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Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

Assignment Front Sheet

Qualification Unit Code / Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business R/601/1100

(Management) Unit 32: Quality Management in Business

Student name / BTEC Registration Number Assessor name

Set Myo Aung HND1621 Kyaw Myo Min

Date issued Hand in deadline Submitted on

10 December 2017 5 January 2018 3 January 2018

Assignment title QMB1: Four Seasons Hotel (1 of 2)

In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.

In this assessment you will have

Learning Learning Assessmen the opportunity to present Task Evidence
Outcome outcome t Criteria evidence that shows you are able no. (Page no)
Discuss definitions of quality in terms
Understand 1.1 1 9
of business and services provision
the different
approaches Illustrate the processes of inspection 10
to quality 1.2 and assurance 1
LO1 Discuss a range of approaches to
management 11
appropriate to 1.3 quality management 1
commercial Explain the similarities and
operations 11
1.4 differences between the different 1
Discuss what is meant by customer 12
2.1 2
Understand satisfaction
the benefits Explain the meaning of continuous 13
of 2.2 2
LO2 management Illustrate the type of added values to 13
2.3 2
in a business be gained
and services Describe the types of information
context made available to customers and the 14
2.4 2
importance given to effective

Student declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work.
I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student signature: Date:

In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades

Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation

M1 Identify and apply Effective judgements have been To achieve M1, you would have made effective
strategies to find made judgements to discuss definitions of quality in terms
appropriate solutions of business and services provision
(Task 1)
M2 Select / design and Relevant theories and techniques To achieve M2, you would have shown the use of
apply appropriate have been applied relevant theories and techniques to illustrate the
methods / techniques processes of inspection and assurance
(Task 1)
M3 Present and The appropriate structure and To achieve M3, you would have shown that you
communicate approach has been used have made appropriate structure and approach
appropriate findings according to the report / presentation's purpose
and audience where appropriate as to
abstract/executive summary, content list, list of
figures/tables/charts, introduction, conclusion,
recommendations, appendices and reference list
and terminology

(Task 1 and 2)
D1 Use critical Conclusions have been arrived at To achieve D1, you will have drawn conclusions
reflection to evaluate through synthesis of ideas and through synthesis of ideas and have been justified in
own work and justify have been justified your discussion on what is meant by customer
valid conclusions
(Task 2)
D2 Take responsibility Activities have been managed To achieve D2, you will have demonstrated an
for managing and effective approach to independent research and
organising activities study and will have met the deadline to submit the
tasks and achieve the unit assessment criteria
(Task 1 and 2)
D3 Demonstrate
convergent / lateral /
creative thinking

Assignment Brief
Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business (Management)

Unit number and title Unit 32: Quality Management in Business

Assessor name Kyaw Myo Min

Date issued

Hand in deadline

Assignment title QMB1: Four Seasons Hotel (1 of 2)

CASE STUDY – Four Seasons Hotel

The first Four Seasons Hotel opened over 45 years ago. Since then the company has grown to 81 properties in 34
countries. Famed for its quality of service, the hotel group has won countless awards including the prestigious Zagat
survey and numerous AAA Five Diamond Awards, and it is also one of only 14 organizations that have been on the
Fortune magazine’s list of ‘100 Best Companies to Work For’ every year since it launched in 1998, thus ranking as

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

‘top hotel chain’ internationally. From its inception the group has had the same guiding principle, ‘to make the quality
of our service our competitive advantage’. The company has what it calls its Golden Rule: ‘Do to others (guests and
staff) as you would wish others to do to you.’ It is a simple rule, but it guides the whole organization’s approach to

‘Quality service is our distinguishing edge and the company continues to evolve in that direction. We are always
looking for better, more creative and innovative ways of serving our guests’, says Michael Purtill, the General
Manager of the Four Seasons Hotel Canary Wharf in London. ‘We have recently refined all of our operating
standards across the company, enabling us to further enhance the personalized, intuitive service that all our guests
receive. All employees are empowered to use their creativity and judgement in delivering exceptional service and
making their own decisions to enhance our guests’ stay. For example, one morning an employee noticed that a
guest had a flat tyre on their car and decided of his own accord to change it for them, which was very much
appreciated by the guest.

The golden rule means that we treat our employees with dignity, respect and appreciation. This approach
encourages them to be equally sensitive to our guests’ needs and offer sincere and genuine service that exceeds
expectations. Just recently one of our employees accompanied a guest to the hospital and stayed there with him for
the entire afternoon. He wanted to ensure that the guest wasn’t alone and was given the medical attention he
needed. The following day that same employee took the initiative to return to the hospital (even though it was his day
off) to visit and made sure that that guest’s family in America was kept informed about his progress. We ensure that
we have an ongoing focus on recognizing these successes and publicly praise and celebrate all individuals who
deliver these warm, spontaneous, thoughtful touches.

At Four Seasons we believe that our greatest asset and strength is our people. We pay a great deal of attention to
selecting the right people with an attitude that takes great pride in delivering exceptional service. We know that
motivated and happy employees are essential to our service culture and are committed to developing our employees
to their highest potential. Our extensive training programmes and career development plans are designed with care
and attention to support the individual needs of our employees as well as operational and business demands. In
conjunction with traditional classroom-based learning, we offer tailor-made internet-based learning featuring
exceptional quality courses for all levels of employee. Such importance is given to learning and development that the
hotel has created two specialized rooms, designated for learning and development. One is intended for group
learning and the other is equipped with private computer stations for internet-based individual learning. There is also
a library equipped with a broad variety of hospitality-related books, CDs and DVDs that can be taken home at any
time. This encourages our employees to learn and develop at an individual pace. This is very motivating for our
employees and in the same instance their development is invaluable to the growth of our company. Career-wise, the
sky is the limit and our goal is to build lifelong, international careers with Four Seasons.

The above data is based on a real life organisation, but details may have been changed for assignment
purposes and may not reflect current management practices. More information is available on the
company’s website where students can access for their research.

Your task is as a Quality Management Analyst to write a report to help your superior, who is the Senior Consultant,
to prepare a report to the management of Four Seasons Hotel Canary Wharf to advise them on the following areas:

Task 1 (LO 1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and M1, M2, M3, D2)

Discuss definitions of quality in terms of business and services provision; illustrate the processes of inspection and
assurance; discuss a range of approaches to quality management; explain the similarities and differences between
the different methods.

To achieve M1, you would have made effective judgements to discuss definitions of quality in terms of business and
services provision.

To achieve M2, you would have shown the use of relevant theories and techniques to illustrate the processes of
inspection and assurance.
To achieve M3, you would have shown that you have made appropriate structure and approach according to the
report/presentation's purpose and audience where appropriate as to abstract/executive summary, content list, list of
figures/tables/charts, introduction, conclusion, recommendations, appendices and reference list and terminology.

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

To achieve D2, you will have demonstrated an effective approach to independent research and study and will have
met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit assessment criteria.

Task 2 (LO 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and M3, D1, D2)

Discuss what is meant by customer satisfaction; explain the meaning of continuous improvement; illustrate the type of
added values to be gained; describe the types of information made available to customers and the importance given
to effective marketing.

To achieve M3, you would have shown that you have made appropriate structure and approach according to the
report/presentation's purpose and audience where appropriate as to abstract/executive summary, content list, list of
figures/tables/charts, introduction, conclusion, recommendations, appendices and reference list and terminology.

To achieve D1, you will have drawn conclusions through synthesis of ideas and have been justified in your discussion
on what is meant by customer satisfaction.

To achieve D2, you will have demonstrated an effective approach to independent research and study and will have
met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit assessment criteria.

Evidence Evidence
Summary of evidence required by student
checklist presented

A report on the different approaches to quality management appropriate to

Task 1
commercial operations

A report on the benefits of quality management in a business and services

Task 2


1. The assignment should have a cover page that includes the assignment title, assignment number,
course title, module title, Lecturer/tutor name and student’s name. Attach all the pages of assignment
brief/achievement summary with your report and leave them blank for official use.
2. Ensure that authenticity declaration has been signed.
3. This is an individual assignment.
4. Content sheet with a list of all headings and page numbers.
5. A fully typed up professionally presented report document. Use 12 point Arial or Times New Roman
6. Your assignment should be word-processed and should not exceed 2,500 words in length.
7. Use the Harvard referencing system.
8. Exhibits/appendices are outside this limit.
9. The assignment should contain a list of any references used in the report.


 Check carefully the submission date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late assignments
may not be accepted.
 Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
 Do not leave things such as printing to the last minute – excuses of this nature will not be accepted for
failure to hand-in the work on time.
 You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
 If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may
apply (in writing) for an extension.
 Failure to achieve a PASS grade will results in a REFERRAL grade being given.
 Take great care that if you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, you properly reference
them in your text and any bibliography.

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

 NOTE: If you are caught plagiarising, the College policies and procedures will apply.

Achievement Summary

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND

Qualification Assessor name Kyaw Myo Min
Diploma in Business (Management)

Unit Number Unit 32: Quality Management in

Student name Set Myo Aung
and title Business
Achieved? (tick)
Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the
First Rewor
Reference student is able to: IV
attempt k
LO 1
Discuss definitions of quality in terms of business and
services provision

1.2 Illustrate the processes of inspection and assurance

1.3 Discuss a range of approaches to quality management

Explain the similarities and differences between the different

LO 2
2.1 Discuss what is meant by customer satisfaction

2.2 Explain the meaning of continuous improvement

2.3 Illustrate the type of added values to be gained

Describe the types of information made available to

customers and the importance given to effective marketing

Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)

Achieved? Achieved?
(tick) (tick)
Grade descriptor Grade descriptor
First First
Rework Rework
attempt attempt

M1: Identify and apply D1: Use critical reflection to

strategies to find appropriate evaluate own work and justify
solutions valid conclusions
M2: Select/design and apply D2: Take responsibility for
appropriate managing and organising
methods/techniques activities
M3: Present and D 3: Demonstrate
communicate appropriate convergent/lateral/creative
findings thinking

Assignment Feedback

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature Date

Student Signature Date



DATE : ...........................................................
VERIFIED BY : ...........................................................
NAME : ...........................................................

 Contents

 Executive Summary

 Introduction

 Body (all answers)

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

 Conclusion

NOTES TO STUDENTS FOR SUMMISSION.............................................................4
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................9

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

LO1 Understand the different approaches to quality management appropriate to commercial
1.1 Discuss definitions of quality in terms of business and services provision.....................9
1.2 IIIustrate the process of inspection and management.....................................................10
Quality Inspection.............................................................................................................10
Quality Assurance.............................................................................................................10
1.3, 1.4 Discuss a range of approaches to quality management and explain the similarities
and differences between the different methods....................................................................11
LO2 Understand the benefits of quality management in a business and services....................12
2.1 Discuss with example what is meant by customer satisfaction......................................12
2.2, 2.3 explain the meaning of continuous improvement and illustrate the type of added
values to be gained...............................................................................................................13
2.4 Describe the types of information made available to customers and the importance
given to effective marketing.................................................................................................14

Executive Summary

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

If I am a manger of Four Season Hotel, I will manage the hotel systemically to

improve the services to the customers. And I will organize all the employees to fulfill the
customers' requirement as much as possible. I discuss meanings of quality management with
them, and also explain how to make quality management like quality control, quality
assurance, quality planning and all other related features in terms of hotel business. After
that, I will also give suggestion how to make continuous improvements for the business, what
services can give the customers' satisfaction, what are the added value and how to give
information to the customers. By applying all the above facts, the hotel can run for ever, I

In the event that I am a trough of Four Season Hotel, I will deal with the lodging
foundationally to enhance the administrations to the clients. Also, I will sort out every one of the
representatives to satisfy the clients' prerequisite however much as could be expected. I talk about
implications of value administration with them, and furthermore disclose how to influence quality
administration to like quality control, quality affirmation, quality arranging and all other related
highlights as far as inn business. From that point onward, I will likewise give recommendation how to
make nonstop upgrades for the business, what administrations can give the clients' fulfillment, what
are the additional esteem and how to offer data to the clients. By applying all the above realities, the
inn can keep running for ever, I trust.


I am Set Myo Aung, attending at Chindwin TU and learning for Higher diploma in
Business program, would like to present about quality management of Four Season Hotel.

Over 45 years ago, the first four season hotel was opened. Since then the company has
grown to 81 properties in 34 countries. The four season hotel was design by a young architect
sharp, for a family friend. For business demand, four season hotel offer traditional classroom-
based learning, internet-based learning featuring exceptional quality courses for all levels of

I am Set Myo Aung, going to at Chindwin TU and learning for Higher confirmation in
Business program, might want to show about quality administration of Four Season Hotel.

More than 45 years prior, the initial four season inn was opened. From that point forward the
organization has developed to 81 properties in 34 nations. The four season inn was outline by
a youthful planner sharp, for a family companion. For business request, four season inn offer
conventional classroom-based learning, web based getting the hang of including outstanding
quality courses for all levels of representative.

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

LO1 Understand the different approaches to quality management

appropriate to commercial operation
1.1 Discuss definitions of quality in terms of business and services
In manufacturing, a measure of excellence or a state of being free from defects,
deficiencies and significant variations. It is brought about by strict and
consistent commitment to certain standards that achieve uniformity of a product
in order to satisfy specific customer or user requirements. ISO 8402-1986
standard defines quality as "the totality of features and characteristics of a
product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.

Read more:

Four Season Hotel must give, the administrations to the necessities of the clients, it
must meet the normal purpose behind a particular organization of the association and manage
its prerequisites. For instance, banks, they should keep up a respectable and reasonable bank
organization to the clients, a pleasing and clean condition, sensible orchestrating time,
awesome lead of the bank staff, clear and proper familiarities in the bank organizations and
things et cetera, are in like manner related to the quality organization to banks.

For service quality, hotel’s manager is one of the key components in hotel. So this
manager should focus on keeping the quality of administrations disappointment low and
watch clients continually. There are many type of service execution and quality, some of
them are: (1) Service nature of party room, space for guest and eatery, (2) Skill of
representative, (3) Decoration and climate of corridor (4) Safety of room and graciousness of
specialists. For offering great quality administration, worker administration is an imperative
test for associations It is required for lodging supervisors to know the chances of its clients.
In reference to change of Hotel Service Quality: An Empirical research in Pakistan, page
quantities of 52 to 54.

1.2 IIIustrate the process of inspection and management

Quality Inspection
Simply differentiate is that the basic convergence of Total quality organization is to
keep up existing quality standards inside and remotely while DMAIC primarily focuses on
taking off minimal essential enhancements in the methods and framework to ensure high
caliber. Some outside components will be lost from the methodology since PDCA approach
is basically focuses on the quality confirmation inside an affiliation. These structures have
been utilized by enormous organizations disregarding the way that they have some non-
congruity for each other. As indicated by Deming's point, staff of Four Seasons Hotel
perform time of each division to accomplish administrations of high caliber for buyer. In

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

actuality, review is basic to Deming's aggregate quality administration on the grounds that by
identifying blunders, the lodging staff can accumulate data for the main driver examination
that will enable us to dispense with them.

Quality Assurance
.QA is every one of those arranged and efficient activities important to give satisfactory
certainty that a substance will satisfy need for quality. QA is a procedure based approach
whose prime goal is to cover surrenders in expectations in the arranging procedure itself to
maintain a strategic distance from the modify, which costs a considerable measure.

In the same way, the hotel employees have to smile and sustain eyes contact with
guests, which let them be easy and comfortable. At least in order to offer the customers'
satisfaction, Four Season Hotel use quality inspection and quality assurance consistently to
receive the full measure of the hotel services.

Quality assurance created in North American. (Reference to - quality management

book from HND program). AQ concentrated on tackling quality issues. It is the procedure for
general execution, that is assessed and it additionally guarantees the understanding as far as
quality guidelines. Quality confirmation is the stray pieces of the effectively running of any
lodging. For assessing general administration and quality execution, arranging apparatuses,
systems and evaluating are utilized:-

For the consumer loyalty, Quality investigation and QA is execution in each division
of Four Season Hotel. The fundamental elements of four season hotel include reservations,
check out and check in to visitor, attendant services. The general quality administration by
and large begins from the offices, which influence introductory visitors' to control for their
remain. At Four Season Hotel, gatherings as a rule give warmth and benevolence to each
client for booking by telephone or on the web. And after that, the staffs gather their name,
address, including the quantity of visitors and to what extent they will remain at the lodging.
Not just that, all points of interest of lodging administrations must be changes as per the
clients need, and staff will do all things required for them until the point that they all look at
of the room. For waiter part, they will play out their obligations to each visitor from entry to
flight time with warmly manner.

Similarly, the Hotel workers need to grin and support eyes contact with visitors, which let
them be simple and agreeable. In any event keeping in mind the end goal to offer the clients'
fulfillment, Four Season Hotel utilize quality review and quality affirmation reliably to get
the full measure of the inn administrations.

1.3, 1.4 Discuss a range of approaches to quality management and explain

the similarities and differences between the different methods

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

As indicated by Afshan Naseem, Sadia Ejaz and educator Khusro P. Malik GPHR, for every
organization, administration and quality assumes an essential part for each client. Clients are
critical to all organizations. For giving great quality administrations to clients, it is important
to comprehend the desires of its clients. Along these lines, programs that can address issues
of clients can be created by chiefs the administrators are key components of leaders. Keeping
in mind the end goal to advance administration quality upgrades with changing prerequisites
of clients should be possible with cooperation. For example, when clients confront any issue
identified with administrations like unclean rooms, awkward room-temperatures, and non-
working, these issues must be settled immediately to the clients' fulfillment. The best
approach to approach of value administration Define Measure Analyze Improve Control
(DMAIC), Total Quality Management (TQM), and Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) are
participating in vital part.

The Four Season Hotel hung on TQM as an intense administration device to build up
their administration quality. TQM is seen as a development to the standard technique for
estimating quality. In Four Season Hotel, it being utilized as a strategy guaranteed to survey
the business accomplishment in relationship with other similar motels. They inspect their
authoritative suitability inside their specific settings and social orders remembering the true
objective to secure information about their comparative execution with competitors, and find
a way to be more. Generally incorporates into making systems to deal with approval issues
and make proposals for advancement.

DMAIC is a genuinely masterminded approach to manage process change that uses a

combination of device, including quantifiable process control (SPC) and TQM. At first it was
thought of as a structure that could be used just in collecting operations, yet more starting late
it has ended up being viable in non-delivering frames. In Four Season, bank liabilities,
charging, advancing, and information structures are incorporated into the Six Sigma process.

PDCA approach is a four-sort out hover for quality assurance (QA). Plan is to make a
course of occasions, including all advantages, activities, dates, and staff planning. Do: realize
the game plan and assemble data. Check: to analyze the delayed consequences of the course
of action. In conclusion follow up on what was discovered and choose the ensuing stages. It
has ended up being uncommonly productive for the Continuous Quality Improvement bunch
approach. In a general sense all the methodologies that showed up in above: TQM, PCDA are
fundamental mechanical assemblies to enhance the quality organization of the motel. All are
change systems and to diminish inadequate or poor organization in the affiliation and to
upgrade purchaser dedication likewise. TQM is the genuine zone of the whole quality
execution shapes while DMAIC and PDCA are basically focus on the industrious change.
Additionally, PDCA is one approach towards Total Quality Management, and the preface on
which Six Sigma.

Just contrast is that the fundamental concentration of Total quality administration is to

keep up existing quality principles inside and remotely while DMAIC principally
concentrates on rolling out little vital improvements in the procedures and system to
guarantee high quality. Simply differentiate is that the basic convergence of Total quality

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

organization is to keep up existing quality standards inside and remotely while DMAIC
primarily focuses on taking off minimal essential enhancements in the methods and
framework to ensure high caliber. Some outside components will be lost from the
methodology since PDCA approach is basically focuses on the quality confirmation inside an
affiliation. These structures have been utilized by enormous organizations disregarding the
way that they have some non-congruity for each other.

LO2 Understand the benefits of quality management in a business and

2.1 Discuss with example what is meant by customer satisfaction

The consumer fulfillment happens when the clients feel satisfied at the administrations
offered by hotel and stuff. Then again, the clients that they address their requirement,
fulfillment will be happened. Customer’s fulfillment level can be estimated by utilizing study
strategies and polls.

 "Inside organization, the social occasion, examination and spread of this data convey
something particular about the importance of watching out for clients and affirming
that they have a positive association with the association's items and administrations."

 Although the way that arrangements or bit of the pie can indicate how well a firm is
performing at the present time, satisfaction is possibly the best pointer of how likely it
is that the affiliation's customers will make furthermore purchases later on. Much
research has focused on the association between shopper dependability and upkeep.
Studies demonstrate that the results of happiness are most intensely comprehended at
the extremes."

Quality, esteem, the organization, timing and speed to suit the market, viability,
authority of staff, appearance and social capacities of staff. The thing reinforces - elaborate
format, appear, warming, lighting, and material, glass, cutlery, tidiness, et cetera should all
assistance the thing. From displaying point of view, it is fundamental to consider the
necessities and essentials for purchaser unwaveringness for no under three critical reasons:
People don't buy items and undertakings for what they are - they get them for what they
enhance the circumstance them. Understanding what impacts people to tick and why they buy
things impacts it significantly more likely one will to have the ability to satisfy those
requirements. On the off chance that a social affair of customers indicates relative practices
and have similar necessities, they outline a market area. It is far not so much requesting, but
rather more beneficial, to supply a run of the mill extent of stock and risks to a social event
parcel than to a broad arrangement of individuals.

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

2.2, 2.3 explain the meaning of continuous improvement and illustrate the
type of added values to be gained

Kaizen, otherwise called as continuous improvement, is a long-lasting way to deal with

accomplish changes in a business forms so as to enhance proficiency and nature of
administration. Four Season Hotel's permanents objective is persistent change of the inn's
general execution. Obviously, ceaseless change is the dynamic change in hierarchical
productivity and adequacy. For persistent change, Four Season needs to apply the standards
of utilizing a reliable association wide way to deal with consistent change of associations'
apparatuses of constant change, furnishing individuals with the preparation in the strategies
and devices of ceaseless change and making nonstop change of items, forms and the
framework, a target for each person in the association. (Allude to Eight of Quality
Management Principle). Out of them consistent change have been connected.

After having the goals of four season goal, the business must be begun, applying the
ceaseless change business must be begun, applying the nonstop change in exhibitions,
viability, yet then again lessening escapes:- The consistent change process has turned out to
be considerably more indispensable in four Season Hotel as it is one of the best inns on
London. In the meantime, giving more can to existing clients is likewise incredibly
imperative. Through the data about the inn administrations and execution and input from the
current clients, the potential clients would be happy with the inn change. Likewise, having
great correspondence is essential to fabricate the long haul connection between the lodging
and clients. Those issues fathoming abilities, relational abilities of representatives are firmly
identified with the authoritative aptitudes of workers are emphatically identified with the
hierarchical help. Preparing and continuous awareness give extraordinarily high
administration levels as well as ingrain a feeling of individual pride additionally inside all
workers. Additionally, the commitment of lower costs and higher quality are touched base at
the aggressive change. Good image and change for the consumer loyalty is the consequence
of the general amazing standard of the Four Season Hotel.

Value-added refers alludes to additional highlights of enthusiasm upon item and

administration that go past the standard desire and give something all the more, regardless of
whether the cost higher to the customer or purchasers. Including worth can make clients more
fulfilled it would be relative favorable position of the business. There are diverse sorts of
enhanced be picked up. The Four Season lodging utilizes numerous approaches to improve
the estimation of the administrations to be given tastefully. Notwithstanding speaking with
the traditions, for instance, when the visitor arrives, utilizing a little articulation like "how is
your room and can have been required? Furthermore, can reminder be required for client? All
staff must utilize purpose of data let them know the clients' desires and gather client gripe and
criticism, record them to roll out important improvements. Administrators are mindful to set
up the standard quality and to make up a few estimations to build up a change. For this
situation, they should utilize quality administration strategies like TQM (Total quality

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

administration). Additionally ISO must get to demonstrate their quality administration and to
see the clients feeling ok for their administrations. Because of continuous improvement, a
superior connection between the clients and the lodging could develop well ordered.

2.4 Describe the types of information made available to customers and the
importance given to effective marketing

Advertising depends on assessment the business regarding client needs and their
fulfillment. Advertising varies from offering in light of the fact that (in the expressions of
Harvard Business School's resigned teacher of showcasing Theodore C. Levitt). At Four
Seasons, clients are made to comprehend the administration given by the lodging. For this
reason, the lodging needs to give however much data as could be expected to the clients. By
and large, the client has unmistakable fascination in vision, mission and support of the staff
of inns when they begin to utilize the lodging administrations. From this data gave, clients
can get a general perspective of the lodging and the clients should likewise give a criticism
provide details regarding the administration arrangement by workers. In doing as such, Four
Seasons lodging can convey uncommon administrations in future. (Alluding to contextual
analysis task) Besides, the lodging has made two specific rooms: one for amass learning and
the other for private PC stations for web based individual learning. It is implied for "learning
and improvement" of representatives at all levels.
To make a potential advertising, there are diverse sorts of data innovations clients are
new utilizing for the business improvement. Out of them, the online data framework (eg-
having a site and portraying the points of interest of business and making a promoting page in
informal organization like face book.) is more prevalent these days. At four seasons inn has
an official site on which the clients can access to different sorts of data. Promoting is the
fundamental factor that lone concentrated on the consumer loyalty. Consumer loyalty
assumes an imperative part in money related execution of lodging. Four Seasons inn utilized
photos, promotions for point by point data on showcasing to give clients a 360 perspective of
the inn areas, eateries and different offices. What's more, lodging room rates every night one
determined in points of interest – with neighborhood cash and remote money and in .. The
more data we can offer with regards to the inn execution, the more consideration they will
pay to the lodging is made; it is of the progressions direly. This positively gives the client
singular client wants before they remain at the lodging! on the off chance that they come and
remain at the lodging, the workers must fulfill their requirements.


The Four Season Hotel has been well known for its quality of service since its origin more
than 45 years back. The inn offers need to quality administrations for its long-standing
change and improvement. And all representatives are very much prepared and can satisfy the

Set Myo Aung QM Assignment 1

client's needs. As the lodging is world-class and is completely arranged with modernized
offices, every one of the clients meet their fulfillment. This is a direct result of services of top
notch offered by hotel’s stuff.


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