxiated low
antithrombin III, preventing ongoing co- not, patient selection will be important to birthweight infants. Arch Dis Child 1973; 48:
agulation while the procoagulant factors any study design. For example, patients 31–38
prevent bleeding from consumptive co- with consumptive coagulopathy may re- 9. Kirsch W, Buttner M, Wenzel E: Diagnostic
agulopathy. Protein C is an active antico- quire anticoagulant therapy as well as therapeutic problems of defibrination syn-
agulant when it is complexed with endo- procoagulant replacement, whereas pa- drome in shock, sepsis, and neonatal hypoxia.
thelial thrombomodulin. Activated tients without “defibrination” may only Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 1977; 125:621– 627
protein C resistance (also known as factor 10. A randomized trial comparing the effect of
require anticoagulant therapies.
prophylactic intravenous fresh frozen
V Leiden deficiency) has been reported as In summary, in this issue of Pediatric plasma, gelatin or glucose on early mortal-
a cause of ischemic stroke in neonates Critical Care Medicine, El Beshlawy et al. ity and morbidity in preterm babies. The
and infants (12, 13). Patients with acti- (5) provide a modern day evaluation of Northern Neonatal Nursing Initiative
vated protein C resistance can be success- the coagulopathy associated with As- (NNNI) Trial Group Eur J Pediatr 1996;
fully anticoagulated with warfarin or hep- phyxia Neonatorum. Their findings sup- 155:580 –588
arin therapy. The von Willebrand factor- port severe depletion of the anticoagulant 11. Nguyen T, Hall M, Han Y, et al: Microvascu-
cleaving protease ADAM TS 13 is always proteins antithrombin III and protein C lar thrombosis in pediatric multiple organ
active. Unlike antithrombin III and pro- in the setting of systemic thrombosis.
failure: Is it a therapeutic target? Pediatr Crit
tein C, it is not thought to have any effect Care Med 2001; 2:187–186
Antithrombin III concentrate and protein 12. Thorarensen O, Ryan S, Hunter J, et al: Fac-
on fibrin. Instead, this enzyme cleaves
C concentrate are recommended thera- tor V Leidien mutation: An unrecognized
thrombogenic large and ultralarge von
pies for newborns with congenital anti- cause of hemiplegic cerebral palsy, neonatal
Willebrand factor multimers, preventing
thrombin III and protein C deficiency. stroke, and placental thrombosis Ann Neurol
uncontrolled platelet thrombosis (hyaline 1997; 42:372–375
These therapies have little to no risk for
thrombi). Absence or inhibition of ADAM 13. Nowak-Gottl U, Strater R, Dubbers A, et al:
TS 13 is considered to be the cause of causing bleeding when administered in
Ischaemic stroke in infancy and childhood:
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura- the absence of heparin. Based on the
Role of the Arg506 to Gln mutation in the
mediated thrombotic microangiopathy findings of El Beshlawy et al. (5), we factor V gene. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis
(11). Newborns have markedly reduced agree that it is time to investigate 1996; 7:684 – 688
levels of antithrombin III, protein C, and whether antithrombin III concentrate 14. Kavakli K, Canciani MT, Mannucci PM:
ADAM TS 13 compared with adults (14, and protein C concentrate have a ther- Plasma levels of the von Willebrand Factor
apeutic role in newborns with asphyxia Cleaving Protease in physiological and
15). Pathophysiologic processes that
and acquired antithrombin III and pro- pathophysiological conditions in children.
cause endotheliopathy, including sepsis
Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2002; 19:467– 473
(15) and perinatal asphyxia (5), consume tein C deficiency.
15. Roman J, Velasco F, Fernandez F, et al:
antithrombin III and protein C, leaving Robert Clark Coagulation, fibrinolytic and kallikrein
the newborn with severe anticoagulant Joseph A. Carcillo systems in neonates with uncomplicated
protein deficiency and a proclivity to sys- Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh sepsis and septic shock. Haemostasis 1993;
temic thrombosis (5, 15). Replacement of Pittsburgh, PA 23:142–148

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2 199

Surface properties and the meconium aspiration syndrome*

I n this issue of Pediatric Critical So which of these properties of meco- What of the other properties of meco-
Care Medicine, Dr. Fuloria and nium are relevant to clinical meconium nium? Meconium suspension does not
colleagues (1) explore the physical aspiration syndrome? Clearly meconium spread over Teflon. Perhaps this impairs
properties and interactions of sa- aspiration makes the lungs stiff. This mucociliary clearance of meconium.
line-suspended meconium, calf lung sur- would appear to correlate with loss of Might mucociliary clearance of meco-
factant, and perflubron. The picture that surfactant function. We are comfortably nium be enhanced by perflubron lavage,
emerges may help to elucidate the patho- familiar with this. The rationale for high- wetting surfaces to spread, lift, slip, and
physiology of the meconium aspiration dose surfactant instillation in meconium mobilize droplets of meconium?
syndrome. It also illustrates the weakness aspiration syndrome is that giving more Meconium is “sticky” and relatively
of the link between the behavior of meco- surfactant may reverse or overwhelm this “dry.” Perhaps meconium particles ob-
nium and the disease it produces. interference. Polymers such as dextran struct airways and are hard to dislodge by
The authors show that, although and polyethylene glycol can be added to “cough (air flow) transport.” Can such
meconium reduces the surface tension of surfactant to make it more resistant to particles be washed away? There is recent
saline, it interferes with the surface ten- this inhibition (8, 9), and surfactants hav- interest in lavage using dilute surfactant
sion lowering effect of surfactant in pro- ing higher concentrations of surfactant as a means to mobilize and remove meco-
portion to the concentration of the sus- proteins (A, B, and C) are more resistant nium (11, 12). Does the “wetting” prop-
pension. This interaction has been to inactivation (10), suggesting the po- erty of perflubron offer an opportunity
studied in vitro (2) and in intact animals tential for “designer surfactants” of here?
(3–5) and has generated interest in sur- greater resistance. Surfactant dysfunc- Rubin et al. (13) discussed various
factant therapy as a treatment of meco- tion is a widely recognized component of properties of meconium, describing it as
nium aspiration (6, 7). other lung diseases, including acute re- characterized by cohesiveness (“spinabil-
Dr. Fuloria and colleagues (1) further ity”), dryness, cough transportability, cil-
spiratory distress syndrome. Designer
show that meconium suspension spreads iary transportability, “wetability,” and
surfactants might, therefore, have wide-
poorly over Teflon but readily over per- non-Newtonian interfacial adhesion ten-
spread use.
flubron. This ability to wet a perflubron sion. We know little of the relation of
Could perfluorocarbons like per-
film is not directly correlated to the dis- these properties to the lung dysfunction
flubron be used to reduce surface tension
ease process, but the implication is that of meconium aspiration.
in meconium aspiration syndrome? Dr.
perflubron, which itself spreads readily It is probably simplistic to think of
Fuloria and colleagues (1) have shown
over saline or Teflon, may enhance the meconium aspiration syndrome as just
clearance of sticky meconium from air- that the surface properties of perflubron another surfactant dysfunction state, but
ways by making it more slippery. are not altered by exposure to meconium. at least that aspect of it is tangible.
Using a third technique, distraction Laboratory and clinical experience argues Bradley P. Fuhrman, MD
(de Nouy ring), the authors show that the that perflubron might prove useful. State University of New York at
interfacial tension between a perflubron But at what interface does perflubron Buffalo
layer and a meconium/saline suspension reduce surface tension? Gas/perflubron Women’s and Children’s Hospital
is variable and is inversely related to the interfaces have modest surface tension of Buffalo
logarithm of the meconium concentra- (18 dyne/cm). But what of the interface
tion. The greater the concentration of between perflubron and immiscible alve- REFERENCES
meconium, the lower is the interfacial olar tissue surface material? If that inter-
face had a surface tension of 40 dyne/cm, 1. Fuloria M, Wu Y, Brandt ML, et al: Effect of
surface tension. Of great interest here is meconium on the surface properties of per-
the finding that at very low meconium like that of saline to perflubron, perfluo-
flubron. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004;
concentration, a saline-perflubron inter- rocarbons could not be helpful. However, 5:167–171
face has surface tension near 40 dyne/cm, even in the lung exposed to meconium, 2. Moses D, Holm BA, Spitale P, et al: Inhibition
roughly halfway between the surface ten- the alveolar tissue is covered by a surface of pulmonary surfactant function by meco-
sions of perflubron (at air) and water (at of complex composition. Dr. Fuloria and nium. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1991; 164:477– 481
air). But let’s come back to that. colleagues (1) have shown that at high 3. Sun B, Herting E, Curstedt T, et al: Exogenous
meconium concentration, a saline/meco- surfactant improves lung compliance and oxy-
nium-perflubron interface has a surface genation in adult rats with meconium aspira-
*See also p. 167. tension near that of perflubron and gas. tion. J Appl Physiol 1994; 77:1961–1971
Key Words: saline-suspended meconium; calf lung 4. Al-Mateen KB, Dailey K, Grimes MM, et al:
The interface truly at issue during partial
surfactant; perflubron; meconium aspiration Improved oxygenation with exogenous sur-
Copyright © 2004 by the Society of Critical Care or tidal liquid ventilation for meconium factant administration in experimental
Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Inten- aspiration is that of perflubron to a mix- meconium aspiration syndrome. Pediatr Pul-
sive and Critical Care Societies ture (in one phase) of surfactant and monol 1994; 17:75– 80
DOI: 10.1097/01.PCC.0000115958.23002.D5 meconium. 5. Sun B, Curstedt T, Robertson B: Exogenous

200 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2

surfactant improves ventilation efficiency 8. Taeusch W, Lu KW, Goerke J, et al: Non- 11. Lam BC, Yeung CY, Fu KH, et al: Surfac-
and alveolar expansion in rats with meco- ionic polymers reverse inactivation of sur- tant tracheobronchial lavage for the man-
nium aspiration. Am J Respir Crit Care Med factant by meconium and other substances. agement of a rabbit model of meconium
1996; 154:764 –770 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999; 159: aspiration syndrome. Biol Neonate 2000;
6. Lotze A, Knight GR, Martin GR, et al: Improved 1391–1395 78:129 –138
pulmonary outcome after exogenous surfactant 9. Tashiro K, Kobayashi T, Robertson B: Dex- 12. Lam BC, Yeung CY: Surfactant lavage for
therapy for respiratory failure in term infants tran reduces surfactant inhibition by meconium aspiration syndrome: A pilot
requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygen- meconium. Acta Paediatrica 2000; 89: study. Pediatrics 1999; 103:1014 –1018
ation. J Pediatr 1993; 122:261–268 1439 –1445 13. Rubin BK, Tomkiewicz RP, Patrinos ME,
7. Lotze A, Mitchell B, Bulas DI, et al: Multicenter 10. Taeusch HW, Keough KM: Inactivation of et al: The surface and transport proper-
study of surfactant (beractant) use in the treat- pulmonary surfactant and the treatment of ties of meconium and reconstituted meco-
ment of term infants with severe respiratory acute lung injuries. Pediatr Pathol Molecu- nium solutions. Pediatr Res 1996; 40:
failure. J Pediatr 1998; 132:40– 47 lar Med 2001; 20:519 –536 834 – 838

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004 Vol. 5, No. 2 201

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