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This study report is completely finished with the help of numerous individuals thus they are
recognized as takes after.

At to start with, I might want to depict my gratefulness and appreciation to Daw Than Myint,
Research Project Module Lecturer. She controls me how to gather information, how to plan the
exploration task and I truly value her great direction and bolster the entire time of the planning
and finishing of this examination report learn at Chindwin Collage. I would have the capacity to
complete this investigation on account of her assistance and direction.

Secondly, I would like to thank the director of Great Wall Wood Company, U Thin Maung, also
the manager, U Myint Shwe and U Nyunt Maung, the supervisor of Great Wall Wood Company
and all the staffs for providing me required information and filling the survey questions, letting
me to carry out this survey.

Finally, I might likewise want to express my unique on account of Chindwin Collage dean, U
Tin Latt and administrator, U Tin Htoo Aung including all the staff for their help and help to
finish this report look into and to learn at Chindwin.

This report is the study of the research on Human Resource (HR) practices of Great Wall Wood
Company. The objective of the study is to find out the employees’ satisfaction on Current
Human Resource Management (HRM) practices of Great Wall Wood Company. The case study
method and survey method are used as research strategies in this research study. The sample size
of this survey study is the 25 employees of the company, office of Great Wall Wood Company at
between 78 and 77, 30 and 31, Aung Myay Thar San Township, Mandalay.
In this study, the questionnaire was divided into two parts; Personal Part and satisfaction level
part. In personal part, demographic information is mostly asked. The satisfaction of employees
was measured with 5 departments: recruitment and retention, training and development, working
environment, payments and incentives, and health and safety. As the results of the research
study, it is shown that the overall satisfaction of the employees in Great Wall Wood Company on
the HR practices is above average that means the HR practices of Great Wall Wood Company
are good. Most employees fully satisfied in the recruitment and retention, and they are pleased in
training and development and the level of satisfaction is above average. The employees are not
fully committed in working environment, payment and incentives and health and safety.
Nevertheless, Great Wall Wood Company still needs some improvements with the organizational
support to have better performance and human resource management in the future.

GREAT WALL WOOD Co., Ltd is the producing furniture. Having become synonymous with
luxury and prestige, GREAT WALL WOOD keeps the first and has remained the retailer and
wholesaler to target the high-end market. GREAT WALL WOOD Company Limited was
established more than 10 years ago to supply high-end products to Myanmar consumers. Since
its founding, GREAT WALL WOOD has diversified under the name GREAT WALL Group of
Companies. To meet the needs of Myanmar’s growing economy, GREAT WALL Group of
Companies has established and participated in new industries as technology and market demand
warranted. At present, GREAT WALL Group of Companies has 5 core businesses focused in
wholesaling, retailing, manufacturing, distribution and services.
The following figure is the organization chart of GREAT WALL WOOD Company.

Organization Chart of GREAT WALL WOOD Company

Statement of the problem
HRM is the authoritative capacity that arrangements with or gives initiative and counsel
to managing all issues identified with the general population in an association. HRM, in that
capacity, manages remuneration, enlisting, execution administration, association improvement,
wellbeing, health, benefits, representative inspiration, correspondence, organization, and
preparing. HRM is likewise a vital and complete way to deal with overseeing individuals and the
working environment culture and condition. Compelling HRM empowers workers to contribute
adequately and profitably to the general organization bearing and the achievement of the
association's objectives and goals. Each association needs great HRM to be fruitful.
These days, a few organizations confront the absence of capable works and high turnover rate.
Representatives assume a basic part as the primary wellspring of the association. Consequently,
the proprietors or directors of each association need to deal with every one of the workers
keeping in mind the end goal to show signs of improvement execution and HR administration by
giving great preparing, certain installments and motivating forces, and formative openings. In the
event that the businesses give great HR rehearses, the fulfillment level of workers will be high
with their employments. Next, abler work will show up, the execution will be higher and the
turnover rate will be lower. In this way, numerous effective associations pay profoundly center
around human asset administration hones from the key level of the business in nowadays.

Objective of the study

The goal of this examination is to discover the representatives' fulfillment on Human
Asset Management in Great Wall Wood Company. The workers are one of the critical parts for
the accomplishment of the association and furthermore they are the basic asset in each business.
In the event that the representatives are upbeat and they fulfilled at their work, the turnover rate
will be lower and the rate of profitability will be higher. In this way, it is critical to keep the
representatives happy with their vocation and that would be a noteworthy concentration need for
each business, including Great Wall Wood Company. That is the reason GREAT WALL WOOD
organization needs to see if the workers are happy with the current human asset rehearses or not.
To evaluate the fulfillment of workers, this examination overview was done to watch the
fulfillment level on the present HR hones in Great Wall Wood Company.

Study area
GREAT WALL WOOD Co., Ltd is the renowned both for the breadth and depth of its exclusive
fashion merchandise. Having become synonymous with luxury, GREAT WALL WOOD is the
first and have remained the retailer and wholesaler to target the high-end market. GREAT
WALL WOOD offers an unrivalled choice in the latest design and accessories for home, office,
and school.
This survey research was carried out in GREAT WALL WOOD Company at between 78 and 77,
30 and 31, Aung Myay Thar San Township, Mandalay.
Research Methodology

In this research study, the case study method and survey method were used as research
strategies. It aims to calculate the characteristics of population and the targeted population was
the employees of Great Wall Wood Company and the sample size was 25 employees of that
branch office.

Survey Method

This study shows to 25 workers with the all around arranged survey. Initially, the inquiries are
set up by recognizing the issues principally relating the individual parts and subtle elements of
the GREAT WALL WOOD's workers. The following part is about the fulfillment level in light
of the enrollment and maintenance, preparing and improvement, work fulfillment issues right
now utilized by GREAT WALL WOOD, working condition, installments and motivations inside
GREAT WALL WOOD organization, HR rehearses and including their desire and discernment.

Data Collection Method

The information accumulation technique in this exploration consider is the straightforward

arbitrary testing strategy. It took around 3 days to gather information, ask poll and meeting every
one of the representatives who are working in GREAT WALL WOOD office. The quantities of
representatives are 25 and the information gathering was finished inside 3 days beginning 25
March, 2018 and finishing 28 March, 2018. The information accumulation process was
effectively completed and every one of the representatives filled the poll and bolster the expected
data to me.

Questionnaire of the survey

In this well-prepared questionnaire, there are 2 main parts; personal part and
satisfaction level part.
In the first portion of the survey, there are 8 questions for personal information based on
the demographic characteristics of the respondents; including gender, age, marital status,
monthly income, educational level, position, service year and department.
In the second part of the survey, there are 5 major questions that access the level of satisfaction
of the employees in GREAT WALL WOOD fashion shop. There are 4 questions for each major
title. The five major titles are recruitment and retention, training and development, working
environment, payments and incentives, and health and safety.
The questions from satisfaction level of employees have the rate scales such as ‘5’ for strongly
agree, ‘4’ for agree, ‘3’ for neutral, ‘2’ for disagree and ‘1’ for strongly disagree.
Proposed structure of the final research report

The proposed structures of the final research report are presented in below. This research
project should be finding the unknown and in this case on a specified area of business in an
organization. It should include some or most of the following sections:

 Research Project cover sheet

 Table of contents
 Acknowledgement
 Abstract
 Introduction
o Research background
o Problem statement
o Research objectives
o Research questions/hypotheses
o Action plan and target dates (including monitoring method and possible updates
during your research process)
o Research limitations
o Research ethics
 Literature Review
 Research Methodology
 Research Findings
 Conclusion / Recommendations
 References (in Harvard Referencing style)
 Appendices (tables, charts, diagrams, software printouts, etc.); If a table, chart or diagram
is in a full-page, it should be attached as an appendix.
Table (1) Action plan and target dates (including monitoring method and possible updates
during your research process)

Literature review 1

Questionnaire 1
Design day

Pilot Test 2

Editing 2
Data collection 2
Data Analysis 1
Data Entry 1
Interpretation 3days

Report Writing 3

Total 16

Research Limitations
GREAT WALL WOOD works in excess of 5 retail shop and office in other driving retailers in
Yangon and Mandalay. The information gathered in this investigation was directed on 25 March,
2018 and will just mirror the time of March, 2018. This review think about is a contextual
investigation of GREAT WALL WOOD Mandalay and the discoveries of this examination will
just worry with that branch thus the fulfillment of the workers on HR rehearses are not reflected
to other branch.

Conceptual Framework

HR administration is the procedure of enrollment and choosing worker, giving
introduction and acceptance, preparing and improvement evaluation of representative (execution
examination), giving pay and advantages, spurring, keeping up appropriate relations with
workers and with exchange associations, keeping up workers wellbeing, welfare and wellbeing
measures in consistence with work laws of land. HR administration offers a significant number
of the open doors for representatives to their vocation advancement. The accompanying figures
is the elements of Human Resource Management.

My Assignment Help : Samples & Case Study Review Sample. (2018). Traditional Roles of
Finance Function. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21
Apr. 2018]. (2018). What Are the Functions of Human Resource Managers?.
[online] Available at:
1326.html [Accessed 21 Apr. 2018].

Research Background Information

HR rehearses are key in nature. They speak to a basic direction framework that directions with
official strategy for success for Great Wall Wood. Human asset rehearses shape the premise of
how the human capital of Great Wall Wood will chip away at the sake.

For instance, human asset rehearses incorporate the plan of a technique to quantify and examine
the impacts of a reward program of a specific representative. Different cases incorporate the
production of a program to decrease business related wounds and the foundation of a structure to
guarantee consistence with work laws. Our group needs to answer to a business consultancy
firm. The firm connects with our group to recognize and look into on Human Resource (HR) that
represents a test and could enhance the business.

Functions of Human Resources Management

The goal of a human resource manager is to strengthen the employer-employee relationship. This
goal is supported by a variety of functions within the human resources department and
throughout the organization. In a small business, the human resource manager may have a great
degree of latitude, as well as the time to devote to employee interaction with a small workforce.
Both of these are key elements of an effective human resources leader, although she must
accomplish a number of functions to achieve this goal.

References (2018). What Are the Functions of Human Resource Managers?.
[online] Available at:
1326.html [Accessed 21 Apr. 2018].
Training and Recruitment

Recruitment takes place from the point when a business decides that it needs to employ
somebody up to the point where a pile of completed application forms has arrived in the post.
Selection then involves choosing an appropriate candidate through a range of ways of sorting out
suitable candidates leading to interviews and other tests. Training involves providing a range of
planned activities that enable an employee to develop the skills, attitudes and knowledge
required by the organization and the work required.
Attracting the right candidates to apply for a job can be an expensive process. It is even more
expensive when done badly because when unsuitable candidates apply for a job, then the post
may need to be re-advertised - so it is best to get it right first time.
The starting point is to carry out job analysis to identify the sorts of skills, knowledge and
essential requirements that someone needs to have to carry out a job. These details can be set out
in a job specification, which is passed on to recruiters - it gives them a picture of the ideal
A job description is also helpful because it sets out:
 the title of a post
 when and where it will be carried out
 principal and ancillary duties of the post holder
 other details.
The job description can be sent out to potential candidates along with a person specification,
which sets out the desirable and essential characteristics that someone will need to have to be
appointed to the post.
A variety of media will be used to attract applications e.g. national newspapers for national jobs,
and local papers and media for local posts.


Training for employment is very important. In a modern economy like our own the nature of
work is constantly changing. New technologies mean that new work skills are constantly
required. To succeed in business or in a career, people will need to be very flexible about where
they work and how they work, and to constantly change the range of skills they use at work.

LLP, B. (2018). Recruitment and training Recruitment and selection business studies and
business english | Business Case Studies. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 21 Apr. 2018].
My Assignment Help : Samples & Case Study Review Sample. (2018). Traditional Roles of
Finance Function. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21
Apr. 2018]. (2018). What Are the Functions of Human Resource Managers?.
[online] Available at:
1326.html [Accessed 21 Apr. 2018].
Working Environment

A main obligation of HR offices involves guaranteeing that Great Wall factory is protected by
building up security manages and affirming they are being taken after. In the business the
synthetic cautioning and ensuring well-being gatherings are frequently led. HR staff individuals
are additionally in charge of keeping up lifted worker confidence, achieved through general
correspondence with representatives and inspiring exercises, for example, organization social
event. Due to the good environment and encouragement of the company, employees are doing
the best they can for the customers to meet the customers expectation and satisfaction

Organizational culture

Each corporation has its very own subculture that distinguishes from different corporation.
culture can be understood because the alternate of positive essential values or beliefs by means
of participants of the employer. "fee for time" is the way of life of reliance industries restricted.”
hr practices should be implemented to better match the way of life of the organization. there may
be often battle between the organizational culture and the attitude of the employee. it's miles
important to apprehend the imaginative and prescient, venture and goal of employer because the
worker’s price on their paintings and encourage them to enhance their effort in the activity.


Incentive is used in agency to attract a group of workers and inspire personnel to

paintings. the incentives can be economic and non- economic. this performs an essential position
underneath extraordinary situations at administrative center. incentives worried with financial are
greater useful when employees get wages at low stage. non-financial incentives are extra top-
rated when wages levels are high and the charge of tax is modern.
Rewards incentives consist of presents, economic rewards, medical allowance, award
presents, and objects such as skills certificates. furthermore, employer offers employee referral
awards that some organizations use to encourage personnel for referring task applicants.
appreciation incentives encompass such happenings as corporation parties and celebrations,
company paid own family hobby occasions, birthday celebrations, sporting activities, paid
institution lunches, and backed sports teams.

Health and Safety

Health and protection of rain should be reviewed annually. greater frequently of there had
been modifications within the system of latest device purchased. it is extra critical to have its
personal protection procedures for rain beauty salon. health and safety want to be recorded;
education playing cards need to be signed off by using each teacher and trainee. education
information want to be maintained so long as therapist is hired with the organization at least 5
years after that. twist of fate information inflicting and on the spot harm ought to be maintained
for at 5 years. employers have a general obligations to ensure that the health, safety and welfare
of their personnel, customers and others who can be tormented by saloon and spa activities.

Occupational safety and health (OSH), also commonly referred to as occupational health and
safety (OHS), occupational health,[1] or workplace health and safety (WHS), is a
multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work. These
terms also refer to the goals of this field,[2] so their use in the sense of this article was originally
an abbreviation of occupational safety and health program/department etc.
The goals of occupational safety and health programs include to foster a safe and healthy work
environment.[3] OSH may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, and
many others who might be affected by the workplace environment. In the United States, the term
occupational health and safety is referred to as occupational health and occupational and non-
occupational safety and includes safety for activities outside of work.[4]
In common-law jurisdictions, employers have a common law duty to take reasonable care
of the safety of their employees.[5] Statute law may in addition impose other general duties,
introduce specific duties, and create government bodies with powers to regulate workplace safety
issues: details of this vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

References (2018). Occupational safety and health. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2018].

Human resources planning

The function of human sources making plans includes, the range and kind of
personnel necessary to obtain the objectives of the company is decided. consistent with
this feature research is an vital component, due to the fact this making plans is needed
to collect and evaluation of facts to forecast human resources and plan the future
approach of human assets planning, that is, the staffing and wooding employees’
Great Wall Wood and development

The function of Great wall wooding and improvement gives personnel the abilities and
knowledge of the personnel who want to strive their job efficaciously. further to offering Great
wall wooding for new or green employees, the corporation regularly gives extremely Great wall
wooding programs for experienced employees whose jobs are converting. huge corporations
often have development programs that prepare personnel for high-stage responsibilities within
the employer. first Great wall wooding and improvement packages provide valuable approaches
to ensure that employees can perform their jobs at applicable tiers.

Research Findings

To satisfy the objective of end result a survey become carried out with 50 sample employees at
in among 78th and 77th, between 30rd and 31th road Great wall wooden office inside study
duration. in this survey, the questions situation basic characteristics, job associated elements and
hr questions of (personnel’ pride) which are Great wall wooding, running surroundings,
organizational lifestyle, incentives, health and safety had been requested by means of the use of
face- to-face interview. the outcomes are supplied in the following sections.

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